This Love is Futile

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Growth Activator (NSFW)

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Thanks to either the hot jelly or Vidello-san's massaging, my insides were melting with pleasant feelings, and Vidello-san wasn’t moving at all yet, possibly for my sake. I could feel a twitching sensation inside me, and I knew that Vidello-san was holding back. It’s ok to move. I mean, I want you to move and make me feel good. I’ll definitely enjoy it. For now, the only thing that I could feel at the moment was the pressure and the heat.


“You’re not moving…?”


I couldn't help but ask, and Vidello-san blinked slowly.


“Is it ok for me to move?”


“Rather, I want you to move.”


I said this candidly and Vidello-san laughed. He brushed away the fringe of my hair, pecked me on the forehead, then sat up and put his hands on my waist.


Slowly, he pulled out from deep inside. Then, slowly, he slid in again. I felt my lower abdomen shiver with a strange heat and constantly twitch as he slid in and out, filling me with each plunge.


“Uh… nnah.”


My voice escaped involuntarily. I couldn’t decide my feelings on how this felt. My insides were filled with heat. I didn’t think I would be the bottom for my first time.


I felt hesitant, and Vidello-san sensed my hesitation while watching me closely from above.


Vidello-san moved his hands from his grip on my waist. The palm of his hand slid upwards and began to caress the scar that ran raggedly from my stomach to my back. As soon as he touched it, I felt an intense jolt.


“Eh, ah, wah, that, wait…!”


Vidello-san didn't seem to like that I wasn't comfortable yet, and he said, “I won’t wait, because I want to find out what you like, together.” He partially closed his eyes and started to stimulate my scar with his sexiest expression. As I had mentioned before, it was too much, way too much and I would come right away.

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“Ah, ya, aaah! Hnn, Vidello-san, Vidello-san…!”


“Honestly Mac, this is definitely your weak spot. The scars made you so sensitive… are you sure they’re healed enough?”


Don't look so concerned while thrusting inside me so slowly! I was still unsure how I felt about this, but I was quickly feeling better about my position.


“I-it’s fine, it’s good, it doesn’t hurt, because, aaaah!”


I felt a jolt of pleasure, and the heat deep inside my body caused me to tightly squeeze Vidello-san’s cock. Vidello-san’s face twitched, and he stopped moving for a moment; he felt good too. It didn’t take long for him to resume thrusting though!


“Ah, aah, ahnn.”


The movement of his hands and the movement of his hips pleasured me in tandem. Did sex feel this good?! I became half-panicked. I sampled the experience a little. I was sure I'd left scratch marks on Vidello-san's shoulder, which I'd been gripping. I couldn’t make myself relax. I was just at the mercy of the pleasure.


“Aah…! Hah, aa, soon… wait I’m going to come, Vide…llo-sa-!”


I couldn’t string a sentence together and stuttered brokenly as I was rocked by Vidello-san’s hips, and I surrendered my body to him.


“I’ve already told you, come as much as you want for me…”


Ah jeez, that face saying something like “come” was too much for me, it’s foul play. Too erotic. Vidello-san’s hands were relentless as he stroked my scar, listening closely to what spots made me moan as he stroked it, varying the pressure. The movement of his hips became more and more unrelenting. He didn’t just move in and out, but when he was inserted all the way, he rotated his hips and pressed into me with small, fast thrusts as deep as he could reach. His experienced movements made me wonder where my initial doubt and hesitation had gone.


As Vidello-san had said, I came so much it ran down the side of my stomach. As I did this, Vidello-san released completely inside me. I wasn’t sure how much he came. When Vidello-san slipped out I could feel a warm liquid spilling out of me and it must’ve come from him. Even though my mind was fuzzy, I was satisfied. After being wiped down by Vidello-san and putting on his underwear and undershirt, I ended the day without going shopping, as my stamina had not recovered. Vidello-san was working the next day, so I asked him to escort me to my workshop in the evening. I was still a bit wobbly, but I could walk by myself. Vidello-san offered to give me a piggyback ride, but I wanted to walk on my own. I did lean on his shoulder, though. I tried drinking a stamina potion, but I didn't recover for some reason. Why not?


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Reluctantly, we kissed at the entrance to the workshop and I saw Vidello-san off. Afterwards, I sat down on the bed nearby and sighed heavily.


“I finally did it.”


I rummaged through my bag and pulled out the “medium” rank [Growth Activator] that had started this mess, and looked at it closely. I was suspicious that the pink color was to signal its use for this kind of thing. It seemed like a crazy guess, but I couldn’t let the thought go.


I'd go to Kyle's tomorrow and ask him if he knew any more about the potion. It was a recipe that came out of his father's study, so I was sure it had something to do with agriculture. The question was whether or not Kyle would recognise me. With a sigh, I sank my sluggish body into the bed. I might not have bought any underwear, but Vidello-san kindly gave me a pair. With that handsome face, he told me how he liked the idea of me wearing his clothes and how the long sleeves were really cute. He’d made me speechless. Ah, but his clothes fit better than the last time I'd worn them, probably because I’d grown up. The colour on my stained clothes still hadn’t come off. Goddammit.


The next day I had school, so I logged in during the evening. I immediately headed to Kyle's farm. It was a relief to see that the stripped field was now completely restored and full of life. Weren’t the plants growing too fast? Kyle-san was pretty amazing.


I was still grown up. I wondered when I would revert. I was grateful to appear older, though. I stood in front of Kyle, hiding my baggy innerwear with my robe.


“...Mac? You’re Mac, right? You grew up like a weed.”




I laughed at Kyle-san, who recognised me and made a joke. I was glad he recognised me.


“What do you want today? Do you want to look inside the study? You're welcome to come and go as you please.”


“Not today. There’s something I want you to take a quick look at.”


I quickly showed Kyle the “medium” rank [Growth Activator]. As soon as I did, Kyle's face lost all humor.


“You drank it?”

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“Ah, you know what this is?”




We were out in the open in a field, so Kyle said, “Not here,” and led me into the living room. He made us some tea and we settled down at the table. Kyle looked at the pink liquid closely.


“I’m surprised anyone made this. This agricultural solution is only circulated within the farming community. You know what it does, don't you?”


“Yup… it’s an agricultural solution as expected…”


It was because I’d drunk the solution that I had grown up. Just thinking about it made me sigh a little.


“Who else knows about this?”


“Crash and Vidello-san.”


“Well, I suppose that was inevitable. Don’t say anything else about this.”


“Eh, ah, why?”


Kyle’s intense stare and firm demand didn’t sate my curiosity. I asked him why in return. He pointed at me and said, "That's why.”


“This works on living things. That is to say, it works on people. You’re absolutely not allowed to have sex with minors in this country, but if you use this, they’ll grow up temporarily and are able to have sex.”


That’s what I did. That was exactly what I did. I had used the aging effects of the potion to take off my underwear.

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“When the creator of the solution realised that it could lead to underage sex crimes, they concealed it so that it would absolutely never be discovered by anyone outside the farming community. So, if you sell this outside the farming community, you'll be arrested.”


“No way!! It was that risky?!”


Kyle's words surprised me so much that they blew my mind. It was a felony! I was so glad I didn't sell it to Crash! Seriously glad!


“It doesn’t matter how mature or grown up you get, because there's nothing wrong with using something you've made yourself. If you use it on or sell it to someone else who is not part of the farming community, you’ll be arrested immediately. Be careful.”


“I- is that so… it was a close call. I'm really glad I didn't sell it to Crash.”


“That’s for sure. Of course, it's not a problem for you to drink it and get lovey-dovey with Vidello, you know? Vidello is a man of his word, and you can trust him. It's still better to keep quiet because you can't be sure that people won't go looking for the formula to try to abuse it. Of course, if it’s someone in the farming community of another city, that’d be fine. By the way, would you please sell me this one? There are some plants that sprouted but aren’t growing properly yet because of some bad conditions while they were first sprouting.”


Kyle smiled a little when he saw me turn bright red when he mentioned getting lovey-dovey. I was caught red-handed because half of my hands were covered by my undershirt while I was drinking the tea.


“By the way, Kyle-san, where do you buy your innerwear? When I got covered in the solution, my innerwear got dirty and I didn't have a replacement.”


I asked Kyle as I handed him the bottle, and Kyle looked at me as if I were a pitiful child.


“Mac, you… you're so poor that you can't even afford to buy spare innerwear…”


“It's not like that!”


I sold Kyle a bottle of the “medium” rank [Growth Activator], had him draw me a map as a tip, and left the farm. Even though he’d bought it at a high price as a bonus, he made the map too, and I felt guilty. At any rate, I had made something terrifying. I definitely couldn’t tell Yuuta about this.


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