This is a Miracle

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Miracle Awakens

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March 5, 2022


in This is a Miracle


“Thank you for your invitation.”

At the invitation of Old Man Andrew, Bai Luo climbed up to their treehouse.

It is clearly stated in the Black Book that the tree elves are very kind miracle descendants.

What’s more, Bai Luo also brought Lilith with him. He had an absolute force advantage, hence he didn’t worry that the tree elves would lead him into a trap.

“This is my granddaughter, Luna.”

“Greetings, how do you do?”

Luna is very beautiful. According to Andrew, she is the current leader of the tree elf clan, and sitting behind her is her younger brother Anderson, who is also an outrageously handsome tree elf.

“Greetings, honorable miracle master.”

Like his sister, Anderson is also very polite. He didn’t seem to have the slightest resentment due to the previous event.

According to Grandpa Andrew, tree elves have the power to perceive people’s hearts to a certain extent.

They can’t read people’s thoughts, but they can roughly judge whether their intentions are good or bad.

They didn’t feel the slightest malicious intention from Bai Luo, which caused the tree elves to lower their vigilance. This can be regarded as the completion of the black book’s first task.

[You have gained their goodwill]

[But this is just the beginning. If you want to get a race’s recognition, first of all, you have to do something beneficial for them]

[A king has rights and obligations]

“You haven’t dined yet, have you?”

Grandpa Andrew used rather classical words, but even Bai Luo didn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘dined’.

After thinking for a moment, he thought that it should mean ‘eat’.

“Oh, yes, my people and I just landed on this island. I came in a hurry, hence I didn’t eat.”

The tree elves’ descendants become a little nervous upon hearing Bai Luo mention his people. Other than that, they were a little curious.

“Your excellency, hadn’t you met the pirates on this island?”

The tree elf matriarch Luna said,

“There are many of them, and they are also armed with sharp weapons. Their individual combat power is not as good as ours, but if we fight, the ones who will be decimated are us.”

“We dare not let them find out about our existence, therefore we hid here.”

The number of tree elves’ descendants is limited. Compared with the unending pirates, the speed of their population replenishment is too slow. It isn’t too much to say that one tree elf killed is one less tree elf in this world.

“Don’t worry, I’ve already wiped them all out.”


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A single sentence, but it implied the enormous power Bai Luo possessed to everyone present.

The 3,000 pirates that they absolutely couldn’t compete with, were spoken of so lightly by Bai Luo. It’s as if they were as vulnerable as insects.

“You, you really…”

Andrew seemed to have guessed a part of Bai Luo’s intentions. He solemnly said,

“Please, can you tell us your purpose? If there is anything we can do, we will try our best.”

Even if Bai Luo said that he desires a few beautiful girls of the tree elf clan, the tree elves would probably agree in order to survive.

“Oh, I don’t have anything I want you guys to do.”

The black book prompted Bai Luo to show the demeanor of a king, hence he decided to talk big,

“Our clan is known as the Arden clan.”

“We have migrated here, intending to use this island as a new settlement,” Bai Luo said,

“In this way, the Arden clan and the tree elves will become neighbors.”

“I suppose you understand what that means, old man?”

When two different groups live in the same place, they have two options. Either coexisting peacefully or going to war until one side conquers or drives off the other.

“Do you intend to conquer us?”

“Old gentleman, both of our clans have only 80 people in total. Can this be called conquest?”

“I prefer to call it ‘harmony’ harmonious coexistence,” Bai Luo said.

“Harmonious coexistence?”

It was the first time that Andrew heard such words,

He pondered for a while, but he couldn’t figure out what ‘harmony’ meant. However, he understands what coexistence means.

“You’re suggesting…”

“I would like to merge the Arden clan and the tree elves into one entity, collectively called ‘Arden’.”

Bai Luo’s statement was astonishing,

“I, a miracle master, want more people under my command. This is also the best solution for two groups to coexist on one island.”

Although it will be called Arden, that doesn’t mean that the word tree elf will disappear. They will simply be merged into the Arden clan.

“What do you think, old man?”

“You, you…”

To be honest, Andrew was very reluctant. After all, this is simple oppression.

It is almost indistinguishable from forceful buying or forceful demolition.

However, in the current state of the tree elves’ descendants, if they do not want to perish, their only way out is to submit to Bai Luo.

The previous event clearly showed the tree elves Bai Luo’s power. With just a snap of his finger, he can exterminate their clan.

The tree elves are at a huge disadvantage. They are much weaker than Bai Luo. If Bai Luo makes a move, they wouldn’t be able to resist at all.

“I know this is excessive and a bit forceful, but you have to admit, it’s benevolent.”

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Bai Luo didn’t attack them, nor captured and turned them into playthings. He was very polite from the beginning to the end.

If it was any other miracle master, they certainly wouldn’t be as nice and well-spoken as Bai Luo.

Thinking of the viciousness and cruelty of those pirates, Grandpa Andrew and Luna knew this,

“As long as we can survive, we are willing to accept your grace.”

The tree elves chose to bow their heads, but Bai Luo knew that their submission was under forceful circumstances. They looked very sorrowful.

They are even ready to sacrifice themselves and suffer. For example, being abused by Bai Luo, being played and toyed with by him, and even being humiliated.

“You have misunderstood.”

In order to dissipate any dirty label the tree elves descendants had on him, Bai Luo immediately made a promise,

“Tree elves are miracle descendants, and I heard that if the miracle descendants meet their destined king, they will regain their former glory and revert back to being a true miracle race.”


The three tree elves looked at Bai Luo. They vaguely guessed his purpose.

“I’m going to pledge with you guys right here and now.”

Bai Luo solemnly said,

“Over the next year, you wouldn’t have any obligations. I will even give you food and will ensure your safety and comfort.”

“However, you must sincerely acknowledge me as your lord during this period. You mustn’t betray me nor harm the interests of my territory and its citizens.”

“After a year, if I’m unable to awaken your miracle power, I will provide you with a safe territory on this island, and I will never violate it.”

“On the contrary,” Bai Luo said,

“if I awaken your miracle power…”

“If this truly happens, we will serve you as our king!”

Bai Luo has already said so much, the tree elves descendants naturally understood his true intention,

“Until the end of the time, we will never abandon you. We’ll share both life and death together!”

In Grandpa Andrew’s view, Bai Luo is the same as those people searching for miracles, longing for their power. That’s why he set his sight on the tree elves’ descendants.

Bai Luo wanted to try, he wanted to challenge himself to see if he was the miracle master that the heavens had ordained!

This matter, in itself, isn’t harmful to the tree elves’ descendants.

If Bai Luo succeeds, then the tree elves’ descendants would get rid of the ‘descendants’ in their name, their status restored to the famous miracle race, the tree elves. Naturally, they would wholeheartedly serve the master who had brought the tree elves back to this world.


Bai Luo stretched out his hand,

“Welcome to join Arden. From today, you are members of my Arden, and I will do my best to protect you.”

Andrew looked at Bai Luo’s extended hand with a puzzled expression. It wasn’t until Bai Luo explained to him that they shook hands,

“We’ll be under your care in the future, my Lord.”

They didn’t address Bai Luo as their king, after all, he still hadn’t awakened their miracle power.

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[You got them, they already belong to you]

[However, they need a lot of miracle power, so why not do something that can awaken this power?]

The tree elves have recognized him as their master, which means that until Bai Luo gives up contracting them, no one can initiate a miracle contract with them.

In other words, Bai Luo has already obtained the exclusive rights to contract the elves, just like Shirley and Lilith before.

[Tree Elves Descendents (unawakened)]

Master: Bai Luo Arden

Level: low

Type: Miracle Race

Faction: Northern Earth

Miracle Power Required to Awaken: 1%

“What is this miracle power in the awakening requirement?”

Bai Luo was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that this was the requirement for the tree elves awakening.

This is the first time he came across such a situation.

Bai Luo decided to ask the old man about this matter when they reunite later on, but for now, Bai Luo still has to focus on the tree elves’ descendants.

“Now then, I, as the lord, will make the first decision.”

Bai Luo said,

“I hope the tree elves can move out of here and join the Ardennes to build a new residence.”


They were in a bit of a dilemma.

Fortunately, Bai Luo said that there weren’t many Ardennes, almost the same number as that of the tree elves’ descendants.

“Only eighty?”

Luna didn’t expect that the Arden clan would have so few people,

“Is the power of miracles really so powerful?”

Luna didn’t believe that the pirates were defeated by the Ardennes. That’s thousands of vicious pirates.

“You mustn’t use common sense to judge miracles.”

Grandpa Andrew admonished. Luna immediately knew that she had said the wrong thing and apologized,

“It was a slip of tongue, please forgive me, my Lord.”

Like her grandfather, Luna’s manner of speech was rather ancient. Bai Luo often had to think for some time before understanding what they meant.

“It’s okay. When most people hear this kind of thing, their first response would also be skepticism.”

Bai Luo laughed and said,

“But it was indeed the case.”

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The tree elves are all very good-tempered. They’re a naturally gentle species.

Coupled with the phrase ‘they already belong to you’ in the black book. It can be seen that the tree elves’ thoughts are very simple.

Since they said that they recognized him as their lord, they would naturally not renege on their words.

The island of Arden has only a total population of 160. It’s not good to be scattered. Unity is strength.

Bai Luo is confident that the Ardennes can treat the tree elves’ descendants kindly. The only question is whether the tree elves’ descendants are really willing to open their hearts.

This is a bit like marrying a woman and bridging her to your family.

The Ardennes can be considered the husband’s family. In their eyes, the tree elves are people conquered by Bai Luo, and the core is still the Ardennes.

On the other hand, the tree elves are foreign people. Ultimately, they’re a bit worse than the Ardennes.

Bai Luo isn’t in a hurry to solve these problems now. They have plenty of time. As time passes and as they clash with strong enemies, again and again, the tree elves and the Ardennes will quickly become one big family.

What’s more, once the tree elves became Bai Luo’s miracle race, they will truly become a vital part of Arden.

They are all Bai Luo’s people, why should they be separated from each other?

“I will inform you about the migration tomorrow.”

After saying this, Bai Luo got up and left. The tree elves immediately respectfully escorted him out of their village.

After walking a certain distance away, Bai Luo told Shirley to fly. They soon returned to the fishing village, and Bai Luo immediately told uncle Saros about the tree elves.

“You did the right thing.”

The old man said,

“If they’re really miracle descendants, it will be worth it no matter what method you used”

“But do you really know how to awaken their power?”


Bai Luo skipped the source of information and said directly,

“It requires miracle power.”

“Miracle power?”

Saros understood, he really knows about this, but he said solemnly,

“It’s not easy.”

“Is it troublesome?”

“It can’t be said to be troublesome, but different miracle descendants require different channels of miracle power. Some may need to be sheltered, while others might need to .”

“There are all kinds of strange requirements to obtain channel miracle power to them. It’s difficult to make a truly unified system.”

The old man said to Bai Luo, “But no matter which one it is, it’s always right to be kind to them.”

“This tolerance and care will naturally be taken by heart by the tree elves. Naturally, these miracle descendants will receive an abundance of miracle power.”

“So simple?”

“It’s not that simple,” The old man solemnly said,

“The biggest problem is, Little Luo, are you sure these tree elves’ descendants are the only remaining descendants of the tree elves in the world?”

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