This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 11: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch11 - Sister-In-Law

Not long after, the news of Huacheng No.1 Senior High School’s school tyrant Li Cheng subduing the Little Tigers rapidly spread to all the gangs from the nearby schools.

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At Huacheng Sports School. 

Wei Rong who was still recuperating sat up in shock from the news he received, straining his still injured right leg which caused him to wince.

As Li Cheng’s number one suitor, he particularly paid close attention to everything concerning Li Cheng.



Unfortunately, the last time he went to Li Cheng’s school to confess, he was actually beaten up by an alpha that he had never seen before! Because of it, his leg got fractured and he had to wear a cast. He also had to use a wheelchair to get around, making it particularly difficult for him to use the toilet.

Wei Rong gathered his underlings and asked them, “Where did the news of Li Cheng subduing the Lil’ Tigers come from? Is it reliable?” 

Wei Rong’s most trusted good-for-nothing adviser replied, “It’s totally reliable. The news came from a core member of the Lil’ Tigers.”


Wei Rong was amazed, “You’re good. How did you winkle out this information? Money? Girls?”

“None of those.” the good-for-nothing adviser raised his phone as he continued, “They posted it in their Moments.”

Wei Rong: “……”


Wei Rong took a look at the phone and saw that the three posts Hu ge had posted on his Moments during the past three days were all related to Li Cheng.

First post: “Li ge took us to the internet cafe to play together!”

The picture was them having a team fight at the internet cafe.

Second post: “Li ge took us to eat!” 

The picture was of a crowded snack street.

Third post: “Li qe took us dancing!”

This time, it wasn’t a picture but a 15-second video.

In the video, people were dancing closely to each other like wild banshees. The flickering disco lights interweaved with the red and green silhouettes like a web of desire, enshrouding the blonde boy’s body. 

With the blaring DJ music, Li Cheng overtly moved his body along the beats on top of the tall counter.

It was evident that he was dancing mindlessly to the music, yet it contained an allure that tugged people’s heartstrings, People could sense his overwhelming pheromones even through the screen, making it impossible for every alpha who had seen this video to not swallow in thirst and want to hide the wantonly attractive omega in their arms.

As the short 15-second video finished playing, Wei Rong couldn’t stop himself from replaying the video one more time.

Then the second time, the third time, the fourth time… 

The more he watched, the more worked up he became; the more he watched, the sadder he became.

Wei Rong thought, Li Cheng can casually bring his newly acquainted underlings to dance and play games so why is he being so mean to me?


The good-for-nothing adviser had previously recommended a must-play romance mobile game where there were four beautiful men for him to choose from. The adviser repeatedly implored him to learn how to conquer a wild man in the game.

Wei Rong topped up a lot of money into the game and spent all of them in the card pool and instantly became first in the ranking. 

But what use was it?

The progress bar on top of Li Cheng’s head didn’t move at all which showed that no matter how much Wei Rong pursued Li Cheng, Wei Rong would still need to spend a lot more money to successfully woo him.

The good-for-nothing adviser persuaded him, “Boss, it’s no good. Can’t you just change your target? Although Li Cheng is beautiful, he’s not the only beautiful omega in town. Also, he has slightly dark skin, is slightly tall and slightly short-tempered… For such a valiant and mighty alpha like you, what kind of omega can’t you get?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wei Rong smiled bitterly, “But I only like him.” 

Love at first sight is such an irrational matter. If one could easily stop liking someone, wouldn’t it make love seem cheap?

Li Cheng was a responsible and diligent boss. After consolidating the Little Tigers under his leadership, he racked his brains arranging something for them to do, hoping that they’d get their lives on the right track and would not idle about again.

Li Cheng asked, “You usually don’t do anything, right? Let me introduce you to a job. You wouldn’t earn much money from it but it’s better than fighting like cats and dogs every day.” 

Hu ge answered on behalf of the group, “It’s true that we usually have a lot of time on our hands. We’re only busy at the start and end of the month.”

Li Cheng: “Busy on what?”

Hu ge: “Busy collecting rent.”

Li Cheng: “……” 

Fuck, it’s still so infuriating.

Relying on his own connections, Li Cheng arranged work for each of them at the shops at the snack street. Some of them got jobs of selling milk tea, some got jobs of making cakes and desserts while some got jobs as a cashier at the fried chicken shop.

Naturally, the news of the Little Tigers, who used to cause terror in the city, becoming restaurant workers couldn’t be hidden from Wei Rong.

One night, Wei Rong commanded his good-for-nothing adviser to push his wheelchair and the two went to the fried chicken shop to eat while wearing a disguise. 

Their disguise was so impeccable that Hu ge who was working at the place didn’t recognise them. When he saw that Wei Rong was having difficulty getting about, Hu ge even took care of them by giving them the seat that had the best view.

Wei Rong ordered a whole chicken, french fries, sundae, and two drinks. While they were waiting for the food to be served, he covertly surveyed the shop.


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Wei Rong asked his good-for-nothing adviser in a whisper, “Tell me, will Li Cheng come?”

While tearing apart the chicken with his hands, the good-for-nothing adviser said, “Rong ge, just listen to my word of advice. If you used the energy you’re using to bootlick Li Cheng to go to the north-east and lick a street post, the post would’ve already been bent by you!” 

Wei Rong: “……”

While the two were talking to each other, two people wearing the HC1 uniform appeared in front of the restaurant’s takeaway window.

Wei Rong subconsciously looked over and froze.

Seeing his grim expression, the good-for-nothing adviser was startled and he asked, “What’s wrong?!” 

Wei Rong forced out through gritted teeth, “Fuck… it’s that person who I wanted to beat up last time but didn’t manage to and also that person who suddenly popped up out of nowhere and beat me up!”

That’s right. The world was really small. The two people who were outside the restaurant were Yan Jing and Xiao Yiheng.

The two were one of the few students who didn’t stay in the school dormitory and they also happened to walk the same direction back home.

Yan Jing’s luck wasn’t good. He had encountered hooligans for two consecutive days on the way back home which was downright unlucky. Thus, he tried to latch onto Xiao Yiheng’s thighs by waiting for Xiao Yiheng at the school gate so that they could walk back home together. 

Although they ‘walked together’, Xiao Yiheng always walked ahead of him while Yan Jing followed behind him trembling in fear.

Xiao Yiheng had no choice but to pretend that he didn’t see anything.

This day, Yan Jing finally summoned his courage to stop Xiao Yiheng and invited him to eat chicken.

Xiao Yiheng: “Thanks, but I don’t play games.” 

Yan Jing confusedly pushed his spectacles up, “Huh? What does eating chicken have to do with games?”

Xiao Yiheng: “……” So it turns out that Yan Jing is someone who truly doesn’t play any games.

Yan Jing insisted, “Senior, I really want to thank you. You’ve saved me from gangsters twice and now, you allow me to walk with you on the way home. Nothing could ever repay the kindness you’ve shown me so please let me treat you to something.”

He spoke with such sincerity and it just so happened that Xiao Yiheng didn’t want to go home so he agreed to his invitation. 

However, Xiao Yiheng absolutely didn’t expect that when he followed his junior to the fried chicken restaurant, behind the takeaway window he’d see… Hu ge.

Hu ge stood behind the shop’s counter and enthusiastically greeted them, “Wel↗come~ Choose what you like~~”


Yan Jing was frightened and he subconsciously wanted to escape without Hu ge noticing so he turned around.

When Hu ge saw that Yan Jing wanted to run away, he lunged forward wanting to grab Yan Jing’s bag strap. 

He didn’t expect that he’d only grab empty air.

Yan Jing ran ten metres away and shouted across the street, “Haha, you didn’t expect that I’d cut off my strap, did you?!”

Every time Yan Jing encountered gangsters, they would always pull his bag straps. Thus, he prepared in advance by cutting his bag straps.

Hu ge sulked, “Why are you running away? I’m selling things and you’re buying things. I’ve already turned over a new leaf. I’m no longer a gangster but a prostitute⸺ Ah no, I mean a fried chicken shop worker.” 

Xiao Yiheng had never seen a gangster boss who could easily adapt to his circumstances, but when he thought that Hu ge is now Li Cheng’s underling, he felt that it was only a matter of course that the hooligan turned into a fried chicken seller.

He couldn’t help but ask, “You… How long have you been working here?”

Hu ge scratched his head as he answered, “Not that long. In fact, I only started working here this week.” Because he looked fierce, sales had been bad. He had been standing behind the takeaway window for a whole day today yet he didn’t receive a single order. That was why he was so agitated when he saw that Yan Jing wanted to run away.

He turned to look at Xiao Yiheng and earnestly asked, “Dad, how many fried chickens do you want?” 

Yan Jing: “???”

Xiao Yiheng: “…Stop calling me dad.”

Confusion was written on Hu ge’s face, “But you and Li ge⸺”

Xiao Yiheng immediately interrupted him, “Don’t let me repeat myself again.” 

Hu ge recalled the day when he was badly beaten up. The wound from that day still ached dully.

Forget it, not calling Xiao Yiheng dad is exactly what I wanted. He was already in his twenties so it was rather shameful for him to call a senior high school student his dad.

Nevertheless, he thought that he should still call Xiao Yiheng with respect.

Hu ge thought, Since Li Cheng is my big bro, then Xiao Yiheng is⸺ 

He suddenly changed his way of addressing Xiao Yiheng, “Sister-in-law, how many fried chickens do you want?”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”


Inside the fried chicken restaurant, the ashen-faced Wei Rong snapped his chopsticks in half⸺I knew it, that pretty boy is really having an affair with Li Cheng!!

If the good-for-nothing adviser hadn’t been firmly holding on to Wei Rong, Wei Rong would have jumped out of his wheelchair and would have given Xiao Yiheng a taste of his own medicine! 

“Rong ge, calm down. Calm down!” The good-for-nothing adviser patiently persuaded, “Look at your legs, you’re still on a wheelchair. If you really fought with him, don’t you know who will win and who will lose?”

He spoke bluntly⸺Wei Rong was already no match for Xiao Yiheng when he hadn’t been injured. Now that one of his legs was injured, it would be courting disaster if he charged on!

However, Wei Rong had been blinded by jealousy. The thought of the omega he had been painstakingly chasing for such a long time eloping with another alpha right under his nose filled his heart with anger.

“Why am I no match for him?” Wei Rong refuted, “Although I have an injured leg which reduces my fighting ability, I still have 0.75 fighting power. You could count as having 0.66 fighting power so in total, our fighting power is 1.41. Is that still no match for him who’s by himself? Don’t worry, the bespectacled bookworm beside him is a coward. If we started a fight, that bookworm would run faster than anyone else.” 

The good-for-nothing adviser: “……”

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What kind of calculation is this? The fighting power can actually be accurate to two decimal places?

Before he could even ridicule Wei Rong, Wei Rong had already shakily stood up from his wheelchair by supporting himself using the table and was about to head outside to challenge Xiao Yiheng to a fight.

Wei Rong held his clenched fist high in the air, “Charge!” 

Unfortunately, his voice was drowned out by the noise outside.

A refrigerated van could be seen rumbling outside the restaurant. The driver jumped out of the driver’s seat and instructed the workers to unload things. It turned out that the fried chicken shop was replenishing their inventory.

The snack street was nearby a lot of schools thus the flow of customer traffic was particularly high. Hence, there would be tens of kilograms of ingredients every time they restocked.

The workers placed three boxes of chicken meat on the ground, as well as canisters of chicken oil and breadcrumbs. 

A box of chicken meat weighed twenty-five kilograms. The restaurant owner was about to ask the other workers to move the stocks when Hu ge who was standing behind the takeaway counter suddenly said,

“No need, boss,” Hu ge eagerly wanted to prove in front of his boss that he’s earning his keep so he continued, “I can move all of these by myself!”

Then, he bent down and carried all three boxes in one go.

In total, the three boxes weighed seventy-five kilograms. 

Wei Rong who witnessed the whole event: “……”

The good-for-nothing adviser who witnessed the whole event: “……”


How much fighting power does this fucker have???

The good-for-nothing adviser stiffly turned his head to look at his boss, “Rong ge, should we still charge on?” 

Wei Rong beat the good-for-nothing adviser’s head in embarrassment, “Charge, charge for what? Do you think I’m a flush toilet?”

The good-for-nothing adviser: wronged.jpg

The two of them were causing quite a ruckus so Xiao Yiheng who was outside heard the familiar voice and looked over.

Wei Rong quickly bowed his head and raised a big drumstick to cover his face. However, he forgot that although he could hide his face, he couldn’t hide his red hair. 

Three minutes later, Xiao Yiheng who was holding a box of freshly-cooked fried chicken, together with his junior who was trembling in fear, stood in front of Wei Rong.

The drumstick that Wei Rong was holding fell into his cup of coke.

“Excuse me,” Xiao Yiheng calmly said, “There’s no more seat left so can we share a table?”

Ch11 - Sister-In-Law

Not long after, the news of Huacheng No.1 Senior High School’s school tyrant Li Cheng subduing the Little Tigers rapidly spread to all the gangs from the nearby schools.

At Huacheng Sports School. 

Wei Rong who was still recuperating sat up in shock from the news he received, straining his still injured right leg which caused him to wince.

As Li Cheng’s number one suitor, he particularly paid close attention to everything concerning Li Cheng.



Unfortunately, the last time he went to Li Cheng’s school to confess, he was actually beaten up by an alpha that he had never seen before! Because of it, his leg got fractured and he had to wear a cast. He also had to use a wheelchair to get around, making it particularly difficult for him to use the toilet.

Wei Rong gathered his underlings and asked them, “Where did the news of Li Cheng subduing the Lil’ Tigers come from? Is it reliable?” 

Wei Rong’s most trusted good-for-nothing adviser replied, “It’s totally reliable. The news came from a core member of the Lil’ Tigers.”


Wei Rong was amazed, “You’re good. How did you winkle out this information? Money? Girls?”

“None of those.” the good-for-nothing adviser raised his phone as he continued, “They posted it in their Moments.”

Wei Rong: “……”


Wei Rong took a look at the phone and saw that the three posts Hu ge had posted on his Moments during the past three days were all related to Li Cheng.

First post: “Li ge took us to the internet cafe to play together!”

The picture was them having a team fight at the internet cafe.

Second post: “Li ge took us to eat!” 

The picture was of a crowded snack street.

Third post: “Li qe took us dancing!”

This time, it wasn’t a picture but a 15-second video.

In the video, people were dancing closely to each other like wild banshees. The flickering disco lights interweaved with the red and green silhouettes like a web of desire, enshrouding the blonde boy’s body. 

With the blaring DJ music, Li Cheng overtly moved his body along the beats on top of the tall counter.

It was evident that he was dancing mindlessly to the music, yet it contained an allure that tugged people’s heartstrings, People could sense his overwhelming pheromones even through the screen, making it impossible for every alpha who had seen this video to not swallow in thirst and want to hide the wantonly attractive omega in their arms.

As the short 15-second video finished playing, Wei Rong couldn’t stop himself from replaying the video one more time.

Then the second time, the third time, the fourth time… 

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The more he watched, the more worked up he became; the more he watched, the sadder he became.

Wei Rong thought, Li Cheng can casually bring his newly acquainted underlings to dance and play games so why is he being so mean to me?


The good-for-nothing adviser had previously recommended a must-play romance mobile game where there were four beautiful men for him to choose from. The adviser repeatedly implored him to learn how to conquer a wild man in the game.

Wei Rong topped up a lot of money into the game and spent all of them in the card pool and instantly became first in the ranking. 

But what use was it?

The progress bar on top of Li Cheng’s head didn’t move at all which showed that no matter how much Wei Rong pursued Li Cheng, Wei Rong would still need to spend a lot more money to successfully woo him.

The good-for-nothing adviser persuaded him, “Boss, it’s no good. Can’t you just change your target? Although Li Cheng is beautiful, he’s not the only beautiful omega in town. Also, he has slightly dark skin, is slightly tall and slightly short-tempered… For such a valiant and mighty alpha like you, what kind of omega can’t you get?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wei Rong smiled bitterly, “But I only like him.” 

Love at first sight is such an irrational matter. If one could easily stop liking someone, wouldn’t it make love seem cheap?

Li Cheng was a responsible and diligent boss. After consolidating the Little Tigers under his leadership, he racked his brains arranging something for them to do, hoping that they’d get their lives on the right track and would not idle about again.

Li Cheng asked, “You usually don’t do anything, right? Let me introduce you to a job. You wouldn’t earn much money from it but it’s better than fighting like cats and dogs every day.” 

Hu ge answered on behalf of the group, “It’s true that we usually have a lot of time on our hands. We’re only busy at the start and end of the month.”

Li Cheng: “Busy on what?”

Hu ge: “Busy collecting rent.”

Li Cheng: “……” 

Fuck, it’s still so infuriating.

Relying on his own connections, Li Cheng arranged work for each of them at the shops at the snack street. Some of them got jobs of selling milk tea, some got jobs of making cakes and desserts while some got jobs as a cashier at the fried chicken shop.

Naturally, the news of the Little Tigers, who used to cause terror in the city, becoming restaurant workers couldn’t be hidden from Wei Rong.

One night, Wei Rong commanded his good-for-nothing adviser to push his wheelchair and the two went to the fried chicken shop to eat while wearing a disguise. 

Their disguise was so impeccable that Hu ge who was working at the place didn’t recognise them. When he saw that Wei Rong was having difficulty getting about, Hu ge even took care of them by giving them the seat that had the best view.

Wei Rong ordered a whole chicken, french fries, sundae, and two drinks. While they were waiting for the food to be served, he covertly surveyed the shop.


Wei Rong asked his good-for-nothing adviser in a whisper, “Tell me, will Li Cheng come?”

While tearing apart the chicken with his hands, the good-for-nothing adviser said, “Rong ge, just listen to my word of advice. If you used the energy you’re using to bootlick Li Cheng to go to the north-east and lick a street post, the post would’ve already been bent by you!” 

Wei Rong: “……”

While the two were talking to each other, two people wearing the HC1 uniform appeared in front of the restaurant’s takeaway window.

Wei Rong subconsciously looked over and froze.

Seeing his grim expression, the good-for-nothing adviser was startled and he asked, “What’s wrong?!” 

Wei Rong forced out through gritted teeth, “Fuck… it’s that person who I wanted to beat up last time but didn’t manage to and also that person who suddenly popped up out of nowhere and beat me up!”

That’s right. The world was really small. The two people who were outside the restaurant were Yan Jing and Xiao Yiheng.

The two were one of the few students who didn’t stay in the school dormitory and they also happened to walk the same direction back home.

Yan Jing’s luck wasn’t good. He had encountered hooligans for two consecutive days on the way back home which was downright unlucky. Thus, he tried to latch onto Xiao Yiheng’s thighs by waiting for Xiao Yiheng at the school gate so that they could walk back home together. 

Although they ‘walked together’, Xiao Yiheng always walked ahead of him while Yan Jing followed behind him trembling in fear.

Xiao Yiheng had no choice but to pretend that he didn’t see anything.

This day, Yan Jing finally summoned his courage to stop Xiao Yiheng and invited him to eat chicken.

Xiao Yiheng: “Thanks, but I don’t play games.” 

Yan Jing confusedly pushed his spectacles up, “Huh? What does eating chicken have to do with games?”

Xiao Yiheng: “……” So it turns out that Yan Jing is someone who truly doesn’t play any games.

Yan Jing insisted, “Senior, I really want to thank you. You’ve saved me from gangsters twice and now, you allow me to walk with you on the way home. Nothing could ever repay the kindness you’ve shown me so please let me treat you to something.”

He spoke with such sincerity and it just so happened that Xiao Yiheng didn’t want to go home so he agreed to his invitation. 

However, Xiao Yiheng absolutely didn’t expect that when he followed his junior to the fried chicken restaurant, behind the takeaway window he’d see… Hu ge.

Hu ge stood behind the shop’s counter and enthusiastically greeted them, “Wel↗come~ Choose what you like~~”


Yan Jing was frightened and he subconsciously wanted to escape without Hu ge noticing so he turned around.

When Hu ge saw that Yan Jing wanted to run away, he lunged forward wanting to grab Yan Jing’s bag strap. 

He didn’t expect that he’d only grab empty air.

Yan Jing ran ten metres away and shouted across the street, “Haha, you didn’t expect that I’d cut off my strap, did you?!”

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Every time Yan Jing encountered gangsters, they would always pull his bag straps. Thus, he prepared in advance by cutting his bag straps.

Hu ge sulked, “Why are you running away? I’m selling things and you’re buying things. I’ve already turned over a new leaf. I’m no longer a gangster but a prostitute⸺ Ah no, I mean a fried chicken shop worker.” 

Xiao Yiheng had never seen a gangster boss who could easily adapt to his circumstances, but when he thought that Hu ge is now Li Cheng’s underling, he felt that it was only a matter of course that the hooligan turned into a fried chicken seller.

He couldn’t help but ask, “You… How long have you been working here?”

Hu ge scratched his head as he answered, “Not that long. In fact, I only started working here this week.” Because he looked fierce, sales had been bad. He had been standing behind the takeaway window for a whole day today yet he didn’t receive a single order. That was why he was so agitated when he saw that Yan Jing wanted to run away.

He turned to look at Xiao Yiheng and earnestly asked, “Dad, how many fried chickens do you want?” 

Yan Jing: “???”

Xiao Yiheng: “…Stop calling me dad.”

Confusion was written on Hu ge’s face, “But you and Li ge⸺”

Xiao Yiheng immediately interrupted him, “Don’t let me repeat myself again.” 

Hu ge recalled the day when he was badly beaten up. The wound from that day still ached dully.

Forget it, not calling Xiao Yiheng dad is exactly what I wanted. He was already in his twenties so it was rather shameful for him to call a senior high school student his dad.

Nevertheless, he thought that he should still call Xiao Yiheng with respect.

Hu ge thought, Since Li Cheng is my big bro, then Xiao Yiheng is⸺ 

He suddenly changed his way of addressing Xiao Yiheng, “Sister-in-law, how many fried chickens do you want?”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”


Inside the fried chicken restaurant, the ashen-faced Wei Rong snapped his chopsticks in half⸺I knew it, that pretty boy is really having an affair with Li Cheng!!

If the good-for-nothing adviser hadn’t been firmly holding on to Wei Rong, Wei Rong would have jumped out of his wheelchair and would have given Xiao Yiheng a taste of his own medicine! 

“Rong ge, calm down. Calm down!” The good-for-nothing adviser patiently persuaded, “Look at your legs, you’re still on a wheelchair. If you really fought with him, don’t you know who will win and who will lose?”

He spoke bluntly⸺Wei Rong was already no match for Xiao Yiheng when he hadn’t been injured. Now that one of his legs was injured, it would be courting disaster if he charged on!

However, Wei Rong had been blinded by jealousy. The thought of the omega he had been painstakingly chasing for such a long time eloping with another alpha right under his nose filled his heart with anger.

“Why am I no match for him?” Wei Rong refuted, “Although I have an injured leg which reduces my fighting ability, I still have 0.75 fighting power. You could count as having 0.66 fighting power so in total, our fighting power is 1.41. Is that still no match for him who’s by himself? Don’t worry, the bespectacled bookworm beside him is a coward. If we started a fight, that bookworm would run faster than anyone else.” 

The good-for-nothing adviser: “……”

What kind of calculation is this? The fighting power can actually be accurate to two decimal places?

Before he could even ridicule Wei Rong, Wei Rong had already shakily stood up from his wheelchair by supporting himself using the table and was about to head outside to challenge Xiao Yiheng to a fight.

Wei Rong held his clenched fist high in the air, “Charge!” 

Unfortunately, his voice was drowned out by the noise outside.

A refrigerated van could be seen rumbling outside the restaurant. The driver jumped out of the driver’s seat and instructed the workers to unload things. It turned out that the fried chicken shop was replenishing their inventory.

The snack street was nearby a lot of schools thus the flow of customer traffic was particularly high. Hence, there would be tens of kilograms of ingredients every time they restocked.

The workers placed three boxes of chicken meat on the ground, as well as canisters of chicken oil and breadcrumbs. 

A box of chicken meat weighed twenty-five kilograms. The restaurant owner was about to ask the other workers to move the stocks when Hu ge who was standing behind the takeaway counter suddenly said,

“No need, boss,” Hu ge eagerly wanted to prove in front of his boss that he’s earning his keep so he continued, “I can move all of these by myself!”

Then, he bent down and carried all three boxes in one go.

In total, the three boxes weighed seventy-five kilograms. 

Wei Rong who witnessed the whole event: “……”

The good-for-nothing adviser who witnessed the whole event: “……”


How much fighting power does this fucker have???

The good-for-nothing adviser stiffly turned his head to look at his boss, “Rong ge, should we still charge on?” 

Wei Rong beat the good-for-nothing adviser’s head in embarrassment, “Charge, charge for what? Do you think I’m a flush toilet?”

The good-for-nothing adviser: wronged.jpg

The two of them were causing quite a ruckus so Xiao Yiheng who was outside heard the familiar voice and looked over.

Wei Rong quickly bowed his head and raised a big drumstick to cover his face. However, he forgot that although he could hide his face, he couldn’t hide his red hair. 

Three minutes later, Xiao Yiheng who was holding a box of freshly-cooked fried chicken, together with his junior who was trembling in fear, stood in front of Wei Rong.

The drumstick that Wei Rong was holding fell into his cup of coke.

“Excuse me,” Xiao Yiheng calmly said, “There’s no more seat left so can we share a table?”

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