This is a Miracle

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: What is your dream?

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February 13, 2022


in This is a Miracle


“Brother Bai Luo.”

While Bai Luo was distressed, Mia quietly approached,

“Can I ask a few questions?”


Bai Luo smiled gently, “Of course, little Mia, what’s your question?”

“Why is Snow White’s stepmother so mean? Isn’t she the princess’s mother?”


Holy crap, Bai Luo was stumped by the first question.

“Because, this, this…”

Bai Luo was unsure how to explain. He wanted to say that stepmothers are generally not as kind to children as their true mothers.

However, this is not absolute. At least this doesn’t apply in Arden.

Many of the children of the women present aren’t actually their biological children. When relatives, friends, or even neighbors die, the Arden women will take care of them as equally as their own children.

Just like their neighbor Alea. She carefully and tenderly took care of Schuster and Mia just like her own children.

In Arden, every man and woman can become a father or mother to orphaned children. This is how the Ardennes can keep such a close relationship with each other. They’re just like a big family.

A father’s love is like a mountain, silent and strong, and a mother’s love is like a stream, gentle and caring.

This is Arden!

“Sister Alea often tells Mia stories and hugs me to sleep. Why did Snow White’s stepmother give her a poisonous apple instead of telling her stories?”

Due to the sacred pouch, apples, though a bit small, have already appeared in Arden. Naturally, Mia knows what apples are.


Bai Luo was truly at a loss. He didn’t know how to answer.

As expected of a child’s question, so innocent yet so scary!

“Brother Bai Luo, I also have a question! After Cinderella and the prince got married, did they truly have a happy life ever after?”

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This question was asked by little Helen. It’s very naive, but it’s also the question of countless fairy tales enthusiasts.

Are fairy tales exempt from the fact that marriages are the tombs of men?

“Of course, they lived happily ever after!”

Bai Luo felt that he mustn’t disappoint this little girl.

Fairy tales are all beautiful, at least until adulthood, Bai Luo is going to firmly tell them that they happily lived ever after!

“Mia also wants to be Cinderella!”



The moment Little Mia said these words, Bai Luo suddenly felt a fluctuation of miracle power. He hurriedly looked at the crystal bottle hanging on his waist and saw that the black swallowtail butterfly inside was emitting a faint glimmer.

[It might fulfill their wishes]


Bai Luo suddenly realized, he hurriedly shouted,

“Everyone, please wait!”

“Don’t go! I have something to say, I have something to say!”

A wish! Yes, wish!

Bai Luo finally figured out the core requirement for this trial! Listening to stories isn’t enough, the more important thing is their wish!

“I’ve finished my storytelling, so now,” Bai Luo looked at everyone,

“I want to ask you all if you have any wishes, such as objects you desire, things you want to do, and your expectations for the future, as long as it’s something you truly wish for, just tell me!”

“I will do my best to make your wish come true!”

The crowd looked at Bai Luo with wonder. The old women naturally decided to not involve themselves any further. They are so old, they can’t get in the way of the younglings.

Although they didn’t know the reason why Bai Luo was doing this, his actions must carry some obscure meaning, and all they have to do is to support him.

“Is it okay?”

“Helen, don’t cause trouble to the leader!”

Helen’s mother quickly stopped her daughter. The Arden clan isn’t rich, how can they burden their clan with their wishes.

“It’s okay, little Helen.”

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Bai Luo walked in front of Helen and crouched,

“Come on, boldly tell your brother what is your wish?”

“I want a talking fish! Like the one that the mermaid princess has”


The first wish is impossible to fulfill!!!

“Uh, this, uh…”

Bai Luo felt like he had dug a hole for himself. He looked at the crystal bottle attached to his waist with wide eyes. The faint light emitted by the swallowtail butterfly seems only visible to him.

‘Little Butterfly, your trial is a bit difficult!’

‘Where can I find a talking fish for little Helen?!’

Although Bai Luo can agree perfunctorily, he is a man that can’t go back on his words.

Especially for his people, since he has promised it, he must do his best to fulfill his promise.

‘I can only promise her for now. ‘

‘Anyway, the worst case is to look for a talking fish in the future.’

This world is extremely vast and has countless miracles, maybe talking fish do exist in some corner of the world.


Helen’s mother, Diana, was a little angry at her daughter. How could she make such a strange wish? Isn’t this just making trouble for their leader Bai Luo?

She should be more sensible, asking for candies, a cute doll, or something like that.

“I… I want a nice scabbard.”

Diana looked at her eldest daughter Ersa with a look of appreciation. Her eldest daughter is really well behaved, making a wish that is easy to fulfill.

“Big sister Diana, it’s okay.”

Bai Luo patted little Helen’s head and said,

“Don’t worry, little Helen, I will definitely help you find a talking fish in the future.”


“And Ersa.”

Bai Luo didn’t wait for the crowd to express their surprise and directly said to Ersa,

“I don’t want this kind of wish. I want to hear a wish that isn’t easily fulfilled but is still something you deeply desire.”

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The swallowtail butterfly did not become brighter when Ersa stated her wish, but little Helen’s words did make the butterfly shine brighter.


“It doesn’t matter, talk, and speak with confidence.”

Bai Luo said with a smile,

“Tell me, Ersa, what is your dream!”

“I… I…”

Ersa is a very obedient and prudent girl. She sneakily took a glance at her mother Diana before boldly saying, “I want the magic of ice and snow like Queen Elsa!”

“Ersa, you…”

Diana’s mouth was wide open and her face was filled with disbelief. She never thought that her most well-behaved and sensible daughter would give Bai Luo such a difficult problem.


The miracle fluctuations of the black swallowtail butterfly increased drastically.

“Good, very good!”

Bai Luo put his hand on Ersa’s head and fondly ruffled it. He said with a serious expression,

“Rest assured little Ersa! For I will try my best to fulfill your wish!!”

“Eh? But magic…”

Magic is simply a product of fantasy. At least, she had never heard of it before today, how could she get such a thing?

“Anything else? Everyone, don’t be shy! State your wishes!”

“Can I too?”

Although Diana is already a mother, she is very interested in Bai Luo’s game. She raised her hand and asked with a look of intrigue.

“Of course!”

“After I raise my two daughters to adulthood, I want to become a warrior again and fight for the clan!”


Bai Luo glanced at the black butterfly but the latter didn’t respond at all,

“Well, can your wish be harder to realize? I can help you fulfill that wish now.”

“Then I want a man who can defeat me!”

In fact, he can still help her realize this wish immediately because Bai Luo can easily defeat Diana.

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However, the swallowtail butterfly didn’t respond at all to these two wishes!

Although Diana is only 29 years old, she seems to have been categorized into the ‘old ladies’ class by the black butterfly.

Her wish is worthless!

“Cough, children first, let the children come first!”

Bai Luo directly changed his strategy. The big girls and mature ladies immediately understood his intention and retreated to the old ladies’ side.


Diana was dumbfounded. Fortunately, her friends and other big sisters dragged her from this sad place.

“Little Luo is so mean!”

“He’s a bully!”

“Obviously I’m only nine years older than him.”

“Yeah, he used to be so sweet, why does he despise us now? We’re still youthful!”

Bai Luo was sweating as he listened to their conversation, but for the sake of the miracle, he could only suppress his guilt and silently apologize.

“Feiya, Alea, aren’t you going?”

“No, I would rather leave it to the younger ones.”

Alea said with a gentle smile, while Issafeiya simply said,

“I don’t want anything.”

The eldest sister and Alea don’t intend to get involved. They are long past the age of girly dreams, so they would rather leave these fairy tales to ignorant little girls.

“I also want a talking pet!”

“I want the cat that magically disappears from Alice in wonderland!”

“If only I also had a fairy godmother, just like Cinderella.”

“That magic mirror is so funny! I also want one.”

“Those dwarves and fairies are also very fascinating, brother Bai Luo, do they really exist?”

“Dwarf! Dwarf! Seven Dwarves!”


All kinds of wishes rained on him. Bai Luo heard a lot of them in his past life, all of which are fantastical wishes made by innocent children. However, these wishes became the source of power needed for the awakening of the third miracle.

It is awakening, and its status in the black book is quickly changing.

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