Ch40 - Singing the Greatest Show (17) — Run, but you better not get caught by me

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After going out, Su An rushed out. He was sweating profusely, looking for someone to rescue He Changhuai. He hid himself in the dark, making sure that He Changhuai was discovered before he was relieved.

All the way back to the yard, with a sigh, Yu Qiong hurriedly greeted him, “Master, I have something to tell you.” 

Su An took him to the main room, “What’s the matter?”

Yu Qiong recounted his encounter with the old eunuch during the day, “He made a few gestures to me, but my mind was blank at that time, and I couldn’t remember what they meant. When the old eunuch was taken away, I realized that he was asking me for help.”



Su An frowned, “En?”

Yu Qiong knelt on the ground, “Master, Yu Qiong doesn’t dare to lie. What the old eunuch said…he was imprisoned in the Jiang residence, and Jiang Zhengrong wanted to kill him.” 

Turns out, Jing Zherong’s backyard originally locked up the old eunuch.


Su An remained calm and collected: “Do you mean what you say?”

Yu Qiong gritted his teeth, “It’s the truth.”

Jing Zherong really did look like a pervert, but no one knows what happened in his past. The people of Jincheng are equally unaware.


He looks feminine and doesn’t like to be in contact with outsiders, then here comes another old eunuch, who seems to have a sad past.

Perhaps he was humiliated by the eunuch.

Su An tapped his fingers and looked at Yu Qiong.


This child has entanglements with Jiang Zhengrong and He Changhuai. 

The person who bought him should be Jiang Zhengrong’s people. Jiang Zhengrong let him go to take care of the eunuch, and finally poisoned him to become mute. Then let the good child from a wealthy family become a beggar, who depends on the mercy of others.

And the clan uncle who sold Yu Qiong might be a family relative of He Changhuai.

How similar this is to Cheng Suqing of the last world.

Their body was wound up with many thin threads, as if it has nothing to do with anyone, but on a closer look, they are indeed the center of the story. 

Su An curled his lips, “Go to your house.”

It was late at night and everyone was asleep. Outside the wall, lanterns flicker, and the moonlight sprinkled the ground white.

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Su An gathered up his clothes when he suddenly heard the sound of raindrops, then wondered: “Is it raining?” 

He carried a lantern to take a look, drops of water were dripping from the beams to the ground. Yu Qiong, “Huh”, “Master, it doesn’t seem to be raining.”

“The smell is a bit rushed,” Su An smiled and raised the lamp, “But don’t let something stink.”


The warm light came up from his cheeks, reflecting the beams on the wall, and finally the shimmering light hit the eaves.

A withered face with dead eyes ‘looking’ at them, blood dripped from his body, soaking the dirty eunuch’s uniform. 

Yu Qiong’s eyes suddenly widened, his limbs turned cold, then his mouth opened uncontrollably, and he was about to scream, when Su An, who was beside him, covered his mouth.

Su An’s voice also trembled, but he said sharply, “Don’t scream!”

Yu Qiong shuddered and nodded vigorously. Su An let him go, took a few deep breaths, and took the lantern towards the dead man, illuminating him from head to toe.

There was a strangulation mark on the dead man’s neck, and his body was pierced with many porcelain pieces. 

Like being strangled to death after struggling.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Ktlr lr atf biv fecemt sbe rjk abvjs?” Ve Cc jrxfv rboais.

Te Hlbcu gfrlrafv mgslcu, jcv rbyyfv bcf rfcafcmf: “Zjrafg, la’r tlw.”

“…” Ve Cc uijcmfv ja Te Hlbcu, offilcu atja tf kjr wbgf wjcis atjc tlw, jcv gfiemajcais gfjrregfv tlw, “Gbc’a yf jogjlv.” 

Te Hlbcu’r fsfr kfgf rbgf, jcv tf yegra lcab afjgr.

Su An: “…first go to your house to see.”

The old eunuch’s body was thrown under the eaves of Yu Qiong’s house. Because Yu Qiong came late, the good house was robbed by others. This place is very remote, if not for Yu Qiong living here, he’s afraid no one wants to come here.

Perhaps due to this reason, the body was not found when it was brought over. 

Su An looked back at the west side of the southern section not far away.

There are rows and rows of houses where the others live, and Chun Tao and Chang Shi also lives there.

Yu Qiong went in first and lit the lamp, but Su An was in no hurry to go in. He walked around the outside of the house, and after looking up, he could not see the old eunuch, it didn’t feel right in his heart.

Finally, he found something in the window. 

Su An wiped off a small piece of residual snow that fell on the windowsill, as if in thought.

The snow that fell not long ago did not accumulate much, but because of the cold in the past few days, the snow and water have turned into ice. The yard was cleaned and the snow piles that had condensed into a block were swept to the sides, and now there are only lumps of snow left in the shade.


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“Master?” Yu Qiong called to him timidly, “Come in quickly.”

Su An put down the lantern and went into the house. He didn’t have time to talk to Yu Qiong, as he began rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find things. 

“Master, what are you looking for? I’ll help you find it too.”

“Find something that’s not yours.”

Moving a bit around, Yu Qiong followed to find things in a daze.

Fortunately, there were few things in the room, and the two finally dug out a bag behind the cabinet. Su An opened it up and took a look. Well, it was a hemp rope and broken pieces of porcelain, they were wrapped intact by a coarse cloth, no more, no less. 

Sure enough, someone wanted to frame Yu Qiong.

This is not the first time.

Yu Qioing was stunned and panicked, “Master, this is not mine! I didn’t kill anyone!”

Su An nodded: “I know. Yu Qiong, did you offend anyone after you came to Jingcheng?” 

Yu Qiong thought for a while, and shook his head.

Su An also did not expect him to say anything. He looked carefully at the cloth, the porcelain pieces were ordinary tea bowl fragments, the cracks were crisp and neat, and there were almost no small pieces.

This thing was hidden so deeply that Yu Qiong almost never noticed it. The person who hides this thing has to be familiar with Yu Qiong to hide it so skillfully.

“…Chang Shi.” Yu Qiong said suddenly, then he shook his head quickly, “No, Chang Shi gets along well with me.” 

“Why do you say its Chang Shi?” Su An asked with a smile, “Could it be because you threw that red fish last time, Chang Shi holds a grudge against you?”

Yu Qiong whispered: “I don’t know.”

The last time he fell into the water, Yu Qiong did not see who pushed him into the water, but when he was rescued by Chang Shi, he felt that there were two times that Chang Shi pressed his hand, trying to bury him in the water.

Yu Qiong only thought it was an illusion before, but now, he remembered it inexplicably. He gritted his teeth and told this to Su An boldly. 

Su An thought for a moment, “Did no one really see the scene when you saw the old eunuch during the day?”

Yu Qiong quickly shook his head.


“But I think, even if no one sees it, many people will jump out tomorrow and say they see you have a relationship with this old eunuch,” Su An said slowly, “They will say that you know this old eunuch and have a grudge against the old eunuch, so you killed him. When people from the police station come and find so many things in your house, I’m afraid you won’t be able to argue.”

“Even if it proves that you didn’t kill the person,” Su An sighed softly, “I’m afraid someone will jump out and say to me, ‘Boss Ye, look, since Yu Qiong came, Yu Sheng died, and now another person has died. Yu Qiong obviously had the fate of an evil star, you should kick him out for the sake of us and the theater!'” 

Yu Qiong was so frightened that he shivered twice, and then he cried silently.

Su An murmured, “Who is so malicious towards you?”

Then jokingly, he said: “Look at your life with its many twists and turns, it’s like a miserable person in a play.”

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Chang Shi was a person Jiang Zherong gave Su An a few years ago. He was always honest and obedient, Su An used him but also guarded him, handling all the rough work to Chang Shi, with the servant girl, Chun Tao by her side. 

Yu Qiong was murdered over and over again, and every time he escape death. Jiang Zhengrong really wanted his life, but in the end Chang Shi saved Yu Qiong.

Although he saved him with reluctance.

Su An got up and sat at the table, he closed his eyes, and the candlelight hit his porcelain white face.

In the last world, he once asked Special Assistant Chu a question. 

“——do you know how many things you have done to hurt my sister?”

Special Assistant Chu replied: “I know.”

“I’ve done a lot of wrong things,” Special Assistant Chu said with deep regret. “Thinking back on those days now seems like seeing flowers in a fog, and I can’t remember the reason for hurting your sister every time. Even my parents…I was the only student in my hometown who was admitted to university. How would they know about me and Su Qing? I don’t understand, how could they have made such a scene over here?”

Special Assistant Chu’s parents were in a remote rural area, but they got the news of Cheng Suqing’s pregnancy, and went directly to Special Assistant Chu’s school with extraordinary action and efficiency. 

A rift was thus inserted between the two.

Su An thought of what Cheng Suqing once said.

“——he’s like the hero of a romance novel.”

The flames lit up with a “click”, connecting his thoughts of the previous world and this world. 

Su An slowly opened his eyes and looked at Yu Qiong seriously.

Yu Qiong was a beautiful child. He should have had an extraordinary background, but was abducted halfway, his throat was poisoned, and his fate was miserable.


Cheng Suqing was also like this. Maybe she was more happy, but her fate has also gone the wrong way.

If, Su An thought, if. 

——If you look at these worlds as a book, look at Cheng Suqing and Yu Qiong as the protagonists.

——Chu He’s mission is to destroy their original fate line, and let them, who are the children of the world, fall into the abyss.

A chill ran to his scalp, Su An raised his arm sleeves, and goosebumps were already all over his body. He was silent for a long time, then slowly revealing a smile.

He got up happily and said softly towards Yu Qiong: “Yu Qiong, pack your things and leave Jincheng with me tonight.” 

Su An took Yu Qiong to the port overnight.

When they arrived, it was not yet dawn, the light was shrouded above their heads, and the river was still shimmering.

In public, Ye Su’an stabbed He Changhuai with a knife. Ye Su’an didn’t believe that He Changhuai would really not pursue him, and Yu Qiong was Ye Su’an’s trump card at this moment. If Yu Qiong really came from an extraordinary background, then he has a life-saving grace to Yu Qiong, and he is not afraid of not having a chance to make a comeback, let alone He Changhuai. 

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As soon as he said that he would leave, then he would not stay.

In private, Su An wanted to do a small experiment to see how Chu He reacted.

The cold wind suddenly rose, Ye Su’an took one last look at Jingcheng, which was shrouded in mist, and stepped onto the boat without hesitation.

The water mist on the bluestone plate turned into dewdrops, then the big ship set sail from the  port, and the trucks of goods were piled up on it. Su An and Yu Qiong boarded two boats, one going north and one going south. 

Yu Qiong has a relationship with the north, and he may find his own opportunity if he returns to the north. Su An also wanted to see what Chu He had planned to do in this situation.

Is he going to chase after Su An, or is he going to chase Yu Qiong to stop him from going north?

The boat slowly moved away, Su An stood on the wet deck, smelling the fishy smell, and looked at the shore.

He Changhuai should be lying in the hospital now, right? 

I don’t know how he is.

It should not penetrate the kidney, right?


The shore suddenly became noisy, and the black Buick sprinted through the crowd to the shore, splitting the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses like a sharp sword.

Su An’s heart beat faster.

The car stopped, and the person on the co-pilot got down and opened the rear door respectfully. Su An’s eyes were fixed on him, and the seconds the ocean waves surged twice, He Changhuai walked down.

He was wearing a thick coat, his face was pale, and his eyes were dark and gloomy. 

The clothes on He Changhuai’s waist and abdomen were slightly bloody, and his injury looked serious, it should have opened again, and those eyes were even more terrifying than before. He slowly moved his eyes on the shore of the port and on the ship, Su An subconsciously stepped back. As if he noticed something, He Changhuai looked straight at him in the next second.

The two men locked eyes.

Su An was suffocated. He Changuai’s eyes were like a cage attacking him from all sides, cramped and oppressed, and there was no room for him to escape.

But they are clearly separated by dozens of meters of sea and land. 

He Changhuai’s leather shoes stepped forward, his face turned paler, and he opened his mouth towards Su An.

Su An seemed to hear what he was saying.

—— Run, Ye Su’an.

——You’d better never be found by me. 

The author has something to say:

ah, ah, ah, late, late.

Su An gestured an orchid finger: I am more manly than Yu Qiong.

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