Chapter 65.1

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Liang-daren reported Chu Xiuming to be missing, but noone expected Chu Xiuming was currently drinking at his residence. “Count Yongning has good taste.”

“Since we are working together, I won’t let you suffer losses.” Chu Xiuming’s face revealed a rarely-seen smile.

Liang-daren coldly laughed, “Just not sure yet if His Majesty will believe my words, or the spy’s words.”

“Naturally he’ll believe what he prefers to hear. Liang-daren better find out who the spy is.”

“Count Yongning don’t worry, I have a guess.”

The two of them lifted their cups, Liang-daren finished his wine in one gulp.

“However all my men here are familiar faces. Is it possible to lend me some men?” Liang-daren attempted his request.

Chu Xiuming only looked at him calmly, Liang-daren was testing his bottom line.

Liang-daren hurriedly said, “I have overstepped.”

He was not disappointed of the rejection, he would have been suspicious if Chu Xiuming had easily agreed. Their cooperation was based on risks and built upon mutual benefits, none of them trusted the other.

Chu Xiuming’s ‘disappearance’ allowed Liang-daren to report a success to the Emperor, and with the Emperor’s trust so he could suss out the spy. Chu Xiuming could then be ‘found’, thus his prestige was preserved while the task given by the Emperor was completed.

Chu Xiuming said, “I will be away for a while tomorrow.”

“Count Yongning has something to do?”

Chu Xiuming put down his cup and rose, he looked to be more at ease than the host. “Liang-daren, have I ever asked about your plans?”

“Count Yongning misunderstood, I don’t mean it that way.”

Chu Xiuming looked at him darkly, “Good. This is just temporary. In the future, I will return to my Northwest, and you can stay at your Southeast.”

Liang-daren also stood up. “Count Yongning is correct. I just meant Count Yongning may not be familiar with Central Min, so my Yi-er can keep you company and run your errands.”

“Feel free.” Chu Xiuming didn’t mind. That Yi-er was Liang-daren’s eldest son Liang Yi.

Liang-daren was completely relieved, so Chu Xiuming wasn’t rejecting them and it was enough. “I’ll tell Yi-er to follow Count Yongning’s orders.”

After sending Chu Xiuming off, Liang-daren had someone call Liang Yi over.

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Back in his room, Chu Xiuming wasn’t surprised to see someone was occupying his bed. It was the young man who came to meet him in the bathing room last time.

That young man asked, “All done?”


That was his good friend Xi Yunjing. “He made the request?”

Chu Xiuming nodded, Xi Yunjing asked again, “And he sends his son?”

“En.” Chu Xiuming took off his outerwear, poured himself a cup of water to drink.

“Is there anything you didn’t guess yet?”

Chu Xiuming lowered his eyes slightly, “Are you here to talk nonsense?”

Xi Yunjing shrugged his shoulders, “Alright. You really don’t inform Sister-in-law? She is expecting.”

“I told her I would pick her up.” Chu Xiuming sat down, “Emperor Cheng must have summoned Marquis Zhongyi to the Capital.”

Watching him, Xi Yunjing said, “Looking at you two, I kind of wanting a wife too.” But then he sighed and changed the topic back to serious business.

“With Emperor Cheng’s temperament, there are only a few people he can use.”

Chu Xiuming’s finger lightly tapped the arms of his chair, “Just do it according to the plan.”

“Alright, I know.”

After some further discussion Xi Yunjing left through the window, leaving Chu Xiuming alone in the room.

Not only Liang-daren given Chu Xiuming a separate courtyard to stay by himself, he also didn’t send people there anymore. This made it convenient for Chu Xiuming and Xi Yunjing to meet up for the purpose of exchanging information and making arrangements. Liang-daren was either too confident or too foolish to think noone could  come in without his knowing. In any case he didn’t expect Chu Xiuming had someone like Xi Yunjing, an unconventional but capable person.

Eyes lowered, Chu Xiuming reached into his robe for a jade pendant. Lightly caressing the pendant, he said, “Soon.”

A lot of people were sleepless that night because of the news about Chu Xiuming.

In the main courtyard’s study, Rui-wangfei said to her son, “Xuan-er, go pack up and leave for Central Min tomorrow.”

Rui-wang said, “Wangfei, this is not very good.”

“Wangye, Count Yongning is your son-in-law. It is not appropriate if we do nothing.” She spoke in decent speed, not too slow and not too fast, seemed to have thought it thoroughly. “Xuan-er can just hit the road. Good if it is successful, but even if not, we have at least made the gesture. Wangfu’s reputation has suffered last time, this is a good opportunity to rectify it.”

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Rui-wang frowned and pondered for a while, “But His Majesty….”

“Wangye, what should happen will still happen nevertheless. Count Yongning being alive is also a kind of protection for Wangfu.” Rui-wangfei said. “From the moment Jin Girl married Count Yongning, it is already impossible for Wangfu to stay out of trouble.”

Rui-wang sighed, “That is right. This is also us taking care of Jin Girl. But it doesn’t have to be Xuan-er.”

“Xuan-er represents Wangye. Since Wangye can’t leave the Capital, who else besides the Shizi is most suitable?”

Rui-wang didn’t reply, Rui-wangfei gave him more assurance, “Since we need to send someone, then we better do it properly otherwise it will look insincere, isn’t it so? Moreover, does Wangye really think Chu Xiuming is in trouble?”

“Are you saying…..” Rui-wang looked at her.

Rui-wangfei smiled, “Do you see Jin Girl panicking? And those subordinates around her, they are Count Yongning’s people, if he is in trouble, would they still be that calm?”

Only then Rui-wang saw the light, “Wangfei is still the wise one. Jin Girl is also too much, why didn’t she say anything.”

“What do you expect her to say?” Rui-wangfei’s eyebrows raised, “Probably she is not completely sure either.”

“But Wangfei said….” Rui-wang looked up at her.

“Being eight-part sure is good enough, it still worths trying. Wangye, why do you think His Majesty still hasn’t appointed a crown prince yet?”

Rui-wang’s heart shook.

Rui-wangfei said slowly, “His Majesty can still keep it down, so wait a little longer?”

Rui-wang stared at her, Rui-wangfei reached out to him, “Naturally we trust that Wangye has no ulterior motives, but …… can he does so? Is it possible Wangye is thought to have that intention?”

One word said it all. Rui-wang spoke, “I have been short-sighted.”

“Wangye places much honour on the relationship.” Rui-wangfei touched the corner of her eyes as if wiping tears. “I just hope it is me who have been overly concerned.”

Rui-wang held her hands, then he turned to Shen Xuan, “Xuan-er, take all the guards with you. Be very careful, and if you find your brother-in-law, listen to him, alright?”

“Yes. This Son understands.” Shen Xuan wasn’t extremely smart, but he was sensible and was always willing to listen to advice.

Shen Xi wasn’t very clear of things, but he said, “Actually I feel it hard to believe that Third Brother-in-law is in trouble. Can the pirates be more powerful than the Barbarians?”

Rui-wang shook his head but he didn’t answer. The pirates might not be the powerful one, it’s the swords on Count Yongning’s back.

In Shen Qi’s courtyard, she was asking her husband, “Do you think something really happened to Brother-in-law?”

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Yongle Shizi mulled over it for some time, “I feel it is a bit fishy.”


He explained, “Don’t you think the whole thing is rather dubious? Brother-in-law disappeared, but did all of his people disappear too? The reports about Count Yongning should have been more elaborate, so isn’t this one look to be too simple? And His Majesty looks…. too hasty.”

Shen Qi asked, “Then what should I do if Ruyang Gongzhu make things difficult for Third Sister?”

Yongle Shizi was deeply hesitant. After a long time he replied, “We have good relationship with Third Sister and Third Brother-in-law, we can’t ignore that. But …… we shouldn’t offend Ruyang Gongzhu and Marquis Zhongyi either. His Majesty seems to intend to rely on them.”

Shen Qi nodded, “Understood.”

Yongle Shizi sighed.

The sleepless one in Moyun Courtyard was Chen-cefei. Shen Jin herself had quickly fallen asleep after supper and a warm foot wash.

Chen-cefei was undecided whether Shen Jin was too heartless or that Shen Jin had complete trust in Count Yongning. In any case she was worried that Zhao-momo and the others might misunderstand.

Chen-cefei whispered, “Jin Girl must be very tired.”

She didn’t expect Zhao-momo responded by comforting her back, “Cefei, there is no need to worry. At this moment it is most important that Furen takes care of herself well. I believe Count Yongning will soon give us some news.”

Anping also joined in, “That’s right. As long as Count Yongning has promised it, everything will come true.”

Anning poured Chen-cefei a cup of tea, “Cefei should rest soon too.”

Chen-cefei felt better to see them calm, “Alright.”

Zhao-momo sent Chen-cefei off, then she said, “Anning, you keep watch tonight.”

“Yes.” Anning respectfully responded. Zhao-momo nodded and left with Anping.

Shen Jin woke up by herself the next morning without waiting for Zhao-momo to call her up. Anning helped her changed her clothes, “Nubi is going to change the water.”


Zhao-momo and Anping were already in the kitchen, she asked Anning, “What is it?”

“Furen has got up.”

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Actually Zhao-momo was worried that Shen Jin would still be affected even if she didn’t show it. She had Anping and Anning bring some warm water to help Shen Jin with morning wash while she stayed in the kitchen making breakfast.

Chen-cefei wasn’t used to see her daughter getting up that early, “Why not sleep a little more?”

“I have enough sleep already.” Shen Jin smiled.

Chen-cefei took her to have breakfast. Not all dishes were done since Shen Jin had got up early, but she didn’t make a fuss. After breakfast and a visit to Xiaobudian, she sat down next to the window.

“Anping, bring me the clothes that I haven’t finished making yet.”


It was the one Shen Jin was making for Chu Xiuming. Chen-cefei didn’t stop her from continuing it, she only said, “Don’t make yourself tired.”

“I won’t.” Shen Jin said, “Mother don’t worry.”

Zhao-momo came back from outside, “Furen, Steward Zhao asks to meet Furen.”

“Oh?” Shen Jin was busy trying to remember where to continue the sewing, she hadn’t actually done much, “Where is Steward Zhao?”

“Still at Yongning residence. It was a servant with a message, if Furen allows it, he will come over.”

Shen Jin thought about it, “Let him come. Anning, go inform Mother Consort.”

“Yes.” Both Anping and Zhao-momo went.

Rui-wangfei naturally didn’t object, she gave the order to the gatekeeper.

“Pass my message to Jin Girl to relax. Xuan-er sets out tomorrow, if she has a letter for Count Yongning, Xuan-er can pass it when he is found.”

Anping was obviously very delighted, it showed on her face, “Yes. Nubi will inform Furen now.”

Back at Moyun Courtyard, Anping relayed the message to Shen Jin. Chen-cefei was relieved, “That is great, I didn’t expect Wangfei would send the Shizi.”

Shen Jin said, “I’ll write a letter now.”

“Write it then.”

Shen Jin put the sewing she had only just started aside and went to the study on Anning’s hand. Anping spread a piece of paper for her while Anning ground the ink on the other side.

Shen Jin had picked up the brush when she paused, there were so many things to say to Chu Xiuming but unsure whether he would receive it. After thinking for a long time, she wrote one line of words.

Anping and Anning was surprised that she finished writing that quickly. They didn’t know Shen Jin had drawn a fat and round dog that was supposed to be Xiaobudian on the mostly blank paper. Satisfied that the paper was now full, she dried it and slipped it into an envelope. After Anning sealed the envelope, she said, “Help me take it to Mother Consort.”

“Yes.” Anping left with the letter.

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