Chapter 64.1

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Rui-wangfei didn’t conceal this matter from Shen Qi and Shen Jin. Shen Qi thought it unbelievable, “What is she trying to do? Wasn’t it just trying to bring an eyesore for Sister?”

Chen-cefei was also present, she was amazed that Shen Jin was right that it was Shen Zi’s doing. Crying with her head bowed, “They are sisters. Where is this cruel heart from? Such enmity..….”

“Mother.” Shen Jin was pained to see Chen-cefei like that.

Rui-wangfei said, “Such is the heart of a mother.”

Shen Jin said in low voice, “Why don’t Mother go back first, don’t worry I will be fine.”

Rui-wangfei had asked her what she wanted to do, it is not proper for Chen-cefei to be present as the person involved was Rui-wang’s daughter, someone with Junzhu status.

Rui-wangfei also said, “Better go back and calm down.”

Chen-cefei also understood, she rose and bowed, “Then I will leave first.”

After Chen-cefei left, Rui-wangfei looked at Shen Jin, “Jin Girl, Wangye said he would help you vent, what do you want?”

Shen Jin’s eyebrows were knotted in perplexion. “Did Second Sister really think I would be angry because of this female story-teller?”

If Chu Xiuming had been the kind of man who collected girls, she wouldn’t have put her trust in him and thus wouldn’t have been angry. If she wasn’t angry then there was no issue whatsoever.

Shen Qi instantly laughed, “Good of you to think so. Female story-teller?”

Shen Jin said, “I have heard stories similar to her story.”

As Shen Qi looked confused, Shen Jin enthusiastically told her, “At the border there is an Old Man Zheng. How he became blind is unknown, but he is very good at telling stories…. “

She started to tell a sad story about a beautiful poor woman, and the story was sadder than Danqiao’s story.

Rui-wangfei and the others became absorbed by Old Man Zheng’s story, it was tumultous, full of up and down. Unfortunately Shen Jin stopped it halfway through, “Right, we were talking about Second Sister.”

Shen Qi was busy listening, she was startled for a while before she could recover. Rui-wangfei’s hand that was reaching for melon seeds paused in the air, she laughingly scolded Shen Jin “Just finish the story first.”

Shen Jin refused, “Not finishing. That time I also had to wait five days to hear the ending.”

Shen Qi asked, “You didn’t invite him to your residence?”

“No point. Wouldn’t be interesting that way.” Shen Jin rubbed her belly, her legs slightly swayed, “We went to the teahouse to listen. Whenever Old Man Zheng stopped and said the story would continue next time, people slapped their tables in anger. It was so much fun.”

Rui-wangfei put the melon seeds down, “Fine then. Hearing it all in one go won’t be as interesting.”

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Shen Jin nodded. Shen Qi helplessly asked, “So, what does Sister plan to do?”

“She is like that, but we are still sisters……” Shen Jin said, “Second Sister doesn’t care about our relationship or about Father’s feeling, but we shouldn’t do the same. How about this, give it 3 years. In this 3 years, she shouldn’t visit us, and we won’t accept her invitations either.”

Rui-wangfei’s eyes narrowed, “It’s good.”

“I am afraid one day Second Sister may dislike me and treat me like this too.” Shen Qi said, “I don’t have as good temper as yours, so I will avoid Zheng family.”

Shen Jin smiled, “Eldest Sister loves me the most.”

“What are you talking about?” Rui-wang as he walked in, he was in a good mood to hear them chatting.

“Father.” Both of the sisters got up and bowed.

Rui-wang said, “No need too much courtesy.”

The sisters sat back down after Rui-wang did. Shen Qi said, “We were talking about Second Sister.”

“From now on she is not your sister.” Rui-wang’s face was bad, “And not my daughter either.”

Rui-wangfei poured him a cup of tea, “Wangye, please calm down.”

Rui-wang took the cup and drank, “Since when she became this despicable.”

Shen Jin blinked, laughter appeared on her face, “Second Sister must be jealous that Father and Mother Consort love me more, so she made this joke with me.”

“You are such a silly girl.” Rui-wang was speechless, this daughter really didn’t know how to be upset. He came to feel even strongly that Shen Zi was unruly and spiteful, but he wouldn’t let her harm his other daughters.

Shen Jin said, “But this joke is a bit too far, I am a little angry.”

“It is expected that you are angry.” Rui-wang said, “Tell Father what do you want to do, I’ll help you.”

Shen Jin’s face was full of trust and admiration, “Father is really kind.”

Rui-wang was satisfied, “Wangfei, give them the two boxes of gemstones from Empress Mother, let them make some new jewelries.”

Rui-wangfei smiled, “Fine, tomorrow we’ll call the jewelry-maker here, let them choose the styles themselves.”

“Thank you Father and Mother Consort.” Shen Jin smiled.

Shen Qi also said her thanks, “Obviously I benefit from Sister being here.”

Rui-wang laughed heartily, Rui-wangfei said, “Wangye, Jin Girl just said to me that even though Second Girl disregards their sisterly bond, but she couldn’t do the same because it would make Wangye unhappy.”

“If only that disgraceful one was as sensible as Jin Girl.” Rui-wang sighed.

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Rui-wangfei picked up the teapot to fill Rui-wang’s cup eight-part full, the lustrous green of the jadeite bangle on her wrist made it look even more slender and fair, “But it is not good to just let this go unpunished. Today she did this out of jealousy, what else she would do in the future.”

Rui-wang nodded.

Rui-wangfei placed the teapot back, “Like Fifth Girl’s face. She will soon reach the marrying age, but I don’t even know what to do.” There was some regret in her tone.

Remembering Shen Rong’s face, Rui-wang’s heart softened, he sighed, “It’s all because I spoiled her in the past.”

“It is not Father’s fault.” Shen Jin comforted him, “Father has doted on all of us sisters.”

Shen Qi added, “Yes, it is not Father’s fault.”

Rui-wang looked at both of them, “Wangfei has taught you two well.”

Rui-wangfei didn’t take the credit, she smiled, “Does Wangye feel like listening to us mother and daughters heaping compliments to each other?”

The melancholy in Rui-wang’s heart disappeared, “My fault. Wangfei, please continue.”

“Jin Girl said not to let Wangfu accept Zheng family’s invitations, and also not to issue any in return.” Rui-wangfei slowly explained.

Seeing Rui-wang’s eyes narrowed, she continued, “Jin Girl feels 3 years of this is enough. In these 3 years, whatever happens Zheng family shouldn’t visit us, and neither should we visit them. What does Wangye think?”

Shen Qi also said, “This Daughter thinks the same.”

Shen Jin’s lips pursed, some sadness on her face, “We are sisters, we can’t stay away for a lifetime, so I think 3 years is enough to give Second Sister time to think.”

Rui-wangfei gently said, “Jin Girl is too kind-hearted, if Son-in-law was here, he would be very touched.”

Rui-wang nodded, “Then let’s do it as Jin Girl said. In these 3 years, even on New Year or other times, don’t let them set foot here.”

Rui-wangfei responded, Rui-wang turned to Shen Jin, “Good girl, Father know you have suffered, Father will help you vent.”

Shen Jin bit her lips and laughed, “Father is the best.”

Rui-wang nodded and smiled, he left after a few more words. Shen Jin also took her leave afterwards, only Rui-wangfei and Shen Qi were left in the room.

Shen Qi said, “Mother, a few days ago I mentioned about our children’s marriage to Sister.”

“You were rejected, weren’t you?” Rui-wangfei smiled at Shen Qi.

Shen Qi nodded, “Sister thinks, if the children are willing later then she won’t stop them. If not, she won’t force it either.”

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Rui-wangfei slowly released her breath, “Qi-er, do you blame me for making you marry into Yongle residence?”

“Not blaming.” Shen Qi understood, her mother was doing it for her.

Rui-wangfei eyes drooped, “I anticipated His Majesty had intended to marry a girl from the royal family to Count Yongning, so I arranged to have you engaged early on. Count Yongning’s noble character and loyalty is not false, but I was not willing to let you tread that muddy water.”

At Shen Qi’s astonished expression, Rui-wangfei laughed, “It is fine, I am just letting you know. What your Third Sister have today was achieved through life and death struggles. Yongle-shizi is a trusting man, such a man is easy to control, and he is harmless. Marquis Yongle is smart, he was able to protect Yongle clan through the turmoil that time, even if…… it will be just fine.”

Her daughter didn’t it understand yet but she didn’t explain further. “What do you think of Jin Girl?”

Shen Qi didn’t regret not marrying Count Yongning.  In the Capital she had Father, Mother and two brothers as her backers, while she would have noone in the border. She wouldn’t have been able to bear the initial days there, let alone the events that ensued after.

“I think Third Sister is very smart, just a little soft-hearted.”

“En?” Rui-wangfei looked at her.

Shen Qi explained what she meant, “For example Shen Zi, she still tried to save Shen Zi’s face.”

“If it was you, what would you do?”

Shen Qi considered it, but in the end couldn’t come up with an answer. Light punishment wouldn’t do, but but heavy punishment wasn’t good either, she was her own sister who was also a Junzhu, especially as this kind of matter couldn’t be revealed to outsiders. Had it been someone else, Shen Qi would have sent someone to deliver a slap.

“You feel three years ban on visiting is too light?”


“Since you feel it is too light, then your Father can feel the same too. If he thinks Jin Girl is wronged, naturally wouldn’t he treat Jin Girl better?”

“What situation Zheng family is currently in, do you know?”

“Zheng family’s situation…. is not very good.” Shen Qi hesitated, “All they have is their reputation. Zheng Jiaqu is talented and quite famous in the literary circle, but since his grandfather’s time Zheng family has never produced any other official.”

Zheng Jiaqu’s grandfather was a ‘three-level top scorer’, the glory of this had seen Zheng family reached it’s peak during his grandfather’s time. However after he retired, there was no other official came from Zheng family anymore.

T/N – Three-level top scorer 三元及第 = someone who managed to be the top-scorer at all three level of examinations he’d passed (probably a jieyuan 解元 of county-level exam, a huiyuan 会元 of metropolitan exam, and a zhuangyuan 状元 of palace exam).

“It is enough to attract someone like your Second Sister.” Rui-wangfei said. “There has been only one such three-level top scorer in history. This great reputation has become a burden for their future generations that they are still unable to overcome until now. It’s not that they couldn’t become officials, they have no courage to become officials.”

Shen Qi understood, Rui-wangfei continued, “For such family, being renowned as noble and upright is both a good and a bad thing. Paper and ink, antiques and paintings don’t look much, but they don’t pay themselves either.”

“I understand.” Shen Qi said.

Rui-wangfei smiled, “What do you understand?”

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“Zheng family proposed because they were aware of the crisis.” Shen Qi said, “They were after Second Sister’s dowry and her Junzhu allowance from the government.”

“You think of them too simply,” Rui-wangfei said, “Zheng family’s younger generations have ambitions.”

“But Father’s title has no real power?” Shen Qi frowned.

“As long as he is still a royal relation then it is fine.”

“I see.”

“Zheng family couldn’t make ends meet, so the right to their family management becomes a hot potato. Second Girl’s is proud, what do you think she will do if she is handed the family management?”

“She would use her dowry to cover the gap.” Shen Qi replied.

Rui-wangfei asked someone to bring her a small hammer, she continued talking while knocking walnut shells, “That’s it. Third Girl doesn’t know about this three year ban yet. When she later finds no invitation comes for New Year or other days, and your Father or myself wouldn’t meet her when she visits, what do you think she will do?”

“She’ll grasp even more tightly to the family management right so people won’t look down on her.” Shen Qi understood.

Shen Qi felt as if a blow of cold air broke into her heart, the three years Shen Jin had casually mentioned was a trap.

Within three years, a big part of Shen Zi’s dowry would have been spent to mend the hole, especially as Zheng family miss was going to get married under her administration. Zheng family didn’t know that time a significant portion of Shen Zi’s dowry had been given to Shen Jin due to her refusal to marry Count Yongning and even though Xu-cefei must had given her something but the end total would still be limited.

When Shen Zi was unable to give anymore, how would they treat her? Today the family still indulged her even after Shen Zi hit their eldest shaoye, would they still do the same later?

If Zheng-furen knew Rui Wangfu didn’t care about Shen Zi, even if she couldn’t make it big, there were plenty of small tricks under her sleeves to make Shen Zi’s life difficult. Shen Zi was no match for Zheng-furen.

Rui-wangfei said again, “Not only that. Your father is not someone who is loyal with his affection. How deep will his feelings be towards a daughter who he hasn’t seen for three years? Plus, what do you think Shen Zi will do as soon as they meet again?”

“Complaining.” Shen Qi was very sure of this, “Making a scene.” Then any leftover affection would also get squeezed out.

“Xu-cefei has lost his sanity, so there is noone to shield her.”

Shen Qi nodded, “Mother, I get it.”

Rui-wangfei’s eyes narrowed, “I am afraid Shen Rong won’t have a peaceful life after marriage either.”

Shen Qi frowned, “What this got to do with Fifth Sister?”

Thinking of what Shen Rong had done, Rui-wangfei sneered, “As a Junzhu even with her current appearance, Fifth Girl can still get married despite more limited choices. Whatever Xu-cefei has will be Fifth Girl’s when she gets married. Second Girl has always thought that all of Xu-cefei’s possessions is hers, and when her own has run out, and she finds it’s all been been given to Fifth Girl, what do you think will happen?”

Shen Qi gasped a mouthful of cold breath, “Third Sister plotted this far.”

Rui-wangfei shook her head, “I can’t be sure if she calculated all of this, or if it is by coincidence.”

Shen Qi looked at Rui-wangfei in confusion, but Rui-wangfei wasn’t willing to talk further. “Sometimes ‘luck’ this word is very magical, noone can see through it.”

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