This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 16: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch16 - International High School Sports Competition

Li Cheng swam alone in the swimming pool until the sun had set.

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He swam from one end of the pool to the other and from the other end to this end, switching to different swimming strokes. He could forget all his troubles when he’s immersed in swimming. 

Sure enough, swimming is the best sport in the world! He had learned how to swim when he had just learned how to walk. His family were fishermen so they lived on water. He used to play a lot on the boat when he was younger. His skin was dark back then, as if he had been dug out of mud.

He had once thought that he would live his whole lifetime happily as a fisherman, but unfortunately, because of an unexpected storm, the family of four were separated by death.

They had no boat, they had no home, and all their valuables had been lost under the water like their parents.

The then ten-year-old Li Cheng brought the then two-year-old Youyou to an orphanage. Youyou was young back then. She stopped talking and became afraid of water after the traumatic experience. 

It was Li Cheng, the lil’ lion, who protected her fully and helped her regain her smile.


Although it was a merciless enormous wave that took his parents’ lives, Li Cheng didn’t hate the water.

Whenever he plunged into the water, tepid water would surround him, frolicking between his fingers. It felt like returning to the arms of his parents, so that he could act like a spoiled child, play around and show his temper as much as he wished.

Because he was good at swimming, he began to show up frequently in the swimming lanes. Occasionally, he would even sign up for amateur competitions.


He liked competitions not because of the medals but because of their award money.

The award money in amateur competitions was only around three to five hundred yuan but it was already a big sum for the children in the orphanage.

Moreover, he really liked to watch those arrogant alphas lose the competition and see their appearances of wanting to beat him up in anger but being unable to.

In a particular amateur competition, Wu Xu, the swimming coach of Huacheng No.1 Senior High School, discovered Li Cheng who was a rising star in the swimming pool. His body was brimming with vigour that was growing uncontrollably. He was filled with so much vitality that people couldn’t help but pay attention to him. 

At that time, coaches from several other schools noticed Li Cheng, and even coaches from the provincial team had approached him, but when they knew that Li Cheng was an omega, they all stepped back.

It was only Wu Xu who resolutely offered him an olive branch and held his ground. He made Li Cheng attend HC1, invited him into the swimming team and took him to participate in more professional competitions.

Li Cheng didn’t win every time.

He came from a rather unusual background so when he was learning the correct techniques from Coach Wu for the first time, he couldn’t even move his hands and legs properly and he nearly sank to the bottom. 

Coach Wu had a foul mouth so he rained down curses on Li Cheng with a gloomy face, causing Li Cheng to become so angry that he packed up his belongings that day and made a fuss of wanting to return to the orphanage.

In the end, before he could walk out of the school gate, he remembered the scholarship that the principal had promised and furiously returned.

Didn’t Coach Wu that foolish beta say that my appearance is like a wild monkey drowning in the pool? Then I’ll let him see that a wild monkey can also win in competitions!

After that, Li Cheng participated in more and more competitions and became more and more famous in the swimming world as he won innumerable trophies. He also gradually realised how much pressure Wu Xu was under for recruiting him with such good conditions and for teaching him the best he could. 

From then on, in order to be worthy of the coach’s trust, Li Cheng became strict with himself and practiced an hour longer than the other students everyday.



Today for some reason, Li Cheng had only swam five laps more but he already felt extremely exhausted and found it somewhat unable to move his arms.

Thus, he decided to come out of the pool and have a rest. 

However, as soon as he left, the sudden loss of buoyancy caused his legs to go weak and he nearly fell to the pool.

So weird. Although he trained a lot this day, it wasn’t enough to make him unsteady.

Seeing him getting out of the water, Coach Wu asked: “Why are you coming out now?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Li Cheng told the truth, “I feel uncomfortable and a little weak. I can’t move my arms, and my whole body isn’t in good condition.” 

Coach Wu flipped through the training schedule: “You can only bear this much? When you did it last week, not only did you finish it ahead of schedule, you also swam an extra two kilometres.”

Nevertheless Li Cheng’s physical exhaustion was real. He might skip classes, but he would never lie to people when it came to swimming.

Wu Xu frowned and asked him, “Tell me honestly, did you stay up late to play games yesterday?”

Li Cheng: “……” 


“You little brat!” Coach Wu took off his slippers and angrily threw them over. Li Cheng turned his body and dodged it by a hair’s breadth. “You knew that there’s training today yet you still dared to stay up late playing games? Would you believe me if I say that I’ll smash your phone?”

Li Cheng pulled a face at him, “Old imp, who asked you to call for extra practice? I’ve already made an appointment with my teammates in the game. How could the leader not be there during a battle?”

“Isn’t me giving you extra training for your own good?” Coach Wu held out a document in front of him. Just as Li Cheng was about to take it, Coach Wu threw him a dry towel and asked him to wipe his wet hands. 

Li Cheng wiped the water off of his body before accepting the light document, acting as if he was receiving an imperial edict.

Then, he was stunned.

“Why? Can’t read Chinese?” Coach Wu laughed when saw his foolish appearance, “Do you want me to read it for you?”

“Coach, is this true?!!”    Li Cheng was going mad and his hands shook terribly, “I- I c-can really….” 

“Silly boy. Of course it’s true!” Coach Wu laughed, “The regional qualifiers will start at the beginning of next month and then seedlings from each province will be sent to the national team for training, and finally a team will be selected from that group to represent China in the International High School Sports Competition!”

Li Cheng couldn’t stop looking at the piece of paper where a red seal had been stamped on its lower right corner.


The boy’s heart had never beaten so fast before. Previously, his goal was to participate in amateur competitions so that he could give himself and his sister a good meal using the 300 to 500 yuan of prize money.

Now however, he could participate in an international competition! 

“Don’t be so optimistic.” Coach Wu poured cold water on him with a serious face, “You have to win the provincial trials first and get the recognition of the national team coach during the training camp. Do you think that would be a simple matter? You have indeed achieved some results so far, but you can’t be too proud. How many outstanding swimmers are there in the country? The swimming world is full of dragons!”

“So what if there are dragons?” “Li Cheng raised his face as he dismissed, “Just wait for me to make a ruckus there!”

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With this good news, Li Cheng seemed to walk like the wind. 

In order to celebrate this great event, he must have a delicious meal!

How could the cooking in the school cafeteria satisfy his appetite? As such, he called his lil’ bros and told them ‘See you at the same place’.

The so-called same place was actually the fried chicken shop where Hu ge works. It was cheap and gave plenty of meat. It was a suitable place for their group of hungry ghosts who were still growing teenagers.

Li Cheng familiarly climbed over the wall to get out of school and went down the ladder⸺ 

Enemies were bound to meet each other on a narrow road. As it happened, Xiao Yiheng was actually standing under the wall!

Li Cheng: “……”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Li Cheng was the first to speak, “Why are you here?” 

Xiao Yiheng who stood alone while holding a dirty rubber ball in this dark and desolate alley was really unusual and sudden.

Xiao Yiheng was about to answer when a quiet voice of a child could be heard coming from outside the alley, “Brother, h-have you found our ball?”

“Found it.” Xiao Yiheng raised his voice slightly, “I’ll go out now.”

It turned out that when Xiao Yiheng passed through this alley after school today, he met a few children who were playing ball on the road. The ball rolled into the alley. The alley was dark and scary so they did not dare to come in and could only ask for help from Xiao Yiheng who was passing by. 

Xiao Yiheng thought that it was a trivial matter but he didn’t expect that he would not only find a ball but also someone inside the alley.

An omega fell from the sky with his hair still dripping wet from taking a shower.


His body exuded a faint fragrance of orange, mixed with the floral smell of shampoo, merging into a special scent.

Without batting an eyelid, Xiao Yiheng tore his gaze away from the water droplets on Li Cheng’s hair. 

Li Cheng was also looking at Xiao Yiheng. He hadn’t seen him for a few days and Xiao Yiheng seems to have not changed much. He was still tall, slim, and ice-cold, like a pine tree standing alone in the desolate snow, calmly standing with his school bag on his back.

The only difference was that… Xiao Yiheng actually wore a long-sleeved school uniform.

Li Cheng: “……”

He couldn’t help but ask, “You bought another school uniform?” 

Xiao Yiheng: “En, why?”

“But the school uniform from before…”

“You want to return it to me?”

It was clearly a normal conversation but Li Cheng didn’t know what he was thinking that he actually denied, “Your uniform had your stinky alpha smell so I’ve already thrown it away somewhere!” 

The truth was that not only did he not throw away the jacket, he even slept with it that night, washed it carefully and kept it in his closet.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t know the truth. Seeing him speak so resolutely, he really believed that Li Cheng had thrown away his school uniform.

Nevertheless, when Xiao Yiheng left the school uniform behind to Li Cheng, he had already mentally prepared himself that this lil’ rascal would not return the clothes to him.

Li Cheng waited for Xiao Yiheng to get angry so he could find an excuse to fight him again but Xiao Yiheng didn’t even frown. He merely walked out of the alley with the ball. 

The neglected Li Cheng felt even more uncomfortable.

He slid his hands into his pockets and followed Xiao Yiheng out.

He saw four or five children anxiously waiting outside the alley. Upon seeing Xiao Yiheng bringing their ball out, they immediately surrounded him in excitement.

“Brother, you’re so brave!” 

“Brother, you’re so nice!”

“Brother, the alley is so dark. Aren’t you afraid?”


All of them energetically talked at the same time.

Xiao Yiheng shook his head, “It’s not dark. Brother found a light bulb shining in the alley.” 

The children’s eyes turned to Li Cheng’s hair behind him.

Blonde-haired Li Cheng: “……”

The children let out exaggerated ‘wow’s, “This brother’s head is really shining!! Like the big sparkling sun!”

Li Cheng who was being eyed by so many children was at the end of his patience so he gnashed his teeth and squeezed out a reply, “Xiao Yiheng, you⸺” 

Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows, “How impolite. Can you call your father by name?”

Li Cheng didn’t cower at all as he retorted back eloquently, “Do you want to be my father? You can’t. My father had left this world early. If you want to be my father, would I have to burn three incense sticks for you during Tomb-sweeping Day in the future?”

Xiao Yiheng was taken aback. He carefully scrutinised Li Cheng for a while but he couldn’t tell from his arrogant expression if he was telling the truth or not.

If it was false, which son would curse their own father? 

If it was true, who would reveal their scars of losing their parents to others? How cruel and strong was he?

Li Cheng didn’t think that Xiao Yiheng would think of so many things in just a few seconds. Seeing him remain silent, he thought that he had the upper hand.

When the two of them quarrelled, the children watched with  keen interest, moving their eyes from left to right then from right to left.

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The most courageous one of them raised his hand as if he was asking a question in class, resting his right elbow against the palm of his left hand. Then, he excitedly asked, “Brother, brother. Are you flirting with each other?” 

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Li Cheng: “……”

Xiao Yiheng asked him: “Where did you hear this word?”

The little boy felt pleased with himself so he assumed the appearance of an adult, “I heard my mom use it! Because my sister and her girlfriend are like you. They’re always bickering with each other but my mom said that they’re not arguing, but flirting~ The louder their arguing, the clingier they are and the better the relationship~~” 

Li Cheng really wanted to talk to the child’s mother, Don’t instill such weird thoughts into underaged children!!!

The children happily left with the ball in their possession. They had never thought of how awkward their childish talk would bring to the two.


The two of them stared at each other and suddenly looked away at the same time.

Xiao Yiheng stared at the two messy hairs that were sticking out on top of Li Cheng’s head and Li Cheng stared at the zipper of Xiao Yiheng’s uniform that was neatly zipped up. 

After some time, pheromones that smelled of cedar drifted out.

“……Xiao Yiheng, will you stop behaving like a hoodlum!” Li Cheng hurriedly took a step back, his face flushed red, “Don’t you know that it’s very shameless for you to release pheromones in public?”

“Who’s shameless?” Xiao Yiheng didn’t expect for him to start falsely accusing him so he asked, “Clearly it’s you who’s releasing your scent.”

Li Cheng: “How could that be? I just finished swimming and had just taken a shower so I’m extremely clean!” 

Seeing him not admitting his mistake, Xiao Yiheng took a step closer. With this, the distance between the two was shortened and the pure and cold pheromones overwhelmingly surrounded him. Li Cheng’s whole body was immersed in the ocean of pheromones.

Li Cheng’s head felt so heavy while his body felt so light, like the feeling that someone who had never drunk before would get after drinking too much alcohol. The feeling assaulted Li Cheng’s senses.

Again, and again.

As soon as he smelled the pheromone on Xiao Yiheng’s body, Li Cheng seemed to lose control of his own body. 

“⸺Li Cheng, are you really stupid or you’re just pretending to be stupid?” Xiao Yiheng approached the blonde boy and cornered him towards the wall, step after step.

“⸺Dropping from the sky witch such a sweet orange scent and landing in front of me,”

“⸺Fortunately, you’ve only run into a group of children who haven’t differentiated yet. If you came across a group of alphas and you don’t have even one of your lil’ brothers with you,  what would you do, HC1’s school tyrant?”

Li Cheng stared blankly and asked him, “What are you talking about?” 

“I said,” Xiao Yiheng looked down at the little blonde lion, “Your body smells like it’s in heat.”

The next instant, Li Cheng bared his teeth, clenched his fist and punched Xiao Yiheng’s face.

Ch16 - International High School Sports Competition

Li Cheng swam alone in the swimming pool until the sun had set.

He swam from one end of the pool to the other and from the other end to this end, switching to different swimming strokes. He could forget all his troubles when he’s immersed in swimming. 

Sure enough, swimming is the best sport in the world! He had learned how to swim when he had just learned how to walk. His family were fishermen so they lived on water. He used to play a lot on the boat when he was younger. His skin was dark back then, as if he had been dug out of mud.

He had once thought that he would live his whole lifetime happily as a fisherman, but unfortunately, because of an unexpected storm, the family of four were separated by death.

They had no boat, they had no home, and all their valuables had been lost under the water like their parents.

The then ten-year-old Li Cheng brought the then two-year-old Youyou to an orphanage. Youyou was young back then. She stopped talking and became afraid of water after the traumatic experience. 

It was Li Cheng, the lil’ lion, who protected her fully and helped her regain her smile.


Although it was a merciless enormous wave that took his parents’ lives, Li Cheng didn’t hate the water.

Whenever he plunged into the water, tepid water would surround him, frolicking between his fingers. It felt like returning to the arms of his parents, so that he could act like a spoiled child, play around and show his temper as much as he wished.

Because he was good at swimming, he began to show up frequently in the swimming lanes. Occasionally, he would even sign up for amateur competitions.


He liked competitions not because of the medals but because of their award money.

The award money in amateur competitions was only around three to five hundred yuan but it was already a big sum for the children in the orphanage.

Moreover, he really liked to watch those arrogant alphas lose the competition and see their appearances of wanting to beat him up in anger but being unable to.

In a particular amateur competition, Wu Xu, the swimming coach of Huacheng No.1 Senior High School, discovered Li Cheng who was a rising star in the swimming pool. His body was brimming with vigour that was growing uncontrollably. He was filled with so much vitality that people couldn’t help but pay attention to him. 

At that time, coaches from several other schools noticed Li Cheng, and even coaches from the provincial team had approached him, but when they knew that Li Cheng was an omega, they all stepped back.

It was only Wu Xu who resolutely offered him an olive branch and held his ground. He made Li Cheng attend HC1, invited him into the swimming team and took him to participate in more professional competitions.

Li Cheng didn’t win every time.

He came from a rather unusual background so when he was learning the correct techniques from Coach Wu for the first time, he couldn’t even move his hands and legs properly and he nearly sank to the bottom. 

Coach Wu had a foul mouth so he rained down curses on Li Cheng with a gloomy face, causing Li Cheng to become so angry that he packed up his belongings that day and made a fuss of wanting to return to the orphanage.

In the end, before he could walk out of the school gate, he remembered the scholarship that the principal had promised and furiously returned.

Didn’t Coach Wu that foolish beta say that my appearance is like a wild monkey drowning in the pool? Then I’ll let him see that a wild monkey can also win in competitions!

After that, Li Cheng participated in more and more competitions and became more and more famous in the swimming world as he won innumerable trophies. He also gradually realised how much pressure Wu Xu was under for recruiting him with such good conditions and for teaching him the best he could. 

From then on, in order to be worthy of the coach’s trust, Li Cheng became strict with himself and practiced an hour longer than the other students everyday.



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Today for some reason, Li Cheng had only swam five laps more but he already felt extremely exhausted and found it somewhat unable to move his arms.

Thus, he decided to come out of the pool and have a rest. 

However, as soon as he left, the sudden loss of buoyancy caused his legs to go weak and he nearly fell to the pool.

So weird. Although he trained a lot this day, it wasn’t enough to make him unsteady.

Seeing him getting out of the water, Coach Wu asked: “Why are you coming out now?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Li Cheng told the truth, “I feel uncomfortable and a little weak. I can’t move my arms, and my whole body isn’t in good condition.” 

Coach Wu flipped through the training schedule: “You can only bear this much? When you did it last week, not only did you finish it ahead of schedule, you also swam an extra two kilometres.”

Nevertheless Li Cheng’s physical exhaustion was real. He might skip classes, but he would never lie to people when it came to swimming.

Wu Xu frowned and asked him, “Tell me honestly, did you stay up late to play games yesterday?”

Li Cheng: “……” 


“You little brat!” Coach Wu took off his slippers and angrily threw them over. Li Cheng turned his body and dodged it by a hair’s breadth. “You knew that there’s training today yet you still dared to stay up late playing games? Would you believe me if I say that I’ll smash your phone?”

Li Cheng pulled a face at him, “Old imp, who asked you to call for extra practice? I’ve already made an appointment with my teammates in the game. How could the leader not be there during a battle?”

“Isn’t me giving you extra training for your own good?” Coach Wu held out a document in front of him. Just as Li Cheng was about to take it, Coach Wu threw him a dry towel and asked him to wipe his wet hands. 

Li Cheng wiped the water off of his body before accepting the light document, acting as if he was receiving an imperial edict.

Then, he was stunned.

“Why? Can’t read Chinese?” Coach Wu laughed when saw his foolish appearance, “Do you want me to read it for you?”

“Coach, is this true?!!”    Li Cheng was going mad and his hands shook terribly, “I- I c-can really….” 

“Silly boy. Of course it’s true!” Coach Wu laughed, “The regional qualifiers will start at the beginning of next month and then seedlings from each province will be sent to the national team for training, and finally a team will be selected from that group to represent China in the International High School Sports Competition!”

Li Cheng couldn’t stop looking at the piece of paper where a red seal had been stamped on its lower right corner.


The boy’s heart had never beaten so fast before. Previously, his goal was to participate in amateur competitions so that he could give himself and his sister a good meal using the 300 to 500 yuan of prize money.

Now however, he could participate in an international competition! 

“Don’t be so optimistic.” Coach Wu poured cold water on him with a serious face, “You have to win the provincial trials first and get the recognition of the national team coach during the training camp. Do you think that would be a simple matter? You have indeed achieved some results so far, but you can’t be too proud. How many outstanding swimmers are there in the country? The swimming world is full of dragons!”

“So what if there are dragons?” “Li Cheng raised his face as he dismissed, “Just wait for me to make a ruckus there!”


With this good news, Li Cheng seemed to walk like the wind. 

In order to celebrate this great event, he must have a delicious meal!

How could the cooking in the school cafeteria satisfy his appetite? As such, he called his lil’ bros and told them ‘See you at the same place’.

The so-called same place was actually the fried chicken shop where Hu ge works. It was cheap and gave plenty of meat. It was a suitable place for their group of hungry ghosts who were still growing teenagers.

Li Cheng familiarly climbed over the wall to get out of school and went down the ladder⸺ 

Enemies were bound to meet each other on a narrow road. As it happened, Xiao Yiheng was actually standing under the wall!

Li Cheng: “……”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Li Cheng was the first to speak, “Why are you here?” 

Xiao Yiheng who stood alone while holding a dirty rubber ball in this dark and desolate alley was really unusual and sudden.

Xiao Yiheng was about to answer when a quiet voice of a child could be heard coming from outside the alley, “Brother, h-have you found our ball?”

“Found it.” Xiao Yiheng raised his voice slightly, “I’ll go out now.”

It turned out that when Xiao Yiheng passed through this alley after school today, he met a few children who were playing ball on the road. The ball rolled into the alley. The alley was dark and scary so they did not dare to come in and could only ask for help from Xiao Yiheng who was passing by. 

Xiao Yiheng thought that it was a trivial matter but he didn’t expect that he would not only find a ball but also someone inside the alley.

An omega fell from the sky with his hair still dripping wet from taking a shower.


His body exuded a faint fragrance of orange, mixed with the floral smell of shampoo, merging into a special scent.

Without batting an eyelid, Xiao Yiheng tore his gaze away from the water droplets on Li Cheng’s hair. 

Li Cheng was also looking at Xiao Yiheng. He hadn’t seen him for a few days and Xiao Yiheng seems to have not changed much. He was still tall, slim, and ice-cold, like a pine tree standing alone in the desolate snow, calmly standing with his school bag on his back.

The only difference was that… Xiao Yiheng actually wore a long-sleeved school uniform.

Li Cheng: “……”

He couldn’t help but ask, “You bought another school uniform?” 

Xiao Yiheng: “En, why?”

“But the school uniform from before…”

“You want to return it to me?”

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It was clearly a normal conversation but Li Cheng didn’t know what he was thinking that he actually denied, “Your uniform had your stinky alpha smell so I’ve already thrown it away somewhere!” 

The truth was that not only did he not throw away the jacket, he even slept with it that night, washed it carefully and kept it in his closet.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t know the truth. Seeing him speak so resolutely, he really believed that Li Cheng had thrown away his school uniform.

Nevertheless, when Xiao Yiheng left the school uniform behind to Li Cheng, he had already mentally prepared himself that this lil’ rascal would not return the clothes to him.

Li Cheng waited for Xiao Yiheng to get angry so he could find an excuse to fight him again but Xiao Yiheng didn’t even frown. He merely walked out of the alley with the ball. 

The neglected Li Cheng felt even more uncomfortable.

He slid his hands into his pockets and followed Xiao Yiheng out.

He saw four or five children anxiously waiting outside the alley. Upon seeing Xiao Yiheng bringing their ball out, they immediately surrounded him in excitement.

“Brother, you’re so brave!” 

“Brother, you’re so nice!”

“Brother, the alley is so dark. Aren’t you afraid?”


All of them energetically talked at the same time.

Xiao Yiheng shook his head, “It’s not dark. Brother found a light bulb shining in the alley.” 

The children’s eyes turned to Li Cheng’s hair behind him.

Blonde-haired Li Cheng: “……”

The children let out exaggerated ‘wow’s, “This brother’s head is really shining!! Like the big sparkling sun!”

Li Cheng who was being eyed by so many children was at the end of his patience so he gnashed his teeth and squeezed out a reply, “Xiao Yiheng, you⸺” 

Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows, “How impolite. Can you call your father by name?”

Li Cheng didn’t cower at all as he retorted back eloquently, “Do you want to be my father? You can’t. My father had left this world early. If you want to be my father, would I have to burn three incense sticks for you during Tomb-sweeping Day in the future?”

Xiao Yiheng was taken aback. He carefully scrutinised Li Cheng for a while but he couldn’t tell from his arrogant expression if he was telling the truth or not.

If it was false, which son would curse their own father? 

If it was true, who would reveal their scars of losing their parents to others? How cruel and strong was he?

Li Cheng didn’t think that Xiao Yiheng would think of so many things in just a few seconds. Seeing him remain silent, he thought that he had the upper hand.

When the two of them quarrelled, the children watched with  keen interest, moving their eyes from left to right then from right to left.

The most courageous one of them raised his hand as if he was asking a question in class, resting his right elbow against the palm of his left hand. Then, he excitedly asked, “Brother, brother. Are you flirting with each other?” 

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Li Cheng: “……”

Xiao Yiheng asked him: “Where did you hear this word?”

The little boy felt pleased with himself so he assumed the appearance of an adult, “I heard my mom use it! Because my sister and her girlfriend are like you. They’re always bickering with each other but my mom said that they’re not arguing, but flirting~ The louder their arguing, the clingier they are and the better the relationship~~” 

Li Cheng really wanted to talk to the child’s mother, Don’t instill such weird thoughts into underaged children!!!

The children happily left with the ball in their possession. They had never thought of how awkward their childish talk would bring to the two.


The two of them stared at each other and suddenly looked away at the same time.

Xiao Yiheng stared at the two messy hairs that were sticking out on top of Li Cheng’s head and Li Cheng stared at the zipper of Xiao Yiheng’s uniform that was neatly zipped up. 

After some time, pheromones that smelled of cedar drifted out.

“……Xiao Yiheng, will you stop behaving like a hoodlum!” Li Cheng hurriedly took a step back, his face flushed red, “Don’t you know that it’s very shameless for you to release pheromones in public?”

“Who’s shameless?” Xiao Yiheng didn’t expect for him to start falsely accusing him so he asked, “Clearly it’s you who’s releasing your scent.”

Li Cheng: “How could that be? I just finished swimming and had just taken a shower so I’m extremely clean!” 

Seeing him not admitting his mistake, Xiao Yiheng took a step closer. With this, the distance between the two was shortened and the pure and cold pheromones overwhelmingly surrounded him. Li Cheng’s whole body was immersed in the ocean of pheromones.

Li Cheng’s head felt so heavy while his body felt so light, like the feeling that someone who had never drunk before would get after drinking too much alcohol. The feeling assaulted Li Cheng’s senses.

Again, and again.

As soon as he smelled the pheromone on Xiao Yiheng’s body, Li Cheng seemed to lose control of his own body. 

“⸺Li Cheng, are you really stupid or you’re just pretending to be stupid?” Xiao Yiheng approached the blonde boy and cornered him towards the wall, step after step.

“⸺Dropping from the sky witch such a sweet orange scent and landing in front of me,”

“⸺Fortunately, you’ve only run into a group of children who haven’t differentiated yet. If you came across a group of alphas and you don’t have even one of your lil’ brothers with you,  what would you do, HC1’s school tyrant?”

Li Cheng stared blankly and asked him, “What are you talking about?” 

“I said,” Xiao Yiheng looked down at the little blonde lion, “Your body smells like it’s in heat.”

The next instant, Li Cheng bared his teeth, clenched his fist and punched Xiao Yiheng’s face.

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