“What does Wangfei mean?” Rui Wang looked at Rui Wangfei.

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Rui Wangfei said, “One’s conduct has to follow norms. Xu-shi did it out of love for her daughter, but it is still improper.” Rui Wangfei softly said, “Shen Zi and her sisters, three of them, should give out 10,000 taels each. Jin Girl could have 50,000 taels for dowry, and the other 10,000 taels as her private fund.”

Rui Wang listened but did not speak.

Rui Wangfei said, “These girls will be titled as Junzhu when they got married, the Palace will prepare their dowries. We add some more on top because we wish the girls to be as comfortable as if they were still at home here. Wangye also know how they say Count Yongning is, Jin Girl….. “

“Just do as Wangfei said. ” Rui Wang had the same thoughts, he also remembered the handmade stuff Shen Jin gifted him. Shen Jin was the first daughter who ever made anything for him, thinking about those fan pouch, waistband, socks, his heart couldn’t help but softened.

Rui Wangfei continued, “Xu-shi also has to be punished, but because she gave birth to Hao Boy, it is not good to do it openly.”

“I’ll leave all back courtyard matters to you.” Rui Wang unconcernedly said.

Rui Wangfei gently said, “How about this, let her be grounded in her own courtyard for three months.”

“En.” Rui Wang readily responded.

Rui Wangfei said, “Wangye can’t be lenient, can’t visit her.”

“Don’t worry.” Rui Wang quite liked Xu-shi, but that was the extent of it. Xu-shi had been with him for so long naturally there was some affection but she was not young anymore, the mansion did not lack the young and fresh ones, and it was just three months.

“There is still Second Girl’s marriage.” Rui Wangfei said, “If by the time the Imperial Edict about Third Girl’s marriage comes and Second Girl’s is still not arranged, afraid it would not look good. Some people may gossip about Wangye, then later when Second Girl is looking…. Wangye cares about Second Girl, but people outside don’t know this. “

Rui Wang frowned but didn’t say anything.

Rui Wangfei stood up to get a list of names, “This is the list of those who are interested at Second Girl. At first I thought she is still young so I took my time to ask around, but now we can’t wait too long.”

Rui Wang took the list, there were five names on it followed by family backgrounds and ranks. After pondering for a while, he got up to the desk and crossed two names out. “Choose one out of these three.”

“Shall we call Xu-shi here?” Rui Wangfei asked.

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“It is fine if Wangfei decides.” Rui Wang answered.

“This is Second Girl’s lifelong matter, and we are rushing it. Second Girl is so outstanding, this is unfair for her.”

“Alright.” Rui Wang saw that everything Rui Wangfei did was always done properly, more and more he felt that Xu-shi who only knew crying and making fuss to be embarrassing.

Rui Wangfei immediately had Cui Xi called Xu-shi over. Actually Xu-shi had just been back, but since Rui Wang was also there so she dared not delay, hurriedly dressed up a bit and left.

When arrived she found it was about her daughter’s marriage, but looking at the three names on the list, she was a little dissatisfied. She called out in delicate voice, “Wangye… “

Xu-shi felt daughter was not only intelligent and good-looking, but also as Rui Wang’s daughter, even marrying into a Duke or Marquess family was feasible. But now, what sort of names were on the list?

“Just these three,” Rui Wang looked at Xu-shi, “Wangfei lets you look is giving you face, if you don’t want face then … “

“Xu-shi.” Rui Wangfei spoke up, “I think the third family is quite good.”

The third family’s rank was not high and the proposal was from the youngest son, but the family was wealthy and the matriach had royal family background.

“Zi-niang will be a Junzhu when she marries, this family’s status is too low to match.” Xu-shi directly refused, Rui Wangfei didn’t say anything more.

“Hurry up.” Rui Wang impatiently urged.

Xu-shi knew she had no room to get away, she could only lowered her head and looked again. Her face lit up looking at Zheng family’s entry, “I think this Zheng Young Master is not bad.”

“Zheng family is a literary family, they have been around for hundred years already, the family is noble and clean….. “Rui Wangfei said, “This Young Master is the firstborn son of the main wife, his wife would be the Lady of the Clan, manages the family.”

Rui Wang heard the meaning of Rui Wangfei’s words, he also felt a bit dissatisfied, but before he had the chance to speak, Xu-shi had responded. Hearing “Lady of the Clan” and “manages the family” her heart moved, these were the things she lacked as a Cefei.

Shen Zi was a Wangye’s daughter and will be titled a Junzhu, marrying into Zheng family was marrying down so Zheng family would not dare to mistreat her. “This Zheng family then.”

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“Wangye?” Rui Wangfei looked at Rui Wang.

Rui Wang thought about it a while, since Third Girl was marrying Count Yongning, then it was not appropriate for Second Girl to also marry into a powerful family. None of the current generation of Zheng family held an official post so they were quite suitable, “Then do it this way.”

“Good then, I’ll have someone deliver a letter to Madam Zheng. They can visit tomorrow, Second Girl can secretly meet and if all good we could exchange tokens, then pick a good time to settle the marriage.” Rui Wangfei laughed, “Xu-shi, you are grounded for three months so don’t come out after you returned.”

“Wangye… ” Xu-shi looked at Rui Wang.

Rui Wang waved his hand, Xu-shi still wanted to speak but seeing Rui Wang’s face darkened, she bowed and retreated.

After Xu-shi left, Rui Wangfei smiled, “Wangye should also go to your official duties, here is fine now.”

“Then I will see you again in the evening.” Rui Wang warmly said.

T/N – For some musings about why Zheng family was not a really great option, have a look at the bottom of this chapter. TL;DR, this is a hard life.

Rui Wangfei responded and personally saw Rui Wang off, she then sent Cui Xi to meet Chen Cefei. Since the matter had been decided, Chen Cefei had stopped crying, she quietly began preparing dowry for her daughter.

The decree for marriage came down soon, those who had daughters of suitable age breathed in relief, but also sighed that Rui Wang was truly loyal to the Emperor that he was willing to do this.

After crying Shen Jin could only accept the matter. There were benefits on this, she would be made a Junzhu in advance and would get rewards from the palace including dowry, Chen Cefei told her.

Shen Jin was not a ‘woe is unto me’ person, as she had accepted so she started dowry preparation, many things were made by mansion staff but she also wanted to make some herself too.

Chen Cefei also approved, “Although this marriage is not your choosing, but the future is still yours to pass, whether your days will be good or bad, it’s still your own to make.”

Shen Jin wanted her days in the future to be good. After the decree came down, even the married Shen Qi came home a while to comfort Shen Jin, but she found Shen Jin had enlightened herself.

Rui Wangfei arranged that Shen Zi secretly met Zheng family’s eldest son. Young Master Zheng had a gentle and refined manner, outstanding and talented. After talking to him, Rui Wang was also satisfied he definitely was not an official material, he was a literary material.

The news of the engagement between Zheng family’s eldest son and Shen Jin soon spread, the two families exchanged gengtie with great fervour.

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T/N – Gengtie is the card exchanged during engagement, it lists 8-character birthdate for fortune-telling, native place of the family, three generations ancestry.)

On the date Count Yongning’s should returned with prisoner of wars, the Capital was buzzing with activity. Even many ladies of big families who normally seldom went out booked private rooms in restaurants, this was a big event, they had heard rumours about Count Yongning but had never seen him in person.

In contrast Rui Wang mansion was quiet and peaceful because they had received a letter of apology from Count Yongning. Something happened when he was on the way, so he had returned to the border.

The Emperor was fine with this, after all it was for the safety of the border. Even if he wanted to blame someone, he should blame the uneducated barbarians for causing problems.

Both Shen Jin’s and Shen Zi’s wedding dresses were prepared by embroidery staff. At this moment Shen Zi was sitting in Shen Jin’s room, she was wearing a muslin dress with pattern of a hundred butterflies among flowers. “Third Sister, when you are at the border please don’t forget to write letters back, tell us sisters the border scenery.”

Rui Wang’s daughters had heard within these few years Count Yongning probably wouldn’t be able to come to Capital, not even for his own wedding. The Emperor intended to just sent Shen Jin to the border.

“I heard Imperial Uncle said the guards will wear a Princess’ regalia, Third Sister you will be very grand.” Shen Zi saw Shen Jin didn’t speak, she laughed, “Noone else outside royal family princess have such special honour.”

Shen Jin was sewing a perfume pouch, without lifting her head she said, “Second Sister have you finished the pillowcase Mother Consort asked you to make? Second Sister is marrying soon, how is the dowry preparation going?”

Shen Zi’s face changed, she already knew her dowry was reduced, hearing this she was dissatisfied. She wouldn’t have entangled Shen Jin if not for this.

“Third Sister better be concerned about yourself, not sure when Count Yongning will be able to come to the Capital, the border is short of food and clothing, Third Sister should prepare more.”

“Thank you for Second Sister’s concern.” Shen Jin finally looked up, “Second Sister still have things to do?”

Shen Jin frowned, “Why you are kicking me out?”

Shen Jin smiled and pinned the needle, “Not at all. I am going to greet Mother Consort, does Second Sister want to come with me?”

“Since Mother Consort is busy then forget it.” Shen Zi got up, “I am leaving now, us sisters won’t have much chance to be together anymore, I will come again tomorrow.”

After Shen Jin walked out, the smile on Shen Jin’s face vanished. She was lying, at that moment Rui Wangfei was having Chen Cefei over.

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Count Yongning had a mansion in the Capital, the wedding should have been at that mansion, however due to the turmoil with the Barbarians, the border couldn’t be without Count Yongning.

The wedding date was already near when the Emperor discussed with Rui Wang to directly send Shen Jin to the border, so the dowry matter had to be rearranged. Some such as larger pieces of furniture would have to be delivered, and some to be carried along with Shen Jin’s procession.

Everyone became very busy for Shen Jin’s dowry that Shen Zi’s dowry was somewhat neglected.

Shen Zi naturally was not happy, she had always think herself better than Shen Jin, but how come her dowry was not as good as Shen Jin’s, and now even the mansion was too busy with Shen Jin’s affairs.

Unfortunately it was Rui Wang’s order, so she didn’t dare to make trouble in front of Rui Wang and Rui Wangfei. All she could do was entangling Shen Jin to vent her dissatisfaction. Shen Zi had been harping about the nasty conditions at the border again and again, at the beginning Shen Jin was panicking but now she only felt numb.




T/N – Here is what I think, that Zheng family is the head of a Zheng clan, so the family’s eldest legal son’s wife will become the 宗妇 (Lady of the Clan).

Xu-shi thought it great that Shen Zi would be an important 宗妇 who manages the clan, but even the heartless Rui Wang was not happy because being a 宗妇 is not as great as it sounds. Xu-shi, whose background was shallow didn’t understand that, so she fell into Rui Wangfei’s trap.

Found an article about 宗妇 in Korea and since ancient Koreans borrowed, and preserved, quite a bit from ancient Chinese so the reference is not baseless ( Just to note the article probably refers to much bigger much more complicated clan than Zheng family.

宗妇 is a position of great reverence, even a young 宗妇 is as respected as an elder, she takes part in clan’s important matters, she manages clan’s many matters including the finances.

But it also comes with hefty responsibilities, for example the 宗妇 has to be well-versed in clan’s etiquette and rules, good at brewing and traditional cooking, good at finances, she takes care of important people and guests, adept at managing relationships within the clan, prepares clan’s many many many ceremonial duties for the whole clan etc.

And all of these are on top of giving birth to sons. She is expected to start as soon as possible, if the first one is not a son, she has to keep on trying otherwise she may risk divorce.

宗妇 life is a hard life, modern girls would think twice before marrying a clan’s elder son. If you have watched kdrama “Sweet 18” (Han Ji-Hye and Lee Dong Gun, old drama but quite sweet), then you would remember the struggle of a young girl in training to be a 宗妇.

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