This is a Miracle

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: The Fairy

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February 14, 2022


in This is a Miracle


[It is awakening, please be patient for a day]

It changed! With the constant barrage of wishes, the content of the third page has finally changed!

Bai Luo knew that the acquisition of the third miracle had been set in stone.


Subsequently, Bai Luo didn’t diss the remaining girls after completing his goal but patiently listened to the wishes of each one of them, writing it down one after the other.

Finally, after everything was over, Bai Luo went back.

As he was walking back, Bai Luo was narcissistically thinking: ‘I’m a genius’, ‘as expected of the witty me’, and ‘How can a mere riddle stop the great Bai Luo’.

“He’s skipping like a little girl.”

Issafeiya and Saros looked at Bai Luo with confusion. They didn’t know why he was so happy

“A miracle whose awakening requirement is to tell stories to a group of little girls, then ask their wishes?'”

Issafeiya felt that she wouldn’t have done such a thing until the day of her death, and Saros was the same. Doing such a weird thing is completely contrary to their character.

“Those stories…”

“I guess he learned it from a dream again.”

The two were no longer surprised, Saros simply regarded it as Bai Luo’s talent, while Issafeiya was completely a Bai Luo fanatic. As long as it is something that Bai Luo did, it must be right.

As for Inya, she naturally likes listening to stories like girls of her age, but what she likes more than stories are midnight snacks.

Inya: ‘There are stories to listen to and snacks to eat, I’m happy!’

Listening to stories while eating snacks is simply double happiness.

“What will you become?”

At night, Bai Luo slept on the grass with a crystal bottle beside his pillow. The black swallowtail butterfly in the bottle exuded a colorful light that only he could see.

Inya slept in her usual terrible sleeping position, perhaps because she ate too much sugar these days, she was grinding her teeth abnormally loudly.

Fortunately, Bai Luo hadn’t had the intention to sleep tonight from the start.

How could he fall asleep!


It was soon dawn, Bai Luo also stared at the little creature all night, and at the moment when the first rays of sunlight fell, the black butterfly finally changed.

‘It’s starting!’

Bai Luo exclaimed inwardly, his eyes fixed on the black butterfly.

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The black butterfly was shrouded in light, its wings slowly began to stretch, transforming into a beautiful black dress. Slender white arms slowly appeared, elegantly placed in front of it, in a prayer-like shape.

She curled up in the air inside the crystal bottle. Feeling her master’s sight, she slowly opened her eyes.


She is very similar to the fairy tinker bell from fairy tales, except that there was a difference in hair color and shape as well as her beautiful black dress. On the basis of her already shocking beauty, it added a bit of nobility and charm to her.

Bai Luo felt that she was like a queen of a kingdom from fairy tales, a being at the apex of fantasy creatures.


Master: Bai Luo Arden

Level: Medium

Type: Miracle Creature

Faction: Ideal Coast

Ability 1: She has a magical power that can fulfill wishes and make fantasies come true

Contract method: Find her, prepare a crystal bottle for her, tell stories about dreams to cute girls, and listen to their wishes. 

“Success! Hahahaha!!!”

Bai Luo shouted and jumped up from the bed.

“Ah! ah! ah!!”

Inya was jolted from her sleep, scrambling from the blanket and looking around with horror,

“Enemy attack? Enemy attack?!!”

“Enemy attack? Where are the enemies?”

“Everyone, get up, get up!”

Due to Inya’s loud cries, all the Ardennes were awakened. They picked up their weapons and vigilantly looked around, but they couldn’t find any trace of the enemy.

The group of Ardennes stood stupidly in their spot, the nervousness and vigilance on their faces slowly turned to confusion and doubt.

“What the hell just happened?!”

Noel looked at the camp with a confused expression. He was the night vigil of this period, and he hadn’t captured the slightest trace of an enemy.

There wasn’t even a single beast. How could this be an enemy attack?

Is it an invisible attack?

“Boss, did you have a nightmare?”

Noel asked with a puzzled expression. The rest of the crowd looked at Bai Luo with inquisitive expressions.

“No, no, there is no enemy attack, you don’t have to worry.”

Bai Luo stood up quickly and waved his hands. He looked at Inya awkwardly, but she was innocent. She was simply frightened by his sudden shout.

“Everyone, this is just a misunderstanding.”

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Bai Luo bent over to pick up the exquisite crystal bottle and noticed that the fairy inside of it had disappeared.

“Strange, where did she go?”

Before Bai Luo could think further, a black-dressed fairy appeared in front of him, hovering gracefully. She emitted a starlight-like glow, adding a dreamy touch to her.

“Hee hee, master, my master.”

The little fairy looked about twelve or thirteen, still a childish young girl,

“Here I am!”


The confused crowd followed the sound source and looked at the fairy. Their eyes widened in shock as they realized what kind of creature they were looking at.

“It’s the one from the story!”

“A fairy!”

“It actually exists! So the stories were true? incredible!”

“Am I dreaming?”

The Ardennes were completely stunned by the sight of the little fairy.

They originally thought that Bai Luo was just telling a story, but when such a magical creature truly appeared in front of them, the Ardennes felt their worldview getting shattered.

However, the next statement plunged them into unprecedented shock.


Although Bai Luo was eager to observe the little fairy, he needs to pacify his clan now, so he hurriedly shouted,

“This is the third miracle I have acquired. She is my miracle creature, a fairy!”


Uncle Saros and Issafeiya looked at each other. They could no longer find words to describe the sheer scale of Bai Luo’s luck.

However, is this even a product of luck?

Finding three miracles in such a short period is definitely not something that can be explained with mere luck.

“Little Luo might have…”

Issafeiya had faintly guessed Bai Luo’s situation, but uncle Saros hurriedly stopped her from talking any further. “This is Little Luo’s secret, we have to help him conceal it. No one else must know of this!”


Elder sister Issafeiya also knows of the importance of such a secret. It must not be exposed under any circumstances.

“The third miracle! We, the Ardennes, have three miracles!”

The old man stood up. He preempted everyone’s attention and took the lead to kneel in front of Bai Luo.

“With three miracles, a duchy can be built.”

“Seven miracles are enough to build a kingdom!”

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“Finally, with twenty miracles, an empire can be established!!”

After the old man said these three sentences, he looked back at everyone,

“We the Ardennes have three miracles! Even if we establish a duchy at this moment, that’s more than enough!”

Moreover, the situation of Arden is completely different from that of other nations. All of the three miracles belong to Bai Luo alone.

In contrast, each miracle master controls one miracle in all other countries.

This naturally causes their domestic situation to be quite complicated. Miracle masters might rally with each other, but no one would truly submit to the other. Each one has their agenda.

Although the old man did not elaborate, he revealed a clear message to everyone.

Bai Luo’s magnificence has surpassed everyone’s imagination. He is worthy of being called the king of miracles, the one subject to everyone’s worship.

“That ceremony again?”

Bai Luo knew what Saros wanted to do. It wasn’t the first time they had conducted that ceremony.

“This is glory.”

The old man patted Bai Luo on the shoulders, then knelt down again.

“It’s just kneeling, you will get used to it.”


Bai Luo didn’t stop him, and so uncle Saros and elder sister Issafeiya led everyone to conduct the miracle oath ceremony, again.

Soon, three minutes passed.

The content of the ceremony hadn’t changed.

The only change is Bai Luo’s identity, becoming a miracle Archduke.

Although they said ‘You are our king’ before. It was actually more of a blessing and an oath. An oath to make Bai Luo a king in the future.

Naturally, it didn’t mean that Bai Luo was already a king.

It’s like someone said ‘I’m willing to conquer the world for my lord’, it’s simply a goal or a dream.

Needless to say, the claim of being a miracle king was just bragging. It’s better to say that he has the potential to become a miracle king.

However, things have completely changed!

Bai Luo can be truly acclaimed as a miracle Archduke!

With three miracles, Bai Luo is a veritable Archduke.

Once he establishes a country, with the backing of three miracles, the status of the Duchy of Arden will be recognized all over the world.

“Low-key, we should be low-key.”

Bai Luo didn’t have time to think about the little fairy.

“Everyone, quickly get up. There’s no need to call me Archduke…”

The little creature already belongs to Bai Luo. Their souls are connected. Even Shirley had sensed the arrival of this new partner.

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“Little one, uh…”

Bai Luo felt that calling such a cute fairy ‘little one’ isn’t appropriate, so he gave her a name,

“Your name is Lillith from now on.”

“Lilith, go and play with Shirley for the moment. I have something to deal with. I’ll come over later.”

Bai Luo sent the little Fairy to play with Shirley for the moment.

The little fairy was also very curious about Pegasus. Since they have the same master, there was no conflict between the two. On the contrary, they got along very well.

Lilith fluttered beside Shirley, looking at her with wonder. Shirley was also observing the little fairy flying around, her eyes full of curiosity.

Seeing that the two got along quite well, Bai Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, even the old man had never heard of someone who had acquired more than one miracle in this world, hence Bai Luo didn’t know if sentient miracles under the same master would conflict.

Now it seems that there is no such problem at all, and they are bonding quite well.

Miracles have an attribute called faction.

Shirley is a Pegasus from the ‘Northern Earth’ faction, while Lilith is a fairy that belongs to the ‘Ideal Coast’ faction.

There is also the basic sacred pouch, which belongs to the ‘Twilight of the Gods’ faction.

Three miracles, three completely different factions, but Bai Luo couldn’t feel the slightest conflict between them.

“This new miracle, oh, her name is Lilith. What is she?”

Saros and Issafeiya approached Bai Luo and asked him about Lilith.

If it was a weapon such as a sword, or an animal such as a horse or a lion, they could roughly judge its role and function.

A fairy, however…

They have never seen one!

Does she have combat capabilities or some special ability? What can she do? They don’t have the slightest idea.

It’s simply a creature full of mysteries!

“Lilith is a miracle creature, a fairy,” Bai Luo joyfully said,

“I don’t know the specifics of her ability, but she seems to have the power to fulfill wishes and make fantasies come true.”

Generally speaking, this ability is extremely powerful, but Bai Luo doesn’t know Lilith’s limits and what kind of wishes she can fulfill.

“What about her level?”



Saros was very surprised.

“Little Luo, are you serious? Is it really medium?”

Due to the constraints of time and other issues, Bai Luo hadn’t been able to clearly ask about the issue of levels, but now that he has three miracles, respectively, Bottom, Low, and Medium. He needs to know more about levels.

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