This is a Miracle

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Born From a Tree

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March 7, 2022


in This is a Miracle


“Does this have something to do with the tree elves’ descendants?”

“There is.”

The old man said,

“And the connection between the two is not ordinary.”


Hearing this, Bai Luo suddenly thought of something,

“Speaking of which, old man.”

“We, the Ardennes, should also be miracle descendants, right?”

“Ah, that’s right.”

Uncle Saros nodded. He knew what Bai Luo wanted to ask, so he said bluntly,

“But Little Luo, you can’t awaken the miracle power of the Ardennes now.”


“The reason is the words that I just said.”

The old man explained,

“There’s a prerequisite for miracle descendants to awaken and become a miracle race, and that is that there must be only one place in the whole world where they exist, but the Ardennes…”

The ‘one place’ here also means that they must be under one collective faction.

That is to say, if the 80 Ardennes who recognized Bai Luo as their leader split into three factions, it would become ‘three’ places.

Therefore, it’s not only necessary to be in only one place geographically, they must also collectively unite under one force.

“The tree elves’ descendants must also abide by this rule.”

Uncle Saros said,

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“In other words, as long as there is a tree elf descendant outside this island, we will never be able to awaken the miracle power of the tree elves.”

‘No wonder no information about the Ardennes had appeared in the black book.’

‘So that’s the reason.’

Bai Luo understood. He also finally learned the reason why the power of the Ardennes couldn’t be awakened.

Fortunately, this isn’t all bad for Bai Luo, because he has been standing in an invincible position from the beginning.

As long as the Ardennes under Bai Luo’s command don’t die, then he has the power of veto in his hands. He might be unable to awaken the power of the Ardennes now, but that also goes for everyone else.

‘When all the outside Ardennes are gone, I, Bai Luo, will restore the power and glory of the Ardennes!’

“In the future, when you meet Ardennes outside, try to bring them back if possible,” Uncle Saros said.

“Sooner or later, the Arden clan will recover its status as a miracle race.”

“However, you will not be affected, little Luo.”

The old man seriously said,

“Once someone becomes a miracle master, he transcends his original race. You are actually no longer a simple Ardennes.”

“Even if Arden’s clan power awakens one day,” the old man said,

“Little Luo, you won’t get the power of the average Ardennes. On the contrary, all Ardennes will benefit from your supreme power, raising the average strength of the entire Arden clan as a whole.”


Bai Luo: “There is such a thing?!”

“Because it isn’t worthy.”

Uncle Saros sighed and said,

“How can the mere power of Arden be compared with a true miracle master? The miracle master is the most exalted being, nobler than even the miracle itself.”

Therefore, the reason why the Black Book launched the miracle acquisition task of the tree elves is that the only remaining tree elves’ descendants in the whole world reside on Arden island.

‘In that case, one more function of the black book has been uncovered.’ Bai Luo thought,

‘The appearance of miracle descendants on the black book indicates that they are the only remaining descendants of their miracle in this world, prompting me that I can conduct the awakening task.’

Miracle descendants are a relatively special kind of miracle.

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Their advantage is that they’re very recognizable. As long as you are not stupid, if you meet the Ardennes or the tree elves’ descendants, then you can easily recognize that the other party is a miracle descendent.

But the question is, what can you do even if you found out?

How can you be sure that the one or group of miracle descendants in front of you are the last in the world?

You subdue them and experiment with various methods to awaken their power. Bear in mind that different races have different awakening conditions.

But five years, ten years, one hundred years have passed. However, their power still hadn’t awakened, you hadn’t acquired a true miracle race.

Simply because you can’t guarantee that they are the last of their kind!

This is the unawakened miracle, ‘miracle descendants’. Awakening their power is even more troublesome than awakening an ordinary miracle, because of two requirements. ‘Proof of uniqueness’, and the corresponding awakening method.

Only after fulfilling these two requirements can miracle descendants be awakened.

However, there aren’t many miracle descendants in this world.

In fact, they’re very rare. Don’t mention encountering them, most people have never even heard of them.

Just like the tree elves, even the old man is unfamiliar with this race.

“Everyone, stay close and go this way.”

The next day, Bai Luo came to the camp of the tree elves’ descendants again.

They were very compliant. They gathered all of their belongings and waited for him. Not a single one was missing.

Obviously, the tree elves’ descendants chose to trust Bai Luo and didn’t scatter their clan members, to ensure the smooth awakening of their miracle power.

Bai Luo was very satisfied with this. His impression of the tree elves became even better.

“My Lord, may I ask why don’t we go to the port, why are we heading east?”

“Oh, that’s right.”

Bai Luo explained, “I plan to develop settlements in the east, south, and central parts of the island. That is to say, we will mainly develop the inner areas of the island, not the fringes.”

“Of course, we will definitely develop a harbor in the future, but we Ardennes aren’t used to living by the sea, and you also don’t like the sea, right?”


The tree elves are very grateful to Bai Luo for thinking of them. They do indeed prefer forests and grasslands.

“So next, we need to open some farmland over there and cut down trees to build our homes.”

Bai Luo inquired, “By the way, do you have any taboos on cutting trees?”

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Bai Luo is a person who respects other people’s culture. Some customs can be shared while reserving differences, but some nasty customs need to be corrected.

If the tree elves abhor the act of cutting trees, Bai Luo naturally wouldn’t force them.

“No no.”

The person who replied to Bai Luo was Luna, the matriarch of the tree elves’ descendants. Old Andrew is too old. He doesn’t have much energy anymore.

“But we prefer living in tree houses or tree nest houses.”

A treehouse is an old tree with a hollowed center, but the sapwood and cambium are retained so that the old tree doesn’t die, but also leaves them with a comfortable home.

As for the tree nest house, it’s simply a dome-like structure made out of wood above a tree.

They are connected by suspension bridges, making them look a bit similar to a courtyard in the sky.

“In this case, I will set the residence of the tree elves in the forest near the lake.”

In the center of the island, there is a huge lake, several rivers go from high to low to the sea, and a large number of mountain springs. In addition, it rains quite frequently on the island, hence the Ardennes wouldn’t have to face a problem of drinking water shortage.

“There is a large forest here, and it is close to the central mountain and the entrance to the southeast river valley.”

“If you choose this place, everyone will be able to live in a place they like.”


Luna clearly felt Bai Luo’s kindness and benevolence. She thanked him from the bottom of her heart,

“Please allow us to do something for you. We are good at cultivating plants. If you need help in farming, all of our clan members won’t hesitate to help you.”

Arden lacks adult men, and the ratio of male to female tree elves isn’t bad.

Although the number of children is larger than that of adults, it’s not a big problem to pick out 20.

However, Bai Luo doesn’t need them to farm or rear animals. Lilith can solve these tasks with magic.

For livestock problems, there are those animals that have been granted the gift of intelligence. They’re countless times better than those specially trained shepherd dogs.

“Speaking of which, can you have offspring with humans?”

Bai Luo is very concerned about the number of his people, but unfortunately, Luna said,

“We can’t intermarry with humans, because we grow from trees.”


“Wait, I’m sorry, I may have heard you just now,”

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Bai Luo felt that he heard it wrong, “How were you guys born?”

“You grew out of a tree?!”


Bai Luo stopped Shirley, then looked at the surrounding tree elves’ descendants with a look of shock,

“Is there such a thing?!”

“Uh, sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you.”

“We don’t mind, my lord.”

Luna said, “If the tree elves’ descendants want to conceive offspring, they first need two tree elves, one male and one female, to take out their own seed of life, and then conceive the third seed of life.”

“After that, through more than ten years of cultivation and nurturing, the seed of life can grow into a big tree.”

“When the tree bears fruit, if there is one fruit, it is one child, and if there are two, it is two children.”

Similarly, Luna said,

“Legend has it that the creator of the tree elves planted the tree of life, and dozens of elven fruits fell from it, giving birth to the original tree elves.”


This is so f*king amazing!

Mom didn’t lie to me, there are really people that have been born out of fruits.

From this, it’s possible that children might also pop out from a garbage pile… 

“Well, that’s really, really interesting.”

Bai Luo smiled dryly. It seems that the tree elves would have to rely on themselves for future reproduction.

If it was in his past life, Bai Luo’s first reaction upon hearing this would be to ask, ‘Your parents must have been ‘wrestling’ when they told you this, right?’

However, in the world of miracles, this doesn’t seem so strange.

This is more than reproductive isolation, it is simply the difference between a plant and an animal!

Bai Luo has always been worried about their population problem, and now, this problem is obviously not going to be solved. There’s still a long way to go.

TL Note: ‘From this, it’s possible that children might also pop out from a garbage pile’ This sentence should be a reference to some folklore or story. Unfortunately, I’m not knowledgeable enough in Chinese culture to know about it. By the way, the sentence above should be a reference to Momotaro.

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