At the main courtyard, not only Rui-wangfei, but Rui-wang was also present. After saluting, the two of them sat down separately.

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Rui-wangfei started, “I was talking to your Father when a maid reported someone came with Count Yongning’s token and letter.”

Shen Jin looked joyful, she smiled, “Did Fujun say when he is coming back? Is there a letter for me?”

Rui-wang didn’t think this was any big matter, but he felt distressed to see Shen Jin so happy, “How if we just drive her away, tell Son-in-law it is on my order?”

“Ah?” Shen Jin was startled.

Rui-wangfei said, “It is fine. Bring the letter and the token for Jin Girl.”

Cuixi handed the two things to Anping who then presented them to Shen Jin. At this moment Shen Qi felt her suspicion was confirmed. All men in the world were the same.

The token was a piece of jade pendant in the style men normally wore. The jade quality wasn’t bad, the word ‘Chu’ was engraved in it’s corner. After looking for a while Shen Jin put it on Anning’s hand, then she opened the letter. At a glance she saw it was signed by Count Yongning Chu Xiuming.

Rui-wangfei’s voice was mild as she said, “A woman brought these here, she said a local official had sent her to serve Count Yongning at a relay station. She was given these two things to bring to Countess Yongning, and something would be arranged for her. She also said the baby in her stomach is Count Yongning’s.”

Shen Jin nodded, casually put the letter aside, “Where is the person?”

Rui-wangfei ordered, “Cuixi, bring her here.”

“Yes.” Cuixi went.

Shen Qi reached for Shen Jin’s hand in worry, Shen Jin smiled at her, “Elder Sister, I am fine.”

Rui-wang said to her, “If you dislike it, just send her to the hamlet. I think Son-in-law wouldn’t make a fuss with you over this matter.”

Shen Jin smiled, “Father don’t worry.” Rui-wang nodded. Rui-wangfei didn’t seem to be affected, her expression was still calm.

Cuixi soon brought the woman inside. She was around 17-18 years old, wore a peach red dress, the material wasn’t the best but wasn’t bad either. She had quite good manner, she only lifted her head after saluting. Her brows were long and willowy thin, her pair of eyes were expressive, and the corner of the eyes were slightly rosy red. She had the air of a delicate and lovely Jiangnan girl. Her pregnancy wasn’t apparent, the embroidered belt was wound around a thin and slender waist.

Rui-wang wasn’t surprised that Chu Xiuming would use this woman. His daughter was not bad, but compared to this woman, she lacked some allure.

“Are you also pregnant?” Shen Jin asked her.

“Greetings to Countess Yongning.” The woman heard Shen Jin speaking to her, she astutely anwered with respect.

Shen Jin said again, “Since you are pregnant, then don’t kneel on the ground. Anping give her a round stool.”

Once this was said, not only that woman, even Shen Qi was stupefied. Who expected that Shen Jin could be so friendly. Rui-wang sighed inside, Shen Jin was worthy to be the daughter raised by Rui-wangfei’s side, she was magnanimous above others.

“Danqiao thanking Furen.” Danqiao was relieved, Shen Jin looked young and easy to coerce. She became more confident.

Anping gave the woman a seat. After she sat down, Shen Jin said, “I will ask you some questions. If you lie to me, I will have someone beat you with a board.”

Danqiao froze, Shen Jin continued, “My Father and Mother Consort are here. Fujun isn’t here but I still have backers.”

Rui-wangfei laughed at her words, “Your father would certainly make a decision for you.”

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Shen Jin smiled until her eyes turned into crescents. Danqiao saw her that way, she felt there was nothing to worry about.

“Danqiao dares not hide anything.”

“Are you really pregnant?” Shen Jin asked.

Danqiao wasn’t afraid of this question, she immediately replied, “If Furen doesn’t believe it, a doctor can take a look at me.”

“So you are really pregnant, then we can’t beat you with boards.”

Shen Qi on her side laughed, “So what if pregnant?”

Shen Qi turned to her, “The baby is innocent.”

“Younger Sister is really too kind, that’t why all kinds of dogs and cats dare to come.” Shen Qi said in cold voice, “This sort isn’t any good thing.”

It wasn’t without reason that Shen Qi said so. The way Danqiao sat was beautiful but provocative, it was showing off her slender waist and full chest, not quite proper. The experienced Rui-wang saw it too, this woman was a well-trained one.

Danqiao’s eyes instantly turned red, she sobbed in low voice behind a handkerchief pressed on the corners of her eyes.

“If there was a choice who would be willing…… Danqiao was once a daughter of a good family too, Father was also a scholar. Who knew a natural disaster changed everything overnight…..” Her bitterness didn’t make people feel wretched, instead there was an extraordinary allure in the sobs.

Rui-wang felt her pitiful. Rui-wangfei brought her cup to the lips to drink. Shen Qi sneered.

Shen Jin was covering her yawn with a handkerchief, the baby made her sleepy, she didn’t want to drag this too long. Cutting off that woman’s sobbing, she ordered, “Anning, bring her a cup of water.”

“Yes.” Anning poured some water, brought it to the woman, “Drink some to sooth your lips, then continue answering my Furen’s questions.”

Danqiao had to stop her sobbing to drink, “It is Danqiao who is too compulsive, please Furen forgive me.”

Shen Jin asked, “The letter said you are to look for Countess Yongning?”

“Yes.” Danqiao respectfully answered.

“Are you a Capital resident?”

“Danqiao isn’t a Capital person, this is the first time I come to the Capital.”

Shen Jin looked confused, “Then how do you know to find Countess Yongning at Rui-wangfu?”

Rui-wang was startled to hear this. Shen Qi immediately understood. Rui-wangfei revealed a smile on her face.

Danqiao looked up, Shen Jin seemed to not getting it, “Why didn’t you go to Yongning residence?”

“Nu heard Countess Yongning is at Rui Wangfu.” In a panic, she forgot to address herself Danqiao.

Shen Qi humphed coldly. Shen Jin thought for a while, “Oh, I still don’t get it. Are you saying you know Rui Wangfu is my maternal house?”

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“Yes.” Danqiao quickly confirmed.

The maids in the room couldn’t help laughing at this.

Shen Jin simply said, “You are quite stupid. You are pregnant with my husband’s child, but you come to my maternal house to ask my maternal family to speak on your behalf?”

Danqiao paled, but Shen Jin asked again, “Since you were with my husband, then did you see the birthmark on his left waist?”

“That time the lights were out, nu didn’t see clearly, only dimly remember it.” Danqiao hastily answered.

Shen Jin nodded, “Who sent you here? If you say it, I won’t take you to the officials.”

Danqiao couldn’t sit still anymore, “Nu doesn’t know what Furen is talking about.”

“My Fujun has no such birthmark, I lied to you. If you tell me, I will beat the person who sent you, then I’ll send them to the officials. If you don’t tell me, I will beat you, then send you to the officials. I will say you stole from the Wangfu.”

Danqiao knelt down, “Nu….. Nu really don’t know who it is.”

Rui-wang looked at Shen Jin, then at that woman. At that moment it came to him, “This person…. This person…..”

Rui-wangfei grimly said, “She is not willing to speak, so just send her to the officials. They know how to make her speak.”

“Nu really don’t know.” Danqiao dared not hide anymore, her body trembled as she said, “Nu….. Nu is pregnant with a guest’s child, nu was about to abort it when nu was sold away. That person has nu‘s deeds, nu could only obey.”

Rui-wangfei sighed, “Doesn’t matter who this cruel person is. If Jin Girl’s temperament wasn’t good, if she had been anxious, the baby would have been affected…..”

“Someone come, invite a painter here to draw that person’s face.” Rui-wang clenched his teeth. He was furious, his daughter was so kind and pure, and someone tried to harm her and his grandson, they really didn’t put Wangfu in their eyes.

Shen Jin said, “Anping help her stand up, she is pregnant.”

Anping helped that woman to stand up, Danqiao was extremely frightened but she was good at reading people’s expressions, she kept her mouth shut.

Shen Qi was curious, “Younger Sister when did you know?”

“From the beginning.” Shen Jin proudly smiled.

Shen Qi tried to think, “Which is wrong, the pendant or the letter?”

“I don’t know.” Shen Jin said matter-of-factly.

Rui-wang asked too, “Then how do you know?”

Shen Jin smiled, “Because Fujun wouldn’t have done this kind of thing.”

Rui-wangfei smiled, Shen Qi felt a bit envious.

Shen Jin rubbed her belly, there were actually many other mistakes that person made. For example, Chu Xiuming never marked his possessions so there wouldn’t be a jade pendant carved with his name. The letter was closed by ‘Count Yongning Chu Xiuming’ but not only there was no personal stamp, Chu Xiuming had also never called himself Count Yongning.

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However all these couldn’t be said to others, and it wasn’t easy to explain anyway.

A painter came quickly, Danqiao was taken away. Rui-wangfei said, “All of you go back and take a rest.”

“Yes.” Shen Qi and Shen Jin rose and left with their maids.

Shen Qi said, “Don’t worry, Father and Mother Consort will help you pay it back.”

“En.” Shen Jin didn’t take it seriously.

As their living places were on different direction, they soon separated. Shen Jin walked back supported by Anning.

Moyun Courtyard has also received the news of what happened, Chen-cefei was standing at the gate waiting for her. Seeing Shen Jin was fine, Chen-cefei said, “What kind of person, such a vicious mind.”

Shen Jin replied, “I have no idea.”

Inside the room, Zhao-momo brought up the red date and walnut curdle and some water for Shen Jin to wash her hands. Chen-cefei ordered, “Anping, tell us about it.”

“Yes.” Anping told them what happened.

Zhao-momo said, “This is really….”

Chen-cefei was furious, “Good thing Jin Girl didn’t believe it, otherwise….”

Zhao-momo darkly said, “This person’s objective is to shock Furen. Who it is that hates Furen that much? The method is crude, but it can work against someone who is pregnant with the husband away.”

Chen-cefei tried to hold her anger, “Jin Girl, don’t put it in your heart.”

“I won’t.” Shen Jin was eating, she smiled, “Her story wasn’t interesting, Old Zheng’s stories are better.”

Chen-cefei was lost, Zhao-momo laughed, “Old Zheng is a blind elder at the border. He is good at telling stories, Furen likes his stories very much.”

Shen Jin nodded, she had finished eating, “Mother, there is no need to worry. Fujun won’t look at others outside.”

Chen-cefei said, “It’s good that you two have such good relationship.”

Shen Jin’s confident smile was mixed with some spoiled air but she didn’t speak.

Zhao-momo smiled too, “Those vulgar and overdressed people outside can’t compare with Furen. The General is not blind.”

Chen-cefei didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry, since when her daughter became a nation-wide beauty? But as Shen Jin was nodding approvingly at Zhao-momo, Chen-cefei stopped herself from commenting.

After the meal, Shen Jin changed her clothes and climbed up the bed to lie down. Chen-cefei and Zhao-momo continued their discussion in low voice. Whoever it was, the malice towards Shen Jin was obvious.

Shen Jin suddenly said with her eyes still closed, “It’s Shen Zi.”

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Chen-cefei turned to Shen Jin, “Why do you say it’s Second Junzhu?”

“Because it is similar to Xu-cefei’s.”

Chen-cefei and Zhao-momo couldn’t help laughing. They exchanged a look and stopped talking, they didn’t take Shen Jin seriously, she must be half sleeping half dreaming.

In the main courtyard, Rui-wangfei frowned at the painting for a long time, “Looks familiar.”

Rui-wang said, “That pozi?”

Rui-wangfei’s eyes narrowed, a vague guess formed in her heart. “Call Fifth Girl here.”

Cuixi responded and went out. Rui-wang asked, “Wangfei, why are you calling Fifth Girl here?”

Rui-wangfei sighed, “Wangye, I hope I am wrong. This sounds like something a rear courtyard woman would do, and it is directed to Jin Girl to shock her during pregnancy. In the Capital, those who know Jin Girl is staying at Wangfu and have a grudge against her…..”

Rui-wang didn’t speak, Rui-wangfei advised, “I just want to see if Fifth Girl knows this person. If it is really Second Girl, the servant she used would be someone given to her by Xu-cefei.”

When Shen Rong arrived, she saw Rui-wang was sitting on the side sullenly. Rui-wangfei gently said to her, “Fifth Girl, come have a look if you know this person.”

Shen Rong had heard of what happened before, she had a hunch of what she was being called for.

The painting wasn’t actually very clear, but her face changed when she saw it. Rui-wangfei noticed that, “Fifth Girl, you know?”

“It doesn’t look very real.” Shen Rong hesitantly answered.

Rui-wang said, “Say it.”

Shen Rong said, “Looking similar to Liu-mama. Xiuzhu, take a look?”

At Rui-wangfei’s nod, Xiuzhu spoke, “Nubi also thinks it looks like Liu-mama because Liu-mama has a mole between her eyebrows, slightly on the left side near the left eyebrow.”

Rui-wang looked too, the distinct part of the painting was the mole. Rui-wang couldn’t resist smashing his cup to the floor, Shen Rong exclaimed in shock. Rui-wangfei said, “Wangye.”

“I leave this to Wangfei, I don’t have such a daughter.” Rui-wang left after speaking.

Rui-wangfei was silently watching Shen Rong. Just now when Rui-wang smashed his cup, Shen Rong’s jumping up in shock was six part real and four part false, but at this moment she was truly and completely scared. Shen Rong kept her head bowed without daring to look up to Rui-wangfei.

Rui-wangfei spoke, “Fifth Girl, I don’t care of the reason, but if you make the residence lose face, then don’t blame me for being merciless.”

Shen Rong bit her lips, “This Daughter knows.”

“Go then.”

“Yes.” Shen Rong left with her head still bowed.

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