Chapter 65.2

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Steward Zhao came in the afternoon, this time the apprentice didn’t follow him. Shen Jin met him in the garden, “Steward looks for me for some matters?”

“At first there was, but after meeting Furen, it is fine now.”

Shen Jin perplexedly looked at him, he always said confusing things. But since he said it was fine now, she didn’t ask either.

“I have something to say to Steward.”

“Furen please give me the order.”

“Have to trouble Steward going back to the border and have a word with my younger brother.”

Steward Zhao looked at her, Shen Jin said, “Please tell my brother, doesn’t matter who went, just take care of it well. The General’s residence doesn’t lack these mouths to feed.”

“Zaixia understands.” Steward Zhao spoke.

* zaixia 在下 = myself (humble).

Shen Jin nodded, “Mother Consort has my Shizi brother departing tomorrow.”

Steward Zhao looked contemplative, so Shen Jin didn’t speak. She felt Steward Zhao was similar to Rui-wangfei, as they were both deep thinkers, it could be assumed that they could guess each others’ thoughts.

“Asking Furen to take care of yourself.” Steward Zhao said, “Otherwise General will blame zaixia when he is back.”

Shen Jin replied, “But you don’t live in Wangfu, so there is nothing you can do.”

This was correct, but Steward Zhao’s eyes twitched to hear it. “Furen is correct. However that Ruyang Gongzhu, please Furen be careful.”

“En. It is fine.” Shen Jin rubbed her belly, “She won’t hit me.”

Steward Zhao paused. Based on Shen Jin’s past actions, the one who should be careful was probably Ruyang Gongzhu.

After a few more words, Steward Zhao excused himself.

Emperor Cheng didn’t personally go to meet Ruyang Gongzhu and her Fuma, but sending two princess on his behalf was sufficient to show the importance he attached to them.

Winter has began, Shen Jin wasn’t good with cold so charcoal pots were prepared in the house, but even so she still have to wear thick clothes.

Chen-cefei had the mind to take all the furs out of the storage to drape around the rooms, but Shen Jin stopped her. “It’s Fujun’s promise to me, so Mother doesn’t need to spend money on this.”

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Chen-cefei’s eyes reddened, it had been over a month that Chu Xiuming disappeared without news. Shen Jin didn’t say anything but it was obvious she wasn’t that relaxed either.

Not that she refused to eat or anything, but she had turned very disciplined. She used to need cajoling with warm goat milk before getting up in the morning, but now she got up by herself without anyone calling. She also had her meals and went to bed in regular times, did her walking exercises without being told. Shen Jin had been very obedient that it hurt to see her that way.

Both Shen Jin and Shen Qi didn’t go out much once the weather turned cold, they contacted each other by exchanging messages and sending small things through their maids.

Today Shen Qi suddenly appeared in person, Shen Jin hurriedly invited her inside, “Elder Sister, how come you are here today?”

Shen Qi took off her coat, “There is something. I am afraid passing messages is not clear enough.”

After Shen Jin had her sit down and Anning handed her a cup of steaming hot red date soup, Shen Qi said, “The invitations from Ruyang Gongzhu arrived when I was at Mother’s place.”

Shuangqiao had a gold embossed invitation card in her hands, Zhao-momo picked it up for Shen Jin. Shen Jin said, “It smells good.”

“Ruyang Gongzhu is very stylish.” Shen Qi said.

Shen Jin concurred. Not only it let off a faint floral fragrance, but inside the card there was a plum blossom on it’s top right corner. “Eh.” Shen Jin found it a novelty, “So exquisite.”

Shen Qi said, “I was surprised too. Mother said that Ruyang Gongzhu seems to have it specially made.”

“Gongzhu is really talented in many things.”

The invitation was hand-written in plum blossom small script. Shen Jin’s handwriting wasn’t bad but definitely couldn’t compare to Ruyang Gongzhu’s. Chu Xiuming’s handwriting was also very beautiful, Shen Jin’s thought drifted to him. Would Chu Xiuming meet Shen Xuan? If not, then he wouldn’t get her letter.

The more time passed, the more Shen Jin felt the disappearance was orchestrated by Chu Xiuming himself even if she wasn’t completely sure. At the beginning the rumours said he might be dead after being defeated by the pirates, however there the Emperor had done nothing except for summoning Ruyang Gongzhu and her Fuma to the Capital.

There was nothing else written in card except for an invitation to appreciate flowers. Shen Jin asked, “Elder Sister is going?”

“I also received one,” Shen Qi replied, “We’ll go together.”

Shen Jin smiled, “Then I’ll write a response.”

“Give it to me, I’ll have someone deliver it along with mine.”

Anping and Anning prepared the table. Shen Jin finished writing the reply quickly, she gave it to Shuangqiao.

Shen Qi told her, “Don’t go alone. Mother and I will go with you.”

“I know.” Shen Jin understood what she meant. Shen Jin smiled, “Elder Sister don’t worry.”

Shen Qi nodded and had Shuangqiao sent it to Rui-wangfei. They switched the topic to babies, Shen Qi had lost her first one but after all she still had more experience.

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The flower appreciation event was set for three days later. Ruyang Gongzhu had not only invited many people, she also had her two younger sisters Zhaoyang Gongzhu and Chenyang Gongzhu called to her residence.

T/N: (Refresher) Zhaoyang Gongzhu was the Empress’ birth daughter. Chenyang Gongzhu wasn’t, but she was also raised by the Empress, and spoiled much (not in a good way).

Chen-cefei and Zhao-momo didn’t go with Shen Jin, they made preparations for her early.

When Shen Jin and her maids arrived at the main courtyard, they found Rui-wangfei and Shen Qi had been ready. Rui-wangfei smiled to see Shen Jin wrapped like a ball.

“At the Princess’ residence, none of you are allowed to wander off.”

“Yes.” The two obediently responded.

Rui-wangfei had the maid brought her coat over, “This time Second Girl should be attending too, Jin Girl don’t get too close to her.”

“This Daughter understands.” Shen Jin answered.

Rui-wangfei considered Shen Jin needed to be more careful against Shen Zi than Ruyang Gongzhu. Ruyang Gongzhu still had to guard her image, while Shen Zi’s hate towards Shen Jin was irrational.

Shen Xi and his horse came to the front of Rui-wangfei and the others, he smiled, “Mother, I am here to take you.”

“Good.” Rui-wangfei smiled back. Her eldest son had sent a letter, she felt there should be no problem, but as it was written on the way to Central Min, he still needed to be wary of accidents.

Shen Qi smiled to her younger brother too, “How come you aren’t wearing ear muffs?”

“I have. I’ll wear it when we are on the way.”

Shen Qi nodded and got into her own carriage, she was pregnant so she and Rui-wangfei used different carriages. Shen Jin smiled at Shen Xi then entered Yongning carriage with Anning and Anping.

Shen Jin asked, “How come I feel the coachman looks familiar. He is not the usual one, isn’t he?”

Anning told her, “Replying to Furen, that’s Yue Wen, he changed his clothing.”

Shen Jin responded and took off her coat, gave it to Anping. Anning placed a small throw on Shen Jin’s knees. Anping said, “Furen just tell Nubi if there is any order. Don’t let Anning leave your side at all.”

Seeing them both were anxious, Shen Jin smiled instead, “Don’t worry, I know.” Rubbing her stomach, she said, “When Fujun is back, I’ll have him reward you two well.”

“Furen, when do you think the General will be back?” Anping asked.

Shen Jin’s eyes lowered to her own stomach, “Should be soon.”

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Ruyang Gongzhu hadn’t been in the Capital for years but her residence was still kept in good order, the Emperor had also ordered the Ministry of Works to do some renovations before her arrival. When Rui-wangfei group got there, there had been many other guests before them. The servants respectfully led them into the inner residence.

They met a lot of other Furens on the way in, many of them brought their daughters with them. Ruyang Gongzhu’s son wasn’t of marriage age yet, but other families would bring their sons of suitable ages.

Many were invited but not all of the guests would get to meet Ruyang Gongzhu. Her residence was very large, it contained many smaller courtyards so guests were led to several different courtyards. Only one-tenth or two-tenth of the guests were invited to Ruyang Gongzhu’s courtyard.

The one Rui-wangfei group was ushered to was Ruyang Gongzhu’s own courtyard, the newly renovated Guanjing House. It was very warm inside, with plenty of flowers that shouldn’t have bloomed at this weather. Common people would have been very surprised and delighted at this scenery, but the guests in this courtyard were people who had seen the world, there was not much wonder left after just a short appreciation.

Rui-wangfei and her two daughters started talking to some familiar Furens soon after they entered.

Marchioness Yongle was also there, naturally Shen Qi had to pay her respect to the mother-in-law. As Rui-wangfei was there, Marchioness Yongle could only say some gentle and warm words to Shen Qi.

Everyone there knew Shen Qi had moved back to Rui-wangfei’s place when she fell pregnant, but noone dared to mention it. Everyone pretended they didn’t know, they even praised the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship as very good.

Not long after seated, a thirty something woman in palace uniform came, smilingly said, “The three Gongzhu’s have specially prepared a tea spread at Qingyi Garden. Respecfully requesting Furens to proceed to Qingyi Garden.”

Without much ado the Furens followed the palace lady to Qingyi Garden, it was not far from Guanjing House. Everyone looked to be casually walking, but on closer observation they were walking in order of their titles. Rui-wangfei and her two daughters naturally were at the front.

The steps to Qingyi Garden was decked with flowers and plants, even the trees were decorated with silk draperies, making a magnificent array of flowers, splendour and majestic.

Rui-wangfei noticed all the servants they met on the way were smiling but none spoke or made any noise. It was apparently the rules of Ruyang Gongzhu’s residence, not to her liking but it was not a big deal.

Two palace maids opened the door and lifted the curtain for the crowd. There were plenty of charcoal pots inside that it felt it hadn’t been winter. Rui-wangfei took off her coat and gave it to Cuixi who then passed it to the waiting maid, then she followed Rui-wangfei inside. Shen Jin did the same, Anning went in with her.

Rui-wangfei paused as she entered the inner hall. Ruyang Gongzhu was not alone, Zhaoyang Gongzhu and Chenyang Gongzhu were also inside.

But that wasn’t the reason she halted, the Gongzhu’s were all kneeling on the floor as the room was bare of tables and chairs. There were only warm mats and low tea tables.

Ruyang Gongzhu and her younger sisters rose, they were the Emperor’s daughters but Rui-wangfei was their senior family member.

Ruyang Gongzhu smiled, “Haven’t seen Aunt for a long time. Today Ruyang have troubled Aunt to visit, it’s Ruyang’s fault and should be punished with three cups.”

Rui-wangfei only smiled, Ruyang Gongzhu personally guided Rui-wangfei to sit down, “I haven’t met Cousins for a long time either, I didn’t return at their weddings.”

“Gongzhu is caring.” Rui-wangfei sat down in a kneeling position, she let the maid bring some things to put on top of the low table.

Shen Jin and Shen Qi both frowned as they entered. They were not unfamiliar with kneeling, it was part of their manner training even if not many occasions required it. However, kneeling this way was a torture for pregnant women.

The corner of Chenyang Gongzhu’s lips slightly rose, it was obvious she was waiting for Shen Jin to give a good show. Zhaoyang Gongzhu’s eyes also flashed, expecting to gloat over someone’s misfortune.

Ruyang Gongzhu revealed a look of shock and embarrassment on her face, “I have been away for long and only just returned to the Capital, I didn’t know both cousins are expecting. It is my fault.” With that, she slowly bowed.

Shen Jin and Shen Qi of course dared not accept it, they returned the bow, “Gongzhu, we do not deserve it.”

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Ruyang Gongzhu said. “This is the first banquet I arrange after returning to the Capital. I am used to sit this way out there. How about this, I will have people bring table and chair for two Cousins.”

Chenyang Gongzhu smiled, “Eldest Sister, this sort of seating should not be a big problem for the two Cousins. Eldest Sister don’t worry.”

Anyone else would have politely turned down Ruyang Gongzhu’s offer. Themselves sitting on a chair while everyone else was on the floor would put a spot on self, and that meant losing face. However Shen Jin wasn’t willing to inconvenience herself to look good in others’ eyes.

Shen Jin replied to Chenyang Gongzhu, “Actually, it is a big problem for me.” Then she smiled at Ruyang Gongzhu, “Ruyang Gongzhu’s kindness, I won’t reject.”

Shen Qi would have compromised had she been there by herself, but as Shen Jin had said her response, she no longer care about offending Ruyang Gongzhu. She had lost the first baby, this current one was extraordinarily precious for her.

Chenyang Gongzhu’s face changed, “Shen Jin, what do you mean?”

“Ah?” Shen Jin looked at her with question, “Ruyang Gongzhu understands that it is uncomfortable for me to kneel due to pregnancy so I am offered a chair, isn’t it?”

Chenyang Gongzhu didn’t know how to refute yet, Shen Jin had turned to Ruyang Gongzhu and very carefully asked, “Unless….. Unless Ruyang Gongzhu is joking? Or is it just for the sake of being polite?”

Zhaoyang Gongzhu saw the situation, “Eldest Sister doesn’t joke when she says something. Elder Sister Chenyang has misunderstood.”

Ruyang Gongzhu’s eyes narrowed. Carefully measuring Shen Jin’s expression, she couldn’t decide if Shen Jin was really foolish or just pretending. “Someone come, bring chairs and tables.”

Shen Qi and Shen Jin said their thanks. Others who were entering the room saw what happened but kept their mouth shut. A pregnant wife of a shizi bit her lips and glanced at her mother-in-law, but as the mother-in-law only waved a hand slightly, she dared not speak, she carefully lowered herself to kneel on the floor while feeling envious of Shen Jin and Shen Qi.

After everyone had sat down, Shen Jin and Shen Qi did look special on their chairs.

Ruyang Gongzhu spoke, “Aunt, why are you so distant with Ruyang, please just call me Ruyang. Two Cousins too, why not just call me Cousin Sister? We are all family.”

Rui-wangfei said, “Ruyang is thinking too much.”

Ruyang smiled and turned to Shen Qi and Shen Jin, as if she hadn’t just been refuted by Shen Jin.

Shen Qi called her, “Cousin Ruyang.”

“En.” Ruyang Gongzhu answered.

Shen Jin also called her once, then sat down and started to eat the snack on the table. At first Shen Qi felt uneasy to see everyone else on the floor, but as Shen Jin looked relaxed and at ease, she calmed down as well. Mother didn’t say anything, it meant Mother was fine with it.

Ruyang saw it, she chatted with the other Furens for a while, then turned back. With a serious tone she said, “Since Qi-er calls me Cousin, then I have something to ask.”

Shen Qi looked at her, “If Cousin has any order, just tell me.”

“Not really an order.” Ruyang Gongzhu elegantly lifted her cup for a small sip, “But why do I hear that you are currently staying at Rui Wangfu? Shouldn’t you be at Yongle residence, do they not treat you well?”

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