Ch114 - Extra 7: Nest Building (1)

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After Li Cheng retired, he expected to be able to relax at home for a while. Various things emerged one after the other, much to his surprise.

He received a flurry of interview invitations, as well as endorsements, commercial appearances, and variety show offers. A publisher even came to see him and expressed interest in writing a biography on him. The book was titled “Li Cheng’s Biography,” and it would have a print run of 500,000 copies! 

Li Cheng read the first chapter of this biography with humility.

“One night, twenty-seven years ago, on an old fishing boat swaying in the roaring waves, a baby boy was born, destined to change the world…”



Li Cheng snapped the book shut.

“…Thanks for the invitation, but Laozi is not dead yet. You’re documenting my achievements at the age of 27. Will you only write epitaphs for me when I’m 28??” 

All of those messed-up jobs were turned down by Li Cheng. Even though the price was higher than typical, he remained unmoved.


Because he and Xiao Yiheng had saved enough money over the years to buy a house!

The new house was purchased on the top floor of a high-end suburban community. It was a plan for a duplex apartment. The most essential feature was an exclusive open-air swimming pool on the top floor, which was encircled by plants that served as a natural barrier.

Li Cheng fell in love with it at first sight and decided to acquire it right away.


The place was nicely designed but lacked furniture. Following the completion of the purchase, Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng began touring décor stores to discuss how to furnish their new home.

In reality, Xiao Yiheng was in charge of the selection, while Li Cheng was in charge of swiping the card.

Li Cheng acted shamelessly as he openly goofed off: “You are an artist who understands aesthetics. I’m not sure which table, chair, or cupboard is best for our home. They appear to be the same to me.”

Xiao Yiheng: “I can choose the furniture in the living room, but we must choose the furniture in the bedroom together.” 


Xiao Yiheng moved in close and whispered in his ear: “Because the bedroom is where we spend the majority of our time. You have the most say over how comfortable a bed is and how soft a mattress is.”



Li Cheng tried lying down on all the mattresses in the furniture mall with a flushed face, and chose the one with the best support and ability to withstand strength, as well as the least taxing on the waist.

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… …

Li Cheng hosted a housewarming party as soon as they finished decorating the new residence.

He invited his teammates and classmates who were close to him. When they first entered the house, everyone was taken aback by the decoration─ 

A painting by Xiao Yiheng was displayed at regular intervals on the entrance hallway wall. These were, without exception, portraits of Li Cheng. A few collectors offered a high price of seven figures to acquire one of these paintings at his solo painting exhibition, but Xiao Yiheng remarked that each portrait had a special meaning to him and refused to sell any of them.

And now these magnificent works of art were hung on the wall. Entering the residence felt like entering an art gallery.


The most striking feature was that every portrait had a gold medal – a genuine and gleaming gold medal – pinned to the chest!

To echo the protagonist in the painting, Xiao Yiheng utilized a really ingenious technique to implant the gold medals in the frame. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

There were twenty portraits on the wall.

Ccv atfgf kfgf akfcas ubiv wfvjir lcijlv lc atfw.

“…Too showy…”

“Pr atlr j qjlcalcu rtbk bg j ubiv wfvji rtbk?” 

“Rb, atf mjqajlc jcv rlrafg-lc-ijk jgf mifjgis rtbklcu atflg ibnf!”

“P klrt P mbeiv yf jr oijrts jr atlr, yea cb bcf qjlcar jc bli qjlcalcu bo wf, jcv P vbc’a tjnf jr wjcs ubiv wfvjir ab vlrqijs bc atf kjii HCH…”

The envy in Li Cheng’s teammates’ eyes practically burst, flowing down.

Li Cheng proudly waved his tail: “Okay, don’t be too envious; you’ll have both as well. A gold medal and a partner!” 

It was just that he guessed that it would be achievable only in their next life.

Li Cheng led his teammates to the living room after passing through the long entrance hallway. The furniture looked elegant, and the overall soft decorations had a highly artistic touch. They could see right away that it wasn’t something Li Cheng, a steel straight omega with no aesthetic cells, would buy.

Li Cheng was exuberant as he flaunted about the house’s decorations to everyone.

Isn’t this a lovely sofa? It was selected by Xiao Yiheng. Isn’t this bookcase stylish? It was selected by Xiao Yiheng. Aren’t these curtains beautiful? They were selected by Xiao Yiheng… 

A team member inquired: “Captain Li, sister-in-law picked everything. What did you pick?”

“…” Li Cheng was ashamed to admit that he had chosen the bed. He paused for a moment, winking frantically at Xiao Yiheng.

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Xiao Yiheng provided a response in a timely manner: “Your captain has the best vision. He picked me.”

“…” The team members thought, All right! We shouldn’t have attended today’s housewarming party. Isn’t this hurtling across only to eat dog food! 

… …

Li Cheng invited his younger sister to play at the new house after the housewarming party was over.


Youyou was now 19 years old and a tall and graceful young lady. She had taken the college entrance exam the previous year, sailed through the Capital University exam, and was now in her sophomore year.

Capital University could lower the admissions criterion for Li Cheng’s immediate family members because he was a world champion. But Youyou’s temper was stubborn and anxious to be first (a replica of Li Cheng’s), and she simply refused to go through this “back door“. Instead, she relied on herself to study diligently and entered Capital University with integrity. 

Li Cheng was overjoyed. Despite the fact that he was a study scumbag, his boyfriend and sister were both study gods. Aiya! I really have a lot of face.

When she was 12 years old, Youyou differentiated into a beta. She was depressed for a long period after she first differentiated.

She initially expected to differentiate into an amazing omega like her brother or a strong alpha like her sister-in-law. She had never imagined that after differentiating, she would become the most commonplace beta…

Beta were incapable of producing or capturing pheromones. It was truly the most worthless and unattractive gender. 

She was the most popular girl in class before differentiating, and she had seven little boyfriends waiting for her “favor.” But when she differentiated into a beta, all of her seven little boyfriends abandoned her. Three of them chased omega girls, while the remaining four were digested internally…

How could Youyou accept such a wide disparity?

Xiao Yiheng enlightened her at the time.

Youyou remembered what Xiao Yiheng said many years ago until now. 

“Youyou, the alpha, omega, and beta genders, have never been characterized by superiority or inferiority. True, alpha and omega are like magnetic poles with innate attraction; nevertheless, beta are like iron. Magnets can attract one another, but they are also attracted to iron and can revolve around it. You don’t have to feel inferior to others because of your gender. A beta can also be outstanding.  Make your own brilliance, and the alpha and omega will fall at your feet.”

Thank you, God! Thank you, thank you gege for finding such a wonderful boyfriend!!

Xiao Yiheng’s comments not only restored Youyou’s happiness, but also increased Youyou’s trust in Xiao Yiheng, her sister-in-law!

Youyou had visited her brother and sister-in-law for dinner and chat practically every month since moving to the capital. In truth, Li Cheng wanted her to come every week, but Youyou had tremendous insight and felt she would bother them, so she only came once at the end of each month. 

Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng had recently relocated into a new home and had naturally invited Youyou to pay them a visit.

When Youyou entered the apartment, she immediately exclaimed at the artworks hanging in the corridor, perfectly satisfying Li Cheng’s vanity.

But Youyou quickly shifted the subject and inquired, “Brother, you’ve retired now, and sister-in-law has proposed to you as well. When do you intend to hold the wedding?”

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Li Cheng’s face flushed. 


Youyou also stated: “Don’t drag it out. If you put it off too long, a baby might have already arrived!”


Unexpectedly, Li Cheng’s face went even redder than before when he heard Youyou’s comments.

Youyou had no idea that human skin could really turn “redder than cooked shrimp,” as described in novels! 


Youyou finally had a premonition: “No way, right?! You guys……???”

Li Cheng couldn’t utter a word, and went into the kitchen, under the pretext of getting water for his sister. Unfortunately, his ipsilateral limb motions revealed his underlying nervousness, and he nearly fell.

Xiao Yiheng swiftly came to his aid, saying, “ChengCheng, be careful…” 

Li Cheng swatted away his hand and fled into the kitchen, slamming the door shut.

Youyou: “…”

“When did my brother…?” Youyou asked, looking at Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng was also a little embarrassed. “In fact, I requested you to come home this time because I want to tell you about it,” he coughed softly. 

Male omega could conceive, but the probability of natural conception was extremely low.

Although the chances of conception were slim, because Li Cheng was an athlete, becoming pregnant would have a significant impact on his physical condition and could even put a stop to his athletic career. As a result, over the past ten years, Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng had been extra careful whenever they made love. They had almost never enjoyed themselves to the fullest.

Li Cheng had grown tired of rubber products a long time ago.

After retiring, he promptly engaged Xiao Yiheng to fight for three hundred rounds. All of the rubber products were thrown away. He expressed the decade’s “sullenness” in one breath. 

They stayed at home for nearly a week. Li Cheng entirely surrendered to passion and let Xiao Yiheng to paint on him, leaving numerous traces; Xiao Yiheng likewise tried his hardest to satisfy him, regarding himself as Li Cheng’s biggest trophy.

As a result…subsequently…um, so…then…


That’s right, pregnant. 

Genuinely pregnant.

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It was an indescribably strange feeling, as if Li Cheng had awoken from a long deep sleep to find another little life in his body.


For a time, Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng were greatly impacted by this unexpected family member. They exchanged glances but were unable to communicate.

The development of artificial uterus technology had profoundly alleviated the agony of pregnancy. More and more families were opting to use an artificial uterus to produce a child. On the contrary, it had become increasingly rare for families to conceive naturally. According to official statistics, the figure was less than 10%. Li Cheng never imagined he’d end up in that 10%. 

For Xiao Yiheng, the significance of this child was much greater. To be honest, Xiao Yiheng never expected to have children. His birth family was despicable. His parents had never taught him the meaning of the word “love.” As a result, he lacked faith in his ability to teach his own child what “love” meant.

He/she did, however, appear.

This child arrived silently, taking them off guard, much like the first green buds in spring and the first snowfall in winter.

Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng made the decision to welcome him/her. 

So they bought a new house, new furniture, and welcomed family and friends to their new three-person home.

Then they called their sister to tell her the good news in person and to inform her that she was going to have a little nephew/niece.

They didn’t expect Youyou to figure it out before they could tell her the good news.

Youyou was ecstatic. She appeared to have reverted to her ten-year-old self, dancing about her older brother, her tummy full of curiosity. 

“My! When will we find out if it’s a boy or a girl?”

“Is it possible that they are twins?”

“What are you going to name the child?”

“How about the pet name? Have you chosen a pet name?” 

“Wow! All pregnant omega build nests. I didn’t expect gege to simply build a 200-square-meter nest. He’s far too rich!”

“Do you intend to give birth to the child first, then have a make-up wedding?”

Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng were dazed by their sister’s queries, which came one after the other. They couldn’t decide which one to answer first.

“We haven’t thought of a name yet.” Li Cheng chose the most important question. “There’s plenty of time before the baby is born. We plan to think about it slowly.” 


I thought the author had forgotten Youyou…

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