Ch46 - O won’t lose to A (1) —— The Colonel who differentiated into an O

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Sunnyshies: Unedited, and the tl notes are not there yet…I might have to do it later!

Shen Su’an, the light of the new recruits of the Alliance Legion, both of his physical and mental strength are S grade. As soon as he joined the army, he participated in many military missions and obtained the rank of Colonel. He is famous in the renowned Eight Legion, and is hailed as the future of the new generation. 

Everyone believed that he would differentiate into an excellent alpha, and from then on, he would defend his homeland on the battlefield and become the light of the alliance. Shen Su’an thought the same way, but no one thought that he would differentiate into an omega without warning.

Su An lay on the hospital bed and said weakly: “System, what’s going on?”



The system said: “7826 system at your service.”

In the previous world, the ring that He Changhuai gave to Su An was activated, and Su An had an additional system. 

Su An asked in his heart: “Can you tell who He Changhuai is?”


The system smoothly said: “System 7826 is at your service.”

“Then did He Changhuai give you to me?”

The system pondered for a moment, “You can guess?”


Su An sighed, “What’s the use of asking you.”

“I can send you the world information, help you capture world destroyers, and display the world’s normalization value,” The System paused, “And I can also find handsome men and women for you.”

The world destroyer should be Chu He, Su An smiled happily, “You are really useful.”


The news of his awakening was quickly notified to others. Several Union soldiers in military uniforms walked into the ward. As if exhausted from several days of no rest, they looked excited after seeing Su An wake up, “Colonel, you’re awake!” 

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Shen Su’an nodded, without a hint of decadence on his stern face, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, “What happened while I was in a coma?”

Several guards smiled bitterly and told him the matter.

Shen Suan has always been the focus of the military’s cultivation. In this mission he cooperated with Admiral Yuri, the God of War of the Alliance, to jointly clear the star thieves in the Junk Star. In the process of clearing them, they were ambushed by the enemy. Shen Su’an was even hit by an unknown potion, which made him differentiated into omega on the spot, and his pheromone exploded, causing the alpha soldiers on the battlefield to fall into a manic period.

At a dangerous moment, Admiral Yuri immediately knocked Shen Su’an unconscious and locked him in the mecha to avoid a riot. But Shen Su’an remained unconscious since then, and during this time, Admiral Yuri’s opponents used him and brought him to court-martial for harming an omega. 

Su An frowned, and without any hesitation after listening, he immediately said: “Get a car and go to the military court.”

The guards moved quickly. Su An had already reached the entrance of the military court when he changed into a uniform in the car, and after nodding to the alpha soldier guarding the entrance, he walked calmly and quickly into the military court.

Several alpha soldiers saluted him, and their faces were slightly red.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The light of the future of the Alliance, Colonel Shen Su’an turned out to be an omega… 

Ktf lwqjma bc fnfgsbcf kjr abb ugfja.

Qtfc Ve Cc mjwf lc, tf rjk Cvwlgji Tegl ktb kjr rajcvlcu bc atf vfofcvjca’r rlvf jcv kjr yjccfv ys j iluta cfa mlgmif ja j uijcmf. Lf kjr rb tjcvrbwf atja tf jiwbra mbeivc’a ajxf tlr fsfr jkjs.


Cvwlgji Tegl kjr ralii kfjglcu j wlilajgs eclobgw, jcv tlr wjaegf yjmx wermifr kfgf oeii jcv rwbbat. Ktf wermeijg ilcfr bo atf jgwr jgf mtjgwlcu jcv ecveijalcu ilxf tliir, cba fzjuufgjafv, la bcis rtbkr atf qtsrlmji ragfcuat bo jc eqgluta rbivlfg. Lf tjr vjgx yibcv tjlg atja lr qgfaalfg atjc ubiv, tf ibbxr algfv, yea atlr vlvc’a rabq atf yfjeas bo tlr ojmf.

Su An madly poked at the system: “System system, look at Apollo!” 

System: “…have seen him.”

“Is there no world destroyer here?” Su An asked cautiously, not really wanting to see that such a handsome man is Chu He.

Fortunately, the system gave a negative answer.

The alpha sitting in the plaintiff’s seat showed a winning expression, and the lawyer beside him was speaking with great passion and enthusiasm: “If the military court can’t give us an explanation, the fact that Admiral Yuri illegally harmed an omega will have a significant negative impact on the alliance, and we can’t imagine whether more alpha will take out his rude power on the precious omega in the future…” 

“Your Honor, I think I may be able to prove Admiral Yuri’s innocence as a sincere and objective witness.” Shen Su’an said aloud.

As soon as his voice came out, all the court members looked at him, and everyone opened their mouths and looked at this poor omega, who should have been lying in the hospital, in surprise.

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There was an uproar at the scene. The trial was broadcast live on Star Network, and it was like water falling into a frying pan, causing a stir.

Shen Suan’s eyes were firm, he walked down the stairs step by step, then he took off his military cap, and there were layers of white gauze wrapped under his fluffy black hair—— of course his wounds have healed. This gauze is just Su An’s careful thoughts, for fear that those unreasonable political enemies will also attack him as a wounded man. 

[God, this omega is still injured.]

[Lord Colonel is as handsome as ever. It’s hard to imagine my sweetheart turned into an omega.]

“Your Honor,” Su An said sincerely, “Also please allow me to clarify the truth of the injury.”

The judge looked at him with soft eyes. Whether Shen Su’an was the future light of the alliance or a strong omega, it was enough for him to treat him tenderly, “Of course, Colonel Shen Suan, you were originally a participant in this court-martial.” 

Su An looked at the imprisoned Admiral Yuri.

When looking at Admiral Yuri up close, the admiral’s handsome beauty simply feels like a substantial invasion. His blue eyes were as deep as a pool, as if hiding thousands of secrets, but Admiral Yuri was just a bachelor with an extremely simple private life, and he even suffered from O anorexia.

Yes, such a handsome guy has O anorexia…

Su An groaned in pain in his heart, “It’s too much, it’s just too much. There’s a handsome guy in front of me, but I can only watch, not move. God, why do you want me to be an O.” 

The system calmly comforted him, “Host, you are not pure O, you have no reproductive function.”

Su An: “…I can’t thank you enough.”


Admiral Yuri was not good with words. At the moment, his thin lips were pursed tightly, looking very cold, but Su An knew that this upright admiral was worried about him.

Su An said concisely: “Your Honor, when clearing the star thieves on the Black Bear Star, I suddenly and unexpectedly began to differentiate, and my pheromones erupted out of my control. So I implore Admiral Yuri to knock me out before causing a commotion. ” 

There was an uproar at the scene.

The judge was stunned for a while, but he already knew it in his heart, but he still asked: “Why do you do that?”

Su An smiled, since you gave me the stage to perform, of course I can’t let it go.

His eyes were focused, his dark eyes seemed to hide the galaxy, but his stern temperament softened. The tenderness of an omega and the tenacity of an alpha were perfectly integrated in him. 

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Shen Su’an said: “Because I am a soldier of the Alliance.”

At home, Su An was paralyzed on the bed and motionless.

The system was reading to him what people were saying about him on StarNet, “God knows what countless people have already said this, so why did I go crazy when Colonel Shen Su’an said it.” 

“The appearance of the Colonel is very different from the traditional omega. I used to think that only petite and cute omega, who could fit into my arms, were my type, but now I find the Colonel so attractive. Look at him, his waist is so thin from his belt, his head is wrapped in gauze, his lips are white, how is he so miserable and yet he turns me on?”

“After the Colonel became an omega, I think he even became a good bully…”

“No, there is no need to see him as an omega, in his eyes he is just the Alliance soldier, the light of our future.”

Su An: “Hehehe.” 

He laughed so hard that he couldn’t close the corners of his mouth. He rolled on the bed side to side, then he suddenly did a carp kick-up to stand up, and ran to the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, “System, I’m so handsome, ah…”

Shen Suan is indeed very handsome. He is handsome and beautiful, with a slim body. The thin muscles covering his body are every bit as subtle and beautiful as his masculine beauty.

After being differentiated into an omega, the pheromone of the omega gradually changed Shen Suan’s appearance. The details are more refined, the sharp points become soft and round, and the two flavors are combined, truly a great beauty.

Su An blushed, “I seem to be in love with myself…” 


Then his communicator rang, and Su An put on a straight face as he connected it. The other party was Shen Su’an’s superior, His Excellency Lieutenant General Kang Ning.


Lieutenant General Kang Ning looked sad, and the wrinkles on his forehead could catch a fly. He looked at Su An and sighed deeply.

Su An’s face sank, he pursed his lips, and said with difficulty: “Your Excellency Lieutenant General, will I be kicked out of the military?” 

Omegas are too precious, and almost all soldiers on the battlefield are alphas. For security reasons and to prevent riots on the battlefield, the military generally does not recruit omega soldiers.

It’s just that Shen Suan was too good, and he won the rank of colonel before he differentiated.

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“Of course not,” Kang Ning hurriedly shook his head, pretending to relax, “Put your mind down, you are so good,  how could the military get rid of you? Even if someone had such a stupid idea before, when you said something like that in the military court, everyone saw that you had a good military character. ”

Su An looked at him hesitantly, “Then what do you want to say——?” 

“It’s just that I can’t take you anymore,” Kang Ning said with a wry smile. “As a result of the discussion at the meeting, the vast majority of officers can’t overpower you mentally, and if you have another accident like the one before on the battlefield, none of us can guarantee that we will be able to keep our cool like Yuri did.”

Shen Su’an said: “So?”

“So you’ve been assigned to Admiral Yuri,” Kang Ning sighed, “If he’s willing to take you, you’ll still be the light of our future, and even the only omega soldier fighting in the Military Department. If he doesn’t accept you… I’m sorry,” Kang Ning rubbed his face decadently, “I’m afraid you’ll be leaving the military.”

Although Shen Su’an rescued Admiral Yuri from the court, everyone in the entire alliance knew that——that guy has an absolute O anorexia. 

“…” Shen Su’an’s jaw tightened, “I see.”

After hanging up the communication, Su An quickly took off his clothes, and continued admiring his beautiful body, then kept letting the system take pictures of him in 360* without any blind spots.

The system is about to collapse, and it keeps changing the topics: “Host, aren’t you worried that Admiral Yuri doesn’t want you?”

Su An asked in confusion, “Why doesn’t he want me?’ 

The system is responsible to polirise science: “Five years ago, an omega celebrity of the alliance confessed to Admiral Yuri in public, which caused a lot of social impact and was brought to court by Admiral Yuri; Three years ago, an omega from a wealthy family tried to drug Admiral Yuri, but Admiral Yuri threw the entire family to the abandoned star. Two years ago, Admiral Yuri had…”

Su An touched his chin and nodded affirmatively, “he’s really not easy to touch.”

“He’s very resistant to omegas,” The system said truthfully, “Including omega colleagues in the civil service.”

Su An smiled and thought, I am different. 

I’m so handsome and so tasteful, not to mention getting close, Yuri will run up to me and kiss me when I hook my finger.

Who made him so charming.


The author has something to say:

This is a story of two straight men, who are single since birth, as they explore their bodies together in ignorance, while defending the country. Hehehe 

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