Third Comb

Chapter 22.2

In the middle of the break, Jiang Tiao went to the restroom.

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When she went to wash her hands, the water was cold to the bones as if it is able to drill into the pores of her hand.

While she is rubbing her hands under the freezing cold water, her movements slowed down. She suddenly remembered some past event.

It was also two months ago in a restroom where that person walked over and helped the helpless her. Who would’ve thought that he would enter her life from there?

The water continues to stream down while Jiang Tiao foolishly smiled.

There is a phrase called unable to contain one’s joy. When she thinks of him, she is so happy she couldn’t hide it.

“Sister Jiang!” Someone shouted in her ear.

Jiang Tiao came back to her senses.

“What are you thinking about that is making you so happy?” Jiang Tiao didn’t know when Tong Jing Nian stood next to her.

Jiang Tiao coughed twice, “Nothing.”

“Really nothing?” The young girl elbowed her playfully.

“Really.” Jiang Tiao haha laughed. “What about you. How are you these past few days with the scandal and all.”

Tong Jing Nian carefully applied lotion to her hand, “What can be done? There’s no time to be happy when being involved in a scandal with my idol.”

After she said this, she raised her eyes at Jiang Tiao and smiled like a thief, “Hehe.”

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“Why are you smiling at me like that?” Jiang Tiao smelled something fishy going on.

Tong Jing Nian continue to smile mischievously and slapped her ass, “You don’t have to hide it from me. I already know.”

Jiang stared at the young girl with a baffled expression. Her face is tender and her big eyes are flashing like morning dew. It’s just when she looks at the girl’s face, a feeling of embarrassment crept up in her heart.

Jiang Tiao’s heart palpitated while she pretends to be ignorant, “What?”

“Hai Zi. Don’t forget, I was also there.” Tong Jing Nian proudly shook her head, “Don’t think that I am stupid.”

It turns out that she knew everything….Jiang Tiao felt embarrassed.

Tong Jing Nian pat her shoulder as if to comfort her, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. I am very happy to cover for you.”

“Little Tong…” Jiang Tiao was grateful. Recently, there are many netizens cursing Tong Jing Nian.

“Don’t thank me.” She sighed, “Teacher Fu is a good man and you are a good woman. Seeing you two together is enviable.”

Jiang Tiao, “....”

Tong Jing Nian stared at the woman in the mirror, “I also have someone I like but I can’t be with him.”


“He is like Teacher Fu. He is also an older man, a few years older than Teacher Fu….” Tong Jing Nian dryly smiled, “He has a family.”

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Jiang Tiao can probably guess who it is. Tong Jing Nian is being taken care of by a real estate tycoon, and many people in the circle have her about it.

It is that gold master who can hide the truth from the masses. Even if there is evidence, it would be cut off halfway and can’t be leaked out.

Therefore the outside world had always been uncertain and couldn’t get the exact information.

Jiang Tiao had never discussed personal or emotional matters with anyone. Even if it is with a good friend, it is strenuous and unrewarding.

She can only reply with an “en,” indicating that she is aware of the situation.

Tong Jing Nian fell into a stupor as she thought back to a sweet but sad memory, “He treats me very well. In fact,” Tong Jing Nian blotted her eyes with her finger, afraid that tears will fall and ruin her makeup, “it is nothing. He must treat all the women the same. I can’t even count as a mistress.”


Tong Jing Nian glanced to the side at Jiang Tiao before turning back to the reflection of the beautiful young girl in the mirror, “Sister Jiang, if Teacher Fu already has a girlfriend or a wife, will you still like him?”

Jiang Tiao took a moment to think about it and replied, “Yes.”


“En.” Jiang Tiao remembered that every time Fu Ting Chuan is involved in a scandal, she would always act like a brat, “Oh, I can tell it is fake news at first glance,” “It’s obviously the woman’s company trying to create hype,” “This is ridiculous,” “There is a new movie to be released,” “I don’t want to hear it!”.... In short, even in death, she would never acknowledge or accept that the object of her love has a girlfriend.

Moreover, they will anxiously camp out on the official page and wait for an official to come out to clarify. After that, they would dance with joy and post all kinds of comments: I knew it. How can our idol have time to fall in love? There’s not even enough time to film dramas and films. No one is taking care of you, how pitiful. Uncle Fu, take care of yourself. Muah!

Too! Hypocritical!

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Jiang Tiao helplessly sighed.

“If he already has a partner, will you still want to be with him?” Tong Jing Nian asked.

Jiang Tiao looked at her and solemnly replied, “No. He has his own life and choice. I will always like him but I don’t want to have him.”

Xiaobo has stated: If you are willing, I will forever love you. If you are not willing, I will forever yearn for you.

Tong Jing Nian said no more. After a long time, she seemed as if she woke up from her dream, “Let’s go back.”


Jiang Tiao followed after her. The young woman put down her skirt, the robes falling around her. Her appearance makes her look lonely.

Jiang Tiao gazed at her slim back. She is a good girl, just….this circle is filled with crooks and honest folks, who can predict what type of people they will encounter and what they will go through.

She is also well aware, in order to put an end to Jiang Tiao’s worries, Tong Jing Nian entrusted her with the matter of her heart as a bargaining chip.

–––Look, you also know my secret and have leverage against me. So don’t be afraid, I won’t tell anyone.

The greatest kindness among female friends is just that.


In the evening, when the filming of the day ends, with some time on her hands, Jiang Tiao took out her phone.

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She pressed on the screen. There is a text message reminder.

Is it from him? Jiang Tiao’s eyes lit up. She opened the messaging app and was left disappointed…..It is a public message.

Jiang Tiao’s eyes drooped down as she opened the message.

“Respectable customer, hello. X mobile user 13611XXXX00 has added you to the family plan. The account holder will automatically settle the relevant communication fee for everyone included in the plan at the end of each month. One person pays, and the whole family shares! Log into your account to look at your plan. Click for more details….”

Jiang Tiao was stupefied.

What is this? After skimming through the business page, she is able to understand that Fu Ting Chuan’s number is the head of the household and she is….a family member. Once bound, all future bills from members will be paid by the head of the household.

Heavens! Is there anyone out there who can knock her out and prove that this is not a dream!

She took a deep breath, however, it is not so easy to calm down.

When a call came, she still suspect that it is a scam call.

The result is, it is not a scam call, but a call charge...

Oh no, it is not a call charge. It is an automatic call to summarize her future phone bills and also list the name of the head of the family.

Strange. How can that person who has never caused trouble for himself understand the minds of girls?

Jiang Tiao bit her lower lip. It’s hard to laugh about this kind of thing.

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