Ch109 - Extra 2: Cohabitation

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A tall figure stood upright under a banyan tree outside Capital University’s swimming pool, carrying a sketching board on his back.

It was a young and attractive alpha, but his eyes were cold, as if he had his own aura and was disconnected from the people around him. He wore a simple and spotless white T-shirt which showed off his straight collarbone, deep jugular notch and straight shoulders. He had a fantastic physique. 

The alpha had his shoulder-length hair in a small ponytail fastened with a hair tie at his nape. The most noticeable feature was a plump orange pendant on his hair tie, which contrasted sharply with his temperament.

Judging from the sketching board on his back, he should be a student at the Academy of Fine Arts next door, but for some reason, he was standing outside the entrance of Capital University’s swimming pool at the time.



The girls walking by stared at him quietly, but when they caught his sight, their small rising thoughts vanished, and they hurriedly lowered their hands and left.

A few minutes later, the swimming pool’s closed gate opened, and a group of youngsters dressed in cool clothes joked and laughed their way out of the athletic facility. The first young person to emerge was a gorgeous omega with a honey-colored complexion. He was wearing flip flops, and his wet blond hair was strewn across his brows, showing his delicate and sharp brows. 

“ChengCheng!” When the alpha saw this youngster, he immediately raised his voice to shout his name.


The chilly disposition that had previously encircled him vanished at that instant, and tenderness eased the corner of his eyes.

“Captain Li, sister-in-law is looking for you again!” Someone immediately teased him.

Li Cheng elbowed his smart-mouthed teammate and gave him a stern look: “Hey! If you’re feeling envious, you can always find someone…oh! I forgot you look ugly!”


Li Cheng couldn’t wait to run to his boyfriend as everyone laughed and exchanged a few words.

Xiao Yiheng quickly reached out and hugged him. The two had a quick and passionate kiss as if it were their first day of falling in love (the team members had reason to believe the captain wanted to kill dogs! ), and then they strolled hand in hand towards the school cafeteria.

“When did you come back?” Li Cheng was surprised and delighted.

This month, the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts had an outdoor sketching session, and all freshmen were pulled to sketch from nature in the old forest deep in the mountains. Xiao Yiheng had sent Li Cheng a few images. The environment was beautiful, but the food and accommodations were inconvenient. He could only stay in the home of a local villager. Every day, he drank plain tea and ate simple meals, and even instant noodles became a rarely seen delicacy. 

Xiao Yiheng said: “I just returned. The bus drove right to the dormitory’s entrance. Instead of heading to the dorm, I immediately came looking for you.” He whispered, “ChengCheng, my paintbrush and I miss you.”

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Li Cheng paused for a moment before saying awkwardly: “It’s enough for you to miss me. Your paintbrush is not allowed to miss me!”

“But my paintbrush doesn’t listen to me,” Xiao Yiheng stated. “You know, when you just walked out of the swimming pool, I wanted to fuck you in the locker room.”


Li Cheng blushed deep red, and cursed softly that his brain was full of yellow paint.

Despite the reprimand, Li Cheng promptly took Xiao Yiheng to a hotel outside the college to rent an hourly room after the two had lunch.

They were partners with permanent marks. If they didn’t see one other for a long period, their hearts would burst with unfathomable agitation. This agitation would be relieved only after smelling the other party’s pheromone.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Rich orange and cool cedar scents flooded the room as Li Cheng buried himself in Xiao Yiheng’s arms, screaming and leaving countless scratches on his back. 

Ktfs olcjiis mjwf ab j tjia ktfc atflg ybvlfr kfgf mbwqifafis ojaluefv. Ol Jtfcu gfwjlcfv rkfjalcu bc Wljb Tltfcu’r ybvs, gfoerlcu ab mbwf vbkc ilxf j rqblifv ilaaif ygja.

Lf gjc tlr olcufgr atgbeut Wljb Tltfcu’r tjlg, ktlmt kjr rmjaafgfv jmgbrr atf qliibk, jcv kgjqqfv atf fcvr bo tlr tjlg jgbecv tlr olcufgalqr.


Xiao Yiheng’s long hair was entirely due to Li Cheng’s urging.

In fact, it wouldn’t be correct to call it urging ─ it was simply that one day, while watching a variety show, Li Cheng casually mentioned that the male celebrity looked handsome with long hair, and he wanted to see Xiao Yiheng with long hair. It was an unintended joke, but Xiao Yiheng took it seriously. 

Xiao Yiheng attended the Academy of Fine Arts, where there were many mavericks. Not only were there boys with long hair, but there were also girls who had shaved their entire head clean. So, Xiao Yiheng did not say anything and let his hair grow out. He took a hair tie from Li Cheng and tied it up now that his hair had grown to his shoulders. He didn’t mind the hair tie’s childishness.

Li Cheng was completely exhausted. He murmured about what happened in college during this time while playing with Xiao Yiheng’s long hair.

He and Xiao Yiheng travelled to the capital to report when their colleges started. Their universities were adjacent, and they were both renowned personalities in college ─ one was a swimming champion who held two international medals at a young age, while the other was a legendary genius admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts with the highest provincial scores. Their names had spread across the university before they had even entered it.

When the students discovered that the two legends were in fact lovers, the school’s gossip bot was brushed for an entire week. 

Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng paid no attention when confronted with their inquisitive looks. They made public shows of affection in a calm manner. Sometimes Xiao Yiheng came to Capital University with a drawing board on his back to look for Li Cheng, and sometimes Li Cheng climbed over the wall to the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts to look for Xiao Yiheng… In a nutshell, their public displays of affection were as widespread as their college campus.

It was just that, as a well-known pair from the two schools, being too prominent caused some minor issues.

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For example, at college, there were a lot of gossip parties, and no matter what happened between them, it would show up on the school gossip bot.

Case One ─ [Li Tao, I saw the inter-school CP in the cafeteria today around noon. They didn’t say a word, and LC had a black face. Are they going to break up?] 

Li Cheng: No. At noon, Xiao Yiheng insisted on forcing me to eat green peppers. When I didn’t eat them, he kept nagging me, so I got angry and didn’t talk to him.

Case Two ─ [From the standpoint of horoscopes, the inter-school CP is incompatible and will break up sooner or later!]

Li Cheng: …Wait a minute! What horoscope? What incompatibility? I truly don’t know if Xiao Yiheng and I are “compatible”, but our “sexuality” is…

Case Three ─ [Today I saw the inter-school CP walk to the convenience store adjacent to the school to buy condoms, which were actually 8 packs! I don’t believe they’ll be able to use them all. Could it be that they’re going to blow up balloons at the hotel???] 

Li Cheng: Bah, bah, bah! My boyfriend is strong. He possesses the vigor of a dragon and the ferocity of a tiger. He’s the A among A. Do you think he is the same as you and will be on the point of death in half a minute?

Li Cheng was an excitable individual. When he encountered this type of gossip, he always confronted the perpetrators in person, but every time he concluded it, it impacted his mood.

Who said students at prestigious universities don’t gossip? The post about Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng blowing up balloons, in particular, made Li Cheng both bashful and enraged.

Later, whenever the two of them went to the hotel close to the school to book a room, they avoided being seen by others. 

“ChengCheng, if you don’t want people paying too much attention, I have a solution.” Xiao Yiheng wrapped his arms around Li Cheng’s waist, leaving countless small kisses on his shoulders.

“What solution?” Li Cheng inquired lazily, resembling a sleepy cat.


“─Let’s move in together.”


“Stop living in a dormitory. We can rent a house near campus or buy a house. We won’t have to find a spot to date at college, and we’ll be able to spend more time together. We won’t have to avoid other people’s gazes when we buy private things.”

Li Cheng’s eyes lit up instantly.

He swiftly sat up, straddled the alpha’s waist, and asked excitedly: “Xiao Yiheng, you mean we’ll live together?”

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“It’s more than just cohabiting.” Xiao Yiheng took his hand in his, and looked at him tenderly, “It’s to establish a family.” 

It would be their home.

Their house would feature a studio full of Xiao Yiheng’s paintings, as well as a large bathtub for Li Cheng to relax in. There would also be walk-in closets and big floor-to-ceiling windows. They were not good at cooking, so the kitchen didn’t need to be large, but the refrigerator needed to be double-door and stocked with meat and fruit. The living room was required to have floor heating. The winters in the capital were too chilly, so Li Cheng fantasized about going around the house barefoot, just like he did in Huacheng, without the need for slippers…

These fantasies were originally hazy thoughts, but when Xiao Yiheng uttered the word “home”, these fantasies became tangible pictures.

They were going to live together! They were going to have a home! 

Li Cheng had lost his parents when he was young, and he had no home; Xiao Yiheng’s parents were still living, but he also had no home…

So, why not let the two of them form a family?

… …

Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng began looking for a house as soon as they confirmed their desire to live together. 

Housing prices in the capital were exorbitant, particularly near their colleges. Li Cheng had won hundreds of thousands of dollars in the competition, but when he arrived in the capital, he couldn’t even afford a toilet.

They had no choice but to start by renting a house.

The house was very small. There was no studio, no floor-to-ceiling windows, no large refrigerator, and no floor heating. It didn’t fit their fantasy, no matter how they looked at it.

But, for some reason, Li Cheng liked it a lot. 

He gave up his university dorm and relocated to his new home quickly, causing quite a stir in the process.

Another thread of discussion surfaced on the gossip bot [Surprise! The inter-school CP actually moved out of the school to live together in a house they rented. They are merely freshmen and are now living together. Facing life’s daily necessities on a regular basis will quickly wear off their passion, right?]


Xiao Yiheng, who had never appeared before, debuted under this bot and replied to the post.

@Persevere with Cheng: Thank you for your concern. 

Initially, I was also concerned about a variety of discomforts following cohabitation, but I discovered that this will never occur.

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Although he is an omega, there are numerous areas in which he is not.

For example, he never puts his shoes in the shoe cabinet after coming home, he insists on kissing without brushing his teeth after waking up, he takes off his socks and balls them up before tossing them in the washing machine… He will not change, no matter what I say.

However, when I come home, he welcomes me with a hug even after the most rigorous training; he puts our toothbrushes in the same cup after brushing his teeth; he likes to drink sweet wine, and there is plenty of it in the refrigerator, but he always saves the last sip of the wine bottle for me. 

I tolerate his unloveliness for the sake of his loveliness.

I love him even more now 

There was a curious proverb in the capital regarding the last sip of a wine bottle.

It was known as “fu gener“, and whoever drank the last sip of a bottle of wine would be blessed and happy. 

It was like the tip of a strawberry, the heart of a watermelon, and the navel of an orange, expressing an unspoken form of deep love.

The campus gossip bot was instantly overwhelmed by the sour feelings of innumerable lemon eaters after Xiao Yiheng responded to that post.

The lz, too, felt sour and emerged to respond to Xiao Yiheng.

“This post was reported. It humiliates dogs.” 


I wanted Yiheng’s new id to be sweet, so I asked on the CG discord and got two suggestions: [HengInThere (old id), ChengInThere (new id)], and PursuitOfChengness(inspired by the movie title “Pursuit of Happiness”). Aren’t they cool? These are phrases I would never have thought of. Do you want to give it a shot? I’ll give you all possible meanings of each word. Experiment and see what you can come up with. A bit of fun~~

chi = to hold; to grasp; to support; to maintain; to persevere; to manage; to run (i.e. administer); to control.

zhi = (possessive particle) him; it; her. 

yi = to use; by means of; according to; in order to; because of; at (a certain date or place).

cheng = orange tree; orange color.


heng = permanent; constant; fixed; usual; ordinary.

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