Ch35 - Singing the Greatest Show (12) — Disgusted with Men

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He Changhuai’s attitude was very precise. He was very worried about Su An, but rationally did not choose to ask more. Ye Su’an thanked him for his attitude, and thanked him for bringing someone to look for him.

Yu Qiong wanted to help Su An on the horse, sobbing again and again, “Master, slow down.” 

Su An’s face stiffened, he pulled his hand out from Yu Qiong’s hand, and said indifferently: “I’ll do it myself.”

Yu Qiong: “…Master.”



Su An calmly walked in front of the horse, and the horse whinnied twice. He can ride a horse, but this morning, He Changhuai was holding him down aggressively, and he really didn’t have any strength. Su An took the reins, he didn’t believe that He Changhuai would really let him ride back to Jingcheng on horseback.

Sure enough, He Changhuai stopped him in time, “Boss Ye looks a little uncomfortable, why don’t you ride the horse with me? There is a carriage at the foot of the mountain, and the mountain road is uneven, so it’s safer.” 

Su An’s face was white, then he abruptly pushed away He Changhuai dramatically, and said while shivering: “Do not touch me!”


Everyone was stunned.

He Changhuai stepped back in astonishment: “Boss Ye?”

Su An pulled his sleeves hard to hide the marks on his arms, and smiled reluctantly: “Don’t blame me, Second Master, I had a nightmare last night, and I always felt that there were evil spirits haunting me. I am too timid, and made Second Master laugh.”


He Changhuai was worried, and shook his head, “Boss Ye, you have been trapped in there for a few days, I’m afraid you haven’t been able to eat properly. Maybe you don’t have enough strength to get on the horse, why don’t you let me take you back to the city. It’s better to rest as soon as possible.”

Su An said in his heart, ying ying, no! I won’t touch men!

“…then I will have trouble, Second Master.” He forced himself to agree to it.


After getting on the horse, Su An tried his best to straighten his back, but he overestimated the extent of his body. In less than a moment, he had fallen weakly into the man’s arms. 

Su An clearly heard the thickening of He Changhuai’s breathing.

Hehehe, He Changhuai’s chest muscles are so hard.

Su An’s hand rested on He Changhuai’s thigh weakly. He closed his eyes gently and fell asleep.

He Changhuai rode his horse, and looked at him with infinite tenderness in his eyes. 

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The bottom of his eyes were blue and black, and his phoenix eyes were closed. The end of his eyes drawn out a long silk, and there were also tear marks on them from the morning.

He Changhuai’s heart was filled with pity and love, and he regretted his violent act this morning.

He was too much, really inferior to a beast.

When his morality and reason came back up again, Su An suddenly screamed, and shouted fiercely, as if he was trapped in a nightmare, “Go away, don’t touch me——” 

He Changhuai’s guilty thoughts stopped abruptly, and he restrained the surge on his adam’s apple.

He thought guiltily, He Changhuai, you are really not human.


He surprisingly felt excited seeing Ye Su’an like this, and even felt a vague sense of evil desires growing.

After returning to the city, Ye Su’an locked himself in the room for a whole day and night. On the second day, the clouds were pale and a light breeze was blowing, he finally came out of the door. Apart from the lack of smile on his face, he was still the decent Boss Ye from the past.

Ktf olgra qijmf Ve Cc kfca ab kjr atf rfjifv boo vgs kfii lc atf yjmxsjgv. Lf rajgfv ja atf vgs kfii obg j ibcu alwf lc rlifcmf, jcv revvfcis rjgmjralmjiis ijeutfv, “Tertfcu, P kfca jgbecv lcmlgmifr ja atf fcv, yea P kjr gfvemfv ab atf qblca bo yflcu ilxf sbe.”

Ye Su’an squatted down, then stroked the edge of the dry well with his pale slender fingers, and his eyes gradually turned cruel, “But I’m not like you. Three kowtows were not enough for me, Ye Su’an. I will not leave my revenge to others, I will personally pluck out his flesh with my own hands!” 

Su An, who was addicted to drama, acted for a long time in the cold wind at the dry well. When lunch time came, only then did he close his mouth from loneliness, and went back to the house, shivering from the cold.

Yu Qiong waited outside anxiously, and choked up, “Master…”

Su An’s face stiffened.

After a while, his expression became even colder, and as if he hadn’t seen Yu Qiong, he walked past him. 

Yu Qiong couldn’t help reaching out to grab his sleeves, his tears came out one after another, “Mater——”

But before he could finish speaking, Su An shook violently, and waved his hand away, “Go away!”

Yu Qiong looked at him blankly.

Su An closed his eyes and calmed down his turbulent emotions, “What are you still doing staying here? Don’t you need to learn about the play?” 

Yes, he has to learn to sing and earn money for Boss Ye. Yu Qiong wiped away his tears and bowed to Su An seriously.

After Yu Qiong ran away, Su An stopped his trembling hands and sighed faintly, “Poor little thing.”

It’s a pity, he said in his heart, Yu Qiong is really cute, you shouldn’t come in front of this brother in the future.

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Your brother now has to be annoyed whenever he sees you. Ai, so lonely, ah. 

When you are lonely, you have to find He Changhuai, and do fun things with He Changhuai, the baby who can play.

Su An asked Chang Shi to prepare a heavy gift and came all the way to He Changhuai’s home to thank him.


He Changhuai had long known that Ye Su’an would come to thank him by pretending as if nothing had happened. —In the morning, he was dressed in a suit and leather shoes. His sideburns were smoothed with water, and he was handsome enough to go to a banquet at any time.

“Second Master.” There was a knock on the door, and Su An, who was standing outside the mansion, was wearing a cheongsam, and his face was very pale, but his cheeks were slightly pink from the cold wind, “I came to say thank you.” 

He Changhuai’s gaze swept across the corner of his mouth, which forced to smile, and sweetness flooded his mouth. He smiled faintly, and let the door open, “Why are you still so polite?”

Chang Shi was particularly uncomfortable coming to a place like this for the first time. He put the gift aside, and waited for his boss alone outside the door.

“Thank you Second Master for bringing people to look for me two days ago,” Su An sat on the sofa with his clear eyes on the ground, “These gifts are not expensive, I just hope that the second master does not mind.”

“Your words were really too polite, and they felt very strange to me.” He Changhuai brought him a glass of water, and said softly, “Boss Ye is in trouble. With the friendship between me and Boss Ye, what is there a need to say thank you? That’s all I should do.” 

Su An looked at him with watery eyes and nodded with a smile.

He Changhuai suddenly remembered what he had said to Yu Qiong before.

Disgusting, hypocritical, and forced to endure it.

Su An used this kind of expression when he faced him to confuse him before, and he still wore the same expression. He Changhuai smiled as usual, but his eyes were getting darker and darker. Was he enduring his disgust to get close to him? Or does he still have something to ask for that he has no choice but to be hypocritical to him? 

Obviously Su An didn’t do anything, but this one expression awakened the dark and cold nature in He Changhuai’s heart again.

Su An leisurely said the purpose of his trip, “Second Master, I have a matter to entrust…”

His long black eyelashes trembled slightly, and he begged He Changhuai cleanly like a white flower.

——I saw that he was really powerful, if I behave more obediently, I can get his blessing. 

The words Ye Su’an said were ringing in his eyes, and the corner of He Changhua’s mouth became less and less smiling.

He even wanted to rip off Su An’s clothes right now, and directly smash the clear and clean expression on his face. Behold, ah, Boss Ye, he came to give him a gift for another purpose.

He Changhuai said in a straightforward manner: “There’s no harm in talking about it, Boss Ye.”

“The bandits on the North Road are rampant,” The hatred in Su An’s eyes flashed past, “I heard that Second Master has to go through the North Road to take goods, have you ever thought about exterminating those bandits?” 

“Why did Boss Ye say so suddenly?”

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Su An froze for a moment, “The fact that I was lost in the mountains  and forests because of the bandits attacked me a few days ago has left me with lingering fears. If the Second Master has any intention, then I will give it my full support and donate.”


“Thank you Boss Ye for this piece of kindness,” He Changhuai laughed in a low voice and went to get the fruit plate again, “But I’m afraid that Boss Ye has forgotten, I’m just a businessman.”

Su An pursed his lips, “You don’t want to do it?” 

He Changhuai sighed, “I came to Jingcheng alone, and even the strongest dragon can’t overpower the local snake. But…” He paused, then smiled again, “But I have a good relationship with the police station. Boss Ye, would you like to go to the police station with me for a walk? A few days ago you were plundered by bandits—say, how about some more silver yuan, maybe you can invite those guys with guns on their waist to kill them seriously—kill those bandits with vigor.”

Ye Su’an clenched his hands tightly, and subconsciously exclaimed: “Don’t notify the police station!”

He must not let anyone know what he was going through.

“Oh?” He Changhuai whispered meaningfully, “Why?” 

Ye Su’an seemed to have fallen into a nightmare, his whole body began to tremble invisibly, his lips were blue, and he looked really pitiful.

He Changhuai looked at him, and his heart softened again. He got up and sat beside Ye Su’an, and tenderly wanted to stroke his hair, but before his fingers could even touch him, Ye Su’an dodged away as if he had been touched by something dirty.

He Changhuai’s hand was fixed in the air.

Su An did it on purpose. 

After dodging He Changhuai’s hand pretentiously, Su An said: “Second Master, is there really no other way?”

He Changhuai put his hand away and sneered: “Boss Ye didn’t go to President Jiang?”

“No,” He Changhuai’s mood improved, and just when he was about to show a smile, he heard Su An continued, “President Jiang went out of Jincheng on an errand a few days ago.”

He Changhuai said with a twisted smile: “So it’s like that.” 

He tried desperately to put away his grim expression and walked to the door to put on his coat, “Boss Ye, let’s go. It’s not impossible, I’ll take you to meet a few people.”

Su An followed, and suddenly smiled, “Second Master, I still have your scarf here.”

He Changhuai’s expression softened a lot. He could be said to be asking affectionately: “Why don’t you wear it on your body?”

Su An wondered: “The things given by the Second Master must naturally be kept well. I have asked someone to wash it, since that day, it has been put away and has never been used even once. I was thinking of sending them back to the Second Master.” 

“…” Second Master, “Good, Boss Ye, you really did a good job.”

He Changhuai took Su An to the dance hall. There were few people in the dance hall during the day. Su An followed He Changhuai left and right for a long time and entered an office.


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There were two foreigners who were talking inside. They looked surprised and asked He Changhuai something in French.

He Changhuai replied in a few words, while Su An just kept smiling. the corners of his mouth were stiff. Although he didn’t understand, he didn’t show any timidity. 

He Changhuai looked back at him halfway, and raised the corner of his mouth, then introduced him towards the two Frenchmen, “This is my lover.”

Su An’s ears moved and keenly caught a word. He blinked, his smile unchanged.

Very men sao, ah, He Changhuai.

The two Frenchmen looked at Ye Su’an in surprise. Su An did not understand, and after seeing them busy talking on the phone, he asked He Changhuai in a low voice, “Second Master, what’s wrong?” 

“I asked them if they are interested in business in the north,” He Changhuai smiled slightly, his eyes deep and penetrating. “French people always have some way to deal with hordes of bandits. Boss Ye, do you want to have a word with them too?”

Su An politely declined: “I don’t speak foreign languages.”

He Changhuai became interested, “I will teach Boss Ye a few words, and Boss Ye will be able to deal with some people in the future.”

Su An thought for a while, “You say.” 

“I’ll have a word with Boss Ye first,”  He Changhuai’s sharp eyebrows contain a smile, “Boss Ye feel free to listen — listen.”

He pronounced it in a very low accent — a French phrase.

Su An originally thought it was “I love you”, but he didn’t expect it to be another string of French that he couldn’t understand. He was immediately stunned, “What?”

He Changhuai narrowed his eyes, then took off his hat, and combed his hair meticulously. His eagle eyes stared at Ye Su’an, and repeated it word for word. 

Such a well-dressed man, with a sultry voice and affectionate eyes, who knew that what he spit out turned out to be vulgar words to the extreme.

You are my little b!tch.

A liar, wicked, duplicitous little b!tch.

If you aren’t mine, then who else would want to hold you in their hands after being poked by you with blood all over their hearts? 

The author has something to say:

He Changhuai: Don’t be abusive when expressing your love.


I was attack in the whole chapter that I was so angry that I was on the verge of vomiting blood again and again.

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