-Why didn’t you notify the outside in advance when Madame’s condition was in danger?

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A sharp question came in, but Ella resentfully looked at Hestia.

-The doctor said there were two… I thought it was the last one… Surely, until then, she was all right!

The room fell into silence.

Hestia bowed her head like a criminal, and a few days later. Estella’s funeral was held.

Ella left the South as if fleeing, citing that she could no longer stand the pain of living in the Clan without her Madam.

Fortunately, the Clan that abandoned her in the past, took her in. Although she did not bring the heir’s egg, it was judged that she was worthy to some extent.

“I can’t listen to you anymore.” (Cade)

Seeing Ella howling and crouching on the floor, Cade coldly said so.

“Ha… Who would have thought that child would live.” (Ella)

Ella’s eyes filled with poison.

“I told her every night not to be born.”

Durias was startled and quickly looked at Cade.

Currently, Irene is a double-edged sword. She was brought up with plenty of love inside the family, but she was deeply involved in Estella’s death.

However, Cade just silently looked at Ella. Maybe he had lost his affection for Irene because of this.

“What shall we do?”

Durias, who was silently watching the situation, carefully asked.

“For now, let her live.”

“Should we give her food?”

“Can I easily kill her?”

Cade grinned as usual.

Seeing that, Durias took a step back without knowing it. He’s been serving the Lord for years, but he can’t even guess what he’s thinking right now.

Cade, who was looking at Ella with an unreadable face, devoid of any emotion, looked very dangerous.

The pheromones, which should be shaken with anger, were strangely calm.

How can he keep his reason like that? 

Cade turned his body around without any regrets.

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“It’s okay to take this opportunity to eradicate everything starting by the roots. It’s going to be a lot of work.” 


“So until then, let her live, even if she asks for death herself.”


The basement door was closed.

Durias sighed and looked at Ella, who was constantly muttering something.

“It’s not my fault. I haven’t done anything wrong.”

It seemed like she was going crazy. Durias kicked his tongue and stepped inside.

Ella staggered back and began to struggle.

“Go away! Don’t touch my body!”

“It’s good to go crazy, but it’s difficult if you do so now.”

“Let go! Let go!”

A desperate scream that could tear apart the eardrum, filled the basement.

Durias frowned and struck hard on Ella’s neck.

Ella’s eyes widened as the back of her neck was hit, and she soon lost focus.


After gagging Ella, who helplessly fell down, and brushing his clothes off a few times, Durias left the basement without any regrets.

 * * *

Today was a very memorable day. Why?


“You did a great job, Miss Irene.”

That’s because I was perfectly successful in shape-shifting.

I waved my wings as if I was going to fly away.

Flap, flap.

It was a new feeling to turn into a bird after a long time.



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I rolled around in the grass to enjoy the joy of success. Oh my gosh, I really succeeded. I made it!


The first person I wanted to share the news with was, of course, Cade. I couldn’t wait to show him this. Wouldn’t he compliment me for doing a good job?

“Then we have to go back, how about turning back now?”

“Pii. Pii.”

I shook my head, saying I can’t do that yet.

No. How did I change to the bird shape again? I might not be able to do it next time.

Kasana replied in a voice full of laughter to my firm refusal. 

“I understand what the lady is saying. Then I will finish the class as it is.”


First of all, I will show it to Cade and make sure I get permission to go out.

I rolled up my wings and held them tight.

As I walked proudly on the dirt road, I vigorously stomped my feet.

My heart swelled with a sense of exaltation.

Even so, the huge trees seemed taller when I was a bird. It sounded a little silly, but it felt like I was in the world of giants.

“Miss Irene.”


“Aren’t you uncomfortable?”

“Pii pii. Pii.”

Before humanization, it was just uncomfortable, but it was okay now because I knew I could go back to human form. 

However, walking at this speed, it seemed that I would not be able to reach the entrance even after a long time had passed.

I think my legs will hurt. 

I stopped walking. Kasana, who was following me from behind, looked at me in wonder.


“Yes, my lady.”


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I stretched out my wings to ask Kasana for a hug.

For a moment she had a bewildered expression on her face as she did not understand what I meant, but then soon reached out her hand to the floor.

Just like Rosaria used to do to me.


I landed safely on the palm of her hand and sat down in a comfortable position.

Oh, it’s comfortable.

I stretched out with drowsiness. I didn’t feel it before, but I felt more mentally comfortable in my beast form than when I was humanized.

I think it was because a werebeast original body is after all a beast. 

It was said that it is much faster to return to the original form when actually healing the injured body or restoring consumed pheromones.

“Are you comfortable?”


I took a deep breath, feeling the gentle breeze.

Kasana was just walking, but to me, it was as if the wind was blowing.

“Shall I take you to the Lord like this?”


It would be nice if you did that. I nodded right away.

As I came out of the forest, the sun was shining brightly. In a few days, summer would arrive.

My eyes were dazzling in the bright sun so I was blocking the sunlight with my wings, but Kasana’s steps suddenly stopped.


The moment I called Kasana, I heard the sound of a huge iron door opening.

No way. Is the gate of the mansion opening now?

I rubbed my eyes in disbelief.

The door, which appeared to be several meters high, was slowly opening.

It was the first time I had ever seen it open.

This is because the gate was only opened when there were directly invited guests, the head of the household, or his immediate family came and went.

All of the vassals were using another passage other than the main gate.

So, it meant that the people who came in through that place were important guests invited by the family.

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Who could it be?

I looked up at Kasana. She had slightly surprised eyes.

This makes me more curious. 

“Miss Irene.”


“I think you should give your greetings.”

Greetings? With the person coming from there?

When the gate was fully opened, two people, a man and a woman, were seen.

Standing side by side was a beautiful woman with long dark red hair and a strong man with black hair and red eyes.

I turned my head to the looks of the two that I had seen a lot somewhere else.

That’s weird. It’s obviously the first time I’ve seen them, but why do I seem to have seen them somewhere?

“Nothing has changed here.”

“It reminds you of the past, doesn’t it? It feels like I’m back home, so I feel at ease.”

The woman who stood in front of the gate and had been looking at the mansion for a while stepped inside.

Unlike the man who didn’t seem very impressed, the woman was very excited. When the two appeared, Kasana turned the direction and began to move her steps.

To where the man and the woman were.

I called for Kasana in confusion.

“Pii. Pii?”

“Don’t worry, Miss Irene. These two are people I know very well.”

Who are these people?

I tightly grabbed Kasana’s hand in the narrowing distance.


“Oh, my?”


Two pairs of eyes turned to me.

At the same time, Kasana greeted the two with courtesy.

“Welcome. Sir Ian Astrophel, Lady Helena Astrophel.”

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