This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 17: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch17 - Shotgun Puppy Love

To sum it up in one sentence, Xiao Yiheng exchanged ruthless and swift blows with Li Cheng.

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He was punched in the face by Li Cheng as there was simply no time for him to dodge. His teeth bit the corner of his mouth and he tasted blood at the tip of his tongue. 

It was clearly Li Cheng who had struck a violent blow but the grieving Li Cheng looked like he was the one who was beaten up. He fiercely glared at Xiao Yiheng with his round, sparkling eyes and his chest heaved frantically up and down as he cracked his fists.

“Xiao Yiheng!” Li Cheng gnashed his teeth, “Everyone who dared to make such jokes with me had already been turned into eunuchs by me!”

“Am I wrong?” Xiao Yiheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, “Your pheromones are leaking but you’re unaware of it. This clearly shows that your estrus is near. Estrus is also called the rutting season. During estrus, the pheromones secreted by an omega’s body would increase tremendously in order to attract a partner, affecting them physically and psychologically⸺This was taught in the first lesson of 《National Health Education Course》, don’t you know about it?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yiheng realised that perhaps Li Cheng didn’t know. 

After all, in the principal’s office, Li Cheng had asked the principal to exempt him from attending the health education class except that the principal had not agreed.


Li Cheng dared to even skip the main subjects. With his character, it would be normal for him to skip a few more health education classes.

As expected, Li Cheng who had been assumed to be skipping classes couldn’t stop the blush creeping over his face.

“You…… you’re talking nonsense!” His wheat-coloured skin was unable to hide the flush in his face, “I still know that estrus is twice a year! It had not been long since I had my last estrus so it’s impossible for me to have it now.”


My god, Why on earth am I discussing when will my estrus come with an alpha?

To make it worse, it’s the alpha that I hate the most!

Xiao Yiheng looked at him like he was an idiot, “……Have you never heard of ‘early estrus’?”

Li Cheng: “Fuck!” 

He turned around and ran, stepping onto the ladder and stealthily fleeing back to school. He didn’t even leave a single word to Xiao Yiheng whom he had left behind, only giving Yiheng the view of his back as he escaped in a panic.

Xiao Yiheng was punched for nothing and the corner of his lips became visibly bruised.

He grazed the corner of his lips with his fingers as he unhurriedly took out his phone and took a picture of the wooden ladder.

Recipient: Principal Xu Wanli. 

Within a minute, Principal Xu called.

Xiao Yiheng answered the phone with a calm voice.

“Hello principal. Yes, yes. I found it in the alley outside of school. I’ve checked it and found footprints on it. Someone should have used it recently…… Mm, right. I’m also worried that there’s a thief…… Okay, I’ll wait for the security to take away the ladder.”

It was unknown what the principal had said on the other end of the line but Xiao Yiheng’s lips curled into a slight smile as he quietly said, “I’m afraid that tightening security wouldn’t be enough. This is a blind stop. They carried the ladder today so they could also easily bring a new one tomorrow.” 

The boy looked up at the school’s wall.

The red bricks and black roof tiles were covered with vines. On the wall, a huge gray footprint could also be seen.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“I suggest that,” A spark of mischief flashed in his eyes as he continued, “It’d be better to put up barbed wires and install a CCTV in this area.”


Li Cheng dashed to his dormitory like his ass was on fire.

There was no one in the dormitory, so he closed the door and immediately called their team doctor, Doctor Wang, before his heartbeat could even slow down.

Doctor Wang was an omega. She was not only the team doctor of the school’s swimming team, but she was also Coach Wu’s wife. They worked in perfect harmony, sending outstanding swimmers for competitions every year.

As soon as the phone call was connected, Teacher Wang’s gentle voice came through the phone. 

“Xiao Li, what’s the matter?”

Li Cheng’s throat bobbed and he stuttered out, “Missus, I-I seem to be having an early estrus.”

The sound of flipping through documents could be heard on the other end of the phone.

“Are you sure?” Doctor Wang said, “According to my records, your last estrus was more than three months ago. Under normal circumstances, your estrus period should still be two months away.” 

“I… I’m actually quite unsure,” Li Cheng nervously spoke, “but my physical strength was worse than normal during training today; I get easily angered recently⸺Well, I’m usually easily angered but most importantly, I ran into an alpha earlier and he told me that he could smell the pheromones on my body but I couldn’t smell it myself.”

“Sensitive, irritable, fatigue and involuntary release of pheromones.” Doctor Wang recorded his symptoms, gliding the pen across the paper, “If it’s like this, it really seems like you’re having symptoms of an early estrus.”

The most difficult thing for an omega would be their estrus. The physiques of omegas were different from one another. They would have two to three estrus periods every year with each lasting for about three to ten days. The arrival of the estrus period signified that the body had fully matured and the omega’s pheromone secretion would greatly increase for a short period of time.

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When the estrus period was near, omegas who were not comforted by an alpha would be more irritable, sensitive, mistrustful and physically weak. Some people would also have a persistent low fever and would exhibit nest-building behaviour. 

“Missus, what should I do!” Li Cheng nearly went mad with worry, “The coach told me today that there’ll be a provincial competition early next month which is very important! If I can win the championship, I can enter the national team for training! But if my estrus period is also at that time…”

Li Cheng was an all-rounder swimmer, but he was best at freestyle. He had formidable explosive power but his stamina was slightly lacking so he specialised in short-course competitions. He had four races to participate in: 50m, 100m, 200m freestyle and an individual medley!

However, the prerequisite for him to compete as normal was that he must not be in the middle of his estrus period.

“Xiao Li, don’t worry.” Doctor Wang comforted him, “Don’t go to class tomorrow, just go straight to the infirmary. I’ll run a test on you first. If it’s confirmed that you’re having an early estrus, let’s think of a way together.” 


Li Cheng’s sleep was riddled with worries that night. The next day, he got up with a grunt as soon as the alarm rang, shocking his three roommates.


“Li Cheng, why did you get up so early?”

“Did the sun rise from the west today?” 

“Waking up this early, you’re not actually planning to study this early right?”

Li Cheng laughed, “I heard that the cafeteria will be selling a limited number of steamed sugar buns today so I’m planning to scramble for one.”

“Steamed sugar buns?” The lil’ fatty’s mouth watered at the mention of food, “Then I have to go early!”

Li Cheng left the dormitory with them but when his roommates lined up at the cafeteria, he immediately turned towards the infirmary. 

Doctor Wang and Coach Wu were both inside the infirmary. When they saw him, both of them surrounded him at the same time.

Coach Wu sniffed the air, “Li Cheng, don’t be overly suspicious. I can’t seem to smell any pheromones on your body.”

Doctor Wang struck him on the shoulder, “You’re a beta. Your sensitivity to pheromones isn’t as high as alphas and omegas. Besides, it’s also possible for pheromone secretion to be unstable during an early estrus. A test is necessary before we can be completely sure.”

Li Cheng immediately rolled up his sleeves, revealing his bulging biceps as he impatiently said, “Quickly draw my blood, hurry.” 

Doctor Wang drew a tube of blood and placed it in the device that was specifically used to detect estrus period. Within ten minutes, the result had already come out.

⸺“The pheromone secretions really seem to be increasing significantly.” Doctor Wang spoke with a grave expression, “Moreover, it seems that this increase is only the prelude. There would be a greater upsurge in the later period. The peak of your estrus is estimated to be early next month.”

Unfortunately, the competition also happened to be at that time.

This was truly too terrible. 

Coach Wu Xu looked at his dear student and sighed, “Li Cheng, if you can’t participate this time….”

“There’s no next time!” Li Cheng wilfully insisted, “The International High School Sports Competition is only held every four years. If I don’t participate in this one, there won’t be a next one!”

“It’s fine.” Wu Xu consoled him, “If you can’t join the high school competition, you can still join the varsity competition. Once you go to university, with your abilities, you’ll definitely get the opportunity to represent the country.”

“It’s different.” The boy fixed his gaze at his coach, “When I compete at that time, I’ll be representing a different school; When I stand on the winner’s podium with a medal, they won’t say ‘Look, the student that Wu Xu had brought won the world championship!’” 

For Li Cheng to say such a thing was completely out of Coach Wu’s expectations.

The naughty brat who seemed like he was always laughing and was completely proud of infuriating the coach actually had a soft and sincere heart.


He didn’t regard his achievements as his own. All his achievements belonged to his coach who treated him as his own son.

HC1’s Li ge not only avenged grudges, he also repaid gratitude. 

“Missus,” Li Cheng pondered for a while before asking, “I heard that some athletes can get an injection when they’re having estrus during competition. The estrus wouldn’t come right? I want to have that!”

Doctor Wang immediately knew what he was talking about, “Are you talking about the pheromone inhibitor that can delay the estrus period?”

An omega’s estrus period could greatly affect their normal life, work and studies. Both the omega and the alphas around them would be affected by the omega’s pheromones. Thus, many decades ago, inhibitors were developed and changed the world.

The usage of pheromone inhibitors before the estrus period could completely delay the estrus period. For omega soldiers and athletes, the invention of inhibitors had greatly lightened their physiological burden, allowing them to wholeheartedly invest themselves in their work. 

Doctor Wang warned, “Xiao Li, you can’t take that kind of stuff so casually. You differentiated at a much later time so your physique is highly sensitive. In addition, if you use inhibitors while you’re still underage, it would have a great impact on your body.”

Li Cheng was bullheaded, “As long as I can participate, I’m willing to accept whatever effect it’ll cost me!”

Coach Wu was so angry that he wanted to hit him, “Li Cheng, you better think clearly! I understand that you want to receive achievements but you can’t risk your body’s health and career in the future just to obtain momentary glory now!”

Faced with the combined attack of the coach and his wife, Li Cheng paused for a long time before letting out a bitter smile. 

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“Coach, missus, I’m an omega. I’ve been told since the first day I joined a swimming competition that the fifty-metre swimming pool doesn’t have room for an omega like me.

Everybody says that omegas have inferior physique and poor muscle development, that it was only natural that omegas could not dominate this kind of racing competition. Some even suggested for me to switch to synchronised swimming or diving where gender isn’t that important.

……But there’s no way. I like swimming races. I want to receive achievements. I want to use my own efforts to tell those alphas and betas who look down on me⸺‘The swimming pool only doesn’t have room for people who don’t work hard enough.”

After he finished speaking, Coach Wu could not speak a word in reply. 

It was Coach Wu who rejected all the opinions of others and took Li Cheng into the swimming team. He was not the first omega player he had brought but as Li Cheng had said, omegas would have to invest far more than what an alpha or beta had to become a champion in this field.

Some people wouldn’t be able to endure it and would switch to a different water sport, some even left the swimming pool forever.

It was only Li Cheng who persisted.

This tenacious and brash male omega who had an indomitable spirit was like an inextinguishable fire that ignited underwater. 

Anyone would hope for such a fire to burn more intensely and powerfully.

The couple looked at each other and Coach Wu nodded slightly to his wife.


After a long time, she then said, “Xiao Li, we clearly feel your desire to be in the swimming track. Old Wu is your coach and he supports your choice but as the doctor of the swimming team, I strongly disapprove of injecting you with an inhibitor.”

Li Cheng’s eyebrows scrunched together pitifully. 

He reached out his hands towards his legs and was about to pinch himself in order to force out tears when she suddenly continued.

Doctor Wang said, “However, there’s a safe and effective way that doesn’t give any side effects which I recommend you to use.”

Li Cheng nearly jumped up in excitement. He felt as if he was on a roller coaster ride, “Tell me! Tell me! I’ll do whatever way as long as I can participate!”

Doctor Wang replied, “There’s still half a month away from the competition. You can quickly find a well-suited alpha to temporarily mark you. This method is more effective than using inhibitors.” 

Li Cheng: “……Huh?”

Doctor Wang patted him on the shoulder and benevolently asked him “Shotgun puppy love, isn’t it touching?”

Ch17 - Shotgun Puppy Love

To sum it up in one sentence, Xiao Yiheng exchanged ruthless and swift blows with Li Cheng.

He was punched in the face by Li Cheng as there was simply no time for him to dodge. His teeth bit the corner of his mouth and he tasted blood at the tip of his tongue. 

It was clearly Li Cheng who had struck a violent blow but the grieving Li Cheng looked like he was the one who was beaten up. He fiercely glared at Xiao Yiheng with his round, sparkling eyes and his chest heaved frantically up and down as he cracked his fists.

“Xiao Yiheng!” Li Cheng gnashed his teeth, “Everyone who dared to make such jokes with me had already been turned into eunuchs by me!”

“Am I wrong?” Xiao Yiheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, “Your pheromones are leaking but you’re unaware of it. This clearly shows that your estrus is near. Estrus is also called the rutting season. During estrus, the pheromones secreted by an omega’s body would increase tremendously in order to attract a partner, affecting them physically and psychologically⸺This was taught in the first lesson of 《National Health Education Course》, don’t you know about it?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yiheng realised that perhaps Li Cheng didn’t know. 

After all, in the principal’s office, Li Cheng had asked the principal to exempt him from attending the health education class except that the principal had not agreed.


Li Cheng dared to even skip the main subjects. With his character, it would be normal for him to skip a few more health education classes.

As expected, Li Cheng who had been assumed to be skipping classes couldn’t stop the blush creeping over his face.

“You…… you’re talking nonsense!” His wheat-coloured skin was unable to hide the flush in his face, “I still know that estrus is twice a year! It had not been long since I had my last estrus so it’s impossible for me to have it now.”


My god, Why on earth am I discussing when will my estrus come with an alpha?

To make it worse, it’s the alpha that I hate the most!

Xiao Yiheng looked at him like he was an idiot, “……Have you never heard of ‘early estrus’?”

Li Cheng: “Fuck!” 

He turned around and ran, stepping onto the ladder and stealthily fleeing back to school. He didn’t even leave a single word to Xiao Yiheng whom he had left behind, only giving Yiheng the view of his back as he escaped in a panic.

Xiao Yiheng was punched for nothing and the corner of his lips became visibly bruised.

He grazed the corner of his lips with his fingers as he unhurriedly took out his phone and took a picture of the wooden ladder.

Recipient: Principal Xu Wanli. 

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Within a minute, Principal Xu called.

Xiao Yiheng answered the phone with a calm voice.

“Hello principal. Yes, yes. I found it in the alley outside of school. I’ve checked it and found footprints on it. Someone should have used it recently…… Mm, right. I’m also worried that there’s a thief…… Okay, I’ll wait for the security to take away the ladder.”

It was unknown what the principal had said on the other end of the line but Xiao Yiheng’s lips curled into a slight smile as he quietly said, “I’m afraid that tightening security wouldn’t be enough. This is a blind stop. They carried the ladder today so they could also easily bring a new one tomorrow.” 

The boy looked up at the school’s wall.

The red bricks and black roof tiles were covered with vines. On the wall, a huge gray footprint could also be seen.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“I suggest that,” A spark of mischief flashed in his eyes as he continued, “It’d be better to put up barbed wires and install a CCTV in this area.”


Li Cheng dashed to his dormitory like his ass was on fire.

There was no one in the dormitory, so he closed the door and immediately called their team doctor, Doctor Wang, before his heartbeat could even slow down.

Doctor Wang was an omega. She was not only the team doctor of the school’s swimming team, but she was also Coach Wu’s wife. They worked in perfect harmony, sending outstanding swimmers for competitions every year.

As soon as the phone call was connected, Teacher Wang’s gentle voice came through the phone. 

“Xiao Li, what’s the matter?”

Li Cheng’s throat bobbed and he stuttered out, “Missus, I-I seem to be having an early estrus.”

The sound of flipping through documents could be heard on the other end of the phone.

“Are you sure?” Doctor Wang said, “According to my records, your last estrus was more than three months ago. Under normal circumstances, your estrus period should still be two months away.” 

“I… I’m actually quite unsure,” Li Cheng nervously spoke, “but my physical strength was worse than normal during training today; I get easily angered recently⸺Well, I’m usually easily angered but most importantly, I ran into an alpha earlier and he told me that he could smell the pheromones on my body but I couldn’t smell it myself.”

“Sensitive, irritable, fatigue and involuntary release of pheromones.” Doctor Wang recorded his symptoms, gliding the pen across the paper, “If it’s like this, it really seems like you’re having symptoms of an early estrus.”

The most difficult thing for an omega would be their estrus. The physiques of omegas were different from one another. They would have two to three estrus periods every year with each lasting for about three to ten days. The arrival of the estrus period signified that the body had fully matured and the omega’s pheromone secretion would greatly increase for a short period of time.

When the estrus period was near, omegas who were not comforted by an alpha would be more irritable, sensitive, mistrustful and physically weak. Some people would also have a persistent low fever and would exhibit nest-building behaviour. 

“Missus, what should I do!” Li Cheng nearly went mad with worry, “The coach told me today that there’ll be a provincial competition early next month which is very important! If I can win the championship, I can enter the national team for training! But if my estrus period is also at that time…”

Li Cheng was an all-rounder swimmer, but he was best at freestyle. He had formidable explosive power but his stamina was slightly lacking so he specialised in short-course competitions. He had four races to participate in: 50m, 100m, 200m freestyle and an individual medley!

However, the prerequisite for him to compete as normal was that he must not be in the middle of his estrus period.

“Xiao Li, don’t worry.” Doctor Wang comforted him, “Don’t go to class tomorrow, just go straight to the infirmary. I’ll run a test on you first. If it’s confirmed that you’re having an early estrus, let’s think of a way together.” 


Li Cheng’s sleep was riddled with worries that night. The next day, he got up with a grunt as soon as the alarm rang, shocking his three roommates.


“Li Cheng, why did you get up so early?”

“Did the sun rise from the west today?” 

“Waking up this early, you’re not actually planning to study this early right?”

Li Cheng laughed, “I heard that the cafeteria will be selling a limited number of steamed sugar buns today so I’m planning to scramble for one.”

“Steamed sugar buns?” The lil’ fatty’s mouth watered at the mention of food, “Then I have to go early!”

Li Cheng left the dormitory with them but when his roommates lined up at the cafeteria, he immediately turned towards the infirmary. 

Doctor Wang and Coach Wu were both inside the infirmary. When they saw him, both of them surrounded him at the same time.

Coach Wu sniffed the air, “Li Cheng, don’t be overly suspicious. I can’t seem to smell any pheromones on your body.”

Doctor Wang struck him on the shoulder, “You’re a beta. Your sensitivity to pheromones isn’t as high as alphas and omegas. Besides, it’s also possible for pheromone secretion to be unstable during an early estrus. A test is necessary before we can be completely sure.”

Li Cheng immediately rolled up his sleeves, revealing his bulging biceps as he impatiently said, “Quickly draw my blood, hurry.” 

Doctor Wang drew a tube of blood and placed it in the device that was specifically used to detect estrus period. Within ten minutes, the result had already come out.

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⸺“The pheromone secretions really seem to be increasing significantly.” Doctor Wang spoke with a grave expression, “Moreover, it seems that this increase is only the prelude. There would be a greater upsurge in the later period. The peak of your estrus is estimated to be early next month.”

Unfortunately, the competition also happened to be at that time.

This was truly too terrible. 

Coach Wu Xu looked at his dear student and sighed, “Li Cheng, if you can’t participate this time….”

“There’s no next time!” Li Cheng wilfully insisted, “The International High School Sports Competition is only held every four years. If I don’t participate in this one, there won’t be a next one!”

“It’s fine.” Wu Xu consoled him, “If you can’t join the high school competition, you can still join the varsity competition. Once you go to university, with your abilities, you’ll definitely get the opportunity to represent the country.”

“It’s different.” The boy fixed his gaze at his coach, “When I compete at that time, I’ll be representing a different school; When I stand on the winner’s podium with a medal, they won’t say ‘Look, the student that Wu Xu had brought won the world championship!’” 

For Li Cheng to say such a thing was completely out of Coach Wu’s expectations.

The naughty brat who seemed like he was always laughing and was completely proud of infuriating the coach actually had a soft and sincere heart.


He didn’t regard his achievements as his own. All his achievements belonged to his coach who treated him as his own son.

HC1’s Li ge not only avenged grudges, he also repaid gratitude. 

“Missus,” Li Cheng pondered for a while before asking, “I heard that some athletes can get an injection when they’re having estrus during competition. The estrus wouldn’t come right? I want to have that!”

Doctor Wang immediately knew what he was talking about, “Are you talking about the pheromone inhibitor that can delay the estrus period?”

An omega’s estrus period could greatly affect their normal life, work and studies. Both the omega and the alphas around them would be affected by the omega’s pheromones. Thus, many decades ago, inhibitors were developed and changed the world.

The usage of pheromone inhibitors before the estrus period could completely delay the estrus period. For omega soldiers and athletes, the invention of inhibitors had greatly lightened their physiological burden, allowing them to wholeheartedly invest themselves in their work. 

Doctor Wang warned, “Xiao Li, you can’t take that kind of stuff so casually. You differentiated at a much later time so your physique is highly sensitive. In addition, if you use inhibitors while you’re still underage, it would have a great impact on your body.”

Li Cheng was bullheaded, “As long as I can participate, I’m willing to accept whatever effect it’ll cost me!”

Coach Wu was so angry that he wanted to hit him, “Li Cheng, you better think clearly! I understand that you want to receive achievements but you can’t risk your body’s health and career in the future just to obtain momentary glory now!”

Faced with the combined attack of the coach and his wife, Li Cheng paused for a long time before letting out a bitter smile. 

“Coach, missus, I’m an omega. I’ve been told since the first day I joined a swimming competition that the fifty-metre swimming pool doesn’t have room for an omega like me.

Everybody says that omegas have inferior physique and poor muscle development, that it was only natural that omegas could not dominate this kind of racing competition. Some even suggested for me to switch to synchronised swimming or diving where gender isn’t that important.

……But there’s no way. I like swimming races. I want to receive achievements. I want to use my own efforts to tell those alphas and betas who look down on me⸺‘The swimming pool only doesn’t have room for people who don’t work hard enough.”

After he finished speaking, Coach Wu could not speak a word in reply. 

It was Coach Wu who rejected all the opinions of others and took Li Cheng into the swimming team. He was not the first omega player he had brought but as Li Cheng had said, omegas would have to invest far more than what an alpha or beta had to become a champion in this field.

Some people wouldn’t be able to endure it and would switch to a different water sport, some even left the swimming pool forever.

It was only Li Cheng who persisted.

This tenacious and brash male omega who had an indomitable spirit was like an inextinguishable fire that ignited underwater. 

Anyone would hope for such a fire to burn more intensely and powerfully.

The couple looked at each other and Coach Wu nodded slightly to his wife.


After a long time, she then said, “Xiao Li, we clearly feel your desire to be in the swimming track. Old Wu is your coach and he supports your choice but as the doctor of the swimming team, I strongly disapprove of injecting you with an inhibitor.”

Li Cheng’s eyebrows scrunched together pitifully. 

He reached out his hands towards his legs and was about to pinch himself in order to force out tears when she suddenly continued.

Doctor Wang said, “However, there’s a safe and effective way that doesn’t give any side effects which I recommend you to use.”

Li Cheng nearly jumped up in excitement. He felt as if he was on a roller coaster ride, “Tell me! Tell me! I’ll do whatever way as long as I can participate!”

Doctor Wang replied, “There’s still half a month away from the competition. You can quickly find a well-suited alpha to temporarily mark you. This method is more effective than using inhibitors.” 

Li Cheng: “……Huh?”

Doctor Wang patted him on the shoulder and benevolently asked him “Shotgun puppy love, isn’t it touching?”

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