Ch115 - Extra 8: Nest Building (2)

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During the third month of Li Cheng’s pregnancy, he developed severe nesting behavior.

Nesting behavior was defined as the abrupt appearance of an abnormal collection addiction during pregnancy. This was similar to a small animal gathering leaves and branches to make a nest when rearing young. As a result, researchers dubbed this physiological condition “nesting.” 

The nesting habits of each omega were unique. When Teacher Qiu Xian was pregnant, for example, she enjoyed collecting plushies and soft woolen blankets. Xiao Yiheng remembered walking into Teacher Qiu’s house and finding the entire living room covered with pillows.

Li Cheng’s nesting behavior, on the other hand, was far more distinct.



Initially, he was just interested in golden things. Golden cushions, golden clothes, and golden snacks… Because he couldn’t dye his hair while pregnant, Xiao Yiheng believed he gathered golden items to compensate for the psychological gap caused by not being able to dye his hair.

But, over time, their home was almost completely filled with gold… 

Xiao Yiheng finally realized there was a problem.


“ChengCheng, are you exhibiting nesting behavior?” Xiao Yiheng inquired.

Li Cheng was surprised. He was immersed in contemplation as he looked around the room at the golden color.

“No.” He pondered for a while before declaring unequivocally, “I have a thing for gold! The most beautiful hue in the universe is gold! I want to build a golden tent in the living room and fill it with all of my gold medals! Right! I can lie in the tent for a day if you transfer my game console and comic books in!”


“Okay, as you wish,” Xiao Yiheng answered softly. But, in an instant, he moved the rescue force behind his partner’s back.

Xiao Yiheng contacted Youyou in the evening and invited her to live in their house: “Your brother has developed a terrible nesting instinct and is feverishly collecting golden items. He now wants to buy the original flavor of potato chips and eat yellow-fleshed watermelon and kiwi… Come accompany him; it will help to divert his focus.”

Youyou laughed heartily: “Isn’t it incredibly cute?”

Xiao Yiheng’s tone was heavy: “But he decided to name the child Xiao Jinpai.” 

“…” Youyou immediately stood up and began packing, “Sister-in-law, hold on, I will be there early tomorrow morning!!!”

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… …

Youyou arrived at Li Cheng’s house at eight o’clock the next morning. Li Cheng was floating in the pool at the time.

Li Cheng swam in the pool for an hour every morning and evening after becoming pregnant. He claimed it was “prenatal education,” and as an influential figure, he felt obligated to pass on his great traditions to the child. It would be ideal if the child could swim 100 times after birth and win the “World Baby Swimming Championships.” 

Of course, he continued to exercise with caution, regulating speed and intensity, exercising moderately, and not working as hard as before.

Duck Little Lemon paddled its duck feet slowly in the water on the other side of the pool, appearing quite leisurely.

Call ducks have a life span of roughly 30 years, and this year it was eleven years old! It wasn’t a small lemon anymore, but a true medium lemon.

It had a smooth, plump body with well-developed feathers. It was raised in Huacheng and nurtured by Youyou’s adoptive parents. However, because Li Cheng was expecting, Xiao Yiheng flew over to carry it over ─ after Li Cheng became pregnant, he experienced morning sickness and had a poor appetite. Seeing Little Lemon on a daily basis increased his appetite. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Tbesbe, kts jgf sbe tfgf?” Ol Jtfcu lcdelgfv, regqglrfv.

Tbesbe: “P… P wlrrfv sbe. Vb, P mjwf ab rff sbe.”


Ol Jtfcu milwyfv bea bo atf qbbi, mtjcufv bea bo tlr ubivfc rklwwlcu agecxr, mbnfgfv tlwrfio lc tlr ubivfc yjatgbyf, jcv qea bc tlr ubivfc rilqqfgr yfobgf ifjvlcu tlr rlrafg ab atf ilnlcu gbbw ab gfijz.

Xiao Yiheng brought some snacks to help him refuel at the correct time ─ Heh heh! Custard tarts, pineapples, and yellow peaches. 

Youyou shuddered as she rested against a golden cushion, suspecting that her brother was the thirteenth golden saint stranded on Earth.

It was clear that Li Cheng had a strong desire to name the child Xiao Jinpai!

…No way! I oppose it as the child’s aunt!

Xiao Yiheng winked at Youyou, telling her to get to the point quickly. 

Youyou coughed a little: “Oh! That’s right! You’ve been pregnant for three months, brother. It’s too casual to refer to the child as ‘baby’ all the time. Why don’t we name him something?”

Li Cheng, full of zeal, stated: “Name? The name has long been picked up! It’s Xiao Jin…”

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“Cough, cough, cough!” Youyou immediately interrupted, “I have a lot of different names here, would you like to listen to them?”

Youyou took out her phone as she spoke. 

“I didn’t expect you to be that attentive and specifically record it in your phone,” Li Cheng said, surprised and happy.

Youyou: “No, no, no. In truth, I didn’t come up with these names. They’re the names that my fans came up with as a collective!”

“…” Xiao Yiheng abruptly interjected, “Excuse me, ‘your fans’?”

Youyou nodded: “Yeah, don’t I have Weibo! Previously, my brother would @ me on Weibo, attracting tens of thousands of fans~~~ My capability will be limited if I work alone, therefore I prepared a special Weibo post this morning requesting names for the child from fans.” 

Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng exchanged glances.

After some time, Xiao Yiheng stated: “But, Youyou, we have only told a few close friends about your brother’s pregnancy. Because your brother does not want to be bothered by the media, we have kept this news private.”

But now that Youyou had stated it on Weibo, it was like declaring it to the entire world! Everyone would be aware of it! When he thought about the media reporters who would arrive after catching wind about this news, Xiao Yiheng got a horrible headache.

Youyou promptly replied: “Don’t worry, sister-in-law. I know you want to keep a low profile, so I didn’t tell the truth to the fans. They’ll never guess it’s your child!” 

Youyou accessed Weibo and showed Xiao Yiheng her phone, afraid he would not believe her.

Youyou’s Weibo post looked like this:


@Youyou: I have a relative who is expecting. Do you have any ideas for a good name? (Note: It’s not my brother and sister-in-law.)

Xiao Yiheng: “…” 

Li Cheng: “…”

Li Cheng: “How did you gain acceptance to Capital University? It’s not because of your IQ, but because of the peerless beauty you inherited from me, isn’t it?”

Youyou: “?”

Xiao Yiheng was completely dumbfounded by this brother and sister duo. 

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Xiao Yiheng scanned the comments, and sure enough, the smart Internet Sherlock Holmes had already deduced the truth.

@Netizen 1: Not your brother and sister-in-law??

@Netizen 2: Perhaps this relative of yours is a world champion, and his husband is a painter?

@Netizen 3: Is it possible that your relative’s surname is Li and his husband’s surname is Xiao? 

After a few highly ‘liked’ jokes, someone made a concerted effort to come up with excellent names for them.

@Netizen 4: I think that because Li Cheng’s family is named after fruits, with the brother Orange and the younger sister Pomelo, the child may just as well be named Juju.

“This one is no good,” Li Cheng, with a shake of his head, expressed his dissatisfaction. “Da Ju is Youyou’s cat’s name. If we name the child Juzi, their names will clash.”

@Netizen 5: How about the names durian, mango, peach, cherry, mangosteen, grape, watermelon, pomegranate… 

Li Cheng: “No way, no how! It sounds like fruit fishing.”

@Netizen 6: In fact, it would be ideal if the child took Li Cheng’s surname. It will have a ferocious name. Maybe Li Ke, Li Zheng, Li Fangti, Li Jiaoqiao, Li Ganjingying, Li Dichengfo…

Li Cheng: “??????? I could put up with the first few, but what the heck is this ‘become a Buddha on the spot’ thing?”

The internet users were wreaking havoc. The stranger the names became, the more Li Cheng nitpicked them left and right, thinking they weren’t as pleasant to hear as Xiao Jinpai. 

Xiao Yiheng: “…Actually, the baby is just three months old. There’s still a long time for its birth. We don’t need to name it right away; we can wait.”

… …


In this manner, Youyou moved into her gege‘s house. With Youyou in the house, Li Cheng’s nesting tendencies decreased slightly, and his need for gold items waned.

However, there were other places where having Youyou live with them was inconvenient ─ Li Cheng found it embarrassing to kiss and hug his husband in front of his younger sister. 

What about bed sports? That was even more inconceivable!!

Even staying in the bathroom for a little longer made Li Cheng concerned about what Youyou might think, and he would push Xiao Yiheng to get out immediately.

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…Suddenly, Xiao Yiheng regretted inviting Youyou.

Doctors specifically advised not to do any bed exercises, but absolutely not to sleep in separate beds during the first three months of an omega’s pregnancy ─ in order to ensure the healthy development of the fetus, the parents should make as much contact with their bodies as possible when sleeping; at the same time, it was critical for the alpha to ensure pheromone dispersion, so that the omega could smell his lover at all times and feel at ease. 

In other words, Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng had to not only sleep naked, but also hold each other to sleep, and they had to exude pheromones at all times, but they couldn’t cross the terrible line…

Li Cheng was extremely dishonest when he slept. He never slept peacefully in Xiao Yiheng’s arms. He always treated Xiao Yiheng like a human-shaped pillow, wrapping his arms around his waist, raising his legs and straddling him, and then putting his head in Xiao Yiheng’s arms, with a completely domineering expression.

Xiao Yiheng could obviously smell the pheromones exuded by Li Cheng’s body, which were quite enticing, from such a close distance.

The beauty was in Xiao Yiheng’s arms, yet he couldn’t even eat him, let alone torment him. He could only look. 

And because Youyou was invited by phone by Xiao Yiheng, even if Xiao Yiheng wanted to kick her out, he couldn’t.

In this way, the family of four(?) managed to maintain a delicate balance.

Xiao Yiheng calculated that he hadn’t eaten meat in nearly four months.

Going crazy, going crazy, going crazy! 

Sometimes, when Xiao Yiheng passed by the swimming pool and saw Li Cheng’s back exposed while swimming, he would instantly turn on.

But what good was it to turn on? He was not interested in turning it down with his own hands.

Xiao Yiheng was an artist, and an artist expresses his depression best via his work.

So Xiao Yiheng locked himself up in his studio every afternoon and immersed himself in his craft. 

After a couple of months, he finished a piece of work and gave it to Teacher Qiu Xian to sell. After years of working together, Teacher Qiu Xian had become his full-time agent, assisting him with the sale and exhibition of his paintings.

Qiu Xian contemplated his new artwork for a long time before saying: “After you became a father, I expected your work to become warmer and brighter… The strange thing is that, despite the fact that this artwork makes me feel really warm and light, I inexplicably sense a type of divinity that transcends humanity.”


Xiao Yiheng: Smile.jpg

That’s right! He had recently been learning how to overcome desires on a daily basis. He was nearly a monk. 

Xiao Yiheng didn’t know if his child would become a Buddha, but he was certain that he would

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