Ch53 - O won’t lose to A (8) —— Sour and Astringent

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Sunnyshies: Unedited!! I’ll come back to it later!!

A black mecha rushed out quickly, he then raised his hand to embrace Su An and Xiao Zhou, and aimed his other arm at the spaceship. When the cannon was fired, the spaceship exploded into a bright fireworks. 

Su An was very calm, he asked, “Is the saboteur dead?”

System: “No.”



Su An didn’t speak any more.

The Skull Star Pirate is the most notorious cosmic villain of late, bringing together a series of nefarious criminals of renegade murderers and smugglers. 

Being targeted by them is tantamount to stepping on a bomb.


Chu He threw himself into the Skull Star Pirate which really matched his own temperament to a full ten.

The black mecha landed, he handed Xiao Zhou to the medical team, then grabbed Su An anxiously, and said: “Colonel, are you injured?”

The silver mecha disintegrated, revealing the calm omega inside. Shen Su’an politely withdrew his hand, “Admiral, I’m fine.”


Yuri’s handsome face emerged from the mecha. His face was extremely embarrassed, his hair was wet with sweat, his lips were pale, and he looked at Su An’s injuries in a panic.

Su An’s mouth full of knives could not say a word, he sighed: “He is too pitiful.”

The system looked at Yuri, who is eight feet tall, and had strong muscles: …


Although Su An said that he was pitiful, what he did was still merciless, “Admiral, I’ll go see my soldiers first.” 

Then he stepped past Yuri and left.

Yuri was startled, then his eyes showed disappointment. Those blue eyes dimmed, and he silently followed behind Su An.

Xiao Zhou had already woken up. He was sitting in the medical cabin and was thinking about something. After seeing Su An, his spirit lifted, “Sir.”

“Did they inject you with a drug?” Su An asked. 

The medical staff also asked this question just now, but Xiao Zhou was in a trance and didn’t answer them, and now said honestly: “They did want to inject me with a drug, but after the commander reminded me, I was on guard, and luckily avoided it in time.”

Shen Su’an nodded, patted Xiao Zhou on the shoulder, and softened his expression, “Have a good rest, it’s alright.”

Xiao Zhou bent down subconsciously, and Shen Su’an’s hand patted his head.

His black hair is hard, it can be seen that he is a person with a strong personality. Su An raised an eyebrow, and rubbed him twice, “Go back to the room.” 

Xiao Zhou realized what stupid thing he had done, his face became hot, and he said in a low voice: “Yes, sir.”

“Colonel,” Yuri urged with downcast eyes, “Let’s go, we need to discuss the star pirate issuer this time.”


Su An said goodbye to Xiao Zhou. In the silent conference room in front of him.

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Yuri comforted him stiffly: “Colonel, don’t worry about that soldier, he was not hurt in any way.” 

Su An responded perfunctorily: “Thanks to your timely rescue.”

Yuri closed his mouth, and kept glancing at his subordinate from the corner of his eyes.

They haven’t seen each other for three days, but Su An hasn’t changed much. His eyes were clear and firm, but his black hair was slightly longer, covering some of his eyebrows. Three days did not even make him tanned, but he seemed to be a lot fairer, and his rare sharp edges have now gone, and his whole person is like a pool of clear and fresh water, clean and simple, like a beam of the most radiant light.

Yuri looked at him, and he couldn’t pull his eyes away. 

System: “Host, he is watching you.”

Su An: “I know.”

Yuri’s gaze lingered and was reluctant to leave Su An’s face. While Su An just pretended he didn’t know and let him watch.

Just look and watch, you won’t be able to get out anymore. 

The two walked into the conference room together, and after everyone arrived, they began discussing the matter of the Skull Star pirate sneaking into the Military Combat Planet.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktlr wjaafg lr jyrbieafis teuf, fnfgsbcf lr rfglber, jcv atf jawbrqtfgf lr vfqgfrrlcu.

Tegl rja lc atf eqqfg rfja jcv kjlafv obg atfw ab olclrt ajixlcu yfobgf rjslcu, “Ktf Vxeii Vajg Ulgjaf xcfk jybea Jbibcfi Vtfc Ve’jc’r vloofgfcaljalbc lcab bwfuj.”

Shen Su’an was originally an omega that was transformed on the spot by an unknown drug during the purge of the Skull Star Pirates. How can they not know about this, since they know, that’s why before leaving, he said that sentence. How suspicious, he thought. 

Qtja’r wbgf, Vtfc Ve’jc tjr cbk jaagjmafv atf jaafcalbc bo atf Vajg Rfakbgx, jcv la’r cb rfmgfa atja atf wlilajgs tjr jc bwfuj mbibcfi.

After a long discussion among the bigwigs present, Yu Xiu frowned and said: “Could it be that those Star Pirates meant to kidnap Colonel Shen Su’an when he was in estrus?”

As soon as this statement came out, it was immediately met with enthusiastic approval.

Yuri’s face sank involuntarily. 

After the meeting ended, Su An just got up, when Yu Xiu sat over with a shy smile and asked: “Colonel, what kind of alpha do you like?”

Yuri’s foot, which was about to take a step, sat back down again.


He pretended to handle things, but he couldn’t help but think of the way Su An looked at him that day.

With a bit of joy and shyness, vene when Yuri thought about it now, he still felt a bit of sweetness hidden under his bitterness. 

His subordinate seems to like an alpha like him.

Yuri remembered how Su An looked at his waist and abdomen, his ears were hot and he quickly lowered his head.

Su An: “I’ll just follow the military’s arrangements. I don’t have any special preferences.”

Yu Xiu disagreed and said: “Colonel, this is an important lifetime event, you can’t just take it lightly. We have informed your parents that this month, you will meet many different alphas, and if there’s someone you like or don’t like, you must be the first to say so.” 

Su An smiled and sincerely thanked: “It’s hard work.”

Yu Xiu grinned: “It should be.”

Powerful yet humble, such a unique omega, Yu Xiu can guarantee that there will be many alpha or beta who will want to be his marriage partner.

He happily sent Shen Su’an out of the door, and then smiled happily as he turned back, “Admiral, I’m afraid that in a few days, the door of our Fourth Army will be broken through.” 

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Yuri: “…those people don’t deserve him.”

But his voice was too low for Yu Xiu to hear, “What did you say?”

Yuri sat silently on his seat. His tall figure was decadent, like a fossil full of lonely wind and frost.

Alone with the loneliness that has accumulated for a long time. 

Yu Xiu hesitated for a moment, he took a step back and looked at Shen Su’an’s back.

The young colonel was tall and slender, with his black hair falling above his neck, lean and beautiful.

Yu Xiu touched his chin, thinking about Admiral Yuri’s ugly face a few days ago.


After returning to the military headquarters, Su An received a new order to leave the army and stay at home until his estrus period safely passed.

On an upright paid vacation, Su An happily packed his things and prepared to return to his home in this world.


When passing the training room, some soldiers noticed him. One reminded the other, and the last group of people hid by the said, and sneakily looked over. Eight out of ten people blushed, and everyone looked a little stupid.

Su An asked the people under his command to come over and let them train with other offices during his month off. 

But this group of people blushed and asked in a low voice: “Sir, why are you going home?”

Su An said calmly: “My estrus season is coming.”

The group of people suddenly blushed and started making noises.

Someone suddenly asked at the top of his lungs: “Colonel, how can I become your alpha?” 

Su An raised an eyebrow and smiled: “Do any of you want to be my alpha?”

Several hands were raised.

“Whoever can beat me can become my alpha.” Su An said casually.

Qi Lu quickly pulled everyone away and rushed over. The black and strong soldier blushed and shouted loudly: “Sir, I want to try!” 

Su An glanced at him with a smile, he put down the things in his hand, and walked towards the open space, “Come on.”

After Yuri heard about the training ground, his heart jumped and he rushed over quickly.

When he arrived, the alphas who were beaten by Su An were already lying on the ground. 

People who were still standing felt a little weak in their hearts, they hesitated and did not dare to go forward.

Su An wiped the sweat from his forehead, glanced around in the crowd, and finally caught sight of Yuri.

Yuri thought of the words of the soldier who sent the message—— “Whoever defeats me can become my alpha”.

His Adam’s apple rolled, and he suddenly felt as if his whole body had been chained to a volcano, burning his body so hot that he couldn’t move an inch. 

In the entire military camp, only Yuri was fully confident that he could defeat Shen Su’an.

As long as he takes a step forward, he can become Shen Su’an’s alpha.

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This temptation is too sweet, and even Yuri has no way to completely refuse it.

He hesitated, and his soul seemed to split in two, one half wanted to push Yuri forward, and the other half was pulling Yuri back. 

“How can you be his alpha?” The soul pulling him back kept questioning, “Have you forgotten what you are?”

Yuri was tangled, and his expression looked hideous.

At this time, a young officer from another legion walked over quickly and asked with a sneer: “I heard that if you win against this omega, you can marry this omega back home?”

Su An looked at this familiar person, and after thinking about it for a long time, he remembered, is this the alpha who sued Yuri in the military court? 

His eyes turned slightly cold, “You want to come and fight me too?”

The alpha looks handsome, but his expression is evil and obviously malicious, “Of course, if I win, I can become your alpha, how can such a good thing be without me.”

After saying this, this alpha also proudly smiled at Su An, which almost brought Su An to tears.

Su An: “…hurry up if you want to fight.” 

The alpha raised his eyebrows, then took off his coat, and stepped forward. His stature is also tall, and Su An has heard the reputation of this alpha before. After enduring being second place, his hatred for Yuri rose, and he can’t wait to get rid of him soon.

Although he can’t compare to Yuri, he can see that this person is much stronger than others.

Su An was not completely sure about winning against him.

“Omega,” The other party said with disrespect, “After I beat you, I hope you can come home with me tonight.” 

Xiao Zhou grabbed Qi Lu, who was angry and wanted to rush forward, and his own voice was also faintly angry, “Wait a while. Sir, won’t necessarily lose.”

Su An looked indifferent: “Then see if you can beat me.”

The alpha smiled confidently.

He is also a very talented person, if there is no Yuri, then he is the one who should be the one that everyone is watching. Shen Su’an is indeed very strong, but with many battle experiences in the past, he is obviously not his opponent now. 

The difference between omega and alpha in terms of physical endurance is huge, but as long as he perseveres, is there even a heaven that is hard to eradicate.

Just as Su An was posing for battle, a wide figure stood firmly in front of him.


Yuri looked at the alpha with an unkind look, “I’ll fight you.”

The alpha’s tone was also very bad, “Admiral Yuri, your subordinate’s rule is to beat him, not you.” 

Yuri said word by word, as if he hadn’t heard it: “I’ll fight you.”

The alpha said irritably: “Yuri, who are you to fight me in place of omega?”

Yeah, on what grounds.

Yuri clenched his hand and said coldly: “You don’t meet the conditions to be his marking candidate.” 

“But now I’m not talking about conditions,” The alpha tried to look at Su An, who was blocked by Yuri. “Colonel Shen Su’an, you just admitted that as long as I defeated you, I can become your alpha, right?”

Shen Su’an paused and said: “I did say that.”

Yuri clenched his fists and said expressionlessly: “No matter what he says, you can only fight me.”

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The alpha’s brows were furrowed, and he suddenly realized something. He looked back and forth between Yuri and Su An with interest, “Admiral Yuri, do you like this omega too?” 

“He’s just an omega,” He said lightly. “If you really like him, it’s not impossible to give him to you.”

The anger that surged so violently was like a weed, and Yuri’s blue eyes turned cloudy.

Like holding a jewel in the palm of your hand and not daring to touch it more, but you still felt sour and worried that you would accidentally hurt it. But someone rushes forward rudely, trying to touch the jewelry with dirty hands, without tidying up their appearance.

It was obviously something he was carefully afraid to touch. 

But he is too studip, when he is too disciplined to protect it, these people who weren’t even as good as him, want to monopolize, and only want to grab that jewelry to make themselves happy.

Yuri rushed forward with a cold face, and before the alpha had time to fight back, he already crushed the alpha’s head, and pinned him to the ground. The alpha struggled to dodge, and turned red as he fought back.

The two strong alphas fought each other, and Yuri always had the upper hand.

But he didn’t have the habit of stopping where it should be, punch after punch, his eyes gradually turned red with blood and violence, it wasn’t until he was hugged by Su An and forced to leave the battle scene that he came back to senses in a daze. 

“Yuri, stop it!” Su An struggled to wake him up, “No more fighting!”

Yuri blinked slowly, and the ugly alpha had been carried away crying.


“I won?”

“You beat him for me,” Su An let go and asked softly, “Admiral, why did you do this?” 

His eyes seemed to see through his essence from the surface. Yuri lowered his eyes in panic, “He’s not a good marriage partner.”

Su An also lowered his eyes, “Then what is a good marriage partner?”

“An alpha who can treat you well and is worthy of you,” Yuri said so much without realizing it, “Who can protect you, who can fight with you, who can let you still have a free life after marriage, someone you can rely on in your life, who can make you happy…such an alpha can only be called a good marriage partner.”

“But such alphas are hard to find,” Su An told the truth. He looked at Yuri, who still wanted to talk, and suddenly asked, “Do you like me?” 

All of Yuri’s words were stuck in his throat.

Do you like me?

He lost all his voice, and the whole planet shrank in his eyes into a tiny star, and the star was full of Shen Su’an’s figure.

After half a minute, Yuri said with difficulty: “Colonel, you think too much.” 

Su An looked at him quietly, as if asking “really”.

Yuri tilted his head in embarrassment, “I will find such an alpha for you.”

“Colonel Shen Su’an, you know, I have O anorexia,” He said incoherently, “I don’t like omegas, I just treat you as my subordinate. You’re great, and I’m not a sexist, I’m just…”

“There’s no need to say it,” Shen Su’an interrupted him calmly, “Admiral, I know.” 

Looking at Yuri’s appearance of wanting to say something, Shen Su’an suddenly smiled. This smile was somewhat sad and relieved, “Admiral, there was a moment when I thought you liked me.”

He said: “Just as my heart once fluttered for you, too.”

He turned to leave. Yuri froze in place, only felt as if he had been hit hard in his heart, sour and astringent.

Sunnyshies: Aww, traumatized Ml doesn’t want to touch anymore… 


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