This is a Miracle

Chapter 42

Chapter 42: The Descendants of the Tree Elves

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March 4, 2022


in This is a Miracle


“Here we are!”

Shirley stopped at a distance of only a kilometer from their destination, but because of Lilith’s invisibility, they were not discovered by the residents of the forest.

It had to be said that this place is quite hidden.

Most people would never think that there would be a group of people living in such a dense forest.

The pirates had obviously explored the island, but even they couldn’t find them. As expected of a miracle race, their hiding ability is extraordinary.

“Next, let’s walk.”

Bai Luo asked Shirley to slow down. Due to the miracle factor, Bai Luo did not regard these people as enemies.

If he could, he would naturally do his best to subdue and make them his people.

If they could sign a miracle contract, Bai Luo would treat them just like Shirley and Lilith.

Because as long as there is the slightest sense of rejection in their hearts, the contract can’t be established at all.

What’s more, a miracle race is still a miracle.

If Bai Luo dies, all the adults of the entire race would be buried with him, turning into ashes.

However, it’s a different case for the children. They won’t die on the spot, but they will quickly lose their miracle power and become mortals.

Therefore, the Miracle Race shares honor and disgrace with the king they serve. They live and die with him. They are his most loyal subjects.

“It’s just ahead, Master.”

The distance between the two sides was no more than 200 meters. Bai Luo could even faintly see the other’s village.

Their houses are built on tall trees and covered by dense foliage, making them extremely concealed. Even if someone walks through below, without paying close attention, they are unlikely to find the houses above.

“There is no trace of smoke around.”

Lilith told Bai Luo,

“They should be an ethnic group that doesn’t use fire.”

Lilith didn’t know they were miracle descendants, hence she referred to them as an ethnic group.


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Shirley asked Bai Luo whether to make a move or not.

“The people inside!!!”

Bai Luo didn’t sneak around. He straightforwardly walked forward while shouting,

“My name is Bai Luo Adren and I came to visit! Please come out and talk to me!”

“Rest assured! I have no malicious intentions~~~”

[You found them, but they don’t belong to you]

[The ever-present evil kept them from ever opening their hearts again. You must gain their trust. Only gentleness and kindness can make them drop down their wariness]

“Master, they ran away.”

In Shirley’s perception, these miracle descendants escaped at an extremely fast speed. They had no intention of communicating with Bai Luo at all.

As the black book suggested, they are very wary.


However, because the actions of the Miracle Descendents were too decisive, Bai Luo didn’t have time to think about the method suggested by the black book.

“Since we’re here, there’s no reason to return empty-handed, Lilith!”

“As you command!”

The moment her voice sounded, Lilith had already used her fairy magic.


The Miracle Descendents watched as the big trees that they usually depended on for survival came to life one after another. Countless vines and branches turned into ropes, quickly tying the silhouettes jumping in the air.


“What’s this?”

“I can’t break free, how can this happen?”


Frightened cries sounded from the trees. Bai Luo asked Lilith to use her magic.


The thick ancient trees raised their heads, the leaves scattered, revealing the miracle descendants hanging in the air like silkworms

They look a lot like humans, but their skin was much fairer.

Short and long blond hair shone in the sun, sparkling like the purest gold. The appearance of these people made Bai Luo even more amazed.

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“Wow, their beauty is simply phenomenal.”

The ratio of males to females is almost 1:1.

But whether it was males or females, their appearance is simply gorgeous, almost out of this world.

“My elder sister is also extremely beautiful though…”

Bai Luo quickly noticed their pointed ears,

“Is this the so-called fantasy race?”


Bai Luo said this long-awaited name, “They’re really elves with pointy ears.”

“Please don’t hurt us!!”

Suddenly, an old voice sounded. It was an old man who looked at least in his seventies, with white hair and a fully wrinkled face.

Among the crowd of handsome men and beautiful women, as well as cute Shotas and Lolis, he is definitely an anomaly among anomalies.

“Lord Seer?”

“This… This is not an ordinary person!”

The old man was slowly dropped to the ground. Bai Luo felt that what he said held some significance, so he immediately said,

“I am not an enemy, please forgive my rudeness; I will let you down now, but I hope you don’t run away, there are some things we need to talk about.”

After Bai Luo finished speaking, he asked Lilith to put them down.

Lilith had already shown her strength, and Bai Luo’s order of releasing them was enough to leave an indelible impression on the hearts of these elves.

At the same time, Bai Luo also proved one thing – they can’t escape!

With Lilith around, he can capture them anytime, anywhere.

This also means that if Bai Luo had bad intentions, they couldn’t possibly resist.

“Your excellency is right, we are too fearful.”

The old man was dropped down. His body was quite weak, almost collapsing after landing on the ground.


Behind the old man, a seedling rose from the ground, quickly turning into a chair entwined with vines.

“What’s this?”


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“How did this happen? A chair grew out from the soil!”

“It seems to be made of vines.”


“As expected.”

The old man is different from other elves. He first thanked Bai Luo, and after sitting down. He sorted out his thoughts and said,

“You are a miracle master, and that creature flying in the air must be some kind of miracle, right?”

In the face of such magical power, the old man couldn’t think of a second possibility other than miracles.

Unlike those ignorant pirates, the old elf is apparently one of the few that knows about the secret of miracles.

“What is a miracle?”

“Is there such a magical power?”

Although they have pointed ears and look like elves. They shouldn’t be true elves, just their descendants.

“Is it really a miracle, Grandpa Andrew?”

A tall slender woman with long blond hair asked the old man,

“Isn’t that just a myth you used to tell us before?”

“It’s true, we’re proof aren’t we?”

Grandpa Andrew looked at Bai Luo and asked, “O venerable King, can you tell these children how long is the lifespan of human beings?”


Bai Luo was a little surprised, but he still told the truth,

“The long-lived can live to seventy or eighty years old. However, In some places with a poor environment and severe poverty, they may die in their thirties.”

“Seventy or eighty years?!”

“How is this possible? Are you sure they weren’t being killed but died of old age?”

“Eighty years old… That’s still a child!”


While listening to their discussion, Bai Luo heard something outrageous. He was tempted to ask whether they were joking. An ‘eighty-year-old child’?

Are you kidding?

“You guys…” Bai Luo had guessed that they were elves at first, but now he is even more certain,

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“Are very long-lived?”

“It seems that the distinguished guest has found out.”

Grandpa Andrew said,

“Our ancestors are the ancient miracle race, tree elves. We have inherited their bloodline.”

“Unfortunately, apart from longevity, we have no other particularities.”

Grandpa Andrew is obviously experienced. He could feel that Bai Luo had no ill will.

“The youngest child here is also in his sixties.”

If it wasn’t Bai Luo who found them, but a slave trader. He would have directly attacked upon seeing so many gorgeous men and women.

You must know that the tree elves’ descendants can maintain youth for a long time. They’re simply a dream bed companion for humans.

Just imagine, when you were 16 years old, you married a young and beautiful tree elf.

However, when you become old and are about to die, the other party is still so young, maybe even more beautiful and radiant.

It is hard to imagine how big a market such a race would have in the eyes of slave traders.

Fortunately, tree elves have long since become extinct in the outside world.

The tree elves’ descendants on this island are the only ones remaining in the world.

Grandpa Andrew didn’t find any filth in Bai Luo’s eyes, only curiosity, and appreciation. The kind of appreciation for beautiful things.

‘This person is not the enemy of the tree elves’

Grandpa Andrew made such a judgment.

What’s more, Bai Luo came with a miracle.

A person that possesses miracles is a miracle master, an exalted being with the qualifications of a king.

The clan of tree elves’ descendants hadn’t faced such a figure for many years.

Logically, they should bring out the best food, and entertain this distinguished guest in their most luxurious treehouse.

“Old gentleman, you’re very wise.”

Bai Luo didn’t order Shirley to show her power, Lilith is more than enough.

“I apologize for our rudeness.”

Old man Andrew said quickly,

“Quick, come to our village, let us properly entertain you, esteemed guest.”

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