Ella was startled and shrugged. She knew very well what she had done wrong.

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Why was she being blamed so much for it?

Ella felt wronged. He could only say such words because he was never in her shoes. She was abandoned on the grounds that she had mixed blood from other clans.

Does he even know how desperately she wanted to return to her hometown?

Ella bit her lip.

“…I never dreamed that Lady Estella would go like that. That was not my intention…!”

“You should watch what you say.”


Ella was out of breath and gasped for it. 

She was bound with a pheromone stone, so she couldn’t feel anything, but she knew that Cade’s pheromone was choking her breath.

Cade sat peacefully but was in a state of rage. His red eyes were deep and cold.

Ella immediately knew what made him angry. Cade didn’t want Estella’s name to come out of her own mouth.


Her body fell to the floor and she could breathe again. She was barely breathing, but Cade softly opened his mouth.

“There’s still a lot to be heard from that mouth.”


Ella felt even more injustice. It wasn’t that she didn’t feel guilty. She also regretted the past. 

But it wasn’t her fault that Estella died.

“I-it’s not my fault that the Madam died. That’s……”

“It was an accident that happened while Estella was giving birth to our heirs?”


It was true that she was trying to change the heir’s eggs, but Estella’s death was truly tragic.

She had exhausted too much of her pheromones while giving birth to two heirs at the time.

No matter how good of a doctor came, there was no hope. But Cade didn’t seem to think so, and it made Ella’s heart impatient.

As much as she became impatient, the fear that she might not be able to get out alive came flooding in.

“T-the Madam obviously died giving birth to the masters… I-if not for that, how could I change the eggs in the basket?”

Ella started making excuses that she could think of. Durias could not threaten her without permission, but Cade on the other side.

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If he changes his mind, everything was over.

When Ella gave a plausible excuse, Cade showed interest.

“Certainly. If Estella were alive, she wouldn’t let you do that.”

“That’s right. If the Madam was still alive, how could I have dared to touch the basket…!”

Unable to finish her words, Ella, who was blown into the wall by Cade’s pheromone, coughed harshly.

“Cough! Cough!” 

Ella’s eyes widened in shock and looked at Cade with a bewildered look.

“The doctor said.”


“She sent her last pheromone out of her just before she died.”

“Th-that…. That… That’s what the Madam…”

“Worried that you might change her eggs, she summoned the Clan.”


Ella’s eyes, who had been silently listening to Cade’s words, shook violently.

Sitting outside the prison, Cade showed no emotion. It was even more terrifying that he still maintained his reason.

Ella was shocked.

He knew everything until now, but he was listening to it, pretending he didn’t. 

Ella got goosebumps.

“You’ve mixed the eggs, but I guess you didn’t have time to change them.” 


“There were three eggs in the basket, so no one questioned her death.”

The truth she had been hiding was being revealed one by one from Cade’s mouth.

Her complexion turned white.

“No! The Madam must have… obviously died after laying the eggs!”

“I’m going to give you a warning.”

Cade cut off Ella’s screams to say.

“If you don’t want to be prey to snakes while you’re alive, it’s good to tell the truth.”

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Her heart sank. Her eyes darkened. She had no more hope.

Ella burst out crying.

“Wh-what did I do that was so wrong! What did I do!?”

She hit her face on the floor, crouched down, and began to cry. At the sight of the crouched beast, Cade frowned in displeasure.

“I haven’t done anything wrong… Why!”

Ella’s eyes widened as the veins popped up in her neck.

She had done nothing wrong. She was sad and felt wronged. The surroundings made her feel like this. She doesn’t know why the victim has to take the blame.

Ella remembered that day.

– Ella.
– Yes, madam!
– I want you to be with me when I have my baby.

It was something she was told when Estella had just discovered she was pregnant.

-……What? Me? I’m not even part of the family. The Lord will not allow it.
-If he doesn’t like it, I’ll leave the house to give birth.
-I feel most at ease when I’m with you. You will do that for me, right?

Estella had so requested.

How did she feel then? I can’t remember the details now, but I think I was happy.

Not long after that, Ella’s Clan came to visit.

-The Lord has given you a chance.

It was an opportunity to return home.

Ella agonized and agonized over and over again.


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-The doctor said I have two children.
-Yes. I want to meet them soon. My children.

Estella smiled brightly with a happy face. Ella, who was looking at her, held her breath at how dazzling Estella was.

Is that what it looks like to have the whole world?

Estella, who was not very mobile as she was nearing the due date, lay on her bed and stroked her tummy.

-It would be nice if they were born healthy. If they do, I will do anything for them. You want to meet soon too, right, Ella?
-……Yes. My lady.

Nothing really came into Ella’s ear as she was cleaning the window.

There was only one thing in her mind.

Two heirs.

Estella was pregnant with two children, and that one fact shook Ella’s heart instantly.

She began to rationalize without knowing.

There can be only one heir to a family. So, even if you don’t have the other…

-I wonder if I can be this happy these days.

Estella said so, softly closing her eyes.

Ella grabbed the wet towel she was holding tightly.

You’re happy? 

While I am so unhappy at this same moment?

At that moment, filthy envy and jealousy for Estella, which she had suppressed, began to flood in.

From birth, Estella was born into a good family and was previously treated with respect. She was loved by everyone and she lived happily every day.

Ella, who had been taken in by her, had to live flat on her back like a maidservant, she felt inferior.

She and Estella lived in a world completely different from each other.

Although she was breathing the same air in the same room, a strict line was drawn between her and Ella, as if a gap existed.

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For what?

How come she’s loved and I’m abandoned? 

Why do I have to be so unhappy?

I just want to go back to the place where I was born, but even why is that so difficult?

This is unfair.

-Are you the kid that Miss Estella picked up?
-Yes. That’s right. May I help you?
-Live with a heart of gratitude to the young lady. Who brings and raises a child of another clan in this day and age?

Her pride was hurt.

There seemed to be a rumor throughout the mansion that she had been abandoned on the streets and had barely been taken in by a lucky whim.

I could do it too.

If I had been in the same position as Estella, I could have collected an abandoned werebeast and hung them around me.

That’s why Estella is not especially nice and nothing special.

-You. Is your name Ella?
-Yes, butler. You can call me Ella from now on.
-Did you know that the name given to you is a nickname for the young lady?
-So, be careful not to become too intimate with the Lady, because Miss Estella will be the hostess of the Astrophel family.
-……Yes, I’ll be careful.
-Even if she treats you comfortably, you should be first and foremost careful.

……What the heck is so different between Estella and her that she has to listen to these words?

Because of the family background?

It is said that the family Estella was born into was a family that contributed to the early period when the Clan was established.

Do I have to be treated this differently simply because of that? Ella was upset.

But I can’t let it show or I will be kicked out. Estella shouldn’t notice this feeling.

Because of this, Ella suppressed and repressed everything. Ella, clutching the wet towel, smiled as she always did.

But she was at her limit.

TL comment: This bish be making excuses for being a horrible person. Man, to pay good faith with treason is the one of the worst sins ever. Poor Estella, feel bad she couldn’t meet her children. T-T

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