This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 12: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch12 - Zero Interest

This could be the most silent meal in the world.

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In the four-person table, Wei Rong and his good-for-nothing adviser sat on the one side of the table while Xiao Yiheng and Yan Jing sat on the other side of the table. 

Yan Jing had been bullied by Wei Rong before thus upon seeing him, his legs faltered and eyes looked blank. He ate without tasting anything. The freshly-cooked fried chicken completely lost its allure.

Xiao Yiheng, on the other hand, was unperturbed as if he simply couldn’t sense the chilly atmosphere between them. He calmly picked up a piece of chicken wings and dipped it in ketchup.

Xiao Yiheng’s fingers were fair and slender. This pair of beautiful hands formed a stark contrast when it picked the fried chicken that was dripping with oil.

He brought the fried chicken to his mouth and took a light bite. The crispy skin cracked open to a tender and juicy meat, the juices overflowing in his mouth, filling his senses with the taste of the deep-fried food. 

He ate slowly and elegantly. Meanwhile, the three people who were sitting with him ate so messily that crumbs were scattered all over the table, seemingly too inferior when compared to Yiheng.


The irritable Wei Rong started blathering once again, “Fuck, this guy. You’re just eating fried chicken, must you be so refined? Should I set up a slo-mo camera beside you and help you film a commercial?”

Xiao Yiheng looked up at him, “Should I thank you for evaluating me so highly?”

Wei Rong: “……”


Xiao Yiheng didn’t fancy fried food that much so he stopped after having a piece.

Since young, Xiao Yiheng had been under the high-handed discipline of his parents. Children loved to eat snacks but his parents had told him that snacks were produced using unhealthy chemicals that would affect his body. Thus, while other children ate potato chips, chocolates and street food, he would only walk past them without a single glance to the side, carrying his lil’ schoolbag.

No one would believe it but he had not eaten a single jelly until he reached junior high school because his mom had prohibited him from eating those things after reading in the news that a child had choked while eating jelly.  The first jelly he ate had been given by a classmate during junior high school. He didn’t even know how to tear the jelly’s packet open. He secretly watched his classmates doing it before he pretended to skilfully tear the packet open.

Since he seldom ate snacks during his childhood, he had little interest in all delicacies when he grew up and wasn’t that picky about what he ate as long as he was getting the nutrients he needed to survive. 

Although Xiao Yiheng had finished eating, he did not leave. Instead, he took out a math workbook and opened it.

When the bookworm Yan Jing saw Yiheng taking out the workbook, he immediately forgot his nervousness of eating at the same table as the gangsters. He pushed his glasses up and leaned forward, his eyes that were filled with eagerness to study staring at Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t take out a pen and neither did Yan Jing. Both of them merely ‘looked’ at the questions.

The two quietly looked for a while. 

Wei Rong asked in a whisper, “What are these two doing?”

The good-for-nothing adviser also whispered, “Boss, I don’t know.”

At this moment, Xiao Yiheng spoke.

They heard him ask, “Yan Jing, are you done? I’m going to turn the page.” 

Yan Jing bashfully replied, “Senior, I’m still stuck with one step.”

Xiao Yiheng asked him which step.


Yan Jing answered, “the ERT#$^$UWERF step.”

Xiao Yiheng said, “It’s very simple. You can use SDRG#R% to find the derivation, and then use the BER%TY$^& formula to calculate #¥%ERG, and then you’ll get the answer.” 

After listening, Yan Jing stared at the exercise book for a while, and spoke with surprise: “Oh~ It really is!!”

Wei Rong: “……” dumbfounded.jpg

The good-for-nothing adviser: “……” dumbfounded ver2.jpg

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

So this is what a top student of HC1 is like? They could come up with the correct answer without even using a pen but just by looking? 

The fried chicken in Wei Rong’s hand didn’t seem appetising anymore.

Wei Rong ate slower and slower but Xiao Yiheng and Yan Jing ‘looked’ at the questions faster and faster.

After they finished ‘looking’ at a chapter of the workbook, Yan Jing finished eating his dinner.

Yan Jing cheerfully said, “Thank you, senior! I had some food and solved a new math problem today. I really had a fruitful meal!” 

Wei Rong murmured: “…I really had a fucking unenjoyable meal.”

Xiao Yiheng looked over and asked, “What did you say?”

Wei Rong: “……”

Wei Rong snickered, “I said, you really are a top student. You didn’t even forget to solve math problems in a fried chicken restaurant and even discussed the steps needed to differentiate functions with your junior.” 

Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows: “If I don’t solve math problems, then what should I do? Should I discuss with you on how many steps it would take for me to break your other leg?”

Wei Rong was about to slam the table and stand up.

His sharp-sighted good-for-nothing adviser quickly stopped him and reminded, “Boss, boss, calm down! Calm down! Remember that we only have 1.41!”

The 0.75 Wei Rong looked at his fractured leg and could only gnash his teeth as he sat back on his wheelchair. 

Wei Rong: “Humph! Since you’re so good at answering questions, let me test you with a question.”

Although Xiao Yiheng badly wanted to retort with ‘Why should I answer you?’, he instead asked, “What question?”


Wei Rong asked, “What’s Li Cheng’s phone number?”

Xiao Yiheng: “……” 

Yan Jing: “…Is this a serious question?”

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Wei Rong rolled his eyes, “If this is not a serious question, then should ‘What’s Wei Rong’s QQ number’ be?”

Sadly speaking, Wei Rong had been chasing Li Cheng for so long, yet he wasn’t even friends with him on social media.

Xiao Yiheng frowned, “Why do you think that I have Li Cheng’s contact info?” 

He and Li Cheng had only recently met each other and both had a bad impression of each other: Li Cheng felt that Yiheng was putting on an act of being gentle whereas Xiao Yiheng felt that the lil’ tyrant had a boisterous personality that liked arguing.

How could he possibly save Li Cheng’s number? What should he save it for? To ask him to discuss how many kinds of hair colours are there?

Wei Rong glared at Yiheng and was about to slam the table again, “You⸺” He still didn’t know Xiao Yiheng’s name up until now, “You fucker, don’t pretend to be a victim after taking advantage of somebody. Go and ask anyone on the streets what kind of person am I. Also, ask them what kind of person is Li Cheng. A handsome omega like Li Cheng must be paired with an exceptionally valiant alpha like me. Don’t you ever think that just because you could entice Li Cheng with your pretty face for a moment that you could entice him for a lifetime!”

Xiao Yiheng was rendered speechless. 

He felt that the logic of this exceptionally valiant alpha was more difficult to understand than mathematical problems.

When the cowardly Yan Jing saw Wei Rong suddenly lashing out, he immediately curled himself up into a ball and quietly hid under the table. He was extremely self-aware that a weakling like must not be in the eye of the storm.

Unfortunately, Wei Rong refused to let him off.

Wei Rong pointed at Yan Jing and continued firing criticism at Xiao Yiheng, “You obviously already have Li Cheng so why are you still being so close with another omega, running off with him to a fried chicken restaurant for a date?” 

Xiao Yiheng had never heard such absurd accusations before.

What did he mean by ‘You already have Li Cheng’?

He is he, Li Cheng is Li Cheng. There had never been a relation between the two of them.

“I don’t care whether you degenerated from a human to an orangutan, or whether your brain that is even smaller than an almond could understand human speech, but you need to listen clearly to me⸺” Xiao Yiheng’s phoenix eyes were chilling and his voice became freezing cold, “⸺ First of all, Li Cheng and I don’t have the sort of relationship that you’re imagining; Secondly, even if we were, it doesn’t mean that I can’t study with other students.” 

Wei Rong bellowed, “So you think that it’s alright to hang out with others behind Li Cheng’s back?!!”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”


How can there be such a person? When listening to others speak, he can only understand the latter half of the sentence? Am I really talking to an orangutan?

Xiao Yiheng didn’t want to talk to him anymore. He was afraid that if he talked too much, he would be infected by this exceptionally valiant alpha’s stupidity virus. 

Ignoring Wei Rong’s shouting, he picked up his school bag with one hand and picked up Yan Jing by the collar with the other. Then, dragging his junior with him, he left without looking back.

Wei Rong yelled at him from behind: “Since you’re running away now, are you admitting that you’re guilty?!”

The good-for-nothing adviser poked Wei Rong.

Wei Rong impatiently snapped, “What are you doing? Don’t disturb me from scolding people!” 

The good-for-nothing adviser’s finger turned to point behind them.

Wei Rong looked back.

He saw Hu ge gloomily standing behind his wheelchair.

Wei Rong: “……” 

Hu ge condescendingly looked down at Wei Rong. Suddenly, he stretched out his palm that was as big as a cattail leaf fan and hit Wei Rong on the shoulder with a loud smack.

“This guest,” Hu ge said, “In this restaurant, your mouth has only one purpose and that is to quietly eat chicken. If you don’t know how to eat chicken, I can feed you.”

Wei Rong: “…No, no need.”

He is just an ordinary and average 0.75. If Hu ge fed him chicken, what kind of chicken would he be eating? 

Hu ge: Are you sure?”

Wei Rong replied in panic, “….There’s really no need to. I-I’m already full.”

Hu ge: “Settle the bill then.”

Wei Rong hurriedly threw a meaningful look towards his good-for-nothing adviser who quickly took out his wallet. 

Hu ge stated the amount.

The good-for-nothing adviser counted with his fingers, “It’s wrong. We didn’t order so many things.”


Hu ge raised his chin and pointed at the cold leftovers at the other side of their table.

The fire inside Wei Rong that had just been extinguished was about to be reignited, “What? We must also pay the bill for what those two had eaten?!!” 

Hu ge knitted his brows, “You won’t?”

Wei Rong: “……”

Wei Rong: “Ah, fuck it. I will.”


On the other hand, Xiao Yiheng pulled Yan Jing out of the snack street by the collar.

Yan Jing scratched his head, feeling embarrassed, “I’m sorry, senior. I initially just wanted to choose a good restaurant to treat you, but I didn’t expect to cause you trouble.”

Xiao Yiheng calmly placated him, “It doesn’t matter.”

It was only after leaving the clamorous snack street that Xiao Yiheng got rid of the impatience in his heart and returned to his usual indifferent appearance. 

Yan Jing followed behind him anxiously, wanting to say something.

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“Senior Xiao, that, I want to tell you something.” Yan Jing spoke out.

“What is it?” Xiao Yiheng asked.

Yan Jing pushed his glasses up before replying, “Just now in the store, what the red-haired guy told you⸺that you’re being too close with another omega⸺which is me⸺behind Li Cheng’s back… It’s wrong. I want to say that what he said is wrong.” 

Xiao Yiheng gratifyingly thought that he had not misjudged this junior, and that as expected, the mind of a top student is better than those gangsters.

He was just about to speak when Yan Jing continued to declare, “I want to clarify: I’m not an omega, I’m an alpha!”

Xiao Yiheng: “……?”

Yan Jing smiled somewhat bashfully, “I know that I don’t look like one. But, my health isn’t good. I was diagnosed with the Pheromone Disorder right after differentiating. The level of the alpha hormones in my body is very low, but I went to the hospital many times to take the test and the test strip was always blue.” 

Alpha, Beta and Omega are secondary genders. An ‘ABO test strip’ had been invented several decades ago in the medical field.

This ABO test paper had been inspired by the pH test strip. After differentiating, children could immediately know their secondary gender just by squeezing a drop of blood onto the test trip.


Red meant that the person was an omega, blue if the person was an alpha and colourless if the person was a beta. The darker the colour was on the test trip, the higher the pheromone levels were in the person’s body, which meant that it would be easier for the person to affect others and be affected by others.

For Yan Jing, his test strip turned a very very very very light blue, but no matter how light it was, it was still blue. 

Xiao Yiheng didn’t know how to respond in this situation.

Uh… Should I congratulate him?

Yan Jing pushed his spectacles upwards, and spoke in a frustrated manner, “Of course, I know Senior Xiao, after hearing this, you would definitely say ‘Whether you’re an alpha or an omega, what does it have to do with me?’ but I felt that this misunderstanding must be clarified because I don’t want to be an obstacle to your happiness and affect your sweet and sincere relationship with Li Cheng.”

Xiao Yiheng: “……” 

Who was it that said that a top student’s mind is better than a gangster?

Xiao Yiheng was fully unable to comprehend why everyone was pairing him together with Li Cheng.

He had never thought about what kind of person he would spend his life with. He might choose a pleasant stay-at-home beta. He also might choose an alpha that could help him with his career. However, it was certainly, definitely, absolutely impossible for him to choose an omega like Li Cheng.

Li Cheng had a strong fist and a nasty temper. He would bicker incessantly every time he talked… Xiao Yiheng simply wouldn’t choose this kind of person. 

As he thought of the undisciplined and out-of-control blonde boy, Xiao Yiheng couldn’t help but rub his forehead, “This is the last time I’m saying this⸺I have zero interest in such a wild omega like Li Cheng.”

Who would have expected that as soon as he finished speaking, the voice of Hua Cheng’s wildest omega would ring out from behind him.

“Xiao Yiheng, don’t worry. I also have zero interest in you!”

Ch12 - Zero Interest

This could be the most silent meal in the world.

In the four-person table, Wei Rong and his good-for-nothing adviser sat on the one side of the table while Xiao Yiheng and Yan Jing sat on the other side of the table. 

Yan Jing had been bullied by Wei Rong before thus upon seeing him, his legs faltered and eyes looked blank. He ate without tasting anything. The freshly-cooked fried chicken completely lost its allure.

Xiao Yiheng, on the other hand, was unperturbed as if he simply couldn’t sense the chilly atmosphere between them. He calmly picked up a piece of chicken wings and dipped it in ketchup.

Xiao Yiheng’s fingers were fair and slender. This pair of beautiful hands formed a stark contrast when it picked the fried chicken that was dripping with oil.

He brought the fried chicken to his mouth and took a light bite. The crispy skin cracked open to a tender and juicy meat, the juices overflowing in his mouth, filling his senses with the taste of the deep-fried food. 

He ate slowly and elegantly. Meanwhile, the three people who were sitting with him ate so messily that crumbs were scattered all over the table, seemingly too inferior when compared to Yiheng.


The irritable Wei Rong started blathering once again, “Fuck, this guy. You’re just eating fried chicken, must you be so refined? Should I set up a slo-mo camera beside you and help you film a commercial?”

Xiao Yiheng looked up at him, “Should I thank you for evaluating me so highly?”

Wei Rong: “……”


Xiao Yiheng didn’t fancy fried food that much so he stopped after having a piece.

Since young, Xiao Yiheng had been under the high-handed discipline of his parents. Children loved to eat snacks but his parents had told him that snacks were produced using unhealthy chemicals that would affect his body. Thus, while other children ate potato chips, chocolates and street food, he would only walk past them without a single glance to the side, carrying his lil’ schoolbag.

No one would believe it but he had not eaten a single jelly until he reached junior high school because his mom had prohibited him from eating those things after reading in the news that a child had choked while eating jelly.  The first jelly he ate had been given by a classmate during junior high school. He didn’t even know how to tear the jelly’s packet open. He secretly watched his classmates doing it before he pretended to skilfully tear the packet open.

Since he seldom ate snacks during his childhood, he had little interest in all delicacies when he grew up and wasn’t that picky about what he ate as long as he was getting the nutrients he needed to survive. 

Although Xiao Yiheng had finished eating, he did not leave. Instead, he took out a math workbook and opened it.

When the bookworm Yan Jing saw Yiheng taking out the workbook, he immediately forgot his nervousness of eating at the same table as the gangsters. He pushed his glasses up and leaned forward, his eyes that were filled with eagerness to study staring at Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t take out a pen and neither did Yan Jing. Both of them merely ‘looked’ at the questions.

The two quietly looked for a while. 

Wei Rong asked in a whisper, “What are these two doing?”

The good-for-nothing adviser also whispered, “Boss, I don’t know.”

At this moment, Xiao Yiheng spoke.

They heard him ask, “Yan Jing, are you done? I’m going to turn the page.” 

Yan Jing bashfully replied, “Senior, I’m still stuck with one step.”

Xiao Yiheng asked him which step.


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Yan Jing answered, “the ERT#$^$UWERF step.”

Xiao Yiheng said, “It’s very simple. You can use SDRG#R% to find the derivation, and then use the BER%TY$^& formula to calculate #¥%ERG, and then you’ll get the answer.” 

After listening, Yan Jing stared at the exercise book for a while, and spoke with surprise: “Oh~ It really is!!”

Wei Rong: “……” dumbfounded.jpg

The good-for-nothing adviser: “……” dumbfounded ver2.jpg

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

So this is what a top student of HC1 is like? They could come up with the correct answer without even using a pen but just by looking? 

The fried chicken in Wei Rong’s hand didn’t seem appetising anymore.

Wei Rong ate slower and slower but Xiao Yiheng and Yan Jing ‘looked’ at the questions faster and faster.

After they finished ‘looking’ at a chapter of the workbook, Yan Jing finished eating his dinner.

Yan Jing cheerfully said, “Thank you, senior! I had some food and solved a new math problem today. I really had a fruitful meal!” 

Wei Rong murmured: “…I really had a fucking unenjoyable meal.”

Xiao Yiheng looked over and asked, “What did you say?”

Wei Rong: “……”

Wei Rong snickered, “I said, you really are a top student. You didn’t even forget to solve math problems in a fried chicken restaurant and even discussed the steps needed to differentiate functions with your junior.” 

Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows: “If I don’t solve math problems, then what should I do? Should I discuss with you on how many steps it would take for me to break your other leg?”

Wei Rong was about to slam the table and stand up.

His sharp-sighted good-for-nothing adviser quickly stopped him and reminded, “Boss, boss, calm down! Calm down! Remember that we only have 1.41!”

The 0.75 Wei Rong looked at his fractured leg and could only gnash his teeth as he sat back on his wheelchair. 

Wei Rong: “Humph! Since you’re so good at answering questions, let me test you with a question.”

Although Xiao Yiheng badly wanted to retort with ‘Why should I answer you?’, he instead asked, “What question?”


Wei Rong asked, “What’s Li Cheng’s phone number?”

Xiao Yiheng: “……” 

Yan Jing: “…Is this a serious question?”

Wei Rong rolled his eyes, “If this is not a serious question, then should ‘What’s Wei Rong’s QQ number’ be?”

Sadly speaking, Wei Rong had been chasing Li Cheng for so long, yet he wasn’t even friends with him on social media.

Xiao Yiheng frowned, “Why do you think that I have Li Cheng’s contact info?” 

He and Li Cheng had only recently met each other and both had a bad impression of each other: Li Cheng felt that Yiheng was putting on an act of being gentle whereas Xiao Yiheng felt that the lil’ tyrant had a boisterous personality that liked arguing.

How could he possibly save Li Cheng’s number? What should he save it for? To ask him to discuss how many kinds of hair colours are there?

Wei Rong glared at Yiheng and was about to slam the table again, “You⸺” He still didn’t know Xiao Yiheng’s name up until now, “You fucker, don’t pretend to be a victim after taking advantage of somebody. Go and ask anyone on the streets what kind of person am I. Also, ask them what kind of person is Li Cheng. A handsome omega like Li Cheng must be paired with an exceptionally valiant alpha like me. Don’t you ever think that just because you could entice Li Cheng with your pretty face for a moment that you could entice him for a lifetime!”

Xiao Yiheng was rendered speechless. 

He felt that the logic of this exceptionally valiant alpha was more difficult to understand than mathematical problems.

When the cowardly Yan Jing saw Wei Rong suddenly lashing out, he immediately curled himself up into a ball and quietly hid under the table. He was extremely self-aware that a weakling like must not be in the eye of the storm.

Unfortunately, Wei Rong refused to let him off.

Wei Rong pointed at Yan Jing and continued firing criticism at Xiao Yiheng, “You obviously already have Li Cheng so why are you still being so close with another omega, running off with him to a fried chicken restaurant for a date?” 

Xiao Yiheng had never heard such absurd accusations before.

What did he mean by ‘You already have Li Cheng’?

He is he, Li Cheng is Li Cheng. There had never been a relation between the two of them.

“I don’t care whether you degenerated from a human to an orangutan, or whether your brain that is even smaller than an almond could understand human speech, but you need to listen clearly to me⸺” Xiao Yiheng’s phoenix eyes were chilling and his voice became freezing cold, “⸺ First of all, Li Cheng and I don’t have the sort of relationship that you’re imagining; Secondly, even if we were, it doesn’t mean that I can’t study with other students.” 

Wei Rong bellowed, “So you think that it’s alright to hang out with others behind Li Cheng’s back?!!”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”


How can there be such a person? When listening to others speak, he can only understand the latter half of the sentence? Am I really talking to an orangutan?

Xiao Yiheng didn’t want to talk to him anymore. He was afraid that if he talked too much, he would be infected by this exceptionally valiant alpha’s stupidity virus. 

Ignoring Wei Rong’s shouting, he picked up his school bag with one hand and picked up Yan Jing by the collar with the other. Then, dragging his junior with him, he left without looking back.

Wei Rong yelled at him from behind: “Since you’re running away now, are you admitting that you’re guilty?!”

The good-for-nothing adviser poked Wei Rong.

Wei Rong impatiently snapped, “What are you doing? Don’t disturb me from scolding people!” 

The good-for-nothing adviser’s finger turned to point behind them.

Wei Rong looked back.

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He saw Hu ge gloomily standing behind his wheelchair.

Wei Rong: “……” 

Hu ge condescendingly looked down at Wei Rong. Suddenly, he stretched out his palm that was as big as a cattail leaf fan and hit Wei Rong on the shoulder with a loud smack.

“This guest,” Hu ge said, “In this restaurant, your mouth has only one purpose and that is to quietly eat chicken. If you don’t know how to eat chicken, I can feed you.”

Wei Rong: “…No, no need.”

He is just an ordinary and average 0.75. If Hu ge fed him chicken, what kind of chicken would he be eating? 

Hu ge: Are you sure?”

Wei Rong replied in panic, “….There’s really no need to. I-I’m already full.”

Hu ge: “Settle the bill then.”

Wei Rong hurriedly threw a meaningful look towards his good-for-nothing adviser who quickly took out his wallet. 

Hu ge stated the amount.

The good-for-nothing adviser counted with his fingers, “It’s wrong. We didn’t order so many things.”


Hu ge raised his chin and pointed at the cold leftovers at the other side of their table.

The fire inside Wei Rong that had just been extinguished was about to be reignited, “What? We must also pay the bill for what those two had eaten?!!” 

Hu ge knitted his brows, “You won’t?”

Wei Rong: “……”

Wei Rong: “Ah, fuck it. I will.”


On the other hand, Xiao Yiheng pulled Yan Jing out of the snack street by the collar.

Yan Jing scratched his head, feeling embarrassed, “I’m sorry, senior. I initially just wanted to choose a good restaurant to treat you, but I didn’t expect to cause you trouble.”

Xiao Yiheng calmly placated him, “It doesn’t matter.”

It was only after leaving the clamorous snack street that Xiao Yiheng got rid of the impatience in his heart and returned to his usual indifferent appearance. 

Yan Jing followed behind him anxiously, wanting to say something.

“Senior Xiao, that, I want to tell you something.” Yan Jing spoke out.

“What is it?” Xiao Yiheng asked.

Yan Jing pushed his glasses up before replying, “Just now in the store, what the red-haired guy told you⸺that you’re being too close with another omega⸺which is me⸺behind Li Cheng’s back… It’s wrong. I want to say that what he said is wrong.” 

Xiao Yiheng gratifyingly thought that he had not misjudged this junior, and that as expected, the mind of a top student is better than those gangsters.

He was just about to speak when Yan Jing continued to declare, “I want to clarify: I’m not an omega, I’m an alpha!”

Xiao Yiheng: “……?”

Yan Jing smiled somewhat bashfully, “I know that I don’t look like one. But, my health isn’t good. I was diagnosed with the Pheromone Disorder right after differentiating. The level of the alpha hormones in my body is very low, but I went to the hospital many times to take the test and the test strip was always blue.” 

Alpha, Beta and Omega are secondary genders. An ‘ABO test strip’ had been invented several decades ago in the medical field.

This ABO test paper had been inspired by the pH test strip. After differentiating, children could immediately know their secondary gender just by squeezing a drop of blood onto the test trip.


Red meant that the person was an omega, blue if the person was an alpha and colourless if the person was a beta. The darker the colour was on the test trip, the higher the pheromone levels were in the person’s body, which meant that it would be easier for the person to affect others and be affected by others.

For Yan Jing, his test strip turned a very very very very light blue, but no matter how light it was, it was still blue. 

Xiao Yiheng didn’t know how to respond in this situation.

Uh… Should I congratulate him?

Yan Jing pushed his spectacles upwards, and spoke in a frustrated manner, “Of course, I know Senior Xiao, after hearing this, you would definitely say ‘Whether you’re an alpha or an omega, what does it have to do with me?’ but I felt that this misunderstanding must be clarified because I don’t want to be an obstacle to your happiness and affect your sweet and sincere relationship with Li Cheng.”

Xiao Yiheng: “……” 

Who was it that said that a top student’s mind is better than a gangster?

Xiao Yiheng was fully unable to comprehend why everyone was pairing him together with Li Cheng.

He had never thought about what kind of person he would spend his life with. He might choose a pleasant stay-at-home beta. He also might choose an alpha that could help him with his career. However, it was certainly, definitely, absolutely impossible for him to choose an omega like Li Cheng.

Li Cheng had a strong fist and a nasty temper. He would bicker incessantly every time he talked… Xiao Yiheng simply wouldn’t choose this kind of person. 

As he thought of the undisciplined and out-of-control blonde boy, Xiao Yiheng couldn’t help but rub his forehead, “This is the last time I’m saying this⸺I have zero interest in such a wild omega like Li Cheng.”

Who would have expected that as soon as he finished speaking, the voice of Hua Cheng’s wildest omega would ring out from behind him.

“Xiao Yiheng, don’t worry. I also have zero interest in you!”

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