Steward Wang had a lot in his hands, he didn’t just manage the Mansion but also the army’s logistics matters, so he only noticed the irregularity at month-end when he was checking accounts. He found that Shen Jin’s expenditures had shrunk considerably, especially in the kitchen.

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They didn’t welcome Shen Jin as the General’s wife, but it was not shown openly. They had a separate small kitchen prepared for Shen Jin’s use only, with special cooks who could make Capital style dishes. Even in winter the small kitchen never stopped serving vegetables everyday, it certainly cost a lot but the Mansion didn’t lack money.

However this food expenses had reduced for more than half, so Steward Wang called An Ping. He then heard that Shen Jin’s daily meals had changed.

“Madam really likes beef noodles.” An Ping said, “And flatbread from Old Qiao’s place.”

Steward Wang asked, “How is Madam’s appetite?”

“Very good.” An Ping told him what Shen Jin usually ate. Seeing Steward Wang looked a bit odd, she asked, “Steward Wang, what’s wrong?”

Who on earth said ladies from the Capital ate very little, preferred light-flavoured food and disliked meat. Why did it sound like their General’s lady couldn’t eat without meat?

“Nothing.” Steward Wang said, “Whatever Madam likes, try to accommodate.”

“En.” An Ping said, “Tonight Madam is having hotpot. By the way, the other day Madam asked if she could go out on the streets.”

Steward Wang frowned, could it be that Madam was trying to secretly send a letter to the Capital? With that thought, he said, “Just take someone with you to keep it safe.”

An Ping laughed, “Alright, I will arrange it.”

Steward Wang asked, “What is Madam like?”

“Pretty easy to serve.” An Ping thought for a moment, “Just not good at anything.” That was a euphemism though. “And curious about everything.”

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“Pay more attention to Madam.” Steward Wang sternly said, “Madam is young, remember to stay with her and guide her a bit.”

“I know.” An Ping responded.

After talking about some other things Steward Wang let An Ping went back. She was already at the door when suddenly turned back, “Steward Wang, actually I think Madam is quite pure.”

“Did you forget that Cousin Miss?” Steward Wang said in cold voice, “Cousin Miss also looked pure.”

An Ping wanted to say Shen Jin was different from Cousin Miss but she didn’t know how to say it, so she just responded and left.

Shen Jin was playing sandbag smashing with Xi Le in the courtyard as if she hadn’t noticed An Ping was away. She was jumping around dodging the sandbags, her laughters were not loud but very nice to hear. Everytime she dodged a sandbag, she proudly shout, “Stupid Xi Le, you can’t smash me.”

After this period of time, Xi Le had understood Shen Jin’s character, she only laughed at these words. She just couldn’t bear the disappointed look in Shen Jin’s eyes when smashed, otherwise she wouldn’t have missed.

An Ping brought freshly boiled red date tea from the kitchen, “Madam, have some hot tea.”

“Alright.” Shen Jin was a bit tired too, she readily ran back. An Ping led her into the house to freshen up. A little maid had prepared warm water, after Shen Jin washed, the tea was also ready to drink. She drank the tea in small sips.

After evening meal An Ping told Shen Jin that she was allowed to go out. Shen Jin’s eyes lit up, grinning from ear to ear, she hurriedly pulled Xi Le to find the clothes newly made some time ago.

The new clothes were not in Capital style, but made according to local style. The cuffs were tied at the ends, the tops were short, the skirt were ankle-length for easier movement. The footwears were short boots instead of embroidered shoes. The prettiest part of the outfit was the palm-wide belt, it was brightly coloured with silver ornaments hanging from it.

The streets were full of ladies checking out stuff on street stalls. In this border town, all ladies whether married or not, could freely wander on the street as long as they were accompanied.

Some things were hard to stop once let loose, just like Shen Jin now. She had long wished to go out but was also a bit anxious, the anxiety disappeared once she saw the bustling streets. She was like a rabbit being let out of it’s cage, joyously let go of herself.

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Actually Shen Jin preferred the life in border town. In the Capital even if it was a luxurious life, but she had to be careful all the time. Wangfei and Xu Cefei she dared not offend, and with those several sisters, her life was an exhausting one. Shen Jin also needed to constantly try to figure out Wangfei’s mind, had to always try to be useful for Wangfei.

In this border town, she knew that noone in the Mansion really regarded her as Count Yongning’s wife, but as long as she didn’t go over the bottom line, they would not lay a hand on her. Her life here was very comfortable, both her and Count Yongning’s brother didn’t interfere in each other’s life.

Apart from Count Yongning’s brother, Shen Jin had the highest status in the Mansion, at least on the surface. Shen Jin didn’t need to figure out anyone’s thoughts, didn’t have to please anyone.

Was there any use in pleasing others? For example Rui Wang, in his eyes was Shen Jin really that inferior compared to Shen Zi and sisters? None of them ever bothered to stitch anything for Rui Wang, but in time of need, it was Shen Jin who was offered as a sacrifice. Rui Wangfei also didn’t say anything to help Shen Jin.

Shen Jin had a great time, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were shining. By the time to go home, she had already discussed the next outing date with An Ping.

Shen Jin had gone out several times during a month, Steward Wang repeatedly checked with the guards following her in stealth. He was quite disappointed to hear that Shen Jin had never secretly sent any letter to the Capital, she didn’t even mention the Capital at all. Her letters were all given to An Ping to deliver openly through Steward Wang.

At New Year’s Eve, Shen Jin met Count Yongning’s brother Chu Xiuyuan again. The maids told her he was only eight years old, but he was very tall. Chu Xiuyuan didn’t like to smile, he nodded and called her Sister-in-law once, then didn’t say anything else.

They were not familiar with each other, so during the meal they didn’t speak, but when finished eating Chu Xiuyuan suddenly said, “Sister-in-law, Big Brother is coming back soon.”

“Ah?” Shen Jin didn’t react fast enough, she wanted to ask further but Chu Xiuyuan had left in a hurry.

An Ping did understand Chu Xiuyuan’s meaning, she laughed, “Young Master is comforting Madam.”

“Oh.” Shen Jin slightly lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes flickering, she didn’t blurt out not wanting Count Yongning to come back, just bashfully said, “I am a little scared.”

“What is Madam afraid of?” Xi Le asked as she helped Shen Jin towards the courtyard.

As Count Yongning was away, even though there were red lanterns hanging for New Year but the mansion lacked festive atmosphere. Apart from some bright coloured decorations, it looked just like everyday.

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“Count Yongning is so magnificent, I have heard a lot of stories about him in the Capital.” Shen Jin looked like she was discussing an idol, biting her tender pink lips, “I am clumsy, afraid of making Count Yongning unhappy.”

“Why is Madam still addressing the General this way?” An Ping watched Shen Jin, advising.

Shen Jin bowed her head, her foot in pink embroidered shoes kicked the ground, “I am sorry.”

Xi Le laughed, “Madam, don’t worry, the General is very nice.”

Shen Jin looked at Xi Le expectantly, Xi Le did not hold back and she started telling things about Count Yongning. An Ping hesitated a bit but she didn’t stop Xi Le, even Second Young Master had told Madam Count Yongning’s news. It was a good thing if the Mansion could accept Madam, let Madam know more, and become more familiar.

The news of Count Yongning’s return set the Mansion alive, even Steward Wang now had a few smiles on his face. However, the Barbarians unexpectedly arrived ahead of the Count.

Count Yongning had left some people to guard, and this border town could be said to be a military town, so people were used to war and they did not panic. There should be no problem except that this time the Barbarians seemed to be more prepared and they were coming with great force.

The Mansion’s safety was not an issue, Shen Jin just couldn’t go out anymore. The Mansion’s storage had food and the staff was still calm. Chu Xiuyuan was not in the Mansion, he had followed Steward Wang out.

Shen Jin had never experienced war or being in proximity to a battle. She didn’t know and didn’t understand the battle outside, but seeing that Xi Le’s and An Ping’s expression had became increasingly serious, the progress had not been very positive.

“Wait for the General to come back.” An Ping said through clenched teeth, “Those traitors.”

Shen Jin wasn’t sure if she could ask, moreover An Ping wasn’t talking to herself. She and Xi Le was talking in lowered voice outside, Shen Jin hesitated but didn’t speak.

Shen Jin was actually uneasy, even a little lost. Noone had ever told her what to do in this kind of situation, thinking again even Rui Wang had never really experienced war or even being close to a battlefield.

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For the first time Shen Jin really realised the place Count Yongning had in these people’s heart. They were all convinced that once Count Yongning returned, everything would be safe. But in fact there had been no news from the Count for over half month.

“Madam, Second Master is injured.” Xi Le frantically ran in.

Shen Jin looked up, she was embroidering, her fingers were still on the needle, “What happened?”

“Not sure, heard it was an arrow.”

Shen Jin wanted to ask why telling her this, but she just put away the needle, “Let’s have a look. Get the ginseng out of my dowry, whether we’ll use it or not, better prepare first.”

“Yes.” Xi Le ran after listening.

An Ping hesitated a bit, “Madam…. ” but after this bit, she didn’t say further. Steward Wang told them to come, she didn’t know what to say.

Shen Jin forced a smile on her face, she had long understood the distance (T/N: between her and the people in the Mansion) . She didn’t know why they told her this …. But she felt they needed her to do something.



T/N notes:

涮锅子 = shuàn guō zi = a dish where thinly sliced meat and vegetables are boiled briefly and then served with dipping sauces. The origin of 涮锅子 is said to be soldier’s meal, they had no time to wait for big chunks of meat to cook, while thin slices of meat only need to be dipped briefly in boiled water. See:

I translate 涮锅子 as ‘hotpot’ here just so it is easy to imagine, but this article says 涮锅子 and 火锅 (hotpot) are different: For example 涮锅子 soup is clear water (with garlic, onion and goji …. without salt), while hotpot soup is thick and flavourful. Hotpot ingredients can be left cooking in the pot, while when eating 涮锅子 you can’t even let the meat off your chopstick!

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