Chapter 66.1

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“Eldest Cousin is joking.” Shen Qi said with a smile.

Ruyang Gongzhu’s face turned serious, “I have to say a few words. You are a married woman, going home one or two days is fine and can be said to be filial to parents. But is it reasonable to stay at Rui Wangfu all the time when you are pregnant?”

Shen Qi’s face changed. She knew Ruyang Gongzhu’s real target was Shen Jin, if she softened, then the next target would be Shen Jin.

Ruyang Gongzhu’s eyes swept to Shen Jin who were still calm, “Or does Third Cousin think Yongle residence is too small for a Junzhu?”

Shen Jin swallowed the food in her mouth, picked up her tea cup, and she said to the palace maid behind her, “Give me warm water.”

The palace maid looked at Ruyang Gongzhu, Chenyang Gongzhu asked, “Does Cousin find the tea Eldest Sister’s serve is not good?”

“You think too much.” Shen Jin replied, “I am pregnant, I can’t drink just tea.” Many knew Chenyang Gongzhu was spoiled and willful, prone to strike on a whim. Probably only Shen Jin could tell Chenyang Gongzhu that she thought too much.

Ruyang Gongzhu gave a slight nod, the palace maid replaced Shen Jin’s tea cup with a warm water one.

Shen Jin asked Shen Qi, “Elder Sister wants to change cup too?”

“Yes.” Shen Qi smiled, “Please.” Another palace maid replaced hers with a cup of warm water.

Chenyang Gongzhu looked at Shen Qi, “Cousin still haven’t answered my question.”

Shen Jin brought the cup of warm water to her lips, she drank without answering. Rui-wangfei was there, there was no need for her to speak too much.

As expected, Rui-wangfei spoke up, “Ruyang has asked the wrong person. It was Wangye’s intention to let them stay at Wangfu, the children only followed the order. You also know how your Imperial Uncle is, how could the young ones not obey the parent’s wish?”

She turned to Marchioness Yongle, “When Wangye has recovered, Wangye will pay a visit to apologise.”

“We are all family, Wangfei is too polite.” Marchioness Yongle hurriedly responded.

Rui-wangfei said to Ruyang Gongzhu, “You also know Wangye takes charge of everything at Wangfu that even I can’t say anything. Maybe Ruyang can talk to your Imperial Uncle directly?”

Ruyang Gongzhu clutched her handkerchief. This was Rui-wangfei saying ‘our family matter is for Wangye and I to decide, you this outsider has no right to interfere’.

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Shen Jin put her cup down and picked up a honey orange to squeeze, “Elder Cousin, aren’t you just return not long ago? How do you know that Eldest Sister has been staying at Rui Wangfu all the time since the pregnancy?”

Many of the ladies hid their smiles behind handkerchiefs while pretending to wipe mouth, or behind their cups as if they were drinking, Ruyang Gongzhu had picked up a rock just to smash her own feet. However, from how Countess Yongning looked today, seemed like nothing really happened to Count Yongning.

Everyone was extra sure of the reason Emperor Cheng called Ruyang Gongzhu and her Fuma to the Capital by the way she kept on targeting Countess Yongning. It wasn’t announced in public as there wasn’t news on Count Yongning yet, but the ladies have obtained a tale to tell their family back home.

No matter how, Countess Yongning appeared to have more backbone than Ruyang Gongzhu.

Zhaoyang Gongzhu read the air, “Right, does Cousin know what caused Count Yongning’s defeat in the hand of the pirates? Just some little pirates, how did they break the myth that Count Yongning was an invincible god.”

“Cousin said it yourself, it is just a myth.” Shen Jin said in a matter-of-fact way, “Myths can’t be trusted.”

Zhaoyang Gongzhu bit her lips as if she was misunderstood, “Cousin, you know that is not what I meant. I am only worried for Brother, and for people of Central Min.”

Shen Jin looked astonished, the pair of moist almond eyes rounded, “I am not worried, why is Cousin worrying?”

Zhaoyang Gongzhu’s face changed, covering her face with a handkerchief, sobbing sound could be heard from behind it. Chenyang Gongzhu angrily said, “Cousin is so rude. My younger sister is only asking, how dare you slander her like that.”

Shen Jin looked around, the innocent face was confused, “But…. what did I say?”

Correct, what had she actually asked? She asked why Zhaoyang Gongzhu was worried when she herself as the wife wasn’t worried. It made it that Zhaoyang Gongzhu made a fuss after a slip of the tongue, and that was a lack of manner.

“Eldest Cousin,” Shen Jin’s eyes turned watery too, “I really don’t know how I have made the two cousins angry.” Without waiting for an answer, Shen Jin stood up. With one hand on her back and the other one supporting her belly, she looked more and more pitiful.

She made a salute towards Zhaoyang Gongzhu and Chenyang Gongzhu, “I have said wrong things, please accept my apology.”

Ruyang Gongzhu said in stern voice, “Zhaoyang, Chenyang, why are you still not apologising to your cousin. If you make  troubles again, I’ll have to send you back.”

Zhaoyang Gongzhu and Chenyang Gongzhu bit their lips, they both stood up and saluted Shen Jin, “It was our fault, please Cousin not be offended.”

Shen Jin took a breath and held on Anning’s hand, “It is fine. We are all family, and I am also older than them.” She sat back down after speaking.

Ruyang Gongzhu said, “I hope Cousin doesn’t put this in heart.”

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“It is not a problem.” Shen Jin leaned on the chair and smiled, “The two cousins are still young.”

It was a slap on the face for the two as both were only less than a year younger than Shen Jin. Zhaoyang Gongzhu and Chenyang Gongzhu lowered their head without speaking, they felt humiliated and were too ashamed to face others.

Ruyang Gongzhu remembered the purpose of the banquet. Swallowing her anger, she glared to shut Chenyang up as she  was still trying to say something.

“Cousin still haven’t told us how Count Yongning was defeated. Was the pirates really that powerful?”

“Ah?” Shen Jin frowned, “Has the Palace received another news?”

“Wasn’t it already spread all over the Capital?” Ruyang Gongzhu felt Shen Jin was playing dumb.

“Oh, that rumour. That is not to be believed.” Shen Jin said, “The rumour that time also said my husband looked like Zhong Kui.”

Those who knew about that rumour couldn’t hold back their laughter.

Shen Jin turned serious, “Elder Cousin, this kind of thing can’t be casually said in front of others. Cousin is a Gongzhu, a member of royal family enjoys glory and wealth but their words and actions represent the royal family. How if what Cousin said today is leaked outside, and people believe it? Not to mention other things, how if someone says Cousin has spread false battle news?”

Ruyang Gongzhu said, “Younger Cousin is too serious. I was only asking a question.”

Shen Jin laughed, looking a bit embarrassed, “I thought too far. I often think nonsense after getting pregnant. But Cousin should also pay more attention.”

Ruyang Gongzhu felt stuffed, she drank some tea to ease her anger. Turning to Rui-wangfei, “Younger Cousin is very good at talking, this third younger cousin of mine is the most eloquent one of all Imperial Uncle’s daugthers.”

Rui-wangfei smiled at the provocation, “Jin Girl normally doesn’t talk much. Today she has found a talking match so she speaks more than usual.”

“Yes, I feel very close with the three cousins here.” Shen Jin was full of smiles.

Ruyang Gongzhu’s eyes narrowed, “I feel close to Cousin too, unfortunately Fuma and I are leaving the Capital soon.”

Zhaoyang Gongzhu had only heard this now too, “Eldest Sister, where are you going? You have just returned.”

“It’s Imperial Father’s command.” Ruyang Gongzhu said. “I was just about to ask Cousin about the border town, and what things should I prepare?”

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“The border town is not bad.” Shen Jin smiled, “At least I think it is good.”

“Eldest Sister, what are you going to do there?” Chenyang Gongzhu asked more.

Ruyang Gongzhu sighed and looked at Shen Jin with a regretful and helpless expression, “Count Yongning has disappeared for so long, his life or death is unknown. The border town is constantly being watched by the Barbarians, so it is not good to leave it too long without a leader. Imperial Father considers my Fuma could use some training, so let Fuma goes for it. That is why today I purposely ask for a guidance from Cousin.”

“Oh.” Shen Jin said. “Actually the border town doesn’t lack anything, but some medicine is good too.” She thought for a while, Chu Xiuyuan would like the medicine, and it’s not a problem to let Ruyang Gongzhu manage the town.

“Battle horses, food and provisions. More than that, I don’t know. I didn’t go out much.” Shen Jin wasn’t flustered, she seemed to really meant what she said.

Shen Qi glanced sideways at Shen Jin. Just a few days ago someone had boasted that she went to the teahouse everyday to listen to the storyteller.

Ruyang Gongzhu wondered that Shen Jin could so readily give her answers, but she suspended her disbelief. “I heard Count Yongning’s little brother is still there. Does Cousin have a message for him? I can pass it to him.”

“Then I have to trouble Elder Cousin. I’ll prepare some things, please help me.” Shen Jin said. “People there are brave, Cousin better bring more guards.”

Ruyang Gongzhu suddenly felt Shen Jin was a fool, not sure why she thought Shen Jin was a deep person.

Thinking of what Emperor Cheng had told her, she softened, “Right, I also heard the military there only listen to Chu family, and not to the Court.”

“Elder Cousin please stop listening to other people’s nonsense.” Shen Jin frowned, “The person who told you that should be beaten with a plank. Under the vast sky, the earth is the king’s soil, the soldiers are the king’s subjects. Elder Sister worries too much.”

It was a reply that didn’t actually answer. However, as Ruyang Gongzhu had seen Shen Jin was sincere when answering the previous question, it was less irritating.

Shen Jin smiled, “My maid grew up there, how about letting her tell Cousin about the border town. Elder Cousin will have some ideas about what to prepare. If you ask just me, I will only say food stuff, it is a bit barren there.”

Ruyang Gongzhu felt it odd that Shen Jin was so enthusiastic. Could it be that she didn’t understand they were going there to grab Count Yongning’s military control. Or was something else going on? Probably not. Ruyang Gongzhu watched Shen Jin’s face, but Shen Jin looked sincerely wanted her to leave early.

Sure enough, Shen Jin laughed, “When Fujun returns, and we go back to the border, I will have more people to talk to.”

Ruyang Gongzhu tried to probe her again, “But Imperial Father may ask Count Yongning to remain in the Capital.”

“It’s even better.” Shen Jin was close to calling out in joy, “Then I don’t have to leave my Elder Sister anymore. However, it will be hard on Cousin, you will have noone there to talk to.”

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The last part was spoken almost like a complaint. “Except for that, everything else is good.”

Not just Ruyang Gongzhu, the other ladies present felt it strange. They secretly looking at Rui-wangfei, but she was still smiling like she was happy with whatever Shen Jin said.

Ruyang Gongzhu became more confused. She was very similar to Emperor Cheng, both of them were easily suspicious but always tried to hide it. “Then why don’t we let your maid talk?”

“Oh. She is not good at talking.” Shen Jin complained, “She can’t explain much, wouldn’t Elder Sister like to know more?”

“Is she?” Ruyang Gongzhu asked. “I’d still like to hear from her.”

Shen Jin looked helpless, “Alright then. Anning, tell everyone how border town is.”

“Yes.” Anning saluted first, “The winter is colder than the Capital, the wind is bigger. Other things, nothing to say.”

Shen Jin said to Ruyang Gongzhu, “She is bad at talking.”

“Then why does Cousin still keep this kind of person?” Ruyang Gongzhu laughed, “How about this, I give you my two personal palace maids in exchange to yours.”

“Not good.” Shen Jin rejected right away. “Anning is very important.”

“En?” Ruyang Gongzhu laughed, “Doesn’t Cousin dislike her not good at talking?”

“I never said I dislike her for not good at talking?” Shen Jin was bewildered.

“Then how is she important?”

Everyone else was curious too, Anning looked ordinary, what was different about her?

Shen Jin rubbed her stomach, “Oh, I can’t tell you.”

“………” Ruyang Gongzhu had to gulp a few sips to suppress her anger. Chenyang Gongzhu felt choked, something stuck in her throat, could neither swallow nor vomit. Zhaoyang Gongzhu fiercely pulling at her handkerchief. What a shameless person, talking like that as if it was natural.

Some of the ladies couldn’t help exchanging looks while silently laughed behind their handkerchiefs. Shen Jin on her chair above could see them, but she only lowered her eyes and leaned back without speaking.

Ruyang Gongzhu didn’t feel kneeling on the warm mat was comfortable anymore. She now felt that she had lowered her own status. Shen Qi was also on a chair but her attitude was more formal and careful.

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