Ch113 - Extra 6: Retirement and Marriage Proposal

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“Hello, friends! This is the Sports Channel of China Central Television. The men’s 100m freestyle award ceremony for the 202X Olympic swimming competition is presently being broadcast.”

The female anchor in the broadcasting studio was facing the camera. Her voice was soft, and her face was filled with pride. 

“With the camera pointed to the stadium, we can see that there are a lot of Chinese swimming fans in the crowd. They are cheering for the Olympic athletes while waving the national flag.”

“Chinese athletes dominated both the title and runner-up spots in this event. The championship was won by Li Cheng, the captain of the national swimming team, with whom everyone is familiar.”



“Li Cheng is twenty-seven years old this year. As we all know, he is a very rare omega athlete in racing sports.”

Following the host’s introduction, Li Cheng’s award-winning photograph displayed on the huge screen behind her. With multiple gold medals on his chest, the omega’s youthful appearance was assertive and confident. He was standing on the podium, his signature blond hair falling down his brow showing the shadow of his youth. 

“Li Cheng was seventeen years old when he was picked for the first time to the national team to compete in the World Youth Games. In that competition, he earned two gold medals. Over the last ten years, he has competed in a number of international competitions, including the Asian Games, World Championships, Olympics, and other high-level tournaments, winning more than 20 gold medals.”


“He was named one of the country’s Top Ten Outstanding Omega Youth Leaders last year. More and more omega athletes are participating in racing sports under his leadership. Omega athletes competed in track and field, swimming, short track speed skating, and other racing events as part of this year’s Olympic delegation.”

“Li Cheng is more than just a world champion. He has set an example and has become a role model for many omega athletes who have dreams of becoming professional athletes.”

“Some viewers may be wondering why I’m introducing Captain Li Cheng’s award-winning career at such length today.”


“It is because, during the post-match press conference, the reporters learned a news item: Li Cheng announced that, following the Olympic Games, he will hand over his obligations as national team captain and formally retire.”

At that moment, the image on the studio’s large screen changed. In the conference room, which was jammed with reporters, Li Cheng stood up and bowed to the camera with a serious look to express his gratitude. The flash bulbs shot off one after the other, surrounding the proud young man. The reporters raced to hand him the microphone, which was quickly followed by a barrage of questions.

In the studio, the host turned to face the camera and expressed regret: “Yes, yes, I believe the audience is in the same mood as I am right now. Li Cheng, the national swimming team’s captain, has been in charge since he was 22 years old. He has rich experience and a commanding approach, and he has led the Chinese team to numerous swimming pool team victories. The Chinese national swimming team led all countries in the amount of medals earned at the World Championships last year and the Olympics this year.”

“Swimming fans, I imagine, will be very saddened by the news of Li Cheng’s retirement. However, we must remember that the golden age of a speed swimmer is between the ages of 20 and 24, and the vast majority of swimmers retire at the age of 25. Li Cheng postponed his retirement for two years, and in those two years, he maintained a high level of competition, leading the Chinese squad to combat on all sides and reaping numerous honors.” 

“At his retirement press conference, Li Cheng stated ─ ‘From the age of seventeen to twenty-seven, I am very grateful to every coach and teammate I have met over the past ten years, and I am also very grateful to the trust of the majority of swimming fans. It enabled me to continue pushing forward and pursue my dreams. However, my age has reached the limit of a speed swimmer, and the team now includes better and younger swimmers. I feel completely confident in handing over the captaincy to my successor. I believe that even without me, the swimming team will improve and advance to the next level. It’s time for me to move on to more beautiful things in life.'”

“According to reports, the Sports Bureau extended an invitation to Li Cheng in the hopes that he would remain with the team as a coach, but Li Cheng declined. He indicated a desire to return to the grassroots school and work as a high school physical education teacher like his mentor, developing his love of swimming in other young people.”

“Let us convey our heartfelt greetings to him.”

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The host swiftly altered her expression and resumed the live broadcast in high spirits. 

“Now, let’s return the camera to the action. The head of FINA is presiding over this award ceremony. The three athletes may now be seen standing on the podium. According to international convention, the bronze medal will be presented first, followed by the silver medal and, lastly, the gold medal.”

“Captain Li Cheng has been presented with the bouquet and the medal. The chairman embraced him and said a few words of regret. FINA appears to have learnt of Li Cheng’s retirement as well.”

“Li Cheng is a true athlete with a ‘natural connection with the audience.’ There is deafening acclaim from the audience, and several swimming enthusiasts are even weeping on the spot.”

The camera zoomed in, giving Li Cheng a close-up look just in time. The image on the screen showed an omega with red eyes and perked up corners of his mouth. 

The Chinese national flag was draped across his shoulders, and he held flowers in one hand while waving the other. His chest was adorned with a shining gold medal, but it was his more obvious smile that stole the show.

The national flag was hoisted, the national anthem began to play, and Li Cheng raised his head to stare at the waving flag.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

17-sfjg-biv Ol Jtfcu rjk atf cjalbcji oiju gjlrfv lc tlr tbcbg obg atf olgra alwf. Lf kjr fmrajalm ja atf alwf jcv rjcu atf cjalbcji jcatfw jibev klat tlr afjwwjafr. Snfc lo atf rlculcu kjr yjv, tf mbeivc’a yglcu tlwrfio ab rabq.

27-sfjg-biv Ol Jtfcu klacfrrfv atf tblralcu bo atf cjalbcji oiju lc tlr tbcbg obg atf ijra alwf. Cr Ol Jtfcu ujhfv ja atf oieaafglcu gfv oiju, ofia atf uifjwlcu ubiv wfvji bc tlr mtfra, tf gfoifmafv bc fnfgs rafq tf tjv ajxfc bnfg atf qgfnlber afc sfjgr. Lf gfwfwyfgfv tlr ylgat bc j olrtlcu ybja, tlr rlrafg ktb mtffgfv tlw bc atf olfiv, jcv fnfgs mbjmt jcv afjwwjaf tf fcmbecafgfv… Ca atf rjwf alwf, tf gfwfwyfgfv tlr qjgacfg, ktb tjv yffc ys tlr rlvf atgbeutbea atf vfmjvf-ibcu gjmf. 

He’d been swimming for ten years and had been with Xiao Yiheng for ten years.

They had employed permanent marks to possess each other as early as ten years ago, and Xiao Yiheng had accompanied Li Cheng every step of the way.

At this point, he was eager to see his boyfriend and share the excitement of winning the gold medal with him, as well as his feelings of loss after retiring.

He was confident that Xiao Yiheng would understand. 

Following the award presentation, there was a group photo shoot.

The three medalists arrived at the reporter interview area. As the media fired questions at Li Cheng in quick succession, flash bulbs went off one after the other. This was his final interview before retiring. Li Cheng responded in detail and with seriousness. The reporters scribbled quickly, refusing to let even a single phrase go unrecorded.

Behind the reporters, there was a swarm of onlookers. Many swimming fans who were unable to give up on Li Cheng had gathered there, waving banners and chanting his name.

“Li Cheng!” “Captain Li!!” 

“Captain Li, don’t retire!”

“Li Cheng…can we see you again in the future?”

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“Li Cheng, Li Cheng, Li Cheng!”

This chant reverberated throughout the stadium and surged towards Li Cheng. 

Amidst the commotion, an unexpected voice appeared behind Li Cheng.

─ “ChengCheng.”

Only one person in the world would refer to him as such.

Li Cheng was stunned. 

He assumed he had misheard because they were now at the athlete interview area. How could Xiao Yiheng end up there?

Just then, his teammate next to him nudged him and smiled, “Captain Li, look back.”


Li Cheng turned back reflexively─

─Behind him stood the ramrod straight figure of Xiao Yiheng, clothed in a suit and carrying a bouquet of pure white roses in one hand, smiling. 


The young alpha called his name again.

Li Cheng had matured in the last decade and so had Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng was now a well-known avant-garde painter in China. He did not pursue his studies after graduation, but instead immersed himself in the studio and focused on creating his artworks. 

His oil paintings were deeply loved by collectors, and each of his works sparked a frenzy of competition and pursuit after they were released.

Xiao Yiheng’s artworks were all landscape paintings, without exception. Some people questioned whether Xiao Yiheng was simply adept at painting scenery and not at portraying characters. He was the subject of such speculation for many years. It wasn’t until the beginning of this year that the 27-year-old Xiao Yiheng held his first solo exhibition and debunked the rumors in one fell swoop: there were more than 50 artworks on display in total, all of which included a man as the subject. And the main protagonist in all of the paintings was the same.

It was Li Cheng.

All of them were Li Cheng. 

Everyone knew that Xiao Yiheng, the talented painter, and Li Cheng, the world champion, had been together for ten years.

Xiao Yiheng used paintings at that art exhibition to depict every moment they had shared over the previous ten years.

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It was heart-pounding, it made people unable to free themselves, and it was filled with infinite love and longing.

No one could deny Xiao Yiheng’s talent as a portrait painter or his love for Li Cheng after seeing those paintings. 

And now, Xiao Yiheng had appeared in Li Cheng’s retirement match, holding roses in his hand.

For a brief moment, the surroundings were deafeningly quiet, but then louder waves and cheers erupted.

Li Cheng stood blankly in place. His teammate snickered and shoved him forward.

Li Cheng had a good idea of what was going to happen. 

But he didn’t dare to assume.

He gazed at Xiao Yiheng in the same way that Xiao Yiheng looked at him.


“ChengCheng,” There was only one figure in Xiao Yiheng’s eyes. “I love you,” the alpha said, gathering all of his love and sending it to him.

The alpha strode forward step by step, taking each step very solemnly and slowly. 

His image increasingly filled Li Cheng’s vision until Xiao Yiheng came to a halt in front of him.

After that, he took a step back.

And he knelt on one knee.

There was a sapphire blue stone ring in the palm of Xiao Yiheng’s hand. The jewel was the same shade of blue as the ocean. 

“─Li Cheng, let’s get married.”

Li Cheng’s eyes clouded and tears streamed down his cheeks as the sentence was conveyed via the microphone.

He didn’t want to cry, yet it was impossible for him not to.

It was the day of his retirement. In front of his teammates and fans, he exuded confidence and strength. No one could glimpse his inner anguish and despair. 

But Xiao Yiheng noticed it because he understood him.

As a result, Xiao Yiheng picked this day and this opportunity to propose to Li Cheng. Li Cheng’s sadness upon leaving the swimming pool was replaced with an unimaginably wonderful memory.

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Li Cheng would never forget that day.

The audience erupted in tremendous applause, yells and blessings blending into one. 

“Promise him!”

“Say yes!”


“Promise him, promise him, promise him!” 

For a while, all of the cameras in the stadium were trained on Xiao Yiheng and the ring in his hands, broadcasting this romantic and unexpected proposal to every corner of the globe – in other words, it was a global live broadcast of the proposal!

“…Damn.” Li Cheng’s tears streamed uncontrollably.


Xiao Yiheng urged him with a smile: “What do you think, ChengCheng? Do you agree to my marriage proposal?”

Li Cheng had never cried so hard in his life. All of his life’s tears seemed to have been shed this day. While weeping, he hiccupped: “Laozi… Laozi dislikes surprises the most… You, hiccup, you propose to me while the entire world is watching. Didn’t you consider what might happen if I refuse?” 

Xiao Yiheng asked, “Are you willing to refuse?”

“…” Li Cheng clutched his hand and the ring in it, “─How can I be willing!!”

Yes, how could he possibly be willing to refuse?

He loved Xiao Yiheng, just as Xiao Yiheng loved him. 

He was willing to marry him, to build a family with him, to share a permanent mark with him, and to stay with him for the rest of his life.

For ten years, 3650 days and nights, they had been in love.

They had grown from ignorant teenagers to honorable young men.

They despised one another at first, arguing and venting all the time, until their pheromones mixed with each other’s flesh and blood and they couldn’t stand to be apart. 

… …

“─Xiao Yiheng, I love you too.”

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