Ruyang Gongzhu gave Chenyang Gongzhu a glance. Chenyang Gongzhu acted like she just remembered something, “Eh, where is Second Cousin? Why is she not here?”

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Zhaoyang Gongzhu also said, “Yes, why is Second Cousin missing?”

Ruyang Gongzhu frowned at the maid behind, “Why is that?”

The maid answered, “Nubi has invited the Second Junzhu, but Second Junzhu didn’t accept as she has to accompany Zheng-furen.”

“She can just bring Zheng-furen here.” Chenyang Gongzhu said, “This Second Cousin of mine is really too strict. But how is it that I heard Second Cousin and Third Cousin has a disagreement? Could it be….” She fixed her eyes on Shen Jin.

Shen Jin was yawning behind a handkerchief. The room was very warm so she became sleepy, naturally she didn’t noticed Chenyang Gongzhu’s eyes on her.

Chenyang Gongzhu gritted her teeth, “Third Cousin, I heard you have some disagreement with Second Cousin, could it be that Second Cousin is afraid of you? You are both are Junzhu’s, but she married into Zheng family while you married the famous Count Yongning with his battle achievements.”

“En. My husband is Count Yongning.” The sleepy Shen Jin was slow to react, she only heard the last part.

Chenyang Gongzhu really wanted to overturn the tea table but she had an image to preserve. “Is Third Sister showing off?”

“Ah?” Shen Jin dully turned to her, “No. Isn’t it the fact?”

Chenyang Gongzhu was about to burst, Zhaoyang Gongzhu hurriedly said, “Did Third Cousin invite Second Cousin here? We can all chat together.”

“I am also a guest.” Shen Jin felt these two sisters were confusing. “Isn’t Eldest Cousin the host here? Ah Cousin Zhaoyang is back from refreshing?”

Zhaoyang Gongzhu’s face changed, her crying was fake so she didn’t actually need to wash her face. Shen Jin bringing it to attention made her lost face.

Ruyang Gongzhu reached out for her cup but it was empty, she glared at the maid behind her who hastily filled it to eight-part full. After a few sips, the stifled irritation and helplessness reduced.

“Fights between sisters normally aren’t long. Third Cousin can just talk it through with Second Cousin and everything will be well. Just don’t fight again.”

Shen Jin didn’t reply, she was giving a hint with her eyes to Anning who promptly took out an oil paper bag out of her sleeve. Shen Jin took out a piece of dried fruit from the bag to put in her mouth.

It was annoying that every time Ruyang Gongzhu had to look up to to talk to Shen Jin, “The plum blossoms are in full bloom at this time. Why don’t you all come with me to the garden to enjoy it.”

Chenyang Gongzhu smiled, “Imperial Father knows Eldest Sister likes the pure looks of plum blossoms the most. The plum garden was specially built for Eldest Sister.”

Ruyang Gongzhu’s gentle smile couldn’t hide the pride, “You talk  too much. Just invite Zheng-furen and Second Cousin to the plum garden.”

Ruyang Gongzhu smiled too, “Imperial Father loves Eldest Sister the most.”

“Alright.” Ruyang Gongzhu smilingly turned to Rui-wangfei, “Aunt, please.”

Rui-wangfei put her hand in Cuixi’s, “En.”

The three princesses stood up. Shen Qi also rose supported by her maid, her eyes swept to the pregnant wife of a Shizi, that Shizi-fei was pale from kneeling too long. Even after she heard they would be going to the plum garden her face was still stiff, she must have really suffered.

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* shizi 世子妃 = wife of a shizi (= an heir of a prominent family). Her name or which family she was from isn’t said here.

It was good to go for a walk, otherwise Shen Jin might fall asleep in the room. She followed Rui-wangfei with Anning supporting her. Anping was waiting outside with the other maids, she handed Anning a large cotton coat for Shen Jin, then shook a cloak open. With a hand cover added to the set, Shen Jin was very wrapped warmly.

Chenyang Gongzhu was wearing a red cloak, she saw Shen Jin and said, “Cousin is really delicate now.”

“En.” Shen Jin didn’t think it was anything extraordinary. Without the slightest bit of embarrassment, she said, “I am having a child. When it is your turn, you will know how it is.”

Shen Qi was also wrapped by many layers, medicines were not good for pregnant ladies, so she better not getting cold.

Rui-wangfei checked on her two daughters, then she reached out to straighten Shen Jin’s cloak, “Do not talk on the way, cold wind could hurt your stomach.”

“Understood.” Both of them smilingly responded.

Shen Jin’s cloak had a hood with rabbit fur, her face was half hidden under the hood, Anping and Anning walked slowly on her both sides. After a while, the group of Rui-wangfei and her two daughters fell behind the crowd. Shen Jin saw that pale Shizi-fei, pulling an oil paper bag from her sleeves, she took one to put in her own mouth then handed the rest to that Shizi-fei’s hand, “Boiled ginger and brown sugar, but it’s not very tasty.”

“Thank you.” The Shizi-fei immediately took one out to eat.

Shen Jin shook her head, “You should go warm up your feet.”

The Shizi-fei nodded and looked at her mother-in-law. The mother-in-law was talking to Rui-wangfei, she felt the look, e turned and patted the Shizi-fei’s hand, “Sit down a while, I’ll say our farewell to the Gongzhu, and we can go back.”

“En.” Her eyes reddened, “It’s This Daughter-in-law’s fault.”

Rui-wangfei said, “Being pregnant is uncomfortable, you have held up for long time. If you say it this way, your mother-in-law will feel guilty.”

Shizi-fei said, “Thank you Rui-wangfei for the advice.”

Rui-wangfei shook her head, after exchanging a look with the mother-in-law, she left with Shen Qi and Shen Jin.

The plum blossoms in the garden were in full bloom. Decorated with dark and light green silk on the trees, it was as if spring had arrived. To remember that Emperor Cheng said the national treasury was in a tight state, the scenery looked  more like mockery.

They were led to a pavillion in the Plum Garden. Ruyang Gongzhu and Chenyang Gongzhu were not seen, but they saw Shen Zi sitting in front of Ruyang Gongzhu. They couldn’t hear what she was saying but Ruyang Gongzhu couldn’t stop laughing. Zheng-furen was not there, it was quite expected, based on how highly she thought of herself, she would have to give everyone presents, but she wouldn’t be willing to.

Shen Zi stood up when she saw Rui-wangfei, “Mother Consort.”

Rui-wangfei nodded and sat on the seat specially prepared for her. Shen Qi took a look and said, “Eldest Cousin, this garden is fascinating, Third Sister and I are going to enjoy the plum blossoms.”

Ruyang Gongzhu said, “Just leave Third Cousin here to talk with me. Why don’t you go find Zhaoyang and the others?”

Shen Qi hesitated, Rui-wangfei said, “Qi-er, go ahead. Jin Girl come sit with me.”

“Elder Sister, just come back when you are tired.” Shen Jin also smiled.

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Shen Qi nodded and went with her maids. Shen Jin sat down next to Rui-wangfei.

Shen Zi said to her, “Third Sister, it has been long since we last met. Third Sister has become more and more beautiful.”

Shen Jin smiled but didn’t answer, she looked outside at the plum blossoms instead. Without those silk on the trees, the flowers would have looked even better, especially as the flower keepers at Ruyang Gongzhu residence were very good at their job.

Shen Zi said, “Does Younger Sister have some misunderstanding with me? Why are you not talking to me?”

Ruyang Gongzhu said, “If there is anything, just say it.”

“Ah?” Shen Jin rubbed her stomach, “I am just a little sleepy.”

Ruyang Gongzhu smiled, “Why don’t you take a rest in the guest room?”

“No need.” Shen Jin smilingly refused, “I am used to sleeping in my own bed.”

Shen Zi was thinner than in the past, but it didn’t reduce her beauty and her arrogant air in the slightest.

Shen Zi poured a cup of tea, “Whatever happened in the past, today I borrow Eldest Cousin’s tea to make amend with Third Sister. I hope….. I hope with this tea Third Sister can let me visit Rui Wangfu again. It is the place I was born and raised.”

After speaking she brought the cup to Shen Jin.

Shen Jin frowned, “Second Sister, why are you like this? Father and Mother Consort are in charge of Rui Wangfu, what use it is to talk to me?”

Shen Zi’s eyes were brimming with tears as she looked at Rui-wangfei, “Mother Consort, my mother has become like that. Please allow me to visit Rui Wangfu, I would like to do my filial duty to mother.”

“If you want to pick up Xu-cefei, I can talk to Wangye.” Rui-wangfei said, “Whenever you have prepared a room for her, I can send someone to bring your mother to you.”

Shen Zi’s face changed. The hands holding the cup paused in the air, unsure whether to put it down or to continue serving it to Shen Jin. She thought of what Ruyang Gongzhu told her, of Count Yongning’s disappearance.

With a grievance on her face, she said, “Mother Consort also knows that my days at Zheng residence aren’t very good, how can I let my mother suffer with me.”

Shen Jin frowned, “Second Sister, you are a Junzhu. Does Junma not treat you well?”

* junma 郡马 = the husband of a Junzhu, derived from fuma (gongzhu’s husband) – but this is just an informal appelation, not an actual title.

“Hard to say.” The hatred in Shen Zi’s eyes was difficult to hide, but she kept the gentle tone. “After getting married, not only I have to care not to make my father-in-law and mother-in-law’s embarrassed, I also have to……” Tears started dropping at this point.

“Today I have no other wish, please Younger Sister have this tea, and whatever between us should pass. From today we sisters have to support each other.”

Shen Jin said, “It doesn’t have to be that way. Mother Consort, Second Sister is having a hard time. She has done some mistakes in the past, but in the end Second Sister is from our Wangfu. As Second Sister has said it today, how about helping Second Sister getting it out?”

“That is good too.” Rui-wangfei answered, “Cuixi, invite Zheng-furen here.”

Shen Zi abruptly lifted her head and looked at Rui-wangfei, “Mother Consort, what is Mother Consort going to do?”

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Rui-wangfei said, “Be at ease. Since you have told us today, if we don’t do anything, Zheng residence will think our Rui Wangfu is afraid of them.”

Ruyang Gongzhu inwardly cursing Shen Zi for being stupid. At this point, it wasn’t possible to not get involved, “No need for Aunt’s maid to go. Someone come, invite Zheng-furen here.”

“Yes.” A maid immediately went.

Shen Zi said, “What are you doing?”

As her agitation grew, someone bumped her back from behind. Shen Zi hurriedly tried to balance the cup in her hand, but as she saw Shen Jin’s face, she paused, and with a cry of shock, the cup was suddenly thrown to Shen Jin’s direction.

Anyone would have two kinds of reaction in such situation, either staring at the cup as it smashed on themselves, or to yell and ducked. Shen Jin’s body was heavy, she might hurt her stomach if she ducked. Unexpectedly Anning behind her stepped up and caught the cup. Tea water splashed on Anning’s body, but she was able to safely put the cup back to the table.

T/N – (Refresher) Anning has martial arts ability, maybe because she was the replacement for the maid who was killed during the Barbarians invasion.

“Second Sister please be careful.” Shen Jin said with her eyes slightly lowered.

Shen Zi said, “Someone just pushed me.”

“Second Cousin, are you saying bengong pushed you?” Ruyang Gongzhu asked darkly, the person behind her was her.

* bengong 本宫 = lit. This Palace. The way (very) royal women such as the empresses, royal princesses, royal concubines addressed themselves.

Shen Zi turned to look at her. Ruyang Gongzhu had said that if Shen Zi could find a way to make Shen Jin go to the guest room, she would arrange so that the Empress would summon Shen Zi to the Palace every few days. It didn’t matter if Rui Wangfu ignored Shen Zi, as long as she looked close to the Empress then Zheng residence wouldn’t dare to mistreat her.

But at this moment Ruyang Gongzhu wasn’t as gentle and affable as before. Shen Zi gritted her teeth and said with lowered head, “Just now I didn’t stand properly.”

Shen Jin looked at both of them with a frown.

Shen Zi took a breath and said, “I have made Third Sister shocked, how if I take you to the guest room for a rest?”

“Yes.” Ruyang Gongzhu said, “This maid of yours is loyal, better make sure she is not burned.”

“You both want me to go to the guest room?” Shen Jin’s confused questions were always unexpected. “Why is that?”

Shen Zi’s face changed, “I am just concerned for Third Sister.”

Ruyang Gongzhu also said, “She is Third Cousin’s maid, it is fine if you don’t care.”

Shen Jin watched them for a while, “Oh.”

Intricate and secretive tactics were often wasted when the target didn’t play by the rule. Just like hunting, setting up numerous traps was useless if the oblivious prey didn’t jump in, instead only squatted on the side watching the hunter got busy. It was like watching a joke.

Rui-wangfei had been sitting on the side without speaking as if nothing had happened.

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At that moment the maid had returned with Zheng-furen. Shen Zi was shaken to see her, she turned to Rui-wangfei, “Mother Consort…..”

But it was Ruyang Gongzhu who spoke up instead of Rui-wangfei, she said coldly, “Zheng-shi, do you know what you have done wrong?”

Zheng-furen looked at Shen Zi, a sense of bad foreboding appeared in her heart.

Rui-wangfei said slowly, “Second Girl has many faults, but she is still a Junzhu. Your residence’s mistreatment, I have now heard of it, so I can’t just let it be. Ruyang, I have to borrow two pozi’s from you.”

“Aunt can just order it.” Ruyang Gongzhu answered.

“Twenty slaps as warning.” Rui-wangfei said. On Ruyang Gongzhu’s nod, a maid went to look for two pozi’s.

Shen Zi said, “Mother Consort, Eldest Cousin….. Not like this.”

“But Second Sister has just cried about it, right.” Shen Jin said it with questioning look, she turned to look at the pale-faced Zheng-furen, “Second Sister, don’t be afraid. You are a Junzhu, even if Father is angry with you, your dignity still have to be preserved.”

Zheng-furen looked like she wanted to tear Shen Zi in pieces. Shen Zi shook her head furiously, “I didn’t….”

“Is Second Sister saying Mother Consort and Eldest Cousin are wrong?” Shen Jin frowned, “Zheng-furen, please treat Second Sister better in the future. Look at how scared she is.”

One of the pozi’s held Zheng-furen’s arms and pressed her to kneel down, the other one bowed first, then started to give her slaps.

It wasn’t the slaps that hurt Zheng-furen’s the most, it was the expression on everyone’s face that she couldn’t accept. Ruyang Gongzhu had invited all prominent ladies of the Capital, so today she had become the talk of the town. Zheng-furen had wanted to keep a good face her whole life, not only it was destroyed, she has also been stepped on hard.

Shen Zi….. Zheng-furen was filled of hatred, why did she give her son such a poisonous wife. If not because …. if it wasn’t because….. Her fists clenched hard, today’s humiliation she would pay back a hundred thousand times. The greatest regret in her life was letting her son marry Shen Zi.

By the time twenty slaps were given, Shen Zi was slumping weak on her chair, she dared not even look at Zheng-furen.

Shen Jin said, “Better call imperial doctors to check on Zheng-furen so it won’t be talked about outside.”

A few maids helped Zheng-furen to get up, her head bowed without speaking.

“You are considerate.” Rui-wangfei patted Shen Jin’s hand, she turned to Shen Zi, “As we have given Zheng-furen a lesson on your behalf, they wouldn’t dare to bully you again. However you still have to be filial to your father-in-law and mother-in-law, understand?”

Shen Zi’s expression was wretched, “Mother Consort, do you hate me that much? Are you all jealous that I am doing well?”

Shen Jin slid to hide behind Rui-wangfei, Anning had also become vigilant.

Shen Zi coldly laughed, “All of you did it on purpose! Shen Jin, your husband is dead, so you don’t want anyone to be well? I know you are always jealous of me…..”

Shen Jin who had always looked harmless was visibly angry, she said in a dark voice, “Hold her down for me.” But she still remembered to protect herself first before striking.

On Shen Jin’s command, Anning grabbed Shen Zi’s both hands, while Anping supported Shen Jin to walked over.

Shen Jin fiercely slapped Shen Zi twice, “If I hear you talk that way about Fujun again……” She was still in rage, so another two slaps were given.

Shen Jin slowly released her breath, “My Fujun will return!” The last sentence resonated loudly.

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