Ch112 - Extra 5: Variety Show – Deity Couple

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Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng had a cozy lunch after visiting the supermarket.

They were in charge of eating, fans of eating dog food, and all of them were in charge of burping. 

Li Cheng slumped on the sofa, his long legs resting on the armrest, his jacket hiked up, displaying a round small tummy. His stomach was like a different realm. His entire tummy rose into a mound, resembling a little hill, after he had eaten and drunk his fill.

On the one hand, he burped after filling his stomach, and on the other, he patted his stomach as if he was selecting a watermelon. He was so unsophisticated that he clearly had no idol burden at all.



Because the air conditioner was quite cold, Xiao Yiheng, who was seated next to him, pulled his jacket down to cover his belly button: “You yanked your clothing aside as soon as you finished your meal. Aren’t you worried about stomach problems?”

“I’ve eaten too much and feel like throwing up.” Li Cheng was aggrieved. “The air blowing helps me feel better.” 

“You must not catch a cold,” Xiao Yiheng said, shaking his head. He beckoned for Li Cheng to recline on his lap and then extended his hand to him, saying, “I’ll help you rub it, okay?”


Xiao Yiheng’s hand deserved to be called an artist’s hand. It was uniformly slim and had distinct joints. His palm went in along the seam of Li Cheng’s jacket, gently covering the omega’s round abdomen.

The spectators could only see that hand slowly circling under the material underneath the cover of the jacket. It was incredibly patient and seemed to be teasing as well as soothing.

Li Cheng resembled a dozing orange cat. He was resting on his back on Xiao Yiheng’s lap, so relaxed that he almost snored.


This was just an ordinary day interaction for them, but there was a terrible storm in the barrage.

“Ahhhhhhh! What a unique little cat! Xiao Yiheng let go of the kitty cat and let me rub his stomach!!”

“Sisters, I’m guilty! Omega’s bulging belly and alpha’s gentle petting… I’ve already pictured a pregnancy play in my mind!!!”

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“Upstairs, please wait. A friend of mine has terminal illness and wants to eat rations before leaving! Where can I buy your work?” 

“Begging stories! Begging pictures! Begging books! It’s also an excellent dinner substitute! Save the children!”

Unfortunately, these barrages only survived a single day before being banned due to their obscene content.

It didn’t matter, though. Even if yellow was no longer present, they had all taken care of it 

Li Cheng yawned and dragged himself back to bed to sleep after having his belly rubbed. Xiao Yiheng, on the other hand, had classes in the afternoon. He quietly collected his sketching board and paints and walked out the door. 

The waiting crew quickly followed.

Xiao Yiheng was a fairly low-key individual in comparison to Li Cheng, who was active on different social media. That year, he won first place in the province’s college entrance examination. All admissions teachers were taken aback when the provincial champion chose an unusual road and devoted himself to art, enrolling in the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts as a freshman in the oil painting department! His choice stunned all of the province’s third-year senior high school candidates at the time. The forum discussion posts from that year could still be found online up until now.

If Li Cheng’s character was “what you see is what you get,” then Xiao Yiheng appeared to be covered in a mysterious fog. The entire audience wanted to clear the haze and find out what kind of guy he was.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xiao Yiheng escorted the film crew to his destination. 

Kb fnfgsbcf’r jwjhfwfca, Wljb Tltfcu vlv cba fcafg atf Lejueb Cmjvfws bo Mlcf Cgar, yea lcrafjv abbx j ajzl ab j qglwjgs rmtbbi obg atf mtlivgfc bo wlugjca kbgxfgr ibmjafv yfsbcv atf Mloat Elcu Ebjv.

Ktf rtbk’r qgbvemfgr xcfk tbk ab ktfa atf jevlfcmf’r jqqfalaf. Geglcu qbra-qgbvemalbc, atf fvlabg jvvfv j gbk bo ijguf defralbc wjgxr bc atf rmgffc ab qldef atf jevlfcmf’r lcafgfra.


Soon, the truth came to light.

When Xiao Yiheng walked into that primary school, a group of children waiting on the playground immediately ran to him. They came forward and clutched his thigh one after the other, yelling: “Teacher Xiao, Teacher Xiao! What will you teach us to draw today?” 

After watching this scene, the audience’s capacity to react was restored. The “class” Xiao Yiheng had mentioned was not the one he had to attend, but rather the one he taught to the group of children.

Seeing the children’s expressions made it evident that Xiao Yiheng was not putting on a show but had been helping at the school for a long time. That’s why the kids adored him and ran to the school gate to greet him.

The school for migrant workers’ children in the outskirts of the city was small. Each grade had a mere 20 students. Xiao Yiheng taught two lessons each week and was in charge of pupils from grade one to grade three.

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Xiao Yiheng explained to the program team: “The truth is, our university is assisting this children’s school. The school arranged for me to be a teacher. The world in the eyes of children is far more colorful and intriguing than ours. To be honest, I’m unable to teach them anything. What I can do is guide them in using a brush to draw the beauty in their eyes.” 

Xiao Yiheng was being modest. Students from the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts immediately jumped out in the variety show’s comment section to popularize science.

“Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts students come out to tell the truth. Although the college organizes this aid initiative, participation is entirely optional, and there are no credits, no pay, and no relation to the final assessment. As a result, the number of volunteers is quite limited. Furthermore, the school he chose is located outside of the city, far distant from ours. He could have totally selected a nearby internship if he wanted to acquire an internship credential. Junior Brother Xiao sincerely wishes to assist these children. He truly does not take credit for it.”

The episode’s next fifteen minutes were focused on these adorable young students. There was no formal studio at the school. Xiao Yiheng accompanied the children to the playground to sketch. The sun was shining brightly on the trees and grass, and a few wild cats and dogs were lazing peacefully on the grass. They weren’t afraid of people at all, and even approached the camera team with curiosity, sniffing here and there.

While the children were painting, Xiao Yiheng strolled about between their seats, occasionally offering advice. 

His instructions were straightforward and basic. He did not intervene with the kids’ wild depictions, nor did he accuse them rashly of “having the wrong perspective, or your idea is not feasible.” He fulfilled his commitment by simply guiding them to explore the world’s beauty rather than defining it for them.

“If only I’d had such a gentle teacher when I was a kid learning to sketch…”

“I’m not sure why my eyes are wet. For the first part of the show, I laughed till my mouth hurt, but now I really want to cry.”

“I want to donate a few sets of watercolor pencils for the kids. A little girl has run out of blue paint.” 

“Want to donate +1. Seeking address!”

In the barrage, there was an increasing number of donation intentions. One of the viewers immediately paused the show, searched the Internet for the school’s phone number, and called them.

Many viewers shared the same thought. The school administration had never seen such zeal. They hurriedly created a Weibo account and made an announcement.

─ “Thank you for the program group’s publicity and the attention of all the enthusiastic audiences. Our school serves the children of capital-area migrant workers. The government funding is sufficient to cover the school’s typical expenses, and the students’ fundamental learning needs can be met. 

Regarding the most frequently asked-about art class stationery, our substitute teacher, Xiao Yiheng, once donated an oil painting to the school. The whole proceeds from the sale were spent on stationery such as brushes, drawing paper, and drawing boards. Special monies are set aside for specific purposes, and stationery reserves are adequate. Other donations are not necessary at this time.

We appreciate everyone’s concern!


XX children’s school”

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All of the viewers who were watching the broadcast erupted as soon as this announcement was made. 

What did they see?

─ Not only did Xiao Yiheng volunteer for classes, but he also donated one of his own works?

He was still a college student at the time. How valuable could his work be?

Some melon eaters were adept at finding the truth. They proceeded to the school’s official website and read through all of the school announcements one by one. These Sherlock Holmes wannabes actually stumbled onto a piece of news from half a year ago. 

The announcement was brief and had the photograph of an oil painting at the end. The sea surface was gleaming and pristine, and the light and shadows on it were fractured – clandestine and infinite.

Following the clues, a Sherlock Holmes discovered the painting’s auction record in a certain gallery.

According to auction records, the painting’s ultimate sale price was…ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand… Shit! It was actually sold for a six-figure sum!

Xiao Yiheng was only twenty years old at the time. When his peers were still in college, one of his works was worth more than many people’s annual wage! 

After further investigation, the Sherlocks discovered that this was not the first time Xiao Yiheng had sold his oil paintings. Collectors had flocked to his works even when he was still in high school…

Why was life so unfair?

“Fine. I’m convinced.”

“At first, I believed I just fell short of Xiao Yiheng by a face, but now I realize I fall short by two hands as well!” 

“Upstairs, it’s evident that you fall short of a brain, okay?”

“Is this an immortal who has descended to Earth? Superb IQ, understands art, looks good, and is quite caring!!!”

“I can see why Li Cheng fell in love with him now… To be honest, no omega can get away from such an excellent alpha, can they?”

“This statement can also be said backwards. Only an alpha like Xiao Yiheng is deserving of a fantastic omega like Li Cheng!” 

… …

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The “persevere with Cheng cp” airborne in the hot search on the night the program was broadcast and won several popular entries in one fell swoop.


#PersevereWithCheng’s sweetest cut#

#World Champion Li Cheng# 

#Gifted painter Xiao Yiheng#

#What happened in the bathroom#

#Children’s school art class#

The names Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng conquered the program barrage, forum discussion postings, and social networking site headlines. 

All of their experiences, from childhood to adulthood, had been unearthed. Fans talked about their grandeur and honor with zeal; they cried and lamented for their scars.

Li Cheng had no idea that just taking part in a variety show with his lover and sharing small snippets of their daily lives with everyone would spark such a heated discussion.

He was a little excited, but also a little worried.

─ Am I an internet celebrity? Will I be able to buy a house soon?!! 

… …

“ChengCheng, do you know how we’re being described on the Internet these days?”

As the variety show rebroadcast on the TV in front of them in the living room, Xiao Yiheng embraced Li Cheng in his arms.

The show was about to end ─ on screen, Xiao Yiheng, who had done his voluntary work, went home, to be greeted by Li Cheng with a smile and a heated kiss. 

Off-screen, Xiao Yiheng smiled as he read a fan’s comment on his phone─

─ “What is a deity couple? Naturally it’s a deity paired with another deity. This is precisely what a deity couple is :)”

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