Ch111 - Extra 4: Variety Show – Pretty Fool

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Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng put on sportswear and walked out of their nest holding hands after sharing a sweet kiss and a magnificent breakfast.

The camera crew waiting outside the door instantly followed them and headed towards the venue where Li Cheng normally trained. 

“Because it’s not sports season right now, I can take one day off a week.” Despite the fact that it was Li Cheng’s first time on camera to record a variety show, he had always had a strong heart and spoke freely and naturally. “Today is my day off. I don’t have to get in the water. I’ll be free today as long as I finish my eight-kilometer morning run~”

The tumultuous barrage instantly drowned the entire screen the minute Li Cheng uttered “eight kilometers.



“As long as I finish eight kilometers…”

“How come he said eight kilometers in the same tone as eight hundred meters??????” 

“Tired, really tired. I can’t even lift my aching legs after hearing this number!!”


There were only a few people in the Capital University training facility at the time. They did a brief warm-up before beginning to run.

The camera shook as Brother Cameraman lifted the hefty camera and ran after the two young men.

As a result, after running only a few meters, Brother Cameraman was on the point of death… At the len’s edge, the silhouettes of the other crew members struggling at death’s door could be vaguely seen…


A wave of mockery hit the barrage.

“The film crew has really big dog guts. Who gave them the courage to believe they could catch up to the world champion?”

“Too miserable. So much running and kneeling… It brings back memories of my tragic situation during the 800-meter PE exam…”

“Wow! But Xiao Yiheng is also very strong. I heard that he has good grades and is still an art student. I had the impression he is a typical weak scholar. I wasn’t expecting him to have such physical strength. He followed Li Cheng for five laps, right? His pace is truly fast.” 

“How is it possible for an A to have poor physical strength? Is it possible that if O isn’t satisfied in bed, he lets Li Cheng sit on him and move on his own?” (The user’s comments have been blocked)

“Upstairs, what the hell did you say? Why can I only see a line of ***?”

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“Genuine fans can intuitively understand it’s to expose □□ even if they see a line of *** :)”

Capital University’s athletic track was a standard track with a 400-meter lap. Xiao Yiheng sprinted eight laps with Li Cheng before he gradually slowed down. 

He didn’t try to show off, instead walking slowly around the sports field to calm his breathing. Li Cheng continued his morning training after he stopped, and even upped his speed somewhat!

The editor applied special effects to this scene during post-production ─ Li Cheng, clothed in a red dudou, stepped on the Hot Wheels beneath his feet and grasped the Hun Tian Ling in his hands. Coupled with the small knot on top of his head, he resembled Nezha.

It must be said that the program group was quite terrifying.

Li Cheng was sweaty all over after jogging, and the sportswear on his body was so saturated that you could squeeze water out of it. He couldn’t tolerate the stench of sweat on his body, so he slipped off his jacket, completely oblivious to the fact that a camera was nearby! 

The camera was pointed directly at his nude body. The program crew knew exactly what the audience wanted to see, so they gave Li Cheng’s stunning figure a close-up without a second thought.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The camera followed a crystal clear sweat drop as it dripped down the side of the omega’s neck. It brushed his collarbone first, then his chest slowly. Li Cheng’s breathing was extremely fast because he had just done strenuous exercise. His breaths were heavy and constricted deep in his throat.


Pa kjr j rtjwf atja remt wjuclolmfca rmfcfgs mbeiv bcis yf rffc ys atf jevlfcmf obg j ofk rfmbcvr. Wljb Tltfcu, ktb tjv yffc kjlalcu ys atf rlvf, rkloais rqgfjv bea atf ijguf abkfi atja tjv yffc qgfqjgfv lc jvnjcmf jcv mbwqifafis mbnfgfv Ol Jtfcu’r ybvs.

“Lf’r pfjiber, tf’r pfjiber, tf’r pfjiber!” 

“Xiao Yiheng did a great job! His wife’s body can only be seen by himself, not by others!”

“Boohoo, boohoo, if I have a boyfriend waiting for me with a water bottle and a towel while I run, I won’t fail the 800m exam!”

“I’m gasping on the verge of death…slightly hard to show my respect.”

“This clever Mrs. Scissorhands has already cut off that sound. Will there be 18+ food to eat tomorrow?” 

Li Cheng was like a spoiled leopard cat expecting to be served by a shit shoveling officer. He leaned comfortably in his boyfriend’s arms, waiting for Xiao Yiheng to wipe off the profuse sweat on his body.

This program drew not only sugar-crazed viewers, but also swimming enthusiasts who came to watch the action.

But now this group of swimming enthusiasts were in a particularly complicated mood ─ Li Cheng had always been quite tough on the field, and he had made heroic efforts to go against the wind and make a comeback multiple times; he even questioned the referee in public, and his after-game interview was also in a straight-forward style.

Who would have guessed that such a tough swimming champion would be so coquettish when he was with his boyfriend. The most wonderful romantic love was indeed turning into a childlike devil in front of your beloved. 

Of course, no matter what the audience believed or how the fans perceived these events, they would have no effect on Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng’s relationship. Despite the fact that it was a reality show, they did not “act,” but instead showed everyone their real-life relationship mode.

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There were more people on the track by the time the two of them finished running. They avoided the crowds and went back to their little house near the school. The camera crew did not follow up, and the scene reverted to an indoor camera shot.

When Li Cheng entered the house, the first thing he did was take a shower in the bathroom.

The bathroom was really cramped. The sink, mirror, and toilet were all squeezed into those few square meters. Even though the space was limited, there was still a small bathtub in the bathroom corner! To be honest, Li Cheng rented the house because of the bathtub, picturing how pleasurable it would be to soak in hot water after working out. 

Unfortunately, this small bathtub was far too “minimalist.” Every time Li Cheng laid in it, his long legs had nowhere to extend.

The bathtub was small, and the capacity of the water heater was even smaller. The hot water in the heater was depleted after Li Cheng filled the bathtub with water.

On the one hand, Li Cheng undressed, while on the other, he urged Xiao Yiheng, “You’ll have to wait 30 minutes for the water to heat up. Let’s bathe together.”

Xiao Yiheng cast a sly glance at Li Cheng and directed him to look at the lens in front of the mirror. 

“Tsk! This thing?” Li Cheng shrugged carelessly, and extended his hand towards the camera.

To the audience’s surprise, just as they thought Li Cheng was about to repeat the same tricks, the camera went dark ─ Li Cheng unexpectedly unplugged it! Unplugged it! Unplugged it!!!!



“He’s truly a novice to variety shows. It’s the first time I’ve seen someone simply unplug the camera…” 

“After the screen turned dark, only my smirking glib face remained on the screen QAQ”

“Camera Lens, you’re a big kid! It’s time to learn how to plug in the power and let us enjoy looking at ‘beauty taking a bath’!”

The program crew had not anticipated such an unforeseen circumstance, and the post-production team grudgingly inserted a few ellipses on the screen, which elicited a lot of ridicule from the audience.

Thankfully, the black screen did not last long. The camera turned back on a few seconds later. Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng had already changed into their pajamas and T-shirts for home. Their hair was still dripping, indicating that they had just gotten out of the bath. 

“Is it like this?” Li Cheng was looking at the camera with his entire face in front of it. Even from such a deadly angle and close range, his facial features appeared flawless. He held the camera with one hand and asked Xiao Yiheng for help, “I plugged it in! Why isn’t it responding?!”

Xiao Yiheng leaned over and joined him in tinkering with the camera: “I see that the light behind it is on. It should be powered on.”

Li Cheng: “So it’s running now?”

Xiao Yiheng: “Yeah.” 

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Li Cheng was taken aback and took a giant step back, anxiously asking, “Did it capture my stupid look just now?”

There was a wave of laughter and jokes in the barrage – when a big beauty makes a stupid mistake, it’s not called a stupid mistake, it’s called spreading happiness to the world 

“Hold on! Did I find a blind spot?” A bright line of color in a large font flashed across the screen. “There is a clock at the upper right of the lens. The camera was unplugged at 8.30. It’s 10 now. It takes an hour and a half to take a bath?”

“…Watson, you’ve discovered a blind spot!” 

“Awesome! I replayed it and checked. It was truly an hour and a half!”

“Doesn’t it take only ten minutes for boys to take a bath?”

“Wash yourself in ten minutes, and then wash your boyfriend in one hour and twenty minutes :)”

“It’s such a small bathtub. If two people take a bath together, they must be pressed together tightly, right?” 

Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng were totally unaware that the smart Watsons had discovered the “bad things” they had done through the monitoring time in the upper right corner of the camera. They had no idea that once this episode aired, it drew more than 100,000 viewers overnight, all of whom were paying close attention to the “persevere with Cheng CP” handle. The brain holes of the industrious grain-producing wives opened wide, and a plethora of adult fanarts, pictures, and short videos appeared endlessly among fellow enthusiasts. The hottest piece of work among them was titled “18r/Bathroom Play/Rationally Read the Article Do Not Disturb Real People/About What Happened in the Bathroom That Day”. This article had garnered thousands of reposts, but unfortunately, it barely lasted two days before being devoured by the river crab…

Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng returned to the living room to watch TV after their shower.


Because Xiao Yiheng had class in the afternoon, the pair could only get intimate in the morning. They could have spent the entire morning in bed if there had been no cameras. Sadly…

It was tedious to merely sit on the sofa and play with their phones, and the program team would have a tough time editing such dull material. 

They had a discussion and decided to go shopping at the supermarket.

“”Oh, oh, oh! Finally! Finally! I love shopping in the supermarket segment the most. So many well-known couples in the entertainment circle display their true colors in the supermarket. Whether to buy or not to buy, whether to buy expensive or cheap stuff, and whether to buy imported or domestic products…the supermarket is a hotbed of dispute. No matter how affectionate young lovers are when they enter the supermarket, they leave with a black face!”

The barrage area was getting ready, fully prepared to enjoy viewing a lively scene. The audience was quite interested to see if these supposedly deeply in love young sweethearts would quarrel over trivial things in the supermarket like those renowned couples from the entertainment world.

As everyone expected, Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng showed radically different attitudes after entering the supermarket. 

There was a lengthy shopping list in Xiao Yiheng’s mobile phone. He was in charge of buying, hauling everything up and down, and running about looking for various ingredients and daily essentials… So, what about Li Cheng?

Li Cheng was completely disinterested in the entire process and was only concerned with playing with his phone.

He resembled a “spoiled brainless” pet. Regardless of where Xiao Yiheng went, he was always playing games on his phone. He didn’t raise his head or blink his eyes throughout the whole process. It made no difference whether he was present or not.


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“Just a moment ago, I thought this couple was so sweet. Now, pa, pa, I’m face slapped! I’m annoyed the most when I go shopping with my boyfriend and he does nothing except play games next to me. Go home if you want to play games! Can you stop being so perfunctory when you go shopping?”

“Gonna go out on a limb and say something. In truth, I anticipated this for quite some time. Li Cheng is a world champion with an arrogant personality. He and Xiao Yiheng are together, so he has no choice but to kneel and lick him. How dare he say anything to scold him.”

“The words ‘kneeling’ and ‘licking’ are too offensive, alright? All the alpha does is spoil him. If I had a boyfriend as good-looking and awesome as Li Cheng, I would be willing to spoil him like a pretty fool!”

There was a lot of fighting in the barrage, but the involved parties, Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng, kept their own pace. 

Xiao Yiheng quickly purchased everything on the list. Li Cheng was an athlete with a high need for eggs, milk, and meat. When Xiao Yiheng went to buy milk, he carefully evaluated the calcium content before selecting the most expensive one. He also purchased ten kg of the best beef eye meat all at once. The shopping list that was printed out at the checkout was nearly a meter long.

The shopping cart was overflowing with all kinds of goodies, containing seven or eight large bags.

After the bill was paid, Li Cheng finally looked up from his game.


“All done.” Xiao Yiheng indicated the items in the cart.

“All right, let’s go home.” Li Cheng stuffed the phone into his pocket and easily grabbed up all the plastic bags with both hands, not at all reluctant.


In sharp contrast, Xiao Yiheng was completely empty-handed, not even holding a bottle of water.

The barrage was riddled with question marks. 

There had to be some sort of mistake, right? The omega was in charge of carrying things, but the alpha was an arm flinging shopkeeper?

It was clear that the program group was experiencing the same confusion. The director in charge of filming the events asked bluntly: “Xiao Yiheng, won’t you help Li Cheng carry such big shopping bags?”

Before Xiao Yiheng could respond, Li Cheng yelled: “He mustn’t carry, he mustn’t carry! He’s an artist, you see. An artist’s hand must be maintained to keep painting! I’ll be upset if the pressure from the plastic bag leaves impressions on them!”

Xiao Yiheng softly smiled when he heard what he said. His disposition was that of a cold and cheerless nobleman at first, but with such a smile, the affection and pampering in his eyes almost overflowed. 

Barrage: “…”

Barrage: “… …”

Barrage: “… … …”

Screw it! Who dared to call Li Cheng a pretty fool?! Obviously, it was Xiao Yiheng who was a pretty fool! 

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