This is a Miracle

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Inya, You Simpleton!

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February 8, 2022


in This is a Miracle


The next morning, uncle Saros was waiting at the entrance of the village with everyone, waiting for the return of their heroes.

“They’re back!”

Upon seeing Bai Luo and the others appearing in the distance, the children were extremely surprised. Abaddon ran the fastest,

“There are so many things! Big Brother Bai Luo, Big Brother Noel, are these spoils of war?”

“Well, we got our revenge.”

Bai Luo smiled at Abaddon and said, “From today, the Ardennes will never be bullied again.”

The Ardennes cried with joy at Bai Luo’s words.

“Long live master Bai Luo!”

“Long live Arden!!”

For the first time in ten years, the Ardennes raised their heads. They finally released the anger and depression that they have been suppressing for such a long time.

Unfortunately, now is not the time to celebrate.

The old man interrupted everyone’s joyful celebration. He clearly stated that celebrations and banquets would have to wait until they reach the overseas islands.

Bai Luo knew the stakes involved, so he adopted his uncle’s suggestion.

“By the way.”

Uncle Saros looked at the warhorse that Inya was riding, “Were you the one to give the little girl that horse?”


Bai Luo nodded, to which the old man said, “Take it back.”

“Uncle, why are you eyeing Inya’s horse? If you want a horse, I can help you look for it.”

“I don’t want her warhorse, I plan to give it to someone else.”

‘What! Are you really her father? Taking your daughter’s horse and giving it to someone else, are you joking?’

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“To whom?”

“To anyone but her.”

Bai Luo finally understood, the old man made it clear that he doesn’t want to give Inya a warhorse.

“She has grown up, your approach is wrong.”

Bai Luo has been taught by the old man, so was Issafeiya and even Noel and Jerah. All of them are Saros’s students.

However, the old man has always reserved different teaching methods for students with different aptitudes and characters. He is kind when he should be kind, but when it’s time to be strict, this old man becomes terrifying. He would never show mercy.

In such a manner, he cultivated a new generation of Ardennes that are powerful, hardworking, and brave.

“Didn’t you teach us to be brave and not to fear death?” Bai Luo said,

“Why did you completely change when it’s about Inya?”

“Do you want her to risk her life on the battlefield?”


Bai Luo was stumped by his uncle’s question.

Deep within his heart, Bai Luo only wants his little sister Inya to be safe and sound.

“We are the same!”

The old man patted Bai Luo’s shoulder, “Don’t worry, this old man will play the role of the bad guy. You continue to be the little girl’s good older brother.”


Bai Luo wanted to say this wasn’t right, but the words couldn’t get out of his lips.


In the end, Bai Luo put down his hand and decided to not stop the old man.

The old man’s arrangements for Inya are in line with Bai Luo’s intentions. Inya isn’t good enough. She isn’t nearly as talented or as skilled as her elder sister.

If that’s the case, why should they allow her to join the battlefield? It would only be putting her life in danger.

Bai Luo couldn’t refuse Inya’s request, he knew that he couldn’t be harsh on the little girl even if he tried, he dotes on her too much.

However, the old man would never be soft when it comes to it.

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“Maybe that’s fine, isn’t it?”

Bai Luo felt that the Arden clan’s little princess is a position that is more suitable for Inya rather than a warrior.

“Brother! Brother! Quickly look at my new mount! Isn’t it bigger than the one from before?”

Inya came running towards Bai Luo with a giant smile on her face as if she had gotten a bargain.

However, Bai Luo carefully looked at Inya’s new horse and wanted to say to his little sister, ‘Big, it’s indeed bigger, but its speed is trash compared to the one from before’

This is a horse that specializes in pulling carts or carriages, mainly built for endurance rather than speed. It’s completely unqualified for the battlefield.

She would be dumped instantly by the enemy, unable to even see their back in a minute!

Fortunately, it’s very useful for escape. It can continue running at a constant speed for almost an entire day!

The old man should have taken this factor into consideration. That’s why he picked such a horse for Inya.

“Ah, um, yes, it is indeed bigger than the one from before,” Bai Luo’s voice got smaller and smaller, “Uncle gave you that horse?”

“Yeah, brother, how did you know that?”

Bai Luo was quite speechless. He wanted to say to Inya, ‘You are almost 15 years old, can you not be so gullible? A 5-year-old is harder to deceive!’

“I, I, I guessed, ha, ha, haha…”

Bai Luo felt very guilty, but for Inya’s safety, he had to go against his heart and praise her new mount.

Just like that, Bai Luo sighed as he watched Inya happily leave.

For the next few days, everyone was basically packing up.

Due to the imminent journey, everyone had to rest their mind and body, preparing for it.

The caravan’s disappearance is not a problem.

A round trip is at least half a month, and it will take at least another half a month to discover their disappearance and start the investigation.

Over such a long period, it’s estimated that the Ardennes have long been on the overseas island.

This is also the reason why the old man agreed to get revenge on the caravan. They don’t care about the kingdom’s forces or military anymore.

The reason why they didn’t escape overseas in the past is that they didn’t possess a miracle, hence it would be difficult for them to get ahead no matter their location.

But now it’s different. With the basic sacred pouch, Pegasus, and the Ardennes themselves, they have the confidence to grow and thrive anywhere.

“Sister Alea! Brother Bai Luo is so amazing, that day, his pegasus released a blinding white light, instantly sending all the wild beasts flying!”

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Mia waved her hands and described the scene to Alea excitedly, while the blind girl’s hand was held by Schuster, guiding her home.

A few days have passed since the revenge of the Arden clan, and tomorrow is the day they will leave their home and set off on a journey overseas.

Everyone has been packing for the last few days. Everything that can be brought with them has been packed up.

In addition, Bai Luo distributed weapons to everyone in the village who had some fighting ability.

Some are short swords, some are daggers.

The Ardennes are natural-born warriors, even a 10-year old child can kill an adult soldier if they were forced to.

This is Bai Luo’s last guarantee for them. If an incident really occurs, then they can only fight to the death.

“Maybe in the future, Mia can obtain the power of miracles.”

Miracle masters can bestow their power on their loyal subjects, allowing them to obtain the power of miracles and become miracle subjects.

It’s temporarily uncertain whether the basic sacred pouch is capable of this. However, Shirley absolutely has this capability. It’s just a matter of time.

In the future, when he starts developing Arden’s military, the Ardennes, who are like his family members, are naturally the best choice.


Mia hurriedly waved her hand and said, “Impossible, I don’t have any combat talent, this is what big sister Feiya said.”

“That’s why it’s called a miracle.”

Alea felt Miya’s loss. She gently rubbed her hair, making the little girl squint comfortably, “Yes, that’s a miracle!”


Schuster muttered, Alea also stroked his hair and said with a smile “Little Schuster, you won’t take Abaddon’s position?”


Schuster understood what Alea meant. Even if they have miracles, power should be granted to those with high qualifications first.

The Ardennes must act pragmatically, resources must be firstly distributed to those that are fit.

“However, there are only 80 Ardennes in total.”

Alea’s words made Schuster’s originally low mood rise again.


Schuster nodded repeatedly. They are very familiar with Bai Luo’s character.

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No matter how talented outsiders are, Bai Luo values loyalty and trust more. There are only so many people in Arden, hence sooner or later it will be Schuster’s turn.

“Have a good rest tonight.”

Under Alea’s care, the two children soon fell asleep with the dream of becoming Bai Luo’s miracle subjects in the future.

Tonight is the best time to rest for the Ardennes, they will set off tomorrow at dawn.

After that, everyone needs to traverse the rolling mountains until they reach their goal – the ancient seaside capital, Hillul.

They aren’t going to pass through the towns that Bai Luo had previously visited. To avoid conflict with more people, uncle Saros and Issafeiya unanimously suggested ignoring all the towns and villages in the way, heading straight to the ancient capital.

Once they get there, they must get a ship for everyone.

The island that is suitable for the Ardennes to develop is some distance from the continent, hence they must either get a large enough ship or enough small ships.

If they try to split the 80 Ardennes into several batches and individually transport them to the island, that would introduce too many variables. This approach is prone to problems.

Bai Luo decided to go together instead of splitting up into smaller teams.

Fortunately, the old man has been to the ancient capital Hillul many times before. He is very familiar with it and has some connections with local gangs.

The best result would be to buy a big ship at a high price. If it doesn’t work, the old man has a plan B.

Money isn’t an issue at all.

Bai Luo can generate black pepper at will, which is a spice equivalent to gold sand, and hence can be used to trade directly.

The basic sacred pouch has provided the Ardennes with great wealth. They are not short of money at all!

For the current Ardennes, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem! Likewise, if they encounter an issue that needs to be dealt with force.

The Ardennes are very strong. The Arden young warriors headed by Noel and Leon are sufficient to deal with most problems.

In case they encounter a big crisis, they have Shirley!

Shirley’s power is enormous, even if the entire Arden clan acts, they still have no way to deal with her. Instead, they would be decimated.

With her presence, Bai Luo has absolute confidence to pierce a bloody path in the ancient capital, Hillul.

Of course, this is the worst-case scenario.

The best result would be to reach the overseas island safely without being exposed, then start the Arden kingdom farming and development, safely and quietly passing the initial development period.

The Ardennes aren’t afraid of challenges, but they aren’t blockheads. They know when to act and when to remain silent.

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