This Love is Futile

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Love

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My questions about if my avatar even had a hole when there was no excretory function were immediately resolved. Because I could feel it tighten, I almost certainly had one. I bit Vidello-san’s tongue lightly, feeling a sense of excitement that was akin to resignation, and realised I was going to be the bottom after all. Vidello-san was kissing me after licking my semen. It was strangely sexy. Unintentionally, I discovered the taste of my own semen. I wondered how anyone could call it delicious. Vidello-san saw my face twitch a little when he pressed his tongue into my mouth, and he narrowed his eyes a little. Ah, I'm sure he was enjoying my reaction.


“Fu… hn.”


Vidello-san’s fingers caressed the valley of my ass without forcefully inserting themselves. It was a strange feeling, and my dick was reacting despite the fact I’d just come on my stomach. Occasionally a finger would stroke my belly and I was sure that my come was now moistening my ass.


“Vidello-sa… um, wait a moment.”


I had searched online when I was offline for a while. Someone who'd experienced it firsthand must have written a blog about how men don't insert it if it’s not lubed up. If I wasn’t mistaken, he was lubricating my ass with my come..!? If so, I waved my hand in the air to get Vidello-san's attention before the indignity continued.




Vidello-san looked down at me with a bit of a curious look on his face as he separated his mouth from mine.


“My bag, fetch it…”


There were all sorts of liquids inside. I didn’t know which would be best, so I’d let Vidello-san, who was more experienced, choose. Vidello-san reluctantly let go, got out of bed and brought me my bag from on the desk. I got up and went through my bag. I took out a High Potion, Magic Potion, Stamina Potion and Cure Potion, all made by me, and a few other things made with alchemy. I arranged them in a row and presented them to Vidello-san.


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“I don't know which to use, so please choose one, with it, loosen my…”


I was too embarrassed to say it. It’d be like saying I made the potions just for this occasion. Vidello-san looked at the liquids with a serious face, took one and put the rest back in my bag.


“Did you make this, Mac?”


“Yeah… are you going to use that?”


He was holding an alchemy material called Hot Jelly. It was made from slime cores and gunpowder herbs, and it could be used as it was or as an ingredient. When applied as it was, the product was an excellent warming agent. If you used it as a material for armor, you could make armor with Cold Reduction. In return, the durability value of the armor would be reduced. When applied on the skin, it would basically just make it feel slightly warm, so it'd be totally usable. I was just a little nervous because where he’d be applying it is very sensitive.


“Yeah, thanks, let's use this one.”


Vidello-san put my bag back on the desk and climbed back into the bed with a creak.


Vidello-san then started applying the jelly, and the area where it was applied gradually became warmer. Vidello-san carefully applied it not only between my ass, but also on my dick and stomach. Ah, the jelly felt nice and warm. It felt even lewder to have my dick rubbed by a hand full of jelly. It felt like my dick was responding much better than before.


“Ah, aah…”


It was sexy, felt fantastic and I heard the small noises I was making turn into moans. Vidello-san crawled his lips over my neck and chest, rubbing my dick and narrowed his eyes, enjoying my voice.


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A light bite on my nipple made me jump. Vidello-san stroked my side and I squirmed from the overwhelmingly pleasant feeling. As he stroked, I couldn’t help but thrust my hips up into the air.


So erotic.


“Hah, nn… wah, ah.”


Even my voice was erotic. My face and head were boiling. I was being stroked and caressed, and my legs opened naturally to welcome Vidello-san.


Vidello-san moved his hand from my dick and slid it into my asscheeks. His finger, which had been just stroking, found something to get caught on, and pushed lightly, but surely.


“Ah, ah… finger is…”


Gradually, it slid into my body.


The jelly was so slippery a finger could be inserted without much resistance. The same went for my insides, where the jelly slowly warmed me. With every movement of his fingers, my insides got warmer. The warmer I became, the faster my body relaxed. Even my ass was relaxing. To my mind, the spreading warm sensation felt like pleasure, and the places where Vidello-san’s fingers passed felt like they were melting.


“Mac, how are you doing?”


“It’s... I’m good… ah… uhn.”

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It was like the warmth of the jelly was inside my head. My whole body was hot. I wanted to soothe this fever already. My insides were quivering.


Vidello-san loosened me by adding more jelly, more fingers and inserted deeper, while whispering in my ear “Will you be ready soon?” Don’t ask me! I don’t know. I gave an uncertain nod, and Vidello-san’s fingers gently slipped out.


My legs were spread, and he applied the remaining jelly from his hands on my thighs. Vidello-san moved up between my legs and looked down at me. My mind was warm and fuzzy, and I gazed back admiringly at Vidello-san. Even though Vidello-san seemed nonchalant to me, I could glimpse the lust apparent on his face alone. It was sexy how he tried to hold back his heavy breathing. From his earnest behaviour, I knew he wanted to be closer to me.


I reached my arms over Vidello-san’s shoulders. It was quite a stretch for them, but I wanted to touch Vidello-san more. The space between our chests felt empty, but if we pulled our chests together, it would be difficult for us to line up our hips, so I made do by staring up at Vidello-san instead.


The jelly was also coating Vidello-san’s dick, which rested gently on my loosened hole. The surface of my belly and dick was very warm, so I was sure Vidello-san was feeling warm too.


His hips pushed forward smoothly, and Vidello-san slid into me. The warmth spread through my entire body.


The pressure and the warmth, the love and the joy all became mixed together. I was happy to see Vidello-san penetrating me little by little, and when his jaw unintentionally relaxed, a pant similar to a sigh spilled from his lips. Vidello-san, is this overly sexy for you, too?


“Ah… nn, amaz, ho…t.”


“…c, Mac…”


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As he whispered the name to me, I wondered for a moment why Vidello-san didn’t call me Kengo. My hips and Vidello-san’s fit each other perfectly. When he had fully seated his dick inside of me, Vidello-san's mouth let out a lusty breath. The heat flowing through my chest wasn’t just from the jelly, but from the sensation of Vidello-san penetrating deep inside me; further than my fingers could ever reach. And then, I felt just a little twinge of loneliness, because if I logged out, Vidello-san would just be a man from a dream.


“Mac, are you ok?”


“It’s alright, I’m happy.”


“Mac… with this, I’m all yours. Will you etch this passionate feeling of love on to your heart?”


Vidello-san also looked a little lonely. Maybe he knew I was a player, too.


I nodded my head with a “mhm” and pulled my hands back from his shoulders.


Our lips overlapped. Vidello-san’s movements made my depths feel even hotter, and my breath escaped from my mouth raggedly. Already, we’d closed the distance between our chests. I wasn’t lonely.


“Vidello-san, I love you…” I muttered with all of my heart.




TL’s note: I genuinely love the way the author describes these scenes. I may or may not have revisited this chapter several times just to read it. Don’t @ me.

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