Ch110 - Extra 3: World Championship and Variety Show

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During his sophomore year, Li Cheng received a draft letter from the national team inviting him to compete in the World Swimming Championships.

Li Cheng already had championship medals from various domestic competitions at the time. As one of the few omega in the swimming sports, Li Cheng’s every move drew much attention from swimming enthusiasts. Some individuals admired him, while others despised him. Li Cheng turned a deaf ear to their sour comments. In any case, those people were only fit to be behind the keyboard. 

The World Championships were held in China’s capital that year. Xiao Yiheng specifically signed up as a college student volunteer. He maintained total secrecy about the affair and Li Cheng was kept in the dark about what was going on.

Li Cheng and his teammates were preparing in the warm-up pool on the day of the competition when they heard a familiar voice beside the pool.



“Are you Li Cheng from the Chinese swimming team? Your match is about to begin. Please go to the inspection area as soon as possible to prepare.”

Li Cheng was startled, assuming it was an auditory hallucination. However, when he emerged from the water, he noticed his boyfriend standing on the shore wearing a light blue volunteer uniform and smiling at him. Li Cheng yelled in amazement and pounced on Xiao Yiheng. 

He was drenched from head to toe, and he didn’t bother drying himself. His soaked body clung to Xiao Yiheng’s.


“Fuck me,” he said multiple times in a row. His eyes were red with excitement, and he was both happy and angry.

Xiao Yiheng insisted on appearing upright and imposing, and earnestly stated, “Contestant, please respect my job and do not harass the staff.”

Li Cheng: “Your job is to look after me seriously! Xiao Yiheng, you’re such a bastard! You signed up to be a volunteer and didn’t tell me??”


He even handed Xiao Yiheng a ticket to the VIP area! He hoped that Xiao Yiheng could observe his heroic performance as he won the championship from the best seat in the stadium. How could he have known that Xiao Yiheng had already secured the viewing privileges of a vvvvip, allowing him to watch the match right beside the pool?!

Xiao Yiheng smiled but remained silent.

How could he tell Li Cheng that the national swimming squad was full of energetic and strong young alpha? There would still be Zhang Jian, Wang Jian, and Liu Jian without Zhou Jian, and Li Cheng was a pretty little fool who couldn’t catch cues from others at all. How could Xiao Yiheng possibly feel at ease? Naturally, he tried everything to get to his boyfriend’s side. It was best to look after him personally!

… … 

Regardless of media attention, honors, player abilities, and so on, World Championships far surpassed Li Cheng’s participation in the World Youth Games.

Li Cheng, however, maintained a steady state of mind, and now that he had emptied out his sentiments to his boyfriend, who was following him, his energy was naturally bursting. He was active, like a young Dragon King reincarnated, unleashing one wave after another in the swimming pool.

Li Cheng’s performance on the field was outstanding, earning him two gold medals and one silver. With such flawless results, he earned the title of MVP on the field.

He was only twenty years old. It was the time when an athlete’s body had just reached its pinnacle. This peak stage would last at least five years, implying that Li Cheng would be the shining star in the world’s swimming pool till the age of twenty-five! 

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The other competitors thanked their coaches, relatives, and teammates in the post-match interview, but Li Cheng was different. He expressed gratitude to his boyfriend.

“My boyfriend’s efforts contributed significantly to my success today. He specifically joined up as a volunteer for this competition and took care of me in order to allow me to concentrate on training for the tournament…” Li Cheng stood in front of the camera and spoke confidently, publicly showing off his love.

As soon as the interview report was published, a marketing account came forth with a post.

─@818 popular network CP: Is anyone paying attention to Li Cheng, the world champion? During the interview, the 20-year-old omega swimming champion expressed his love for his alpha lover and praised him openly. I searched for him. His boyfriend’s name is Xiao Yiheng, and he won the provincial college entrance examination (key point!!). He is a student of the Academy of Fine Arts’ oil painting department, but he keeps a low profile. He’s never used any kind of social networking software. All of these images were acquired from various sources. 

[Li Cheng winning the championship].jpg

[Xiao Yiheng in high school].jpg


[Secretly taken photo of Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng holding hands on campus].jpg

@Netizen 1: Damn! There are so many handsome guys in this world, why can’t I be one? 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

@Netizen 2: This Huacheng No. 1 High School student speaks from firsthand experience! These two senior brothers are truly legendary figures. Here’s some gossip. Brother Xiao used to be a teaching assistant for the “Physiological Health Class” in the affiliated junior high school when I was a student at Huacheng High School, and Brother Li was also attending the course at the time! They interacted a lot! [candid pic] [candid pic] [candid pic]

@Rfalhfc 3: P’w rbeg, P’w rbeg, P’w rb rbeg. Lf wjcjufr ab ibbx tjcvrbwf fnfc lc atfrf yieggfv mjcvlv rtbar. Po P ugbk eq ab ibbx ilxf atlr, P’ii ragfjx fnfgs vjs.

@Rfalhfc 4: Lfgf la mbwfr. P xcfk atfgf kbeiv yf j iba bo tsqf jr rbbc jr P rjk atf cfkr.

@Netizen 5: Is it still necessary to hype the world champion???? Shouldn’t you pay heed to Basic Law before you start bullshitting? 

@Netizen 6: Upstairs, you don’t understand. Regardless of style or sport, many of these good-looking athletes have entered the entertainment circle after retirement. Even if they can’t act, they can mint money by participating in variety shows. Only when there’s hype is there site traffic, and only when there’s site traffic is there money.

@Netizen 7: Tut! If they end up in the entertainment circle, so be it. These two people are so attractive that even if they sit down and chat casually for two hours, I can eat three bowls of rice!

@Netizen 8: Upstairs, is your fantasy so shallow?? Shouldn’t we demand for a stay-at-home reality show? Install twenty or so cameras in their home. When the young couple is at home, talking and making love… Oh! No, I mean, talking and showing their love, I’m determined to chase for the sake of beauty!!!

@Netizen 9: Mango, Tomato, Trousers, Penguin, Kiwi…all of these stations have good variety show scripts ready to go. When are you going to film them? 

Netizens were always ready to see the action. This post received numerous responses and quickly gained popularity. Everyone was particularly excited to observe the interaction between the handsome young couple on camera.

In the entertainment industry, there were far too many trivial variety shows featuring senior couples. The crowd wanted to see this young couple who were madly in love and in their honeymoon period. They couldn’t wait to watch their super clingy and loving interactions!!

Where there is demand, there will be a market, and where there is pressure, there will be motivation. This Weibo post genuinely piqued the interest of a certain variety show group. The crew immediately contacted Li Cheng, requesting that he and Xiao Yiheng appear as flying guests in order to record a program!

Li Cheng was taken aback when he received the invitation to the variety show. 

“Flying guest?” Li Cheng was bursting with excitement, “Are you asking us to have fun bungee jumping, skydiving, and paragliding for free?”

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Program staff: “…”

Xiao Yiheng explained it to him with a smile.

When Li Cheng heard the theme, he immediately lost interest. 

Puh-lease! Why should he allow others to install cameras in his house? There would be no privacy with so many cameras peering at them. His life was no different from anyone’s else’s. Would there really be viewers who wanted to watch this kind of boring TV show even after recording the entire day?



Program staff: “Of course, the show is paid, and the price is this number.”

─Fantastic! That’s simply fantastic! 

Li Cheng’s eyes instantly widened: “Will one appearance suffice? I think we should make a couple more guest appearances!!!”

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

After the show’s crew had left, Li Cheng realized that he had accepted the request to film the show on his own. He didn’t even consider seeking the other party’s opinion!

Li Cheng looked at his boyfriend with a guilty conscience, and blinked. 

But the money offered was simply too good…

You know, Li Cheng’s dream was to buy a house near Capital University! Naturally, he had to work hard in order to grab money! He couldn’t let go of even a single cent!

When Xiao Yiheng saw Li Cheng’s adorable greedy little face, he couldn’t help but indulge him.

… … 

The program team worked rapidly. Half a month later, the show’s stars, “world champion and his study god boyfriend,” went live at the speed of light. Half an hour after it aired, the entry “Persevere with Cheng CP” swiftly rose to the top of the hot search list, igniting the hearts of thousands of girls.

It was because this episode of “Only You” was just too darn cute!

At the start of the episode, only two overlapping figures could be seen in the dark bedroom.

The morning light filtered in through the space between the curtains and spilled upon the narrow double bed. 

The alarm went off, and the time on the screen was half past six. When the alarm went off, a hand reached out from under the quilt, turned off the alarm, and climbed out of bed.

“Oh my goodness! Is this really a college student? Do college students wake up at half past six?”

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“+1, this active-duty college student says I don’t get out of bed until 7:50 for an 8 o’clock class…”

“+2, class starts at eight o’clock, but i don’t get out of bed till half past eight :)” 

A tall figure got out of bed lightly and walked to the bathroom quietly as the barrage whizzed by.

It was a small house, no more than thirty or forty square meters in size. The double bed next to the window took up one-third of the room, and it was cleverly flanked by a set of small sofas and cabinets.


Mr. Morning Man made his way around the coffee table and into the bathroom. The bathroom ceiling light was turned on with a “click,” and the person’s face was clearly captured by the camera.

An alpha stretched out in front of the mirror. He took a hair tie from the sink and tied it around the nape of his neck. One end of the hair tie was attached to a small bunny, which quickly drew the attention of the entire crowd. 

“Wu, wu, wu, who is this long-haired beautiful assailant? He’s a delicious masterpiece. I’m dead, I’m alive, I’m dead, I’m alive!!!”

“Fuck!! A little rabbit??? Does this alpha have such a unique taste?”

“Maybe the little rabbit hair tie belongs to Li Cheng.”

“Nooo! I’d rather believe the small rabbit hair tie belongs to Xiao Yiheng! Chengcheng, my husband, cannot possibly use a little rabbit hair tie!” 

The on-screen Xiao Yiheng had no idea that a hair tie he had picked up would set off a torrent of bullet screens. He cleaned his face, brushed his teeth, picked up a razor, leaned close to the mirror, and carefully shaved the stubble that had grown throughout the night.

A camera was installed close to the mirror by chance. As soon as he leaned in, his stunning face took up the entire screen.

The production team “understood” and applied a set of filters on his close-up photo. They also tagged it carefully, fearing that the audience might not fall in love right away.

“?? Husband, are you so close because you want to kiss me?” 

“Wu, wu, wu, all the omega inhibitors in our community have failed!”

“Xiao Yiheng is such an exceptionally beautiful A! If I were Li Cheng, I would never let my boyfriend be seen by so many love rivals!!!!!!”

As Xiao Yiheng shaved his stubble, there was a sound of slippers dragging across the floor outside the bathroom.

Three seconds later, the bathroom door squeaked open, and Li Cheng, with chicken coop-like hair, swayed out of the door crack and crashed into Xiao Yiheng’s arms. 

He was only wearing a pair of loose pajama bottoms and his upper body was nude. The camera recorded his elegant muscles. The honey-colored back muscles relaxed and stretched as he breathed, as though the wings of a butterfly were gently trembling.

“I can’t… I’m about to choke! I was in the middle of becoming Xiao Yiheng’s wife powder, but now I want to be Li Cheng’s husband powder!”

“I’m hard, I’m hard, I’m hard, I’m hard, I’m hard…” (The user’s speech has been blocked)

“I used to think that all omega had to be fair and soft to be cute, but now I think dark skin is also incredibly sexy!!!!” 

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Li Cheng closed his eyes and put his chin on his boyfriend’s shoulder on the screen: “I really don’t want to get out of bed. Why, oh why, do I need morning training?”

Xiao Yiheng wrapped one arm around his waist and placed the toothpaste-squeezed toothbrush in his hand with the other arm: “Because if you don’t train, you’ll regress. If you regress, you can’t win the championship. If you can’t win the championship, there will be no bonus. If there is no bonus…”


“Stop!” Li Cheng awoke in an instant.

He pressed in front of the sink while waving his toothbrush. He started brushing his teeth like he was brushing a wall shua, shua, shua. 

He appeared to be in a good mood and was humming a song, but his disheveled hair was so defiant that he wasted a lot of time trying to fix it.

Li Cheng stuffed his toothbrush into Xiao Yiheng’s cup after cleaning his teeth and washing his face, making sure the two toothbrush heads touched. After all of this, he stretched his arms out again, pouting for a kiss.

When Xiao Yiheng saw this, he laughed and shook his head, asking, “ChengCheng, have you forgotten something?”


Xiao Yiheng lifted his chin towards the camera.

Li Cheng moved his gaze in the direction of his eyes ─ “Fucking (censored)! Why is it here as well!”

Li Cheng scratched his head irritably: “I thought it was only in the living room and bedroom.” He asked Xiao Yiheng, “A camera is installed in the toilet. What should I do when I want to go to the toilet and take a bath?”

Xiao Yiheng comforted him: “It doesn’t matter, simply cover it up then.” 

“!” When Li Cheng realized there was such a simple and crude way to deal with it, he let out a long sigh of relief and couldn’t wait to add, “Then let’s cover it now!”

Before the audience could react, Li Cheng reached out his hand and placed his palm squarely on the camera.

He didn’t know, however, that the space between his fingers betrayed a top secret─

Li Cheng was like a small hungry beast eager to pounce on its prey. Xiao Yiheng smiled as he hugged him, bent his head, and locked their lips. 

Their lips met in a passionate and lingering kiss.

Barrage: “…”

Barrage: “……”

Barrage: “………” 

Fuck! Were they filming for a variety show or flaunting their love, ah???

─Oh! You didn’t know… They only came to flaunt their love

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