Ch10 - Hello Uncle (10) — Have you taken a shower?

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Sunnyshies: ˜”°•.˜”°• Happy New Year •°”˜.•°”˜

Cheng Suqing lived with her mother since she was a child, and both mother and child were like dirty maggots in the sewer. Cheng Suqing looked down on those people who were dirty, messy, but did nothing, and she hated her mother who beat and scolds her at every turn. If she could, she wanted to go back into her mother’s belly countless times, and she would rather die than to be born from her belly. 

She has wanted a big clean house with bright lights and white walls since she was a child. But the reality was that she lived with her mother in a cramped 30-square-meter-house. In that 30-square-meter-house, the bedroom drawn out by a curtain, the kitchen and the toiler were separated by clothes piled on the ground with no place to put them. The kitchen and the toilet were facing each other, and the meals were mixed with a dirty and fishy smell.

The woman who gave birth to Cheng Suqing had a sharp voice, a grumpy and selfish temper. When she was a child, Cheng Suqing didn’t know how many times she was cursed by her viciously. She hoped to stay this miserable for the rest of her life, and hoped to have an early death.



Then that woman died as expected, leaving only Su An whose biological father was unknown.

Cheng Suqing didn’t want to be like her mother. Sadly, after that b!tch died, Cheng Suqing would actually remember her well. 

In the past, it was others who were on top, but now that Cheng Suqing herself was on top, she knew how tired she was.


He silently handed a piece of tissue to Cheng Suqing, but when Cheng Suqing took the tissue, she stared at Su An’s fingers, “What’s going on.”

There is a circle of silver powder marks on it, surrounding the finger in the shape of a circle.

Su An lowered his eyes, “Brother-in-law took me to try on the rings, saying that he was trying on an engagement ring for you. This is an accidental mark left in the jewelry store.”


Cheng Suqing’s face suddenly became ugly, “…” After a while, her fierce reactions subsided a little bit, she gritted her teeth and said: “Go back when you’re full.”

When Su An walked to the top of the stairs, he stopped but did not look back, “Sister.”

Cheng Suqing was immersed in her thoughts, “Huh?”

Su An’s voice is low: “Thank you for raising me.” 

After speaking, he hurried upstairs.

Cheng Suqing was taken aback for a moment. She didn’t know how long had passed, she stood up on the chair, as if lead was poured onto the soles of her feet, she returned to her room heavily.

The room in the dark was empty and clean.

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Cheng Suqing slid to the floor against the room door, her hands trembling as she took out her cell phone and dialed the incomparably familiar number. 

Her thoughts were dragged left and right, and day by day the past came to resurface.

The phone rang and was connected to the other party. The man’s joyful and gentle voice came, “Ah Qing.”

Cheng Suqing closed her eyes, and two drops of crystal clear tears slipped down, “Chu Lin, Shen Zhangxiu knows about our relationship.”

Special Assistant Chu’s breathing suddenly became heavy, but he quickly calmed down. He slowly calmed down Cheng Suqing’s emotions, “It’s okay, Ah Qing, don’t be afraid. I have a way.” 

Cheng Suqing collapsed suddenly. She covered her mouth and burst into tears. Tears streaming from her fingers, “Chu Lin, I can’t have an accident, I can’t——”

Special Assistant Chu: “I won’t let anything happen to you.”


Cheng Suqing trembled and spoke incoherently, “He is too terrible, and he also took Su An to try the ring. I can’t have an accident, and I can’t give Su An out…”

Special Assistant Chu was confused, he did not understand the meaning of her sentence, but he still said: “Don’t worry, Ah Qing, I have the information that could be used against Sheng Zhangxiu. He can’t move us. Even if I can’t do this job in the future, I’ll take you to another city. Let’s live a good life. If you want a two-story duplex, then let’s take a look at the house more, and buy some of your favorite greenery, okay?” 

“P’nf uba fnfgsatlcu, vbc’a kbggs.”

Jtfcu Vedlcu mibrfv tfg fsfr, rtf mtbxfv eq jcv rjlv, “Xbbv.”

Ca atf fcv bo remt j alglcu vjs, Ve Cc, j tewyif kbgxfg, tjv ab ufa eq fjgis atf cfza vjs jcv ub ab kbgx obg Lf Wlgjc. 

When he got up, the sky had yet to fully lit up. The early sun was hidden behind a dark blue curtain and the birds were already chirping. The bright golden sun will shine on the dewy weeds in an hour, and then the day will begin.

Everything in this world is so real that sometimes he feels like his memories of another world are dreams.

Su An lay awake in bed, he opened his phone and saw a message.

The tone is simple and powerful: Wash up and come. 

Su An thought at first glance that he had received the wrong text message, but when he saw it again, it was He Xiran.

He Xiran said such a thing representing the possibility that Su An would go half-naked or even completely nude today.

Su An: “…”

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He felt it was a little odd. He can’t imagine himself naked in front of He Xiran. He was not afraid to undress in front of He Xiran, but he was afraid that He Xiran would look at him coldly with those emotionless eyes. The painter was dressed upright, and he dressed as if he could go for a photo shoot at any time. 

When he thought about it, he felt suffocated.

Su An took a good bath for the sake of art. It was still early when he went downstairs, Cheng Suqing shouldn’t be awake at this time, and Shen Zhangxiu had already gone to the company, and he would not run into either of them.


But as soon as this thought came up, Su An stopped and stood on the first floor staring dumbfounded at the luggage that was thrown on the floor in the hall.

Cheng Suqing’s eyes were dark and blue, and she looked sullenly. Her thin eyebrows were outlined in a vicious arc, and she slammed his student bag in her hand on the ground. Then she sternly said to Su An: “Get your things and get out of here!”

Su An was completely stunned and watched this scene stupidly.

The maids lowered their heads and did not participate, Cheng Suqing sneered and stepped on the clothes thrown out of the luggage zipper, “Su An, you have reached the age of eighteen this year. I thought for a while yesterday. Now that you are an adult, you should work hard on your own. What’s with you living with your sister’s house all day? If you are not ashamed of me, I am ashamed of you. Now take your things and get out.”

“Sister…” Su An returned to his senses and looked at Cheng Suqing in amazement, “You——” 

Cheng Suqing interrupted him directly. She folded her arms impatiently, her red lips opened and closed, “Cheng Su’an, do you really want me to call someone to drive you away? You don’t even want your face?”

Su An looked at her for several seconds, then lowered his head. He silently squatted forwards on the ground to pack his luggage, and walked out of Shen’s house carrying heavy objects.

His back looked bewildered, and yes, he was suddenly kicked out of the house by his own sister in the morning with such a bad attitude. A child who has just grown up and hasn’t really learned how to make money is at loss.

Cheng Suqing looked at his back, and the corners of her lips tightened. 

Before twelve o’clock, she drove Su An away.

But after Shen Zhangxiu knew it, what would happen to her.

Cheng Suqing smiled sarcastically and muttered to herself: “Hurry up and get away, lest I regret it.”


Su An grabbed his suitcase and ran to the side of the road outside the villa. He called a taxi and went straight to the hospital, feeling very complicated.

He knew that Cheng Suqing had driven him out for his own good.

Su An originally thought that Cheng Suqing hated him and would use him to satisfy Sheng Zhangxiu’s request. He had thought about all kinds of bad results, but he didn’t think that Suqing would…deliberately drove him away.

After sending the drugs to the hospital for testing, Su An came out and squatted on the side of the road, deeply sighing. 

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There was a thin layer of sweat on the top of her forehead, and the big tarred road was illuminated by the hot sun with an unpleasant smell. Su An fiddled with his cell phone, planning to find a place to settle down.

If Cheng Suqing really sold him and intended to use Su An to do something, then Su An could also completely disregard their sibling relationship afterwards. But now, forget it, he can’t stand by and watch Cheng Suqing step into the pit.


It is necessary to figure out Shen Zhangxiu’s secret, the secret of Shen Zhangxiu’s ex-wife, He Feiyu, and the reason why Shen Zhangxiu and Chegng Suqing got engaged quickly after three months.

He can’t watch Cheng Suqing jump off a cliff without pulling her up. 

A number flashed from the address book of his mobile phone, Su An’s finger stopped and settled on a number.

When He Xiran came out of the bedroom, Su An was already sitting on the sofa in a formal manner.

He had his head down, both his hands were dutifully resting on his lap, the back of his neck was pale, and his tiny hairs trembled in the low temperature. This is He Xiran’s villa where he lives alone. Decorated in a style He Xiran would prefer; heavy curtains pulled tight, the room is dim, like it’s the last afterglow before the sunset. 

“Mr. He.” The teenager who could not be said to be obedient before spoke without any confidence, “What you said before, does it still count?”

He Xiran quietly leaned on the door frame of the room, like a towering mountain, blocking all the roads in front of Su An.

“Which words?”

In the dim light, the small piece of skin on Su An’s neck was dazzling white, and He Xiran’s eyes were attracted by that white again and again, and the tone of his voice became careless. 

“You said your sister was killed by Shen Zhangxiu, and my sister will marry Shen Zhangxiu in three months…as their own brother, Mr. He, I think we have the same purpose.”

He Xiran’s expression remained unchanged, and he said indifferently, “So.”

Su An looked at He Xiran seriously: “Mr. He, you have no evidence that Shen Zhangxiu killed Miss He. This matter has involved not only you, but also me and my sister, and I want to investigate this matter with you.”

After Su An said so much, He Xiran didn’t seem to be moved. He took out a cigarette and lit it. His face blurred and his voice soaked in smoke, it was a bit frosty and hoarse. “But you didn’t believe what I said before.” 

Su An: “…”

He choked. He never thought that people like He Xiran would turn over old scores.

He was really speechless, so he could only smile twice at He Xiran embarrassedly.

Timidly, like a desperate lamp, he slams his head into the darkness, regardless of the dangers ahead. 

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“…” The flames in He Xiran’s eyes jumped.

Su An was still speaking in that pitiful tone, “Mr. He can we work together?”


He Xiran looked at him, and his gaze turned downward. Su An seems to feel chill from the bottom of his feet, and his toes subconsciously curled up. Summer shorts only reach to the knees, going down, his calves are white and his legs are straight. His small ankle bone dutifully shrugged a few times, very much in line with the aesthetics in He Xiran’s eyes.

“Have you taken a shower before you came?” He Xiran said suddenly. 

Su An was taken aback for a moment, “I’ve washed.”

He Xiran extinguished the cigarette. His attitude was serious, he even had some slight impatience, “Come here, I’ll check.”

Su An looked at He Xiran in amazement, his round eyes widened, and he did not understand how the topic jumped to this point, “Check?”

“Come here.” He Xiran ordered. 

Mannequins have to be given a body check by the painter after the shower, which sounds a bit like a shameful play and is not pure. But put this on He Xiran’s body, with this man’s arrogant hair, it also seems normal.

Su An hesitated for a moment. But at this moment, He Xiran frowned slightly, as if this inspection was an act of patience that he forced himself to behave.

Su An slowly stepped forward, “Mr. He, how do you want to check?”

He Xiran said: “The contract says that you can accept half and fully naked.” 

“That’s right,” Su An’s voice became more and more vague, his hands were grasping the hem of his shirt, hesitantly he asked, “Would you like me to take off all my clothes?”

He Xiran looked up, and threw the half cigarette. The cigarette jumped in the garbage can a few times, and the cigarette ash scattered into a piece of withered grass, “Yeah.”

He found disposable medical gloves from the drawer and slowly put them on his hands, “Lift up your own clothes.”

The dimmed lights above their heads seem to be dizzying, refracting a bewildering array of seven colors. Su An lifted his clothes unfamiliarly at the tall man. Feeling cold in his abdomen and chest, he retracted his hands psychologically. 

The gloved fingers fell on his body coldly, and the man was like a professional doctor, coldly and rationally checking Su An’s cleanliness, without any lusts or emotions mixed in.

The side of the teenager’s face was mostly red, his earlobes turned into bright red gems, and he turned his head away.

His lips were pressed tightly, and his hand that lifted his clothes was shaking with tension.

How did it suddenly become such a scene? 

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