Ch54 - O won’t lose to A (9) —— The Taste of Seawater

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That night, Su An returned to his home.

He finished his dinner in a trance, while his parents around him were talking to him about his estrus period, “An An, what do you think?” 

Su An recovered and smiled, “I will listen to your arrangement.”

Father Shen and Mother Shen looked at each other and felt that their child had something on his mind, “Then we will arrange for Lieutenant General Meng Li to meet you tomorrow?”



Su An said indifferently, “Good.”

He got up and went back to his room, and lay on the bed for half an hour until the system asked cautiously: “Host, are you uncomfortable?” 

“……” Su An raised his hand.


These hands were well-defined, completely different from the tender hands he had in the previous world, but he remembers the way He Changhuai bought him that ring to wear on his hand; it was simple and unobtrusive.

“He had a red-eyed eagle ring before,” Su An closed his eyes, thinking of the first ring that He Xiran wore on his hand day and night in the first world, “Is that ring a system?”

The system dare not speak.


Su An seemed to be talking to himself, “He gave you to me, does he still have a system?”

Why was his body neither seriously injured nor dead after he collapsed his character in the last world?

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Did he block it?


The man in this world doesn’t seem to remember anything, and the shadow of the past has completely disappeared from him. But he always knows which character and skin are most liked by Su An. 

Su An owes him a debt, and he has to figure out if that guy is subsidizing him with his own things.

Su An’s greatest fear is that he gave the system to himself, but he himself has no support and will lose something important.

Whether there is a system or not is not very important to Su An, but he doesn’t know if it is important to that guy.

Outside the window, there was a “boom”, then it suddenly rained. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Su An suddenly smiled again and poked the system, “Little thing, I’ll let you go this time.”

He got up and walked to the window, then he looked down. Yo, there was a hover car parked outside, and it was unknown how long it had been parked there.

Ktf rsrafw rjlv delfais: “Lbra, lar Cvwlgji Tegl.”

“P xcbk.” Ve Cc rjlv rboais. 

Rba ibcu joafg, Mjatfg Vtfc lc atf ilnlcu gbbw jirb gfmbuclhfv atja la kjr j wlilajgs tbnfg mjg, jcv tegglfvis kfca bea jcv mjiifv rbwfbcf tbwf.

Tegl kjr lc j agjcmf lc atf lms mbiv mjg. Pc jc lcrajca, tf obiibkfv Vtfc’r ojatfg tbwf lc j vjhf.


When he entered the door, he looked left and right subconsciously. After he didn’t see the person he wanted to see, his expression darkened and he lost his soul.

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Father Shen said carefully: “Admiral, why don’t you take a shower and change your clothes?” 

Yuri whispered, “Thank you.”

While taking a bath, he couldn’t help but think of Su An again.

When he thinks that this is the home of his subordinate, everything he sees makes him think of his subordinate. Looking down at the ground, he can think that this is where his subordinate has walked. Looking at the wall, he can think that this is where his subordinate may have touched.

His heart that had been empty for a long time seems to be filled with a warm wind all of a sudden. It looks warm, but in fact, it was only for a moment. 

Yuri didn’t want to use his power for personal gain and do things that only bad alphas would do. But he was also a human being, and his heart was so heavy that he could barely stand up. And he still couldn’t resist questioning his moral and rationality. Quietly, he released a little bit of his mental energy to see Su An.

Human mental power only has a fixed use, but Yuri is not, he has “racial talent”.

Yuri closed his eyes, and the breath of his whole person became weaker and weaker, until his sense of existence seemed to be integrated into the nature. That little bit of disembodied mental energy sneaked along the floor into Su An’s room, and he saw Su An lying on the bed,

While Su An was looking over his light brain, his mental power kept stroking his face with affection. When he ran past Su An’s lips, Su An happened to licked his lips. His metal power shook, and Yuri in the bathroom blushed instantly. 

The timid mental power was too shy to raise his head, but couldn’t hold back the joy in his heart, and lay drunk on Su An’s lips.

Su An vaguely felt an itch on his lips.

He raised his hand and scratched his lips, and an electric shock flashed past. No one would care about this small touch, but Su An calmly asked the system in his heart: “What is this? What’s the matter?”

The system has a top-notch intelligence: “Yuri’s mental power sneaked in.” 

Su An suddenly raised an eyebrow in his heart.

He turned off his light brain, then got up and changed his clothes leisurely. He has long legs, narrow waist, wide back, with protruding spine, curving from his neck to his tail vertebra.

After a while, there was a loud noise from the bathroom, and someone fell.

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Su An quickly put on his clothes and walked out of the room to see that Yuri was staggering out of the bathroom with a blushing face. He was steaming all over, and his clothes were crooked. 

Shen Su’an frowned, “Why did the Admiral come here?”

Yuri froze, and the heat disappeared instantly. He didn’t know what to say, and it took a long time for him to say, “…sorry.”


He tried his best to smile, but he was not good at making this expression, and ended up remaining expressionlessly apprehensive.

Father Shen and mother Shen also rushed over and greeted His Excellency the Admiral. Su An poured a glass of water and handed it to Yuri, who accepted it with both hands in a flattered manner. 

Shen Su’an was amused, and sat on the sofa with Yuri, “Are you looking for me?”

He now treats Yuri like an ordinary subordinate, full of respect, but not humble, “If you have something to say, you can contact me directly on StarNet.”

This attitude is much better than Yuri imagined.

But only when you experienced in person did you know what he is like. 

Yuri looked up at Su An, his blue eyes turned deep like a deep sea, “Are you going to see an Alpha tomorrow?”

“Yes,” Shen Su’an said moderately, “That one is an excellent alpha, the nephew of Admiral Ding of the Sixth Legion. I once watched his combat video, and he has unique insights into commanding operations.”

Yuri sat on the warm sofa and lowered his eyes. He was obviously very close to Su An. But for a moment, Su An felt a sense of distance that was thousands of light-years away.

“Then do you like him?” Yuri’s voice was so low and somewhat breathless. 

But Su An still heard it.

He leaned back on the sofa and took a sip of warm water, crossed his long legs and said faintly, “A person once said to me that the alpha I need should be the best one. As long as the alpha is good to me, can protect me, can fight with me and make me happy…that’s enough.”

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Yuri seemed to instantly feel how Su An felt when he said this.

He wanted to say that I’d go and find out what that person’s character was like, and even wanted to say that I hope you can pick an alpha you like. 

But all the words got stuck in his throat.

He looked at the teacup, thinking that the omega he peeked at would soon be someone else’s omega.

It’s like the jewel that he had been cherishing for a long time asked him, “Do you like me?”

I like you, ah, Yuri thought, but he can’t give him such a good life, and such shining jewel should be handed over to the person who can give him a better life. 

So he gave his jewel away.

And he also sent him so humbly, looking for the best man, begging him to take good care of his jewel.


But he’s still worried, even upset and restless, thinking about the person who could give his treasure a good life, could he even treasure his jewel as much as he does?

Will he be happy and still shine brightly? 

Feeling pain in his heart, a drop of blue water suddenly fell into the glass of water. Yuri then abruptly got up in a panicked, “I’ll leave first.”

Without waiting for anyone to speak, he had already rushed out the door.

Su An looked at the empty living room and picked up Yuri’s cup.

The inside has turned as light blue as the sky. 

Su An took a sip, thoughtfully.

It’s salty, like sea water.

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