Ch9 - Hello Uncle (9) — Sell him?

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Before returning home, Shen Zhangxiu took Cheng Su’an to a jewelry store.

There were few customers in the store, and the staff at the counter asked, “Does this customer have an appointment?” 

Shen Zhangxiu reported his name, and the staff at the counter smiled and asked them to wait, and soon he brought a few rings inlaid on red velvet. The rings are all beautiful, with radiant brilliance, shining gems and gleaming light.

Cheng Su’an was at a loss and said in a puzzled way: “Brother-in-law, what is this about?”



“An-An, help brother-in-law try on the ring,” Shen Zhangxiu stared at the ring carefully, and couldn’t see which one was the best. “Come and see, which one do you like best?”

“What’s the point of me trying on the ring?” Cheng Su’an feels ridiculous. Although he doesn’t seem to understand the world, he actually understands everything. He usually pretends to be a good boy instead of being really a good boy. He hid his hand behind his back subconsciously, then he looked at Shen Zhangxiu with moist eyes, “Brother-in-law, I want to go home.” 

Shen Zhangxiu coaxed in a low voice: “These rings will be used on the day of the engagement, and they will be ready in just two days. Your sister is still sick and can’t come to try them on. An-An, you are just trying them on for your sister. Just see if it looks good and fit.”


“How can I take her place?” Cheng Su’an opened his eyes wide, his face was pale and tender and was even more pale from fright, “No, I don’t want to wear it. I want to go home.”

Shen Zhangxiu: “Be good, take it out.”

“…” Crying vaguely, “I’m leaving, brother-in-law, stay here by yourself to look at the ring.”


He got up and was about to go out, but he was pulled by Shen Zhangxiu.

“Su An,” Shen Zhangxiu’s smile remained unchanged, but his tone was a little heavy, “Just be obedient, don’t you want to make your sister happy?”

The half grown teenager froze in place. Cheng Su’an’s eyes were round and bright like cat’s eyes. But at the moment they were covered with a layer of mist, his crystal clear eyes were helpless and pitiful.

Shen Zhangxiu pulled his hand over, picked up a ring on the red velvet and put it on him. 

Su An’s fingers were white and slender, like a piece of flawless jade. When the emerald jewels are worn on these hands, the luminous light from the top to bottom slides over, and suddenly people can’t take their eyes from them.

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“It looks good.” Shen Zhangxiu admired.

Cheng Su’an’s finger curled up, and Shen Zhangxiu unfolded them, and the rings on his fingers changed one after another.

No matter how stupid people are, they can detect bad things. Moreover, this ring fits his size very closely. 

Obviously, it is a ring for the engagement three month later, why would it fit his size?

Shen Zhangxiu gave Cheng Suqing three days to figure out whether she agreed with the conditions he proposed. Today is the last day. Cheng Suqing was having trouble sleeping and eating since morning. Her left and right eyelids were jumping back and forth, and her heart was hung high.

She felt tanged and she hesitated. Her complex mood was pressing in her heart. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

In such a difficult situation, she finally waited for Shen Zhangxiu and Cheng Su’an. From the corner of Cheng Suqing’s eyes, she looked up and down at Su An several times. Su An’s eyes were red, as if he had been bullied. After seeing her, he couldn’t help showing an aggrieved expression and he almost cried.

Jtfcu Vedlcu’r fzqgfrrlbc yfmjwf raloo, jcv rtf qgfrrfv tfg ilqr alutais. Ktf mbwylcjalbc bo tfg atlmx gfv ilqr jcv tfg qjif ojmf ibbxfv j yla kflgv.


“Vlrafg,” Jtfcu Ve’jc tjr j vffq cjrji nblmf, “P’w ublcu yjmx ab ws gbbw olgra.”

Jtfcu Vedlcu rtbbx tfg olcufgr j ofk alwfr, “Xb yjmx.” 

Cheng Suqing’s heart sank as Su An’s footsteps faded away.

Shen Zhangxiu came in after him, and he looked to be in a good mood. He took off his tie and handed it to the housekeeper, and he smiled gently at Cheng Suqing, “Is your health better today?”

Cheng Suqing’s beautiful face was stiff, and the powder on her face cracked a deep slit in her laughing lines, “I’m almost healed.”

When Shen Zhangxiu smiled at her, she still started to get scared from the bottom of her heart. But in addition to being afraid, there is also a hateful curse. 

Su An has just grown up, what did he do to Su An?

Did he bully Su An?

Shen Zhangxiu unbuttoned his shirt with his two fingers, and asked casually: “How are you thinking about it?”

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“…” Cheng Suqing’s long nails painted with red nail polish fell deeply into the palm of her hand. She opened her mouth, but she could not speak. 

Shen Zhangxiu sighed, “Suqing, you disappointed me too much.”

Cheng Suqing’s heart twitched, and her fear prevailed.

“I have given you three days to think about it.  I thought you would give me a satisfactory answer, but now it seems that you have not made up your mind.” Shen Zhangxiu approached Cheng Suqing step by step, the smile on his face became less and less, and finally turned into a blank expression, “Cheng Suqing, I always thought you were a smart person.”

Cheng Suqing’s lips trembled and she smiled reluctantly, “Zhangxiu, can you give me some more time? I am still at least Su An’s sister, and Su An was brought up by me, I always have to think about it more.” 

Shen Zhangxiu looked at her condescendingly, and he didn’t say anything for a long time. By the time Cheng Suqing’s lower abdomen was throbbing with pain, he suddenly spoke: “Tomorrow noon is the deadline. Suqing, you should know that this is my bottom line,” then he suddenly laughed in a low voice, “Who makes me feel good today? I’ll give you one last chance.”

Cheng Suqing’s face was pale and lost its blood, she slowly lowered her head, “I know.”

“I will give you…a result that satisfies you.”


Shen Zhangxiu went up to the second floor, but he didn’t expect Cheng Su’an to be standing silently at the top of the stairs waiting for him.

Shen Zhangxiu was taken aback, then he laughed, “An-An, what’s the matter?”


“Brother-in-law,” Su An turned his head and didn’t look into his eyes, “My bag is broken, and the things rolled under the crack in the door into the second floor room.”

Shen Zhangxiu looked down, and saw that the cloth bag Chang Su’an was carrying today was cut by a large slit, “Which room did it roll into?” 

Su An whispered, “All of them.”

Shen Zhangxiu asked the butler to deliver the keys and opened several rooms in turn. Su An went into He Feiyu’s room again, and the round earphones in his school bag lived up to his expectations and rolled to the depths of the room. Su An bent over and looked carefully along the carpet.

He Feiyu’s room is covered with carpets, making it harder to find. Shen Zhangxiu also helped him look at the ground, occasionally raising his head, while Cheng Su’an on the other side had already said timidly: “I found it, brother-in-law.”

Shen Zhangxiu looked up, Cheng Su’an was putting the earphones back into the bag. Then he tugged at the mouth of its broken skin, standing in place feeling at loss. 

“So fast?” Shen Zhangxiu took a step in his direction, and Su An instantly panicked and backed away, and his whole body hit the medicine cabinet heavily.

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“Brother-in-law,” the little guy’s face was pale, his eyes and lips were red as cherry, “I’m going back first.”

After speaking, he ran away, terribly scared.

Shen Zhangxiu was taken aback and couldn’t help but laugh. 

So cute.

Escape again? Where else can you escape?

Su An ran to his room in one breath. 

He locked the door and sat on his desk expressionlessly. He opened the zipper of his school bag and poured all the things in it on the table. Clanking and banging sounded, and a box of white bottled medicine fell on the top.

Su An put away the iron wire between his fingers. The medicine cabinet in He Feiyu’s room has a door that automatically closes and locks. Although there is no key, Su An’s craftsmanship as a child had not been lost. Fortunately, he moved fast and got the bottle of medicine before Shen Zhangxiu found it.

He picked up the white medicine bottle with a string of English written on it. He remembered that this bottle was a tranquilizer.

He will take it to the hospital for a test tomorrow. 

Su An closed his eyes and leaned back on the seat of the chair.

Although he got a bottle of medicine, he was not happy at all.


Because he heard the conversation between Cheng Suqing and Shen Zhangxiu.

What does Shen Zhangxiu want to do? Want Cheng Suqing to sell him? 

There was a faint anger, and Su An was so anxious for the first time.

What kind of deal did the two of them agree to that also considered the issue of him reaching adulthood?

Su An thought a lot with a cold face, and went through various causes and results in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Shen Zhangxiu’s persecution posture makes him psychologically disgusted. He looks like Chu He.

Time flies quickly when you’re immersed in thought. He didn’t know how long it took, but the detective agency sent him an email. 

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Su An opened his eyes and saw that it was the news of all the caregivers that He Feiyu had hired. Most of them have changed careers or are not in the city, except for the only veteran caregiver, who is now working in the city’s nursing home.

Su An wrote down the address of the nursing home, and verified various information with the detective agency. He didn’t put down his phone until he was hungry and his stomach resisted, so he went to find food.

There were a lot of things in the kitchen. Su An found a few slices of bread and ate them with juice until he was half full. When he was holding a piece of bread while trying to find other food to eat, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, “Su An, you’re stealing food here in the middle of the night?”

Su An lowered his head and continued to look for things, not wanting to pay attention to her. 

Cheng Suqing looked at his back, her face changes from time to time After a long while, she also walked into the kitchen and took out a few eggs and tomatoes from the refrigerator.

The siblings are four meters apart, and they look like strangers to each other. Cheng Suqing didn’t care about it. She cut the vegetables, and fried them a few times neatly and skillfully, and a plate of tomato scrambled eggs was completed. The fragrant dishes were served out and she pushed it rudely in front of Cheng Su’an.

Su An paused but did not touch the food, and continued to nibble on the bread. Cheng Suqing ignored him, she took a bottle of red wine, and walked to the dining table to sit down. After drinking two glasses, she suddenly said with a hoarse voice: “Cheng Su’an, you say, you can live this big because of me, right?”

Su An chewed the slices of bread silently. 

Cheng Suqing’s expensive manicure pokes hard on the solid table, and her voice gradually increases, “I raised you to this age, do you know how much money you’ve cost me? I’m not your mother, I’m not obliged to raise you at all, every bite you’ve eaten in the past ten years has been deducted from my fingernails. I’m telling you, I remember every penny you’ve spent on me, I remember it all firmly! Cheng Su’an, you don’t try to miss a penny to return to me, This is all you owe me, you have to pay me back even if you die!”

Cheng Su’an chewed the food in his mouth mechanically, only to feel that what he was eating was wood, which was astringent and dry, making his throat uncomfortable.

Cheng Suqing squeezed her hand, and her blood vessels emerged. She stretched out her hand to grab Su An’s clothes, the neckline of the T-shirt was deformed by her, revealing Su An’s entire shoulder.

“Cheng Su’an, did you hear that? Son of a b!tch, can you even say anything?” 

“Sister…” Su An suddenly turned his face, “I got it.”

The newly grown adult teenager turned his back on his sister with a dull look on his side face. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand embarrassedly. He didn’t want his last self-esteem to be crushed by Cheng Suqing.


Cheng Suqing suddenly felt that she had no strength in her hands.

The crumpled white t-shirt slipped from her hand, and Cheng Suqing was startled. She remembered the last time when she and Special Assistant Chu met in the room when Su An lured Shen Changshu away for her. 

She stiffened and withdrew her hand, slowly hugging her knees.

Cheng Suqing wears high heels like a queen ready for battle, but at this time, she is woefully curled up in a tiny chair, and it is only at this time that she reminds others how petite she is. For a long time, suppressed cries rang out from her knees, “Su An, you bastard born from a b!tch. My life is messed up by you…that b!tch is dead, why don’t you just die with her? She is dead, and I have to keep you and continue to torment me.”

“That b!thc, that b!thc…” Cheng Suqing sobbed, biting her fingers and crying, “Mom…”

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