In the Moyun Courtyard, Shen Jin finished recounting what had happened. Chen-cefei frowned without speaking. Zhao-momo was able see deeper into it, “Furen, how did you come to think of this way?”

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“The thing Second Sister cares about the most is her Junzhu status.” Shen Jin said, “She relies on Father and Xu-cefei, but with Xu-cefei’s current condition, she has only Father.”

Chen-cefei understood what she meant. Being spoiled since young, losing the backers was the worst punishment.

What Shen Jin said next confirmed this, “Without Father as her backer, Second Sister will feel uncomfortable.” Shen Zi had tried to make things difficult for Shen Jin, so Shen Jin did the same to her.

“Three years is not enough.” Anping spoke up.

Shen Jin laughed, “I just don’t want to see her. Fujun won’t let me wait here for three years. After three years, whether she is back or not, it’s not my business.”

Chen-cefei took a breath, “Right, you won’t be here by that time. And if you don’t limit it to three years, Wangye would think you are heartless.”

Shen Jin didn’t care about Rui-wang’s opinion of herself but Chen-cefei still had to stay there, so she needed to leave some margin. Her revenge was actually very straightforward, she would destroy what Shen Zi cared about the most.  

Zhao-momo thought foolish people really had foolish luck, Shen Jin had not plotted that far, but everything just fell into place by itself.

Shen Zi at Zheng residence had no idea of what had happened. Zheng Jiaqu had returned to her room after being persuaded by his mother. He had thought about just getting her drunk, but as Shen Zi had prepared meal and alcohol because she wanted to mend her relationship with him, Zheng Jiaqu just went with the flow. Shen Zi was in good mood thinking of what she had done to Shen Jin, she failed to notice Zheng Jiaqu kept urging her to drink.

Shen Zi thought after the night their relationship would recover to how it was before, but who knew in the morning Zheng Jiaqu had turned even colder.

Shen Zi made fusses after fusses, so Zheng Jiaqu complied with staying at her room most nights of the month. However he kept his mouth shut and never smiled to her anymore. Shen Zi was bitter but as a proud person she refused to relent. The relationship between them became more and more stiff.

“What?” Rui-wang dared not believe it, “Say it again.”

“Replying to Wangye. Count Yongning had disappeared after losing a battle.” The person reporting was crying, he didn’t want to report such news either if he could help it. Losing a battle and disappearing normally meant death without a corpse.

Rui-wang angrily said, “Impossible, wasn’t it a victory news just a few days ago? What can mere little pirates do….. “

“Wangye please just prepare. His Majesty had asked Wangye to the palace, should be about this matter.” The messenger servant bowed his head.

Rui-wang inhaled a mouthful of air, “Change clothes.” He stepped towards the rear courtyard.

Rui-wangfei was talking to Cuixi in the room, seeing Rui-wang hurrying in, she asked, “Wangye, what happened.”

“His Majesty called me to the Palace.”

Rui-wangfei frowned, she ordered his court attire to be brought in. Rui-wang told her in a lowered voice, “Heard Son-in-law lost a battle and is now missing. His Majesty must be calling me for this.”

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“What!” Even if it was Rui-wangfei, at that moment she had lost her calm.

“Don’t tell Jin Girl the news.”

Rui-wangfei gritted her teeth, “I am afraid it it hard to keep it secret.”

“Wangye, you……”

“I know the limit, Wangfei don’t worry.” Rui-wang knew what she didn’t finish saying.

Rui-wangfei nodded, she helped Rui-wang tidied up his attire. He patted her hand and left.

Cuixi asked, “Wangfei, should nubi invite Third Junzhu here?”

Rui-wangfei slowly released a breath, “I’ll go to Moyun Courtyard.”

On the way Rui-wangfei mulled over Chu Xiuming’s disappearance. The news came from the officials of Central Min so unfortunately it was likely to be true. It’s just this disappearance….. Was Chu Xiuming forced to disappear, or did he disappear by design? As for losing the battle, Rui-wangfei didn’t believe small pirates were able to beat him.

Rui-wangfei didn’t agree about concealing this from Shen Jin. Based on Emperor Cheng’s nature, the news would have spread all over the Capital by tomorrow morning,  it was better to let Shen Jin know earlier.

She sighed and looked up to the sky, wondering what Emperor Cheng was doing. If he kept doing this, even the most loyal ministers would turn cold in their hearts.

In the Moyun Courtyard, Shen Jin was noisily playing with Xiaobudian. It’s ears had completely perked up now, and it had now grown to be considerably larger than when they had just arrived at the Capital. Xiaobudian lying down was such a large size spread, the weather had turned colder nowadays, it was time for Xiaobudian to change the fur, heaps of it’s fur shed all over the floor when combed.

Shen Jin was hugging Xiaobudian’s head when Rui-wangfei arrived. The dog placed it’s two large paws on Shen Jin’s knees so Shen Jin didn’t have to bend to hug it’s head, it was as smart as human. As Rui-wangfei was there, Shen Jin said, “Xiaobudian, go play with yourself.”

“Auwo.” Xiaobudian went down, tilted its head to look at Rui-wangfei, wagged it’s tail at Shen Jin then left.

“Mother Consort,” Shen Jin got up with a smile on her face, “Please sit inside, I’ll change my clothes first.” Her body was full of dog furs.

Chen-cefei also came out, “Wangfei please come inside.”

Rui-wangfei shook her head, “No need.”

“En.” Shen Jin went inside supported by Anping.

Zhao-momo followed them to help Shen Jin change clothes. Once they were inside, the smile on Shen Jin’s face vanished. Rui-wangfei wouldn’t have come to Moyun Courtyard if it hadn’t been something difficult to say.

“Furen, is there something to worry about?” Zhao-momo asked.

As Shen Jin only shook her head without speaking, Zhao-momo softly said, “I stewed silver fungus and lotus seed soup for Furen, is there anything else Furen would like?”

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“Nothing.” Shen Jin had finished changing, she closed her eyes, “I’ll go outside now, shouldn’t let Mother Consort wait too long.”

Rui-wangfei was sitting with Chen-cefei on her side, Shen Jin’s face wasn’t as bright of smiles as usual but wasn’t full of worry like when she was inside. “Mother Consort, Mother.”

“Sit down.” Rui-wangfei let Shen Jin sat next to Chen-cefei with Anping and Anning around her. “I have something to tell you.”

“Alright.” Shen Jin’s grip on her handkerchief tightened, the anxiety she herself wasn’t aware of appeared in her eyes.

Rui-wangfei’s voice was soft and gentle, “Count Yongning has disappeared.”

“What?” Chen-cefei lost her countenance, abruptly lifted her head to look at Rui-wangfei.

Shen Jin felt her whole body suddenly turned weak, she fell limply on the chair’s back. Anping and Anning’s face changed, Anping hurriedly poured warm water for Shen Jin, “Furen, have some water to calm down.”

“Mother Consort…. what happened?” Shen Jin pushed Anping’s hand away, “Where is the news from?”

“From the Palace. Your father has been called to the Palace, we have to wait for him for the details.”

Chen-cefei had recovered first, she didn’t know Count Yongning directly, for her he was just someone kind to her daughter. She pulled Shen Jin into her embrace, “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid……”

Shen Jin leaned into her mother’s arms and didn’t speak.

Rui-wangfei said, “I’d rather telling you now than you hearing it from outside.”

Shen Jin weakly pushed herself out of Chen-cefei’s embrace, “Mother Consort, I know.”

Rui-wangfei nodded, “If you are not comfortable, call the doctor here.”

Shen Jin nodded, Rui-wangfei didn’t stay too long, “When your father is back, I will send Cuixi to give you the news.”

“Thank you Mother Consort.” She tried to rise to see Rui-wangfei off, but Rui-wangfei stopped her.

Chen-cefei looked at her daughter with worry, but Shen Jin shook her head, “I don’t believe it.”

She said so, but she still needed Anning’s support to get up. “Mother don’t worry too much, Fujun will be fine.”

Chen-cefei felt Shen Jin was actually trying to comfort herself, better not to say too much so she just nodded, “Good if you think so. Remember you are not alone now. The child is…. Chu Xiuming’s child.”

“En.” Shen Jin turned her eyes down at her bulging stomach, “Fujun will come back.”

Chen-cefei nodded. Whatever happened, it was still fine as long as her daughter thought that way.

Shen Jin went inside with Chen-cefei. Zhao-momo had been inside all the time so Anping told her the news.

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Zhao-momo’s face changed but she recovered quickly, “The General will be fine.”

“En.” Shen Jin responded. “Momo, have someone inform Steward Zhao.”

“Yes. Furen be at ease, I will arrange now.”

“Fujun said, whatever the news is, I should not believe.” It was unclear whether this was said for herself or for Chen-cefei.

Chen-cefei reached out to hold her hands, Shen Jin’s hands were very cold, “Anning, warm up the silver fungus and lotus seed soup.”

“Yes.” Anning went to the kitchen and soon returned with the soup. The soup contained silver ear fungus, red dates, and wolfberries, it was a good warming tonic. Shen Jin felt calmer eating the soup.

The news was from the Palace, so it must be sent by Central Min officials. The disappearance was likely to have really happened. The question was whether it was real.

Slowly biting a piece of red date, Shen Jin felt Emperor Cheng was not Chu Xiuming’s match. If Emperor Cheng was playing trick to Chu Xiuming……

She ate another lotus seed, and as her bowl gradually emptying, Shen Jin had thought it through. Rubbing her stomach, she asked, “Give me one more bowl.”

“Yes.” Anning hurriedly went to the kitchen, she returned soon and scooped a bowl for Shen Jin.

Shen Jin looked at Chen-cefei, “Mother, try it too, it’s quite good.”

At that moment whatever Shen Jin asked, Chen-cefei would comply in a heartbeat let alone just to eat something. “Alright.”

Anning scooped one bowl for Chen-cefei too. Seeing her daughter’s complexion had recovered, she said in relief, “Let’s have Doctor Sun here to take a look at you.”

Shen Jin nodded, “Yes.”

“What do you feel like eating for dinner?”

Shen Jin considered it for a while, “Anything is good.”

“Then I’ll make you some noodles?”


When the second bowl finished, Zhao-momo returned. She felt much more at ease to see Shen Jin’s face was better. “Furen, the guards have been despatched.”

Shen Jin nodded, now they could only wait for Rui-wang to be back.

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Rui-wang didn’t let them wait too long. He came after dinner time, Shen Jin took her maids to the main courtyard to see him. This time Chen-cefei couldn’t give a care of anything else, she tagged along with them.

Rui-wang had just finished changing out of his court attire. Shen Xuan and Shen Xi, even Shen Qi and Yongle Shizi had been there, Shen Jin was the last one to come. It was natural as her courtyard was a bit far from the main courtyard.

Rui-wang’s face looked a bit tired, “Sit down first.”

“Yes.” Both Shen Jin and Chen-cefei sat down.

Rui-wang told them, “It was an urgent despatch from Central Min government. It was said that Chu Xiuming was out  patroling when the pirates suddenly ambushed.”

Shen Qi anxiously glanced at Shen Jin, she saw Shen Jin’s face was pale but still looking calm. Rui-wang also glanced at her before continuing, “His Majesty has summoned Ruyang Gongzhu and her Fuma to the Capital.”

* Gongzhu 公主 = Princess of first rank. Fuma 驸马 = Princess’ husband.

Ruyang Gongzhu was the Emperor’s eldest daughter. Her husband was still the heir of Marquis Zhongyi when they were married. Not long after the wedding, Marquis Zhongyi gave up his title for his son, and for Ruyang Gongzhu, the Emperor let her husband inherited the same title as his father.

T/N – The Fuma became the new Marquis Zhongyi like his father, same title but different person. Sometimes titles were degraded when passed down to the next generation.

Summoning Ruyang Gongzhu and her Fuma to the Capital….. Shen Jin’s hand was gently placed on her stomach without speaking.

Rui-wangfei said, “Heard that Marquis Zhongyi has both civil and military skills.”

Someone who was well-versed in both civil and military matters, Emperor Cheng obviously had made his preparation.

Rui-wangfei looked at Shen Jin, “I am afraid that as soon as Gongzhu is in the Capital, there will be a flower appreciation or some other get-together events.”

Rui-wangfei asked Shen Jin. “Jin Girl, do you want to spread news that you are ill?”

It was better to create an excuse now, otherwise it would be too late to plead illness when the invitation came. Ruyang Gongzhu had never met Shen Jin, but the matter was now pressing.

Shen Jin spoke, “Thank you Father and Mother for the concern.”

“Sister……” Shen Qi wanted to say something.

But Shen Jin shook her head, “My Fujun will be fine. Moreover, how long can I hide?”

Rui-wangfei could only sigh. Rui-wang said, “You are always our Rui Wangfu’s Junzhu.”

“Thank you Father.” Shen Jin replied.

Even if she hid in Rui Wangfu refusing to step outside, wouldn’t Ruyang Gongzhu just visit Rui Wangfu? Plus, Chu Xiuming would be just fine, it was even more reason for Shen Jin not to hide.


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