This is a Miracle

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Cut the Weeds and Eliminate the Roots

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February 7, 2022


in This is a Miracle


“I agree with you.”

Bai Luo’s voice sounded ahead, forcing Oak and his companions to stop and look forward with surprise.

“They are indeed hopelessly stupid!” Bai Luo, on Shirley’s back, was obstructing their way.

“How is it possible…”

Oak and his companions took a steep mountain road. There wasn’t a place around where horses could freely run.

What’s more, who would dare ride a horse and run in such a steep mountain forest in the middle of the night?

“Watch out, boss!!”

“Boss, you go first!”

The four mercenaries were very loyal to Oak. This scene caused Bai Luo to sigh emotionally, “Your charisma is really not bad… Shirley.”


The Pegasus, which is connected with her master’s mind, neighed. In the next moment, a pure white light bloomed, illuminating the surrounding space. Several invisible air blades tore the earth, flying towards the mercenaries, their speed was so fast that the mercenaries couldn’t even respond.

“Swish! Swish! Swish!”

In the blink of an eye, only amputated body parts remained in their previous location.


“I can still feel breathing. One is still alive.”

The five mercenaries that stood in Bai Luo’s path lay on the ground, motionless, but Bai Luo wasn’t at ease, so he asked Shirley to investigate, and sure enough one was still alive.


Bai Luo calmly drove Shirley forward, at the same time pulling the long spear hanging on her side.

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Since he had issued the order to not leave one alive, Bai Luo will not feel at ease if he doesn’t pierce these people’s heads.


Just as Bai Luo and Shirley walked to the side of the corpses, one of them suddenly jumped up. It was Oak.


The moment he noticed the light, Oak did not hesitate to drag two of his companions in front of him, thereby blocking Shirley’s attack.

The two men instantly died, the first was split into two, and the second’s abdominal cavity was penetrated through, but Oak didn’t die, he survived.

This mercenary head is an amazing man. Bai Luo’s comment of quick-witted and wise was completely true.

He chose to play dead. No matter how humiliated he is, he must live! However, he never thought that Bai Luo would be cautious enough to make sure that all of them died.

This forced Oak to make a choice. Whether he lives or dies depends on this action!


However, Oak’s sword was shattered before it could even touch Shirley.

In the next moment, a huge shockwave spread from Shirley’s body, sending him flying 6 or 7 meters away.

“Cough cough cough~”

Oak felt that all the bones in his body were broken, his chest was filled with excruciating pain. Several of the blade’s fragments were inserted into his abdomen.

“What’s going on? What the hell was that? And what was that white light before?”

He fell to the ground, unable to get up again. He could only wail in pain. Oak is just a mercenary head from a small place. He has never seen a miracle, naturally, he doesn’t know what a miracle is.

Shirley’s power almost shattered Oak’s worldview.

Bai Luo used supernatural powers twice in a row, hence Oak finally understood why Bai Luo was so calm, they were already doomed from the beginning.

“You’re quite tenacious.”


Seeing Bai Luo getting closer, Oak made his final attempt,

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“Please wait!”

He resisted the excruciating pain and struggled to kneel in front of Bai Luo, begging for his life,

“I have a daughter who is less than eight years old back home. If I die, she won’t survive in this cruel world.”

“Please! Please let me go.”

After speaking, Oak clenched the broken blade in his hands, decisively raising it and cutting off his tongue.


The man covered his blood-filled mouth and mourned in pain.


Having lived two lives, Bai Luo is confident that he has seen many kinds of people.

If he doesn’t count the old man, his elder sister, and other outstanding Ardennes, Oak is one of the most special people he had encountered so far.

To survive, he can betray his teammates, surrender, run away immediately after failure, and fight back in desperate situations. Not once had he renounced to his fate.

In the end, with no other option, he immediately tried to gain his sympathy, not hesitating to cut off his tongue to show that he wouldn’t talk about them if he let him off. 

‘This guy is decisive enough.’

Even Bai Luo felt that this guy would rise into the sky if given a chance. 

“I have to admit that you have a lot of guts.”

“You didn’t even hesitate to use your loyal companions as a shield.”

Oak has the potential of a ruler, He doesn’t even care about his most trusted people. In fact, he treated them like pawns rather than companions.

Bai Luo doesn’t like such people.

Unlike Oak, Bai Luo greatly values his companions and family. He is willing to shelter them from any danger.

“However, it can be said that you have indeed done the right thing…”

There was indeed nothing wrong with Oak’s choice because he survived.

“But… Do you take me for a fool?!”

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Just when Oak felt that he still had hope of surviving, the spear in Bai Luo’s turned into a shadow, instantly piercing his heart.

“Daughter? Wasn’t she sold by you a long time ago?!”

Lifting Oak’s body into the air, Bai Luo said indifferently, “What a boring little trick.”

“Why? Ugh!! How did you… What are you…”

Bai Luo knows Oak. In fact, the two had met before, but at that time, the Ardennes were still keeping a low profile, hence Bai Luo had never shown his power.


Pulling out his spear and throwing Oak’s body like a rag, Bai Luo patted Shirley, telling her to launch her air blades towards the ground, cutting off the heads of all the corpses. It wasn’t until he made sure that all of them were dead that Bai Luo rode Shirley away.

“Have you finished?”


Issafeiya was already waiting in the camp, she was even faster than Bai Luo.

At this time, she was counting the number of people, “There are five on your side, are they all dead?”


Shortly after, Noel and Jerah came back. After that, everyone checked the numbers.

To be on the safe side, Bai Luo asked Shirley to fly around and look for any trace of human auras. She has special navigation and detection abilities.

Unless the other party possesses some kind of stealth-type miracle power, they would never be able to escape from Shirley’s perception.

“Everyone, please help to pack these things and put them in the wooden cart.”

Subsequently, Bai Luo commanded the crowd and started packing up the spoils.

After packing up, they found that there were really a lot of things.

Gold coins and other coins aside. They found a lot of supplies, including a large number of iron tools and horses that are very important to the Ardennes.

Bai Luo has only a single miracle creature capable of combat now, and that is Shirley. According to the old man, Shirley can create more Pegasus, and eventually, an entire Pegasus race.

The premise is to have enough horses.

Hence, for the current Bai Luo, horses are a good haul that they can’t have enough of.

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“There are sixteen horses in total, except for the horses that are in a rough state due to being used to pull carts, there are five good-quality horses and three war horses.”

Noel quickly sorted out the state of the horses and reported to Bai Luo, to which the latter responded with a smile, “Noel, Jerah, these two war horses belong to you.”


“Make the most of everything, and with a horse, your mobility will be much greater.” Bai Luo calmly said,

“Tell grandpa mountain to feed and raise them well afterward.”


The two agreed. They also knew that they were currently the Arden clan’s top combat power. The stronger they were, the better they could protect their clan and guard their king.

“Elder sister already has radish…”

“Me, me, me! What about me?”

Inya raised her hand and jumped non-stop, her face was full of smiles and her intentions were clear.

“Yeah, yeah, you don’t need to be so anxious.”

Bai Luo handed the last warhorse to Inya. This delighted the little girl to no end. She jumped up and down with excitement, then directly pounced on Bai Luo, hugging him.

“Brother, you are the best! Hee hee!”

Sometimes, this younger sister is really Bai Luo’s little padded jacket, so cute and precious.

Of course, if she could stop eating so much, grinding her teeth at night, throwing her quilt, talking in her sleep, and become a little smarter, then it would be more perfect.

In this way, everyone rode their horses, dragging carts of supplies and transporting them back to the Arden village.

Because of the large number of supplies, they couldn’t take the mountain road back.

They chose to cross the mountain forest, even though there are numerous dangers inside, but Bai Luo had Shirkey. Moreover, Elder Sister Issafeiya is incredibly powerful, hence the journey back home was very peaceful.


Cut the weeds and Eliminate the Roots: To completely get rid of all enemies. Little Padded Jacket: Little Sweetheart

TL: Should I leave notes with the meaning of some Chinese Idioms, or are these idioms very easy to understand?

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