Third Comb

Chapter 23.1

In the studio, Fu Ting Chuan is teasing the kitten.

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In just one week, Little Riceball was promoted from a mascot to a pampered CEO, completely surpassing the status of the boss.

The staff no longer called her Little Riceball but instead Master Riceball.

Sadly, Xu Che is still at the bottom of the food chain. He is holding a pair of scissors while he concentrates on repairing his pot of wrecked jasmine flowers. Dissatisfied, he started to complain.

“Old Fu, your cat is treating my pot of jasmines as her imaginary foe am I right? Every day it would break off one of the branches or rip off a few leaves. It really is too annoying.”

Fu Ting Chuan handed the feather wand to Little Riceball and watched it grab onto the feather with its mouth as it jumps away. Only when he raised his eyes did he finally look at his assistant, Fu Ting Chuan gave “It likes this pot of flowers. You should feel proud.”

Xu Che held the pot of flowers and dramatically mourned, “Conceited bastard! You two are so heartless! I am so bitter, in my hand is a wotou* bread, there is not a drop of oil in it….”

T/N: 窩窩頭 (Wotou bread): cheap food for poor people. The line is from a song by Chi Zhiqiang expressing his sorrows in prison.

Fu Tingchuan picked up a newspaper, “Hehe"

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Xu Che turned his head, “Oh right, aren’t you being too outrageous? How can you establish a relationship directly on the phone?”

“How is it outrageous?”

“Why can’t you simply wait to say it in front of her? Besides, you’ve already expressed your heart on Weibo, hehe.” Xu Che sneered.

“I don’t want to wait.” Fu Ting Chuan said.

After being separated these past few days without seeing each other, there will be thousands of changes and possibilities.

He had already regretted leaving so hurriedly on his last day on set.

Once there is a goal, he would do whatever it takes to achieve it. He is someone who likes to plan everything meticulously, unable to live in uncertainty. Even if it is abrupt, he can only stealthily “force” that woman to accept his identity as her boyfriend, and lover….at any rate, it can’t be an idol.

The term idol is too distant. He wants to be someone by her side.

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Better late than ever, right?

Fortunately, she also understands him.

With this in mind, he relaxed his lips as they curved into a smile.

Xu Che knocked on the table, “Well, then you don’t have to add her phone to your family plan. Are you not afraid that you might scare her?”

Fu Ting Chuan lifted up the newspaper and calmly said, “I am not at her side right now so I had to find a way to remind her of our relationship.”

Xu Che’s entire body quivered. How scary, his scheming is terrible.

“Then what are you going to do afterward? It’s not only about the matter of separation. Both of you are still rushing.” When Xu Che realized what he said, he wanted to slap his mouth.

Fu Ting Chuan didn't even raise his eyes, “Check and see if I have any scheduled events in Zhejiang,”

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While Xu Che is madly slapping himself on the cheek in his heart, he opened the iPad to check the schedule, “No. Next week you have a fan event on the first floor of Hangzhou Tower Shopping Mall. You said you wanted to push it back.”

Fu Ting Chuan raised a brow, “Have you pushed it back?”

“Not yet. You know, the company boss responsible for this event was the campus belle of my high school. All in all, I have pursued her before. I am someone who doesn’t forget about old affection so I can’t say much.”

Fu Ting Chuan folded the newspaper two to three times and put it aside, “Haven’t pushed it back?”


“Are there any plans that day?”


“I’ll go.”

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“....Is there a problem?”

“What are you up to?”

“The fan event.” Fu Ting Chuan lightly said.

“You can’t think of sneaking into Hengdian!” Xu Che’s hand is tickling to smack someone. Of course, after so many years, he can only think it, “No. You are not out of the winds yet. Don’t go to Hengdian, the paparazzi will follow you. If you appear around there every day, you’ll be putting yourself in harm’s way. Don’t even think about it. I don't agree.”

"Oh," Fu Tingchuan said, "I’m not going to see her."

“Oh? Really?” Xu Che doesn’t believe him.

“En,” Fu Ting Chuan stood up, “Go give the woman of your dreams a call.”

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