Ch34 - Singing the Greatest Show (11) — You are indeed better than me

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Sunnyshies: Warning! Kidnapping, Intimidation, Extortion, Imprisonment, R@pe!!

He Changhuai’s expression gradually distorted. He pressed his large palm against Su An’s spine and tied his hands up. Su An screamed and struggled, but his eyes were gradually covered with black cloth. 

The woods and meadows were no longer visible, and he doesn’t even know which way to run.

Anxiety magnified, Su An’s tears stained the black cloth, and he said harshly with a trembling voice: “If you dare to touch me, I’ll make sure to kill you!”



The bandit sneered twice and bent over to carry him. The sky turned over, Su An came back to his senses and opened his mouth to viciously bite on the man’s back, after which he became more desperate.

The man’s back muscles were so firm, he couldn’t bite the meat at all. 

Su An burst into tears, wuwu. Why is He Changhuai’s muscles so hard?


Although he failed to bite, He Changhuai discovered his intentions. The man was even more furious, and coldly pinched both his cheeks, the fire almost put his mind at the point of restlessness at any moment. He rubbed Su An’s lips fiercely, and watched as his lips turned from pale to red. He couldn’t understand how such a beautiful mouth could spit out those sword-like words.

This mouth continued to spit out all kinds of words that made his eyes red, “Get your filthy hands off me!”

His blue veins were drawn tight, He Changhuai then said in a low voice, “Your temper is strong.”


Not wanting to listen to the words coming out of this mouth again, He Changhuai simply lowered his head directly to block this mouth. However, the moment he touched it, he was fascinated, how could his lips be so soft and sweet? And why were they still fragrant?

The air inside Su An’s mouth was greedily taken by the other party’s tongue, and he felt suffocated. He struggled back, but the man chased after him tightly, holding the back of his head and doing whatever he wanted.

It’s been a long time since he had such a deep tongue kiss. Su An’s eyes were dazed, his brain was blank, and his lips and teeth were sucked terribly. He Changhuai seemed to be a traveler who had been thirsty for half his life. He hated that he was unable to over turn Su An’s mouth and dig three feet into the ground.



His tongue probes too deep, which was too greedy. Su An accumulated his remaining strength and took a bite, the bloody smell burst out in his mouth in an instant.

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The bandit withdrew his tongue, while Su An burst into tears, his mouth was full of red blood, “You’d better not let me know who you are.”

He Changhuai smiled strangely, how could I let you know who I am.

With an expressionless face, he walked up to an elevated place again, while Su An was still struggling. The bandit laughed twice in his ear, and maliciously said, “Did you hear the sound of the horses behind?” 

Su An stiffened, after his action stopped, he could hear the sound of the horses’ hooves getting closer and closer, not far away. It was very noisy, it was the bandits, who just came after them.

His thin shoulders began to tremble.

The bandit laughed under his breath, his strong figure carried Su An as he stood still.

“My brothers returned without success. They didn’t get the money. Do you think they will do what I think after they see you and bring you home as a daughter-in-law to warm their beds?” 

Ye Su’an’s face turned pale.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Let me count how many people there are, five, ten…” Then the bandit continued, “Yo, fifteen people, do you want to be the daughter-in-law of fifteen of them?”


“…” Ve Cc kjr eckliilcu, “Rb, cb.”

“Ktfc yftjnf sbegrfio,” Ktf yjcvla’r nblmf kjr mbiv, jcv tf jvvfv wjilmlberis, “Yg firf, P’ii raglq sbe boo jcv atgbk sbe ab atfw.” 

Ktfrf kbgvr mbwqifafis oglutafcfv atf qfgrbc. Tf Ve’jc’r ilqr aegcfv qjif, jcv tf agfwyilcuis rabqqfv tlr kbgvr jcv rageuuifr.

Cr tf vlv, Lf Jtjcutejl’r afcvfgcfrr gbrf jujlc. Llr abcuef kjr ralii jmtlcu, yea tlr tfjga kjr tba. Lf teuufv Ve Cc jii atf kjs ab atf kbbvfc tea tlvvfc lc atf kbbvr.

The place was already warmed by the fire, and the bed was made of several layers of new mattresses, lying on it was like lying on a cloud. He Changhuai still couldn’t bear to freeze him  and made his body feel uncomfortable. He placed Su An on the bed very carefully, and Su An stepped back helplessly and shrank to the corner of the wall.

The sound of undressing sounded in his ears, one after another as it fell to the ground. 

He Changhuai was so tall and has such strong muscles, he doesn’t know if it would be uncomfortable if he embraced him.

As Su An was looking forward to it in his heart, his face became even more desperate, even his hair turned gray.

He Changhuai couldn’t wait for a minute, he approached Su An directly, and his jacket fell to pieces under his hands.

Ye Su’an was mindlessly trying to embrace himself, but his wrists were clutched and he was forced to open up. With a tongue down on his neck, he shuddered, and his tears flowed out again. 

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He was about to lose his innocence.

Ye Su’an cried when his body was opened, he wept every word, “I must kill you!”

The man did not speak, but entered him slowly, but without hesitation.

Su An did not know how many days he had been kidnapped by the bandit. 

All he knew was that the man’s voice was panting in his ears, together with the strong wind and the heavy snow outside the window, were all woven into a dream that he could not wake up to. Su An’s eyes turned red with hatred, he couldn’t move his hands, as the wooden carved bed frame creaked, his dream deepened, and there was no trace of waking up.

The black cloth blocked all the light, and Su An seemed to have really fallen into the abyss without seeing the sun. His five senses were sharp, and he could feel the sense of pleasure right from the start. To be drowned like this, really made him tremble all over.

If He Changhuai was given a score of 100 out of 100 then, he was afraid that he would become completely proud.

It’s awesome. 

This was the time when his acting skills were extremely tested. Ye Su’an strong hatred for the bandit made him stand firm again again. His weak body obviously couldn’t hold up anymore, but he stubbornly never fell ill.

Find this man and get revenge, he must retaliate.


Ye Su’an became more and more rational. He did his best to fight for his own way to escape. He drank water and ate, even if he couldn’t eat, he would try his best to eat, so as to accumulate strength. He also opened his eyes under the black cloth to see the bandit’s appearance, but he couldn’t see anything.

Winter days went by quickly, with short days and long nights. Day after day, the man carried Su An to the side and put him down, then changed the mattress. 

The crackling of the fireplace rang out, the firewood was half-burned and broken, startling a spark.

Su An’s arms were weak and his eyelids were closed.

The man loved to kiss Su An very much. Every time he kissed Su An, he hated that his tongue could not explore his throat. No matter how many times, Su An just couldn’t get used to it, and he always felt an extreme sense of suffocation and panic.

He Changhuai’s eyebrows were full of contentment, he then gently carried Su An back to the clean bed, and carefully put on Su An’s clothes. 

The clothes were made of good materials, and after wearing four or five pieces, his whole body was sweating inside the house.

Su An reacted slowly towards this situation that was different from usual.

This man usually doesn’t let him wear clothes afterwards. He will only be stuffed in the quilt as he was forcibly held in the arms of this man to rest.


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Su An thought to himself, has the first time already come to an end?

Time really goes by so fast. He Changhuai was only aggressive in his mouth, but he never used any actions that would make Su An uncomfortable. He was very satisfied this time, and he will definitely come again next time.

Ye Su’an looked blank. He Changhuai laughed twice, and deliberately lowered his voice to make it rougher: “Daughter-in-law, I really want to die in you.”

Boss Ye’s face was blank for a moment, then he flushed red again, and gritted his white teeth hard. 

He Changhuai naturally knew that he was not embarrassed, but angry.

“I must,” Ye Su’an repeated these words many times through the gaps of his teeth, “I must kill you.”

He Changhuai pursed his lips and smiled, he leaned over and kissed Ye Su’an for the last time. Looking at him with deep nostalgia, he turned and walked out of the wooden house.

Ye Su’an knew that the man was gone, only he was left here alone. 

This was something that had never happened before. Ye Su’an’s hands were still tied and his eyes were blindfolded, and his anxiety was gradually growing in time. He bit his tongue and swallowed all his sobs.

After an unknown amount of time, a crowd of footsteps suddenly sounded outside. Su An was startled, and remembered the group of fifteen bandits mentioned by the man who forced him.


Was he about to be discovered?

Ye Su’an tried to break his hands away, he was panicking beyond belief. Su An thought about his current appearance, and couldn’t help but want to cry for himself. 

The way he looks now must be very distressing, wuwuwu.

He Changhuai was sitting on a high-headed horse in a riding suit, and was anxiously leading a group of people to search in front of the wooden house. Li Lian was about to rush over to take a look, but He Changhuai stopped him and glanced at Yu Qiong next to him.

Yu Qiong hadn’t seen Su An in the past few days, and his eyes were swollen from crying. He Changhaui’s cold eyes flashed, and he said lightly: “Yu Qiong, go in and see if Boss Ye is inside.”

Yu Qiong nodded quickly and hurriedly ran to the wooden house. 

The moment he opened the door, He Changhuai firmly grabbed the whip. With all his strength he swallowed the anger that rose from the bottom of his heart, and still held the well-refined look on his face.

It doesn’t matter, he has dressed Ye Su’an neatly and will never let anyone see a glimpse of what they shouldn’t see.

However, the anger and jealousy still rose, causing his expression to twist slightly.

But he must not go in there. 

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Ye Su’an was arrogant by nature. Now the person who rushed in was Yu Qiong, in the future, every time Ye Su’an saw Yu Qiong, he would only remember that he was violated by others.  Since Yu Qiong saw the scene, he will only get Ye Su’an’s disgust.

After a long time—— as He Changhuai thought for a long time, the wooden house was finally pushed open again. Yu Qiong walked out with tears while helping Ye Su’an out. Ye Su’an’s expression was gloomy, and his smiling face like a spring breeze was never seen again.

He Changhuai’s eyes were fixed on him.

Su An tried his best to appear as if nothing had happened. He was fully dressed, and even his wrists and neck were completely protected. But instead of this, He Changhuai seemed to see the thousands of amorous feelings from the past few days in him. 

The heartache that had just risen in He Changhuai quietly turned into a hidden excitement.

He had not seen sunlight for several days, so Su An’s eyes were extremely uncomfortable after being stung. He stared blankly at the sky, at the top of the tree.

White clouds drifted slowly overhead, and the soles of his feet were stepping on dead branches and leaves.

A scene that he hadn’t seen for several days appeared in front of his eyes, but surprisingly, he felt a little strange. Su An slowly turned around and saw the wooden house where he had been imprisoned for several days. 

Simple and ordinary, hidden in the deep forest.

He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. Meanwhile, Li Lian was worried: “Boss Ye, are you all right?”


Su An clenched his hands tightly, and when he opened his eyes again, he was calm, “I’m fine.”

He swallowed all the humiliation that happened before one by one in his stomach, and endured the redness in his eyes, but also forced himself to smile, “A few days ago, I lost my way after I was separated from Chang Shi, but fortunately I found a wooden house and lived here for a few days. All is well, thank you for worrying.” 

He Changhuai clearly saw the flash of shame in Su An’s eyes and the redness at the end of his eyes, he laughed strangely in his heart, then got out of the carriage, and approached with big steps.

“Boss Ye.” There was worry in his eyes, but also joy of finally seeing him after several days. The whole person was as steady and polite as before. He Changhuai seemed to want to ask something, but when it came to his lips, he thoughtfully changed his sentences, “It’s cold here. Don’t ask anything else, everything will be discussed when we get back.”

Su An looked at him gratefully and forced himself to give him a pale smile.

Boss, you really can act better than me. 

The author has something to say:

Here we go.

Who will be awarded the Best Actor Oscar this year?

The candidate guests Su An and He Changhuai are invited to the stage 

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