Many people envied that Shen Zi was married out as a Junzhu, however envy was a fickle thing, now people’s main attention was on the fact that Shen Jin’s was going to be a Princess procession. (*1)

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(*1 – Gongzhu (Princess) is a daughter of the Emperor. Junzhu is a daughter of a Qinwang. As a daughter of Rui Wang, having a wedding procession bearing a Gongzhu regalia is a special honour.)

Even though many eyes were looking at Count Yongning, but there was still plenty of mysteries. Part of Shen Jin’s dowry was delivered to the Count’s mansion, the rest brought along with Shen Jin’s procession.

Shen Jin left the Capital in a wedding sedan chair, then transferred to a horse carriage, then a waterway trip before changing to horse carriage again, the whole trip would take around three months.

Apart from not being able to walk around freely, Shen Jin’s trip was quite comfortable, she was a calm person so she just used the time during the trip to read books.

Considering the time needed for travel, two sets of wedding clothes were thoughtfully prepared, one set was regular wedding clothes worn in the Capital, the other set was a much thicker one to be used at the border.

The trip was only up to the closest town near the border, Count Yongning’s people would pick her up there. That morning the matchmaker woke her up early, told her to change to the thicker wedding dress then quietly sit inside the relay station waiting for the pick up.

For Shen Jin, those rumours about Count Yongning eating raw human flesh and so on were not fresh anymore. She was now wondering of what kind of person Count Yongning was, and what sort of life she’s going to have after the marriage.

If Count Yongning’s temper was bad, what should she do. If Count Yongning’s looks was scary, how would she be. When Count Yongning ate raw meat, should she also eat with him? After thinking about raw meat, she then decided to just watch.

Thinking this and that, Shen Jin had never thought that in the end she just didn’t get to meet him!

Not only Count Yongning didn’t pick her up, he was not even in town, he had gone to lead a surprise attack to the Barbarians. The one who picked her up was his little brother Chu Xiuyuan who was not even ten years old.

Chu Xiuyuan was also instructed by his brother to use Chu family’s private army to pick up the bride and the dowry only. None of the people of the procession from the Capital were allowed inside the town.

Prior to Shen Jin’s arrival, there were two masters in the mansion: Chu Xiuming and Chu Xiuyuan. After Shen Jin arrived, there were still only two masters in the mansion.

Without Chu Xiuming’s approval, mansion staff did not acknowledge her. She was not neglected, there was just some sort of feeling of being out of place.

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Mansion houses in the border were not as luxurious as in the Capital, but the area were much larger. Shen Jin stayed in the main courtyard of the mansion, after consulting her the dowry was properly stored.

The mansion also arranged for staff to serve Shen Jin. People here were different, both men and women were all very tall, they didn’t talk much but they moved very nimbly. Only when Shen Jin deliberately asked questions that they responded.

The maids in the Rui Wang’s residence did not wear silk all over, but their clothing was not much inferior either. People here rarely wore long skirts, their clothing was mainly made of normal cloths, and not much jewelleries either.

Being in an unfamiliar environment and knowing noone, Shen Jin was at loss. She lost weight at a rate that even naked eyes could see.

The maids serving her now were called Xi Le and An Ping, the ones who travelled with her from the Capital had long been on their way back.

Shen Jin didn’t like to trouble others, at Rui Wang’s mansion she was not favoured so she had become even more sensible. Lucky it was her who married here, had this been Shen Zi, she might have made big rackets all day.

Xi Le and An Ping had no enmity with Shen Jin, they didn’t have the heart to seeing her so listless every day. They went to Steward Wang, asked a straight question, “Mister Wang, we are like this to Madam, isn’t this not very good?”

Steward Wang was not a mere housekeeper, he was Chu Xiuming’s military advisor. He took up the household matters because there was no housekeeper in the mansion.

“Is the clothes not enough, or just not worn?” Steward Wang asked back. (*2) “Madam is afraid of cold, the Mansion specially doubled up the purchase of coal.”

(*2 – A rhetorical question, he meant Shen Jin wasn’t mistreated, if she was still unhappy then it was she herself who failed to adapt.)

He did not approve Chu Xiuming marrying a delicate girl, when there was war here even women had to go to war. ‘Countess Yongning’ was not just a title, she should also be someone who could stand up for herself in the absence of the Count.

Xi Le was only a maid, she couldn’t argue with Steward Wang, she said, “It is not like Madam asked to marry the General.”

In spite of her words, Xi Le didn’t talk further, after all in their eyes the Masters were just the two Chu brothers.

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She was a local town girl, in their eyes Chu Xiuming was the General who led them to victory in wars,  he was not some Count. Even the sign hanging outside the mansion was ‘General’s Residence’, not ‘Count Residence’.

Actually the reason Shen Jin became so thin purely because she had not adapted yet, the weather and the food made her uncomfortable. She did sometimes cry in private when missing her mother, but she was not a mentally weak person.

When she just arrived, she didn’t dare to go anywhere or ask anything because the rumours about Count Yongning was too scary. However, after more than a month, she suddenly felt that nothing was really as scary as she imagined.

Like a small animal in an unfamiliar environment, at the beginning it would cautiously observe its surroundings, even the slightest movement could scare it back into it’s shell. Then gradually as it realised the place was safe, it would slowly extend it’s paws, probing the outside world.

Shen Jin was exactly like that.

After eating bland and unappetising meals for over a month, she unexpectedly asked, “Xi Le, what do people here usually eat?”

Xi Le didn’t expect Shen Jin would take the initiative to talk to her, she replied, “We don’t usually eat rice, we like noodles.”

“Oh?” As Shen Jin had become thinner, her eyes looked even bigger, they were also clear and moist. When staring at someone, she looked like a little squirrel begging for food.

Xi Le and An Ping had warmed up to Shen Jin, but because Shen Jin was always quiet and listless, they didn’t dare to talk much. Border town people both male and female, were all outspoken and straightforward.

Xi Le poured some water for Shen Jin, smilingly said, “I like noodle, An Ping prefers meat flatbread.”

“Is it good?” Shen Jin looked up expectantly.

Xi Le said, “Not bad. The noodle is very chewy, with mutton bones that’s boiled until the soup dries out, then add sliced meat and chilli on top, not just delicious but also very filling.”

“Actually I think beef noodle is better.” An Ping brought back the blankets she dried under the sun from outside. “Especially if the beef is roasted first, then eat with crispy baked flatbread, very delicious.”

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“Really?” Shen Jin was even more excited. “Really that good?”

“Yeah.” An Ping laughed, “Especially the ones from Old Qiao’s place at town west, it’s fantastic.”

Shen Jin’s moist big eyes were staring at them, “Sound so good.”

Even if Xi Le and An Ping were slower they could see Shen Jin’s meaning. Looking at each other, Xi Le said, “The flavour is very heavy, Madam would not like it.”

A look of disappointment appeared in Shen Jin’s eyes, “I really can’t eat it?”

“Alright, I’ll ask my brother to buy some. If Madam doesn’t like it, we can eat them.” An Ping’s heart softened at Shen Jin’s look.

Shen Jin looked happily surprised, her eyes fixed on An Ping, “How much each? So much meat must be expensive?”

“Not expensive.” Xi Le laughed, “Meat here is cheaper than vegetables and fruits.”

Shen Jin insisted on taking money out of her own, “Don’t tell anyone okay.”

“Why is that?” Xi Le asked, “Madam’s purchases can use public fund.”

Shen Jin blushed, her fingers rumpled her skirt, “Can’t. If people know I am greedy, they will laugh at me.”

“Xi Le and An Ping couldn’t help laughing, they now felt considerably closer to Shen Jin.

They didn’t notice the net that Shen Jin spread, didn’t realise with her few words they have been pulled into Shen Jin’s inner circle.

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During this time Shen Jin had secretly observed these two maids’ personalities. She found these girls were not like people in the Capital whose minds were full of twists and turns, and they were also impossible to bribe.

Mother said in this kind of environment using ‘carrot and stick’ method wouldn’t work, so Shen Jin took a different approach.

She didn’t know when Count Yongning would return but she hope it would be later, she needed time to settle the situation inside the residence first. She didn’t expect too much respect or obedience, just to win some goodwill of these people.

The prestige of a Junzhu or the title of a Countess didn’t mean anything in their eyes. Since the wedding procession from the Capital was unceremoniously driven away, Shen Jin had discovered this place was different from the Capital, relying on status to impress people was totally useless.

Moreover she was completely alone without support, if she still refuse to be tactful here, before long she might perish for failure to adapt….

Then would Rui Wang or the Emperor turn against Count Yongning for her sake? Definitely not. If she was said to ‘die of illness due to inability to adjust to the environment’, what did it have to do with Count Yongning?

Afraid that time the only person who was sad was her own mother.

Shen Jin found the meat flatbread recommended by An Ping was amazingly delicous. The bread was burnt on the outside and tender inside, with secret recipe stewed meat wedged  between the bread flaps.

It was about twice the size of Shen Jin’s palm, yet she could eat half of it. Actually she felt she could finish the other half as well, but her appetite had probably shocked An Ping and Xi Le, they desperately tried to stop her. Only after they promised to buy it again the next day, Shen Jin reluctantly put the other half down.

Because Shen Jin couldn’t control herself, at dinner time the dishes specially made for her was left untouched, An Ping and Xi Le had to eat all of it. Shen Jin was busy walking around the room holding her belly trying to digest the content of her stomach.


烧饼夹肉 = flatbread with meat sandwiched in the middle. See

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