I reluctantly stepped back.

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I can’t beat Bassad by force anyway.

“Where are we, Bassad?”

“The basement.”

“…What is this place for?”

For a moment, Bassad’s eyes flashed fiercely in the darkness.

“This is the place where the criminals that have sinned against the family are imprisoned.”

Criminals against the family?

“…Then is there a criminal there?”

“That’s right.”

“…Is Daddy in there too?”

Bassad did not answer, but his silence was like an affirmation.

Something that would make Cade go to face the sinner himself, and the reason Durias accompanies him…

“Please go back now.”


“Thank you.”

Bassad helped me not to trip on the stairs.

As I opened the door of the half-closed wall, I was dazzled by the intense light even though I was inside only for a short time.

That’s how dark it was beyond the wall.


The door-like wall closed. If I hadn’t approached and knocked on it in person, I probably wouldn’t have known that such a place existed for the rest of my life.

As my gaze was still on the wall, I couldn’t step down easily so Bassad led me.

“The Lord doesn’t want you to take any interest in the basement.”

“Who’s in there?”

“I don’t know that either.”

Bassad shook his head and replied. I glanced at the distant wall and turned my head.

What is going on over there right now?

As I walked out along Bassad, my eyes widened.



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Durias had gone on an errand.

– Durias went to pick up someone. Are you curious?
-It’s a secret.


-How you were born into the Astrophel family…Durias is away to find it out.

Even what Cade said.

It was a strong indication that all my circumstances had to do with the person locked up in the basement.

He said Durias went to pick up someone to find out the secret of my birth. That person had now been brought in as a sinner against the family and is jailed in the basement.

Little by little, puzzles were being put together in my mind.

So the person in there knows who I am and where I’m from…? If I go inside, will I be able to hear the answer?



“What’s wrong with you all of a sudden? You don’t look well.” 

Bassad was looking at me, who was standing in a daze.

I quickly shook my head. First of all, it didn’t seem like it would be any good if the people around me knew that I knew about the criminal.

“It’s nothing.”

Without realizing I had stopped, I moved my steps again. Still, all my nerves were directed towards my back.

I have to go inside. But how do I get in?

I couldn’t think of a proper way.

* * *

The noise coming from outside became quiet.

At last, Irene had taken notice of this place. 

Cade frowned and clicked his tongue as if he was in trouble.

“The lady seems to have stepped on our tails.”

“I know.”

“I see. But why didn’t you stop her?”

“I’m sure she’s curious.” 

“…You’re being too soft on the Lady.”

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Durias had an absurd look on his face to find out the reason for Cade’s behavior.

The two had already felt signs of a presence when Irene followed them. How can they help but not know that she’s following them with her immature skills?

Even Cade was smiling throughout the walk. Durias also shook his head as he enjoyed being secretly followed from behind.

Irene shouldn’t have known the existence of the basement yet. 

“Won’t you be in trouble if she comes across this place?”


“Then why don’t you be more careful? She’ll be shocked.”

“She won’t be able to come in anyway, so it’s okay.” 

Cade spoke calmly and looked down at Ella, who was lying on her back in a fainted state.

The body that had been bound with pheromones was very lean. She had not eaten or drunk water for several days, so she must have had a hard time holding on to her conscience.

Because he gave instructions not to give anything unless she opened her mouth.

“Wake her up.”

“Yes, sir.”

No one could not even guess how much time had passed in the dark dungeon. Losing one’s mind would be easy.

Therefore, when not interrogated, the blood was blocked with pheromones to knock her out. 

Nevertheless, that would eventually also drive someone crazy.

Durias entered the prison cell and placed his hand behind Ella’s neck.

“Still, she was quite mentally strong. She still maintains her reason.”

“That’s a good thing. It’s a problem if she goes crazy too early.”

“I’m glad if she can confide before going crazy because she has some of the information we need.”

Durias released the pheromones that were blocking the blood, one by one. Soon Ella’s eyes, which had been closed, were opened with the sound of a small moan.


“You’ve woken up, Miss Ella. Do you know what day is today?”

Ella held her breath as the sweet venom ran down the tip of her nose.

“Looks like you still want to live. That’s a relief.”

Durias stood up as if it was a fortunate situation.

Ella saw another person behind him with her blurry vision and crouched down in terror.

“Lo-The Lord is here… wh-what’s going on…”

The terrified Ella’s eyes trembled pitifully.

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“I, I told you everything. I told you everything, without exception.”

“In Durias’ words that would be so.” (Cade)

But why…?

Ella had a look on her face that didn’t know why this was happening. Durias shrugged his shoulders and explained instead.

“The head of the household said he would like to hear the story in person.”

He kindly lifted Ella up and sat her down, focus was returning to her blank golden eyes.

“Miss Ella, I’ll have you tell it again to the Lord.”

Her lips trembled when Ella saw Cade’s face filling her clear vision. Looking at her pale face filling with fear, Cade approached one step at a time.

“Tell me.”


“Every single thing.”


“What happened to Estella that day?”

Cade let out an “Ah.” And added.

“I know you have a bad head, so don’t try to lie.” 


“I had to trouble myself to come down here.”

Ella’s heart pounded.

If she talks nonsense…

This time, her neck would fly away.

Ella exhaled slowly and stepped back.

I need to talk again….

Her head was blank and her throat was clogged. Her mouth twitched and she couldn’t say anything, so Cade tilted his head.

“Why can’t you talk? Are you going to say things you shouldn’t be able to say in front of me?”

“No, that’s not it… I never told a lie.”

She quickly denied it, saying she never lied.

Cade’s eyes narrowed as he looked at her trembling golden eyes filled with anxiety. He noticed at once that she was hiding something from them, but pretended not to know.

“Is that so?”

“Yes. I was only telling the truth.”

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“I see. Then there’s nothing else to say.”

Ella’s mouth was dry.

The reason Cade went directly to the basement was probably that he picked on a strange part of her story.

She must never make a mistake.

Her whole body stiffened, and cold sweat ran down her back. 

Durias clicked his tongue and said.

“There is nothing to be nervous about. I think you should just do what I told you.”

“Oh, I-I see.”

Let’s calm down. Just do what you did before. Durias agreed and moved on.

There were no expectations that she would be able to come out intact. Nevertheless, if she’s lucky, she might be able to get out even if she’s half disabled.

Realizing that this was her last chance, Ella took a deep breath in her.

“Half a year ago… I got a call from the clan. They would give me a chance to come back if I take orders.”

Ella’s voice trembled anxiously.

“I think it’s going to be a long conversation,” said Cade as he sat in a chair.

“What order was it?”

“…It was an order to bring the Astrophel Clan’s heir eggs.”

The Astrophel clan was too strong for outside intervention.

So they tried to contact Ella, who was near the family Hostess. They knew that she wanted to return to the clan and they took advantage of it.

“I… I said of course it was impossible. I couldn’t.”

“Then why didn’t you tell me?”

“That’s… If it becomes known that I’ve been in contact with them, I’m afraid I would be kicked out of here too…”

Outsiders have always been the subject of suspicion. Cade nodded his head, agreeing that it made sense.

“Go on.”

“Obviously, I said I couldn’t do that… But they kept coming and convincing me. So, without meaning it, I…”

Cade laughed. It was indeed a foolish excuse.

Ella held the hands of the family who abandoned her, leaving behind Estella’s generosity that had taken her in. 

In the end, it was the same as saying that Ella had actively committed treason.

Ella’s face stiffened when Cade burst into laughter. 

“I feel sorry for Estella, who gave her heart to someone like you.”

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