This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 2: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch2 - You don’t hit omegas? But this omega will hit you!

“Li ge, I heard that you caught the thief all by yourself?”

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“Li ge, is the thief an alpha or a beta?” 

“Is there any difference between an alpha and a beta for our Li ge? They would still suffer defeat at the hands of Li ge!”

“The Sports Committee member from the neighbouring class had talked big last time, claiming that he would definitely catch the thief within three days. I just went to have a look and saw that his face was livid with anger!”



“Our Li ge is strong so he can deal with that kind of scoundrel with just two or three strikes!”

The whole class enthusiastically flattered and praised Li ge. 

Li Cheng enjoyed it tremendously. The grievances he had suffered from the principal were instantly thrown to the back of his mind.


He who won the hearts of the people would win the throne. Look at him. He, Li Cheng had so many people under his rule!

Li Cheng’s seat was in the last row of the classroom. Their classroom had a lot of space thus the seats weren’t close to the wall and there was a few square metres of empty space behind Li Cheng. The school had left this empty space for the students to set up a reading corner, clothes rack, shelves, and student announcements. Now, however, this empty space had become Li Cheng’s own back garden. His sports shoes and sports bag had been thrown at a corner. His dumbbells, protein powder and so on were all over the space.

And now, there was suddenly a new addition to his pile of things — a huge bouquet and several boxes of snacks.


The Logistics Department’s security guard had pushed a cart with a clatter and brought these things over, saying that someone had delivered it to the school gate and had asked to give it to Li Cheng.

A mere glance at these things made Li Cheng retch in disgust. He could guess who had sent them even by just thinking with his toes.

He asked his lil’ brother to open up the boxes of snacks which were filled with biscuits and all kinds of candies. The packaging was bright and colourful. It could be seen with just a glance that they were snacks that omegas liked the most. Li Cheng could feel his blood sugar level rising rapidly by just looking at it.

As for the bouquet, a handwritten card had been wedged between the flowers. The handwriting was aggressive and the characters were all over the place, like a huge dismemberment scene. 

Li Cheng’s eyes twitched and he tossed the card to one of his lil’ brothers, “Read.”

The lil’ brother respectfully read it out loudly, “Lil’ Orange, be my boyfriend! I will wait for you at the school gate tonight~ [heart][heart][smile][heart]”

Li Cheng got goosebumps all over his body, “Throw! Throw it away!”

Lil’ brother: “Okay!” 

The lil’ brother swiftly tore the corny love letter. At the bottom of the letter where the signature was, two words that had been written closely together had escaped the fate of being torn to shreds. It was ‘Wei Rong’.

The surrounding people weren’t surprised and no one took the love letter seriously.

It should be known that Li Cheng was very influential in five schools that were within a radius of five kilometres. The only time that he suffered a setback was with Wei Rong, this dunce.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wei Rong was studying at a sports school that was three blocks away from Huacheng No.1 Senior High School. Before Li Cheng appeared, Wei Rong had been the area’s kingpin. He could eat anything he wanted in the food street without paying a single cent. 

However, when Li Cheng entered senior high school, this pretty-faced lil’ tyrant speedily seized control of the surrounding schools that was a part of Wei Rong’s turf.

Out of humiliation, Wei Rong flew into a rage and issued a fight challenge to Li Cheng. On a moonless and windy night, the two brought twenty of their underlings and met in People’s Square to have a fight for supremacy.


For this battle of the century, Wei Rong had prepared several bricks. However, when he first caught sight of Li Cheng, his heart instantly sped up to  180kmh. Then, it fell into the enemy’s hands.

Wei Rong’s face flushed with anger as he asked his lil’ brothers, “Why has no one ever told me that Li Cheng is an omega? And that he’s this good-looking?” 

He looked at Li Cheng again and coyly stammered, “I… I’m a man of principle. I’m an alpha so I don’t hit omegas!”

Li Cheng smilingly asked, “Oh? Is that so?”

Then, Li Cheng wordlessly gave him a swift kick directly to his chest.

The alpha who underestimated the enemy was caught off guard so he was kicked to the ground. 

Li Cheng stepped on Wei Rong’s chest, condescendingly looked down at him and sneeringly repeated, “You don’t hit omegas? But this omega will hit you!”

The two sides fought one another.

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In the end, Li Cheng had an overwhelming victory.

Describing it as an ‘overwhelming victory’ was not entirely correct because from start to finish, Wei Rong did not fight back. He merely stared at Li Cheng with a nauseating and creepy gaze. 

Frightened by his gaze, Li Cheng was riddled with nightmares for several days.

From that day onwards, Li Cheng would receive a love letter from Wei Rong every few days, each new letter more direct than the previous one.

To this, Li Cheng had only one answer — “Bah! Stay away from Laozi!”


Li Cheng didn’t touch even one of the snacks that were sent by Wei Rong. He asked his people to share the snacks to the students in his class. As there were too many, several neighbouring classrooms also benefited and they received a lot of potato chips and chocolates.

As for the bouquet, the class monitor took the approach of making good use of waste materials. He gave it to the class teacher and said that it was a token of appreciation from the whole class.

The class teacher was only surprised and wasn’t delighted, immediately sneezing after holding the bunch of roses. That night, the class teacher gave them two more math papers to complete.


After an intense day of classes, Xiao Yiheng bid goodbye to his classmates, packed his school bag and walked out of the classroom.

Xiao Yiheng had been popular in his school before he went abroad. He previously thought that his classmates would feel estranged from him after not seeing each other for a year. However, after returning, his classmates’ gazes towards him had become all the more enthusiastic.


However, despite their enthusiasm, Xiao Yiheng remained as indifferent as before, opting to distance himself from the crowd.

Huacheng No.1 Senior High School was a boarding school. Only a small minority of students who had special circumstances were allowed to stay outside. However, this wasn’t a problem for Xiao Yiheng. When he wanted to live outside, the class teacher approved his application without further ado, allowing him to return back home every day. 

Not many students had this privilege. Every day, the school gate would be deserted after classes.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t expect that he would see an ‘interesting show’ as soon as he stepped out of the school gate.

—— “Hey, bookworm! Where the fuck did the potato chips in your hands come from?!”

A grumpy voice sounded. Xiao Yiheng followed the sound of the voice only to see that in an alley outside the school gate, a youth who was dressed like a hooligan was cornering a spectacled boy who was wearing a school uniform. 

The spectacled boy wasn’t actually short, but he had a slightly hunched posture. He was as thin as a rack, wearing a school uniform that was as loose as a burlap bag. He looked extremely listless. He was wearing thick glasses, his bowl-cut hair covered his forehead and his whole body gave off the aura of a ‘bookworm’.

“Po…potato chips?” The bookworm cowered in fright, tightly held the potato chips in his arms and stammeringly said, “It was given by a student from the neighbouring classroom.”

The hooligan had dyed his hair red, like a rooster. When he spoke, it seemed like he was crowing, “Who’s the student from your neighbouring classroom?” He asked, “Did Li Cheng give it to you?”

“N-no!” The bookworm was terrified. He stepped back, pressing himself against the wall and shook his head in response, “I know Li Cheng, but Li Cheng doesn’t know me. Why would he give me potato chips?” 

“Nonsense! Laozi had asked someone to bring this potato chip back from overseas. It can’t be bought online! I just fucking sent it this morning and this evening, you brought it out. If Li Cheng didn’t give it to you, then you must have fucking stolen it!” The red-haired hooligan managed to accurately insert a profanity into every sentence that he spoke.

He spoke extremely fast, like a profanity-thrower. Swear words reverberated in the alley like a song that wouldn’t stop playing in people’s head.

Faced with his question, the bookworm actually pushed down his glasses and blankly answered, “This student, your logic is flawed. Either-or can only be used in a black-and-white issue. However, this potato chips being given to me by Li Cheng and me stealing Li Cheng’s potato chips, these two situations, can’t form a complete two-layer chain of reasoning. You deliberately overlooked other possibilities. For example, there might be two of this potato chip that looks exactly the same. The one I have now just happened to be the same as Li Cheng’s potato chip. Another possibility is that Li Cheng didn’t like the potato chips you sent so he gave it to someone else and that someone gave it to me.”

It was obvious that he was frightened until his legs were trembling, but with his one-track mind, he insisted on clearly explaining why the hooligan’s logic was flawed. 

The outcome was that the red-haired hooligan was shamed into anger and raised his hand to heavily shove the bookworm.

With a thud, the back of the bookworm’s head bumped into the wall and he grunted in pain. His whole body was aching so much that he curled up his body. It seemed like he hit himself hard.

Seeing that the situation was worsening, Xiao Yiheng was unable to stand by and watch.

He immediately shouted, “Stop.” 

His tone was ice-cold and his voice was not loud, but it was enough to shock them.

It caught the red-haired hooligan’s attention so he turned his head to look over. When he saw the tall and lean Xiao Yiheng, he was frightened at first but when he saw the school uniform he was wearing, his worry instantly dissipated.


He spoke with ridicule, “Oh, here comes another weak bookworm.”

Xiao Yiheng didn’t pay any heed to his childish provocation. He walked over and stood in front of the student who was being bullied, whispering, “You leave first.” 

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The bookworm hastily nodded, picked up the schoolbag that had fallen to the ground and turned around wanting to escape.

“Did anyone let you leave?!” The hooligan grabbed the bookworm’s schoolbag’s strap, “Laozi hasn’t finished asking you and yet you dare to leave?!”

While he was threatening the bookworm, he unscrupulously released his body’s pheromones —— He was an alpha, and at this moment, he was using his pheromone to force the other person to submit.

Sure enough, as he had expected, the weak bookworm couldn’t resist the onslaught of his pheromones. The bookworm’s legs became weak and his eyes became dazed. 

The hooligan initially thought that the busybody Xiao Yiheng would also cower under the attack of his pheromones but Xiao Yiheng didn’t even move an inch. The next second, an extremely oppressive pheromone spread through the air and swept across the furious hooligan.

He was left incapable of breaking free, powerless to resist, and unable to evade.

Xiao Yiheng’s pheromone was the same as his temperament. It was an extremely cold scent, like a desolate pine in a snowfield that spanned thousands of miles, loftily braving through the cold winds.

However, Xiao Yiheng rarely released his pheromone. If the hooligan hadn’t provoked him, Xiao Yiheng would not use this method to attack him. 

The hooligan was unable to stop himself from shaking.

He was so angered that his eyes seemed to pop out and cold sweat was dripping on his back like a river. He forced out a few words through his gritted teeth, “You… Why are you being a busybody?

Xiao Yiheng indifferently replied, “I’m not being a busybody.”

As someone from Huacheng No.1 Senior High School, it was only natural that he couldn’t stand by and watch his junior being bullied. 

However, the hooligan understood his intentions wrongly.

“I know!” The hooligan gritted his teeth as his legs trembled. It was clear that he couldn’t stand straight under the oppression of Xiao Yiheng’s pheromone, but he still raised his weakly clenched fist and threw a punch, “Are you having an affair with Li Cheng?!!!!”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Xiao Yiheng moved sideways to evade his attack and said in a low voice, “I think your logic is truly too flawed.” 

Ch2 - You don’t hit omegas? But this omega will hit you!

“Li ge, I heard that you caught the thief all by yourself?”

“Li ge, is the thief an alpha or a beta?” 

“Is there any difference between an alpha and a beta for our Li ge? They would still suffer defeat at the hands of Li ge!”

“The Sports Committee member from the neighbouring class had talked big last time, claiming that he would definitely catch the thief within three days. I just went to have a look and saw that his face was livid with anger!”



“Our Li ge is strong so he can deal with that kind of scoundrel with just two or three strikes!”

The whole class enthusiastically flattered and praised Li ge. 

Li Cheng enjoyed it tremendously. The grievances he had suffered from the principal were instantly thrown to the back of his mind.


He who won the hearts of the people would win the throne. Look at him. He, Li Cheng had so many people under his rule!

Li Cheng’s seat was in the last row of the classroom. Their classroom had a lot of space thus the seats weren’t close to the wall and there was a few square metres of empty space behind Li Cheng. The school had left this empty space for the students to set up a reading corner, clothes rack, shelves, and student announcements. Now, however, this empty space had become Li Cheng’s own back garden. His sports shoes and sports bag had been thrown at a corner. His dumbbells, protein powder and so on were all over the space.

And now, there was suddenly a new addition to his pile of things — a huge bouquet and several boxes of snacks.


The Logistics Department’s security guard had pushed a cart with a clatter and brought these things over, saying that someone had delivered it to the school gate and had asked to give it to Li Cheng.

A mere glance at these things made Li Cheng retch in disgust. He could guess who had sent them even by just thinking with his toes.

He asked his lil’ brother to open up the boxes of snacks which were filled with biscuits and all kinds of candies. The packaging was bright and colourful. It could be seen with just a glance that they were snacks that omegas liked the most. Li Cheng could feel his blood sugar level rising rapidly by just looking at it.

As for the bouquet, a handwritten card had been wedged between the flowers. The handwriting was aggressive and the characters were all over the place, like a huge dismemberment scene. 

Li Cheng’s eyes twitched and he tossed the card to one of his lil’ brothers, “Read.”

The lil’ brother respectfully read it out loudly, “Lil’ Orange, be my boyfriend! I will wait for you at the school gate tonight~ [heart][heart][smile][heart]”

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Li Cheng got goosebumps all over his body, “Throw! Throw it away!”

Lil’ brother: “Okay!” 

The lil’ brother swiftly tore the corny love letter. At the bottom of the letter where the signature was, two words that had been written closely together had escaped the fate of being torn to shreds. It was ‘Wei Rong’.

The surrounding people weren’t surprised and no one took the love letter seriously.

It should be known that Li Cheng was very influential in five schools that were within a radius of five kilometres. The only time that he suffered a setback was with Wei Rong, this dunce.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wei Rong was studying at a sports school that was three blocks away from Huacheng No.1 Senior High School. Before Li Cheng appeared, Wei Rong had been the area’s kingpin. He could eat anything he wanted in the food street without paying a single cent. 

However, when Li Cheng entered senior high school, this pretty-faced lil’ tyrant speedily seized control of the surrounding schools that was a part of Wei Rong’s turf.

Out of humiliation, Wei Rong flew into a rage and issued a fight challenge to Li Cheng. On a moonless and windy night, the two brought twenty of their underlings and met in People’s Square to have a fight for supremacy.


For this battle of the century, Wei Rong had prepared several bricks. However, when he first caught sight of Li Cheng, his heart instantly sped up to  180kmh. Then, it fell into the enemy’s hands.

Wei Rong’s face flushed with anger as he asked his lil’ brothers, “Why has no one ever told me that Li Cheng is an omega? And that he’s this good-looking?” 

He looked at Li Cheng again and coyly stammered, “I… I’m a man of principle. I’m an alpha so I don’t hit omegas!”

Li Cheng smilingly asked, “Oh? Is that so?”

Then, Li Cheng wordlessly gave him a swift kick directly to his chest.

The alpha who underestimated the enemy was caught off guard so he was kicked to the ground. 

Li Cheng stepped on Wei Rong’s chest, condescendingly looked down at him and sneeringly repeated, “You don’t hit omegas? But this omega will hit you!”

The two sides fought one another.

In the end, Li Cheng had an overwhelming victory.

Describing it as an ‘overwhelming victory’ was not entirely correct because from start to finish, Wei Rong did not fight back. He merely stared at Li Cheng with a nauseating and creepy gaze. 

Frightened by his gaze, Li Cheng was riddled with nightmares for several days.

From that day onwards, Li Cheng would receive a love letter from Wei Rong every few days, each new letter more direct than the previous one.

To this, Li Cheng had only one answer — “Bah! Stay away from Laozi!”


Li Cheng didn’t touch even one of the snacks that were sent by Wei Rong. He asked his people to share the snacks to the students in his class. As there were too many, several neighbouring classrooms also benefited and they received a lot of potato chips and chocolates.

As for the bouquet, the class monitor took the approach of making good use of waste materials. He gave it to the class teacher and said that it was a token of appreciation from the whole class.

The class teacher was only surprised and wasn’t delighted, immediately sneezing after holding the bunch of roses. That night, the class teacher gave them two more math papers to complete.


After an intense day of classes, Xiao Yiheng bid goodbye to his classmates, packed his school bag and walked out of the classroom.

Xiao Yiheng had been popular in his school before he went abroad. He previously thought that his classmates would feel estranged from him after not seeing each other for a year. However, after returning, his classmates’ gazes towards him had become all the more enthusiastic.


However, despite their enthusiasm, Xiao Yiheng remained as indifferent as before, opting to distance himself from the crowd.

Huacheng No.1 Senior High School was a boarding school. Only a small minority of students who had special circumstances were allowed to stay outside. However, this wasn’t a problem for Xiao Yiheng. When he wanted to live outside, the class teacher approved his application without further ado, allowing him to return back home every day. 

Not many students had this privilege. Every day, the school gate would be deserted after classes.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t expect that he would see an ‘interesting show’ as soon as he stepped out of the school gate.

—— “Hey, bookworm! Where the fuck did the potato chips in your hands come from?!”

A grumpy voice sounded. Xiao Yiheng followed the sound of the voice only to see that in an alley outside the school gate, a youth who was dressed like a hooligan was cornering a spectacled boy who was wearing a school uniform. 

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The spectacled boy wasn’t actually short, but he had a slightly hunched posture. He was as thin as a rack, wearing a school uniform that was as loose as a burlap bag. He looked extremely listless. He was wearing thick glasses, his bowl-cut hair covered his forehead and his whole body gave off the aura of a ‘bookworm’.

“Po…potato chips?” The bookworm cowered in fright, tightly held the potato chips in his arms and stammeringly said, “It was given by a student from the neighbouring classroom.”

The hooligan had dyed his hair red, like a rooster. When he spoke, it seemed like he was crowing, “Who’s the student from your neighbouring classroom?” He asked, “Did Li Cheng give it to you?”

“N-no!” The bookworm was terrified. He stepped back, pressing himself against the wall and shook his head in response, “I know Li Cheng, but Li Cheng doesn’t know me. Why would he give me potato chips?” 

“Nonsense! Laozi had asked someone to bring this potato chip back from overseas. It can’t be bought online! I just fucking sent it this morning and this evening, you brought it out. If Li Cheng didn’t give it to you, then you must have fucking stolen it!” The red-haired hooligan managed to accurately insert a profanity into every sentence that he spoke.

He spoke extremely fast, like a profanity-thrower. Swear words reverberated in the alley like a song that wouldn’t stop playing in people’s head.

Faced with his question, the bookworm actually pushed down his glasses and blankly answered, “This student, your logic is flawed. Either-or can only be used in a black-and-white issue. However, this potato chips being given to me by Li Cheng and me stealing Li Cheng’s potato chips, these two situations, can’t form a complete two-layer chain of reasoning. You deliberately overlooked other possibilities. For example, there might be two of this potato chip that looks exactly the same. The one I have now just happened to be the same as Li Cheng’s potato chip. Another possibility is that Li Cheng didn’t like the potato chips you sent so he gave it to someone else and that someone gave it to me.”

It was obvious that he was frightened until his legs were trembling, but with his one-track mind, he insisted on clearly explaining why the hooligan’s logic was flawed. 

The outcome was that the red-haired hooligan was shamed into anger and raised his hand to heavily shove the bookworm.

With a thud, the back of the bookworm’s head bumped into the wall and he grunted in pain. His whole body was aching so much that he curled up his body. It seemed like he hit himself hard.

Seeing that the situation was worsening, Xiao Yiheng was unable to stand by and watch.

He immediately shouted, “Stop.” 

His tone was ice-cold and his voice was not loud, but it was enough to shock them.

It caught the red-haired hooligan’s attention so he turned his head to look over. When he saw the tall and lean Xiao Yiheng, he was frightened at first but when he saw the school uniform he was wearing, his worry instantly dissipated.


He spoke with ridicule, “Oh, here comes another weak bookworm.”

Xiao Yiheng didn’t pay any heed to his childish provocation. He walked over and stood in front of the student who was being bullied, whispering, “You leave first.” 

The bookworm hastily nodded, picked up the schoolbag that had fallen to the ground and turned around wanting to escape.

“Did anyone let you leave?!” The hooligan grabbed the bookworm’s schoolbag’s strap, “Laozi hasn’t finished asking you and yet you dare to leave?!”

While he was threatening the bookworm, he unscrupulously released his body’s pheromones —— He was an alpha, and at this moment, he was using his pheromone to force the other person to submit.

Sure enough, as he had expected, the weak bookworm couldn’t resist the onslaught of his pheromones. The bookworm’s legs became weak and his eyes became dazed. 

The hooligan initially thought that the busybody Xiao Yiheng would also cower under the attack of his pheromones but Xiao Yiheng didn’t even move an inch. The next second, an extremely oppressive pheromone spread through the air and swept across the furious hooligan.

He was left incapable of breaking free, powerless to resist, and unable to evade.

Xiao Yiheng’s pheromone was the same as his temperament. It was an extremely cold scent, like a desolate pine in a snowfield that spanned thousands of miles, loftily braving through the cold winds.

However, Xiao Yiheng rarely released his pheromone. If the hooligan hadn’t provoked him, Xiao Yiheng would not use this method to attack him. 

The hooligan was unable to stop himself from shaking.

He was so angered that his eyes seemed to pop out and cold sweat was dripping on his back like a river. He forced out a few words through his gritted teeth, “You… Why are you being a busybody?

Xiao Yiheng indifferently replied, “I’m not being a busybody.”

As someone from Huacheng No.1 Senior High School, it was only natural that he couldn’t stand by and watch his junior being bullied. 

However, the hooligan understood his intentions wrongly.

“I know!” The hooligan gritted his teeth as his legs trembled. It was clear that he couldn’t stand straight under the oppression of Xiao Yiheng’s pheromone, but he still raised his weakly clenched fist and threw a punch, “Are you having an affair with Li Cheng?!!!!”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Xiao Yiheng moved sideways to evade his attack and said in a low voice, “I think your logic is truly too flawed.” 

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