-If the Madam is happy, I’m happy too.

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-Thank you, Ella.

Look at this.

From a certain moment, Estella took it for granted that she was called a Madam.

It was from that day on that her feelings for Estella started to completely diverge. It felt like every single word Estella said was disgusting.

It’s unfair.

Her true feelings, which had been hidden deep in her heart, were suddenly revealed to the surface.

Ella made up her mind about accepting the clan’s offer and going back.

She thought that she could be that greedy. Because she has been working for Estella all the time in the South.

I didn’t feel guilty or sorry.

She didn’t have to have those feelings for Estella, because she has everything anyway.

She will be sad to learn that the egg has changed and her child was gone, but Estella has to experience that much misery.

That would be fair enough. She would be sad for a few days.

And she can always give birth again, right?

Ella went to visit her clan first. And one evening, just before Estella’s due date. Ella held a white egg in her hand. It was a very fragile egg with a faint pulsing sound.

There was no pheromone in the egg.

It really seemed like it was saved only for exchanging eggs.

-I’d rather you not be born.

That way Estella will be sadder.

-Because when you are born, Madame will take you in too.

That was also unfair.

She was abandoned because she was of mixed race, but this egg would be raised as a young heir in a huge family called Astrophel just because it met Estella.

-So, never be born.

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Ella murmured, showing ugly jealousy even towards an unborn egg.

It’s all because of Estella that I changed like this. It’s not my fault.

Ella put the egg in her arms, and a little later. The delivery day arrived.

The birth of the Black Mambas did not require any special preparation. It was only about arranging the surroundings so that the hostess, Estella, could give birth in a very stable state of mind.

-Madam… don’t worry, I’m by your side.

But something unexpected happened.

Estella, who briefly changed into a beast in order to give birth to the heirs, had a very difficult time.

She had only given birth to the first heir, and she had only half of her pheromones remaining in her body.

Ella clasped her hands in a cold sweat.

How could she avoid Estella’s eyes and change the eggs? Estella looked so overwhelmed that everything she had thought about was useless.

-Madam. The second heir is safely delivered.
-I’ll put it in the basket.

For a moment, her hands trembled. When she was about to start the operation, her heart started pounding.

I can do it. I can succeed.

Ella, who had moved the eggs one by one, gulped down and grabbed the egg in her arms. But at the moment she tried to change the egg in the basket with the egg in her arms.

-Ella. I want to see the children. Can you bring them here?


At Estella’s request, Ella stopped her movement.


The room became quiet. Estella, sensing something amiss, called in a helpless voice and turned her head.

And she caught Ella trying to change her egg.

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Estella’s expression, as she looked at the eggs in the basket and the egg Ella was holding, subsided terribly.

-What are you doing now?
-……M-Madam, this…
-What are you going to do to my children…!

Estella hurriedly got up from her seat, but, having exhausted all her energy, she stumbled precariously.

She realized at once what Ella was about to do and had a startled face.

-Where are you going to take my child? You dare not stop right now?


Surprised, Ella missed the egg in her hand and the fake egg was mixed in the basket.

If she had been calm as usual, she would have known which one was the fake egg, but Ella, embarrassed, could not distinguish it at once. 

I need to take the heir’s egg quickly……!

Ella, in a hurry, reached for the egg in the basket. 


At that moment, Ella’s hand was stopped. It was a feeble force, but Ella faltered and staggered back.

-Quit it right now.

Estella said firmly.

Ella was terrified. At this rate if someone else catches her, she’s as good as dead.

She couldn’t help but shove Estella away.

-D-don’t come any closer, Madam!

Estella helplessly collapsed into the bed. Having already consumed most of her energy, she easily fell down.

I can win now, I might be able to get out alive.

The cornered Ella reached out to the basket to threaten the eggs.

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-Ella, you…!

It was only possible because she had been watching Estella for years, Ella was expecting what Estella would do.

As expected.

Estella’s expression rapidly changed, squeezing the last remaining pheromones and sending them out of her, her bright red eyes filled with a sense of betrayal wanted to capture Ella, but the vitality in her eyes disappeared soon after.

Ella quickly withdrew her hand.

Because she could feel people coming from outside.

In consideration of the sensitive Estella before childbirth, the family was currently waiting outside the mansion, killing their presence as much as possible. 

Ella quickly laid Estella on the bed. As she put the blanket up to her neck. Her hands were trembling.

Her heart sank coldly and her tears flowed nonstop.

It was not because of guilt or because she was feeling sorry for Estella. These were tears of relief that she lived.


The door opened and Hestia, the attending physician, came in.

-What about the Madam?!
-Huk. Ugh. Sniff. Sniff.

Ella opened her mouth with tears in her eyes.

-Th-the Madam… The Madam is not breathing.
-Get out of the way.

Pushing Ella away, the doctor began to check on Estella’s condition.

She had already stopped breathing.

Ella didn’t mean to go this far. She just wanted to swap the eggs and go back to her hometown.

But now she can’t, because she did not succeed in the clan’s proposal.

Ella shed tears.

She was terrified at the thought that she might not be able to survive either in the South or in the East.

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-Hestia. What is the Madam’s condition?
-……The Madam died.

I could feel the Black Mambas shaking. Hestia, the only one who remained calm, stood up from her seat.

-The heirs?
-There are three in total.
-…She died from pheromone consumption. I thought there were only two eggs… but I couldn’t detect the other one.

Hestia bowed her head.

She blamed herself that Estella had died because of her own inexperience, having diagnosed only two heirs instead of three.

Ella held her breath.

She can get out alive. 

She can get out alive without any doubts being cast on her.

Heaven was on her own side.

After that, everything went smoothly.

-What about the Lord?
-He still has one more day to come.
-Call him first. Report to him that the Madam gave birth earlier than the due date.
-Then, about the death of the madam…?
-……I have to tell the Lord about that too.

A complicated atmosphere enveloped the mansion. Everyone was so sad that they lost their hostess that they couldn’t say anything.

Hestia, shocked in front of the bed, was still staring blankly at Estella. No one expected this to happen, so the shock was doubled in intensity.

Maybe because of that, no one showed interest in Ella. It was fortunate.

Then she had one thing to do.

-Sniff, sniff. huk. Lady Estella!

Ella was faithful to the role of a weak servant who lost her Madam overnight.

TL Note: Whoa. I’m beyond disgusted. This is the type of villain I hate the most. At least psychos are true to their nature. This bish is so very much disgusting. So dirty. Yikes.

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