Ch41 - Singing the Greatest Show (18) — Reunion

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Su An turned around and entered the cabin, leaving his slender back figure for the man on the shore.

He Changhuai watched him disappear quietly, but did not react. His lips were blue, a sign of excessive blood loss. But He Changhuai still got up from the hospital and came here just to watch Su An escape from Jingcheng with his own eyes. 

His subordinate then handed over a letter, “Second Master, this is a letter from the  Old Master sent from home.”

He Changhuai said indifferently: “Speak.”



His subordinate opened the letter and read it to him, “The family urged you to go back and said that the Lady has prepared a blind date for you.”

“No need,” He Changhuai laughed, sullenly, “Tell them, I’ve already found my daughter-in-law, maybe she’s even pregnant with my seed.” 

Subordinate: “…yes.” The Old Master would surely be angry.


“Run,” He Changhuai murmured as he looked at the waters, “Adults should take responsibility for what they have done.”

The boat sailed for a long time. When the afternoon was approaching dusk, a small boat approached from the next port. Yu Qiong, wearing a cloak, quietly boarded the big boat from the small boat.

Su An asked: “Have you been discovered?”


Yu Qiong shook his head, “Old Master, don’t worry, no one sees me.”

Su An instructed someone to take Yu Qiong back halfway and go south to find Yu Qiong’s relatives in his own hometown. The ship heading north was just a cover, and it was used to deceive Chu He.

Then the next step is to see who is impatient to go north.


“Old Master, where are we going next?” Yu Qiong asked excitedly, not knowing Su An’s plan. 

Su An pursed his lips and smiled, “Aren’t you afraid that I will sell you?”

“Not afraid,” Yu Qiong shook his head obediently, “I know you took me away to save my life. This time combined with the last time, you have saved me twice. The life-saving grace is still unreturned, so even if you sold me as a cow, sheep or a horse, I am grateful to the Old Master.”

“You…” Boss Ye was speechless, then he smiled, “Follow me well, and I’ll take you to your hometown in the south.”

He didn’t know who Yu Qiong was, and he wanted to go to the north to recognize his ancestors, and return to the clan. But don’t the people in his hometown know it yet? 

After sailing on the river for seven or eight days, Su An took Yu Qiong on the road again. After leaving and resting, Su An got news from Jingcheng half a month later.

On the third day after they left, Jiang Zhengrong took a large number of goods all the way to the north.

This news allowed Su An to confirm two things. One was that Jiang Zhengrong was indeed Chu He, and the other was that Chu He’s target was indeed Yu Qiong.

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On the third day after they left in a hurry, Jiang Zhengrong really couldn’t hold back. 

Su An calmly made up his mind, “Yu Qiong, how far is this place from your hometown?”

Yu Qiong was fourteen or fifteen years old when he was taken away. He was careful and cautious, keeping track of the route as he followed his clan uncle along the way. He looked at the surrounding scenery, “Master, soon, this is only a hundred miles away from my home.”


Spring has entered the south, and it was much warmer than the north. After walking for another two days, when they were about to arrive at Yu Qiong’s hometown, Su An took him to find a hotel to rest. After washing away all the dust from the journey, he put on a green shirt. Su An smiled and then took Yu Qiong to find his old family.

He turned his phoenix eyes and looked like a good man. The gray tile and white brick together with him made him look like a person raised by the soil and water in the south. 

As he got closer to his hometown, Yu Qiong became excited too. He trotted forward and knocked on the wooden door, his little face was already flushed red.

“Coming,” A middle-aged woman opened the door and took a look outside, then her pupils tightened in disbelief, “Lan’er”

Yu Qiong’s eyes turned red in an instant, he jumped forward and cried while leaning against the woman.

The middle-aged woman also had red eyes, her lips trembling as she embraced Yu Qiong, then she said over and over again: “How did you come back? Are you tired on your journey? Does the Old Master and Old Madam hurt you? Quickly let me take a look, thin, really thin…” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ye Su’an stood behind with a gentle smile, and put away the pistol in his sleeve without a trace.

Ve Cc kjr kjgwis gfmflnfv ys atf ojwlis.

Ktja cluta, atf ojwlis rijeutafgfv mtlmxfcr jcv qlur jcv mbbxfv j ajyif bo ubbv vlrtfr. Ve Cc vlvc’a fnfc cffv ab jrx j ofk kbgvr, ktfc atf tfjv bo atf ojwlis tjv jigfjvs fzqijlcfv Te Hlbc’r bglulc cfjais jcv mbwqifafis.

Te Hlbcu’r ojatfg kjr atf tfjv bo atf Al ojwlis lc atf cbgat, jcv tlr wbatfg vlfv joafg ulnlcu ylgat ab tlw. Ca atja alwf, Al ojwlis kjr abb mtjbalm, rb Mjatfg Al vlv cba vjgf ab ajxf Te Hlbcu tbwf klat tlw, atfgfobgf, tf jrxfv atlr vlrajca gfijalnf ab ajxf mjgf bo Te Hlbcu obg tlw. Ojra sfjg, Mjatfg Al olcjiis abbx j olgw tbiv bo tlr rfja, rb tf rfca rbwfbcf ab qlmx eq tlr qgfmlber rbc. 

Yu Qiong and He Changhuai also have some connection. The Ji family and He family are related by marriage. Now the grandmother of the He family, Old Madam He, her older daughter was none other than the mother of Yu Qiong, who died from childbirth. Yu Qiong has to call Old Madam He as grandmother and He Changhuai as second brother.

Yu Qiong is only fifteen years old this year, and his real name is Ji Fenglan.

The aunt who raised Yu Qiong cried and sobbed, “Lan’er has encountered such a terrible thing, it’s really abhorrent! Those goddxmn scum, how can they do those wicked things. I would like to thank Boss Ye a lot. Without you, we would never see Lan’er again.”

Su An face had already stiffened after listening to her all night. He maintained his pose and advised in a soft voice: “You should not be sad. It’s good that Yu Qiong is fine now.” 

The aunt wiped her tears. “I’ll write a letter and send it to the north to let Lan’er’s father know about it. Boss Ye, I really don’t know how to thank you, but don’t worry, our whole family will remember this great kindness in our hearts, and Lan’er’s father will also be grateful to you.”

Ye Su’an smiled silently.

He beckoned to Yu Qiong, and Yu Qiong obediently walked to his side. Reliantly, Su An stroked his head.

“This is fate.” 

Su An then said softly: “Yu Qiong told me before that he was sold to Jingcheng by his uncle. Aunty, Yu Qiong is still young, so he can’t tell the difference between good and bad. You would send a letter to ask Yu Qiong’s father to send someone to pick him up, but I think it would be better to take Yu Qiong to the north in person. This is also an insurance.”

The head of the family nodded again and again, “Boss Ye is right.”


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The aunt’s expression sank, and she nodded, “I don’t dare let anyone take Yu Qiong away. Boss Ye is right, my family and I will send Lan’er to the north tomorrow. I also hope that Boss Ye can also travel with us. You are really Yu Qiong’s savior. Please don’t refuse, just follow us and let us thank you properly.”

Ye Su’an raised his eyebrows and smiled. 

“Deference is no substitute for obedience.”

At this moment, Ye Su’an was not afraid to go to the north to see He Changhuai. 

He didn’t believe that under such circumstances, He Changhuai still dared to do whatever he wanted to him.

Two months later, He Changhuai returned to the old house of the He family covered in dust.

There were many people gathered in the main hall. He Changhuai looked gloomy. He was forcibly called back on his way to chase after Ye Su’an. He was in a very bad mood and was on the verge of rage. When the people of He family saw him, one by one they hid and made way for him. 

Old Madam He, who was sitting in the right seat, was wearing an auspicious red cheongsam. She was crying bitterly with a young man in her arms. From time to time, she would called out: “My Lan’er, ah.”

In the hall, a man in a suit was kneeling as he shivered. He Changhuai glanced coldly, it seemed to be the son of one of his father’s concubines.

“What’s this about?” He sneered and mocked, “Singing a big show.”

Old Madam He ignored him and was still crying, “My dear Lan’er, you have suffered enough.” 

The others were silent. He Changhuai sneered and glanced casually in the hall from the corner of his eyes, and suddenly stopped abruptly.

He looked out of the window in astonishment, his indifferent expression cracked, and he couldn’t believe it.

Ye Su’an was dressed in a plain cheongsam, and was sitting in the pavilion tall and upright appearance by the window, holding a tea bowl with a smile.

The person who he had been searching from the south to the north for three months and had not been able to find, suddenly appeared in front of him. 

He Changhuai kept his eyes fixed on him, suspecting that this was a dream.

His sudden silence has attracted the attention of others, and even Old Madam He, who was embracing Yu Qiong, raised her head strangely and followed He Changhuai’s gaze.


Several pairs of eyes were fixed on him, but Ye Su’an was still very calm. His jade-like fingertips lined with white porcelain looked transparent, except for the increasing precipitation between his mannerism, the years left no trace in him.

Su An was also watching He Changhuai secretly. 

He Changhuai lost a lot of weight, and his eye- catching excellent appearance became gloomy after thinning down. But it was still the same man, with sharp eagle eyes that could pin a person in place like a nail.

He spoke gently and softly: “Second Old Master He, it’s been a long time.”

As he “walked slowly”, the fire burst into flames.

The indifference on He Changhuai’s face faded little by little. A ferocious look emerged from him, and there seemed to be a shadow of a fire bearing its fangs and brandishing its claws behind him, as he stride towards Ye Su’an. 

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His expression was too ghastly and his speed too frightening, Old Madam was frightened and scolded loudly, “He Changhuai!”

He Changhuai looked like he had a deep hatred for Ye Su’an.

But Ye Su’an is the benefactor of their He and Ji family. No matter what kind of hatred, He Changhuai must not touch Ye Su’an!

Father Ji hurriedly stood between He Changhuai and Ye Su’an. The slick businessman smiled twice and said, “Chang Huai, I haven’t seen you for a long time, why don’t you say hello to us?” 

He Changhuai stared at Ye Su’an, and two words popped out between his teeth, “Get lost.”

His father, Old Master He, raised his brows and shouted angrily: “Unfilial son, you talk to me properly!”

He Changhuai couldn’t hear other people’s words, and there was only one person left in his eyes at this time. The three-month separation had already exceeded the limit that He Changhuai had expected.

Ye Su’an is so good, so good that he even wanted to go out alone. What if he encounters danger? 

Bandits, treacherous businessmen, anyone can hurt Ye Su’an.

The pain in his brain these days is all thanks to Ye Su’an.

He pushed Father Ji away, Father Ji almost stumbled and fell, and he was completely stunned.

Father Ji had never seen He Changhuai losing his face in public. Didn’t this guy always call himself a good young man? 

Old Master He glared, “What are you looking at? Why don’t you go over and stop him!”

But He Changhuai still came to Su An in a hurry.


Ye Su’an raised his eyes to look at him. His eyes were like water, and the passion was completely integrated into his bone marrow, and at glance, these eyes will make the onlookers soft.

His heart was frantically trembling. 

Ying ying ying, He Changhuai is so fierce.

He Changhuai didn’t know that he had frightened him, and just looked at Su An coldly and didn’t say a word.

The whole house stayed silent with him. Old Madam He let go of Yu Qiong, and coughed, “Chang Huai, come to Grandma’s side.”

But He Changhuai remained motionless. 

Old Master He couldn’t lose face, so he walked towards He Changhuai on crutches, “You brat, didn’t you hear what your grandma said? Boss Ye is a guest in our house, please show me some respect!”

“Guest,” He Changhuai put these two words in his lips and smiled strangely, “Ye Su’an, you came here to be a guest.”

Father Ji’s eyelids keep twitching, “Chang Huai, tell me something. There must be a misunderstanding between you and Boss Ye.”

Ye Su’an was still watching He Changhuai quietly. 

“Misunderstanding? Can there be any misunderstanding between me and Boss Ye?” He Changhuai sneered. Then under the circumstances that everyone was caught off guard, he suddenly and forcefully carried Ye Su’an and left, “Boss Ye, let’s settle the previous account tonight.”

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There was an uproar.


“What’s going on here?” 

Yu Qiong exclaimed: “Boss Ye——”

No one expected that He Changhuai would come like this. Ye Su’an was violently held on He Changhuai’s shoulders, just like the first time he was kidnapped by the bandit and locked up in the wooden house to play with him. His face was ugly, and his hands and feet struggled, “Old Master He, is this the etiquette of your hospitality?”

Old Master He scolded the people to stop He Changhuai. But He Changhuai didn’t even look at them, and with a cold face, he was about to carry the person out, “All, get out of my way.”

The people from the He Mansion didn’t dare to confront him, and looked at Old Master He and Old Madam He absentmindedly. 

Old Madam He’s old voice became solemn and majestic, “Chang Huai, put down Boss Ye.”

Yu Qiong cried and grabbed Old Madam He’s hand and pleaded, “Grandma, save Boss Ye.”


Old Madam He patted him soothingly, her gentle wrinkled face was already stopped smiling, “He Changhuai, do you want to make me mad?”

“Boss Ye is an honored guest in our house and a benefactor of our He and Ji family,” Old Madam He said word by word, “No matter what kind of grievances you had in the past, you will write it off for me now, do you hear me?” 

Write it off?

He Changhuai smiled.

Can this be written off?

“Grandma,” He Changhuai hugged Su An’s waist tightly and continued to go out, “Boss Ye ran away for three months, and I chased him for three months. Now that I finally see him, you asked me to write it off. Who will do this?” 

“Bold!” Old Madam Fu scolded, “He Changhuai, are you a bandit?!”

“I’ll be a bandit this time,” He Changhuai said in a cold voice. He wrapped his arm around Su An so hard that the back of his hand had blue veins popping out. “Just snatch him back and lock him up in the house to give birth to my children! When he conceives my seed and gives birth enough for the old house, only then will I let him out!”

Old Master He almost fainted.

Ye Su’an’s face was blue and white, his chest heaving violently, which showed that he was extremely angry. 

Shut it, shut it, shut it, shut up, I’m a man.

He can’t give birth to children, then doesn’t it mean that he would lock him up to the end of the world?

The author has something to say:

He Changhuai: Go back and have a baby 

crazy crazy

Sunnyshies: I’m done reading fluffy novels, and was looking for a new one. I don’t have any particular preference when I started searching, so when I saw this particular novel, I thought it looked interesting, and so I started reading it, and when I did, I can’t stop now. I’m still in the middle of it, but I really want to recommend it to all of you, and also wanted to attract a translator to continue it! Here’s the novel– Seize the Throne — really interesting! I think I saw more novels with a theme like this before, but I haven’t tried reading it, because I think its too tragic for me. My tears are shallow, and don’t really read this kind of drama, but this novel really made you think of how they got together again. Recommended it! I just cried a few times…

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