Ch45 - Singing the Greatest Show (22) — Let’s Live a Good Life

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But even if it was the last meal before beheading, He Changhuai had to eat it without missing a grain of rice.

Because it was given to him by Ye Su’an. 

He Changhuai’s heart was heavy, and in the evening, when he came out of the shower, he saw Su An sitting on the bed with a clean towel and gestured at him.

Sure enough, something was wrong, He Changhuai walked over with heavy steps.



Su An gently wiped He Changhuai’s hair, and the two fell asleep together holding hands, as close as a truly loving couple.

After Su An fell asleep, He Changhuai opened his eyes and traced Su An’s sleeping face, and asked in his heart: What the hell are you going to do? 

In the afternoon of the next day, He Changhuai brought Su An to the ring shop.


There were several rings on the red silk velvet, and He Changhuai picked one to put on Su An. He held Su An’s hand and said as if to himself, “I really want to get married to you.”

Su An was silent for a while, and said lightly, “Let’s have Chinese food at noon.”

He Changhuai, “…good.”


For the next four days, they were stuck together and did many of the things that a normal couple would do. Su An pestered He Changhuai every night, and he became very active. After taking the initiative, Boss Ye could burn He Changhuai to death almost like a group fire.

He Changhuai said in a hoarse voice: “Sooner or later, I’ll die on you.”

Su An raised his neck and smiled, hooking him in a hoarse voice: “Then how come you’re not dead.”


He Changhuai’s scalp went numb, he gritted his teeth and was really going to give him half of his life. 

On the last day, He Changhuai seemed to know something. He changed into a cheongsam for a rare occasion, and accompanied Su An to walk through Ancheng.

It was the first time that Su An saw him dressed like this, he felt very strange, “Second Master looks a little unaccustomed to this appearance.”

He Changhuai put on his hat and smiled at him, “Let’s go, Boss Ye.”

Ancheng is much more prosperous than Jincheng. Su An followed He Changhuai down a few streets and changed all the luxurious things on his body. Su An was so happy, he touched the ring on his hand and then the jade bracelet on his wrist, all of which were valuables. 

Unfortunately, none of them can be worn away.

There are many streets and alleys in the city. Just as the two of them turned into the alley, a group of small beggars rushed towards them. Su An was startled, and subconsciously clenched He Changhuai’s arm, “Second Master!”

The beggar at the forefront was the flower boy, who once got He Changhuai’s two pieces of silver yuan, and now he was screaming: “That’s the lord! He’s rich!”

He Changhuai laughed angrily, then turned around and hugged Su An and ran, “Let’s run!” 

Su An wrapped his legs around his waist, and the wind whizzed past his ears. The small beggars chased after them, and Ye Su’an looked at them and couldn’t help laughing.

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He Changhuai pinched his waist, “Wow, dare to laugh at your Second Master?”


“Get up,” Ye Suan slapped down his hand, the tips of his ears reddened for a moment, and said deliberately in a cold voice, “Second Master better run faster, you’re about to be caught up.”

“Then I really have to hurry up,” He Changhuai hugged Su An tightly and laughed loudly, “If they catch up, there will be nothing left of these valuable things that Boss Ye just exchanged.” 

He carried Su An all the way to avoid the group of beggars, and was so tired that he was out of breath. Su An was pressed by him to the wall to rest, and couldn’t help laughing again.

He Changhuai raised his head to look at him. He saw his raised lips in sweat, then it followed by the sweetness in his heart, he pursed his lips and smiled.

After returning home, he pressed Su An on the chair and said tenderly, “Boss Ye, let’s have a drink.”

Ye Su’an: “Good.” 

He Changhuai smiled, it’s just how could this be called a smile, it looked more like a pained smile. He brought a bottle of wine and two goblets, then he held Su An in his arms and taught him how to taste wine.

Su An swirled the wine around a few times, watching the bright red wine draw out a long mark on the glass walls.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf ibbxfv ja atf klcf, ktlif Lf Jtjcutejl kjr ibbxlcu ja tlw.

Ve Cc kjr jybea ab ybk tlr tfjv ab ajxf j rlq, yea Lf Jtjcutejl rabqqfv tlw, “Ofa’r tjnf j abjra.” 

Ye Su’an then entangled their wrist and finished drinking the “cross-cupped wine“.

Coafg atf meq bo klcf, la kjr atf yglvji mtjwyfg, yea Lf Jtjcutejl vlv cbatlcu ab Ve Cc. Ktfs kfgf islcu bc atf gfv wjaagfrr teuulcu fjmt batfg, Ve Cc rffwfv ab offi rbwfatlcu, jcv ibbxfv rlvfkjsr ja Lf Jtjcutejl’r qgbolif.

He Changhuai said softly: “Go to sleep.” 

He took Su An’s white hand and gently dropped a kiss on the ring.

Ye Su’an’s eye jumped quickly and he closed his eyes.

In the early morning, the Western Bell quietly rang three times, Su An got out of bed from under the quilt, dressed up quietly, then raised a salute. He stood by the bed and watched He Changhuai quietly for a while.

He Changhuai’s brows were furrowed, and his thin face showed a sharp edge. 

He watched him for a while, then turned to leave.

The sound of the door knocked softly, and after he left, He Changhuai opened his eyes immediately. His bloodshot eyes were so deep, without a trace of sleepiness. He lay for a long time before he got up tiredly and put on his clothes, then followed Su An out of the door.


It’s still at the port, this is where Ye Suan intends to leave Ancheng with Jiang Zhengrong.

He Changhuai knew for a long time that Ye Su’an was going to leave with Jiang Zhengrong, and the bitterness in his heart once made him fall into a state of extreme confusion, but in the end he was no longer entangled. 

Ye Su’an wanted freedom, so he will give him freedom. He won’t restrict where Ye Su’an wants to go and wants to do, but he can follow behind Ye Su’an.

Su An boarded the boat, and Jiang Zhengrong was already standing on the deck

“President Jiang,” Su An asked coldly, “When will we leave?”

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Jiang Zhengrong took him to the room, “It’s still early, Boss Ye might as well rest first.” 

Su An took a nap in the room. It was unknown how long it took, the boat began to sway, and he was awakened by the sense of weightlessness.

When he walked out of the door, he saw that the boat was already far away from the shore. The river was dark and tumbling, and the face of Ancheng was looming in the mist.

He looked at the city, a little lost.

Jiang Zhengrong appeared beside him at some point, “Boss Ye, are you reluctant to leave him?” 

Ye Su’an’s phoenix eyes laughed, “You think too much.”

Jiang Zhengrong no longer talked about this, but talked to Su An about where he was going to do business next.

“With you here, I don’t have to worry.” After listening carefully, Ye Suan smiled and pursed his red lips into a beautiful arc, “Compared to these things that haven’t been seen yet, I would rather talk about other things with President Jiang.”

Jiang Zhengrong answered leisurely, “Boss Ye, please speak.” 

“President Jiang,” Su An said, “You failed this time, so why didn’t you leave?”

Outsiders felt confused when they heard this, but Jiang Zhengrong knew what he was talking about. He pretended to be confused and replied: “Isn’t this on the way to leave?”

Su An smirked and said: “You know my temperament, and I know your temperament. You have spent a lot of time with Yu Qiong, and it happens that I know what you want to do. When you find the next person, you have to take me with you again, maybe I am clumsy and will cause you more trouble.”

I already understood the goal of your mission, sorry, if you still plan to take me on the journey, I will fight against you in the next world. 

Jiang Zhengrong didn’t speak for a long time.

In fact, he didn’t expect that Su An would know what he wanted to do so quickly. From the very beginning of this world, he positioned Su An as an interesting plaything.


Keep him by his side, and would come and see him if he wanted. He despised this plaything for a long time, and only intends to start with the task. The only thing he didn’t expect was that this plaything was also staring at him secretly, and he met that person again, and that person would actually take action towards Su An.

What he said before has become a big talk, Jiang Zhengrong was really in a dilemma, and he was not in unspeakable trouble. 

He sighed, a little reluctant, “Second Master He is also a great person. Ancheng is so big, and no one dares to trouble Second Master He. After Boss Ye left Ancheng, I’m afraid that you would lose those shelters. This is something I am sorry for Boss Ye.”

He seems to be praising He Changhuai, but in fact, he just meant that Ye Su’an climbed He Changhuai to settle in Ancheng. Ye Su’an was arrogant in his bones. If he did it voluntarily, it would be fine, but he was forced to obtain such protection. Every word Jiang Zherong said was to stab Ye Su’an with a knife, which made Ye Su’an hate He Changhuai even more.

Su An originally wanted to cooperate with him to gather information, but now he is a little out of the mood.

He sneered, “At least he’s better than you.” 

Ye Su’an wouldn’t say such a thing.

Su An looked at the surface of the water, he knew that his spirit was now a little tired. He ignored Chu He and didn’t want to continue acting with him according to the character.

Suddenly, he felt bored.

It seemed that he suddenly realized that no matter who Chu He is, the person who he had been dating and sleeping with is not Chu He. There are so many marvelously diverse worlds, and he didn’t carefully savor the beauty of each world. What’s the point of racking his brain to find out who Chu He is? 

Did he just imprison his own freedom?

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Most of these meaningless thoughts are impulsive and wrong, Su An clearly understands. But the reason why impulses are impulses is that they are not governed by reason.

“Who is he?” Su An asked suddenly.

Jiang Zhengrong’s face stiffened, “What?” 

“He Changhuai,” Su An lowered his eyes, “Who is he?”

There are two worlds now, and Chu He is always afraid of him. Even if Su An was by He Changhuai’s side, he would not dare to face He Changhuai. So in the end, this person who has a sinful fate with Su An, who is it?

Jiang Zhengrong: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” There was a warning hidden in his eyes.

Su An suddenly smiled and winked playfully, “You know, isn’t he He Xiran?” 

As soon as the words fell, Su An’s whole body became weak and his eyelids were heavy. He barely supported the guardrail, then he watched Jiang Zhengrong spit out a mouthful of blood, and fainted to the ground in a blink of an eye.

Why does Jiang Zhengrong’s reaction seem more serious than his…


Loss of vitality, this is the familiar feeling of being removed from the world.

It turns out that failure to comply with the human character design will have such consequences. 

Su An looked at Jiang Zhengrong’s tragic appearance and was a little happy. He sneered a few times, and was gradually unable to grasp the railing, but there was no fear in his heart.

Maybe it’s like what he said. He did a good deed, so the net is open to him. He won’t die, he will just move on to the next world.

He Changhuai was hiding in the cabin and eating a sandwich quickly when he suddenly heard a few harsh screams from the deck. With a twitch in his heart, he walked out in a daze and saw a lady tremblingly saying, “Someone fell into the water——” 

A bad premonition filled He Changhuai’s mind. He strode past the person and rushed to the guardrail to look down. He took a breath and found that the person who fell into the water was his Boss Ye.

He Changhuai’s mind went blank. He jumped over the railing without hesitation and jumped into the water. The crowd behind him screamed again, “Hey, are you crazy?!”

Ye Su’an, He Changhuai has only this person in his mind.

He couldn’t let anything happen to Ye Su’an. 

He Changhuai was good with everything else, but not with water. He hated his shortcoming to death, and tried his best to swim in the direction of Su An in the water. Fortunately, he finally hugged Su An.

“Su An, don’t be afraid,” He Changhuai’s hands were shaking, and he led him to swim towards the big boat, “I’ll send you up.”

“He Changhuai…” Su An didn’t expect He Changhuai to hide on the boat, his eyes were red, “You…”

He knew why He Changhuai didn’t touch him last night. 

Because he knew that he would be tired on the road, and he didn’t want him to be sore when he was on the journey.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m here,” He Changhuai wrapped his arms around him with all his strength, allowing the two to struggle out of the surface of the sea, “Su An, it’s okay, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Su An wearily stretched out two weak arms and put them on his shoulders, leaning his head against He Changhuai’s body.

The people on the boat began to put the lifeboats down, shouting for the two people in the water to hold on for a while longer. 

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Should be saved.

Su An choked twice and said weakly, “You are still following me.”


He Changhuai’s lips were also trembling, completely frightened. He kissed Su An on the face and said hoarsely, “I’m afraid you will be deceived by a wild man.”

Su An chuckled and murmured, “You are so bad, ah.” 

There was a sobbing tone in his voice, “You are pretending to be a bandit, while pretending to be my savior. I have never seen such a shameless person as you.”

He Changhuai was heartbroken, and the river was cold. He was afraid that Su An would cry, “I was wrong, Su An, I will never do such a stupid thing again.”

The river water wet Su An’s face, his lips were faintly blue. Ye Su’an looked at He Changhuai, and suddenly said softly: “It’s good to go back to Ancheng and live a good life.”

He Changhuai’s pupils shrink suddenly. 

“Then we,” He Changhuai said in a trembling voice, “Then let’s live a good life?”

After a long time, the lifeboats were about to come, and Ye Su’an gave a soft “en”.

Desperate to survive, He Changhuai was almost ecstatic. He held Su An tightly, full of joy beyond words, and when the crew pulled him and Su An into the lifeboat, He Changhuai was still immersed in joy.

He held Su An without letting go, and said over and over how good he would be to Su An, Su An listened quietly in his arms, his head still leaning on his chest. 

Until they got on the boat, the crew members who got up together finally couldn’t help saying: “Sir?”

He Changhuai’s outpouring was interrupted. He looked at the crew and asked in confusion, “What’s the matter?”

The crewman’s expression became extremely weird, and his eyes were full of sympathy, “Sir, the person in your arms seems to be dead…”

He Changhuai was taken aback. 

He let go of Su An and saw Su An with his eyes closed, his lips turned blue, lying in his arms with a slight smile.

His chest was calm, he was no longer breathing.

— Arc 2 End ☼ —

Sunnyshies: Actually, without the original character setting, Su An and He Changhuai would certainly get along very well. Oh well, that’s one of the challenges in the series for mc and ml. Haha… 

Anyway, haha, I can’t wait anymore…arc 3!! Here I go…hahaha, the ml here is so cute…I cried in the end…

I suddenly remember, “Perfect Destiny“, I pity the Ml here so much…hahaha…I laugh so hard when I read his one chapter POV…


BTW, warning? for the next arc–stalking, peeping, and sexual harassments…with a slight tentacle play.


And its omegaverse~ with a bit of a twist!


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