This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 3: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch3 - Haunted By Li Cheng

The next morning, Li Cheng was late again.

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When he arrived, the first class was already halfway over and the teacher was writing swiftly on the blackboard. 

When other students were late, they would carefully and cautiously sneak through the back door while the teacher wasn’t looking. However, Li Cheng heedlessly walked through the front door. The teacher couldn’t do anything about him so following the old adage that ‘what is out of sight is out of mind’, he was asked to immediately go to his seat.

Li Cheng had hardly warmed up his seat when his beta lil’ brothers sitting in front of him turned their heads and looked at him with reverence.


He was frightened by their burning gaze so he asked, “What are you guys doing?”

Lil’ brother A grinned and gave him a thumbs-up, “Li ge, you’re fucking amazing!” 

Li Cheng: ???


Li Cheng feigned calmness as he questioned, “Tell me, what exactly am I amazing at?”

Lil’ brother B replied, “Don’t be humble. Last night’s incident had already been widely spread throughout the whole school!”

Li Cheng was inwardly baffled. What did he do last night? He had been so worn out after last night’s training that he fell asleep as soon as he lay on the bed. He didn’t even have time to do the daily quests in his game.


Before he could continue asking, lil’ brother C already spoke of his heroic deed.

“Someone ran into Wei Rong in the hospital last night! His face was badly bruised and he had his arm in a sling as he walked with a limp!”

Lil’ brother C beamed with joy, using his critical thinking to deduce the truth of the matter, “Li ge must have done it! That guy is a toad wishing to eat swan meat. You’ve long regarded him as an eyesore! He wanted to meet you at the school gate last night so you went to confront him by yourself. You beat him so hard until he’s prostrating himself in admiration and crying out in hunger. Then, you gave him the final blow! You beat him into a pulp for him to never harass you again, right?”

Li Cheng: “……” 

Li Cheng: ???

Li Cheng awkwardly cleared his throat, intending to clarify, but when he saw the look of adoration on his lil’ brothers faces, the words that were about to spill out of his mouth slipped back in.

He nonchalantly waved his hand, “Alright, cut it out. Do I still need you to publicise such a trivial matter?”

Lil’ brother C clicked his tongue, “He’s an alpha!” 

Li Cheng was indifferent, “So what if he’s an alpha? For Wei Rong, this kind of trash, I only need to use one hand to knock him down.”

“Li ge is truly outstanding!”

“Alright, quiet down. It’s self-study time.” Li Cheng was impatient but pleased, “Oh, right. It seems like you’ve recently made quick progress in Chinese. The idioms you used are pretty good.”

Li Cheng had never listened in class. He lay on his desk as he pondered the whole morning. However, he was unable to figure out who was the kind person who beat Wei Rong into a pulp. 

But it didn’t matter. Li Cheng had long been fed up with Wei Rong. With someone enforcing justice according to heaven’s will, Li Cheng was only too glad to be rid of him.

He hoped that Wei Rong could remain well-behaved for a while and stop disturbing him this time around.



At this time, in the third years’ academic building. 

Xiao Yiheng opened his exercise book and was just about to start answering when he overheard a girl in his class sharing gossip.

“Have you seen the campus forum?” The girl exclaimed, “Last night at the school gate, Li Cheng, that really famous omega second-year student, beat the alpha who was wooing him into a pulp!”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Xiao Yiheng: ??? 

Who? Who did?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Students had heavy schoolwork in senior high school. Hence, the time slots for music, arts and physical education, this three electives, were highly contested by all the teachers teaching core subjects.

Every Monday, the teachers teaching core subjects would crowd in front of the school timetable and pretentiously say, “Oh, the timetable! Let’s see which lucky elective teacher had fallen sick this week.” 

It was only the second year’s Class 13⸺which is Li Cheng’s class⸺whose elective teachers had never ‘fallen sick’.

They had no choice. Who let Li Cheng be the school tyrant? He would go on a violent rampage if things didn’t go the way he wanted to. Who would dare deprive him of music, arts and P.E.?

Backed by his presence, the Class 13 students had three elective subjects every week.

It was Wednesday and they had an art class in the afternoon. 

The arts teacher, Qiu Xian, was an omega. She was in the eighth month of her pregnancy so her body was delicate and weak. She couldn’t work for long periods of time. Therefore, the past several weeks, she had only taught them how to draw stationary objects⸺merely placing several vases, jars, apples and bananas on the table. Each student had a brush and a drawing paper so that they could be well-behaved during the whole class.

She was aware that this group of children didn’t come to the art class to learn how to draw, but to chill, chat around, play with their phones and quietly talk about relationships. Thus, every time she went to class, she would turn a blind eye. As long as they didn’t make the classroom a mess, they could do whatever they wanted.

Qiu Xian set up her canvas in the corner of the studio and quietly painted.

Not long after, a pair of sparkling eyes appeared on her canvas. 

“Teacher Qiu!” Li Cheng, whose blond hair was like that of a lion, grinned cheekily and asked, “Can we discuss something? Every class, everyone has to draw those rotten apples and bananas. Everyone’s gotten sick and tired of drawing them.”

Qiu Xian asked him: “If you don’t draw unmoving objects, then what should you guys draw?”


Li Cheng suggested, “Draw a person!”

Qiu Xian mulled it over and agreed, “Fair enough. There are still a few statues in the cabinet. You can take them out…” 

“No no no. What I meant is⸺” Li Cheng pointed at himself, “⸺Draw a ‘person’, a living person.”

It was only then that Qiu Xian realised what he wanted to do. She laughed, “You want to be the model? Let everyone draw you?” The brat was rather too narcissistic. “You can’t move an inch while modeling. Can you sit still?”

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“Why can’t I?” Li Cheng raised his brows, “Don’t underestimate me!”

As such, the class task of second year’s Class 13 changed from vases, jars, apples and bananas to a living person. 

Li Cheng sat on a chair in the middle of the class, casually crossed his legs and folded his arms, assumed a handsome and confident appearance, and then told his classmates, “Come on, draw me!”

He didn’t ask his classmates if they were willing to sketch him or not. He was a school tyrant so his opinion was everyone’s opinion.

Hence, the students looked helplessly at each other, picked up their brush, and struggled to draw Li Cheng on their papers.

However, they weren’t good at arts. Their drawings of still objects were already warped so how could they have the ability to draw a person? 

When Li Cheng got tired of sitting still, he paced around the class with his hands clasped behind his back to inspect and saw ugly, weirdly-shaped drawings of him.

Li Cheng: “……”

Li Cheng thought, Could it be that I have a misconception of my own appearance? But I remember that the person I saw in the mirror was neither cross-eyed nor did he have a bulbous nose. And with such a square face, are they drawing me or SpongeBob?

Unfortunately, his beta lil’ brothers held their abstract portraits and ingratiatingly asked for his comments, “Li ge, what do you think?” 

Li ge thinks that it really is not up to much.

Before Li Cheng got angry, Qiu Xian caught him and reprimanded, “How could there be a model like you? Slipping away after persisting for only a couple of minutes?”

Li Cheng didn’t dare to quarrel with the pregnant arts teacher so he softly muttered, “Who could persist sitting motionless for so long?”

Qiu Xian smilingly answered, “There are people who can.” 

After saying that, she turned around and took out a stack of drawing papers from the cabinet and handed it to him, “These quick sketches had been drawn by the third year’s Class 1 students.

Li Cheng was astonished, “Students can still take art classes in their third year?”


Qiu Xian quipped, “School tyrants are privileged so naturally, top students are also privileged.”

School tyrant: “……” 

Li Cheng inwardly cursed as he took the sketches and looked at it.

The sketches were of the same person.

⸺A young man was sitting by the window. The sleeves of his shirt had been rolled up to his elbow and he had a book in his hand. He was reading intently. The cold breeze fluttered his hair but it failed to catch his attention.

The top students were people of many talents so they could accurately sketch portraits. The student’s features had been carefully drawn with a pencil. His eyes, his lips, his sharp jawline, his Adam’s apple, and his slender fingers… 

Li Cheng looked through the sketches. When combined together, they thoroughly conveyed his beauty.

At that moment, Li Cheng’s heart seemed to have been hit by something. It felt heavy and yet light.

He cleared his throat and asked, “Teacher Qiu, who is he?”

Qiu Xian was surprised, “Huh? You don’t know him?” 

Her words didn’t bode well with him so he snorted, “Tch. Should I know him? Why didn’t he come to get to know me?”

Qiu Xian smiled, “He is Xiao Yiheng, a third-year student who is an outstanding figure in our school. He went to study abroad during your first year and only came back this semester.”

Li Cheng thought, An outstanding figure? How outstanding could he be? Could he be more outstanding than me?

He vaguely remembered that there were many trophies on the trophy display rack in the principal’s office. The trophies on the uppermost row seemed to have the name ‘Xiao Yiheng’ written on it. 

Li Cheng had previously disturbed Principal Xu about this matter and asked, “Who’s that Xiao Yiheng? I have more trophies than him. Why aren’t you displaying my trophies on the first row? Why is he above me?”

What did Xu Wanli reply at that time? Oh, right. 

Xu Wanli seemed to have said, “He’s your senior. Seniors should be above juniors.”

Phooey! That garbage senior, does he deserve to be above me? 

As he recalled this, Li Cheng stared at the thick stack of portrait sketches. The more he looked at it, the more he felt displeased. As for his erratic heartbeat just a moment ago, he only regarded it as an illusion.



After school, Qiu Xian cradled her bulging belly and struggled to clean the art classroom.

Nowadays, more and more omega were opting for artificial wombs, nurturing new lives in the device through science and technology. Omegas who, like her, insist on giving birth to her baby were absolutely rare. 

She felt that it was a rare experience. By carrying the child in her womb for ten months, the baby could be more intimate with her. It was just that pregnancy had too many inconveniences.

Just like now. It was very difficult for her to stoop down and lift the statues from the floor.

“Teacher Qiu, sit back and have a rest. I’ll do it.” A man’s voice sounded.

Xiao Yiheng walked with quick steps into the classroom. He first supported Qiu Xian to have a sit and then helped her move the statues into the cabinet. 

After sitting down, Qiu Xian massaged her sore legs and said with a sigh, “Student Xiao, thank you for helping me.”

Xiao Yiheng said, “It’s something I should do. In fact, I want to thank you for letting me use the art classroom to paint.”

Apart from Qiu Xian, nearly no one knew that Xiao Yiheng was extremely talented in painting.

At the beginning, he just wanted to find a quiet place to study. The art classroom had tables and chairs and it was rare for students to come over, making it the best rest area. 

By chance, he picked up the paintbrush as a result of Qiu Xian’s encouragement⸺Qiu Xian was amazed to discover that Xiao Yiheng had an inherent talent in perceiving colours.

He could play around with shading and could easily grasp the principles of colouring.

He never needed to ask himself ‘how should I draw this’. As soon as he started to draw, it would always be beautiful imagery.

Qiu Xian cherished his talent and taught him everything she could. 

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At the same time, however, for an alpha like Xiao Yiheng, his future had already been decided. He would win more trophies from academic competitions, enter a top university and research about the most advanced and latest technologies. For him, painting would forever be a mere hobby that uplifts his spirit.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t know what Teacher Qiu was thinking about. He had always been reticent. After quietly cleaning the classroom, he took his easel out of the corner of the room.

A painting would usually take a long time to do. Thus, every day, he would come to draw for a while after class. He had just finished a piece a few days ago and had entrusted Qiu Xian to deliver to it a gallery for consignment.

He set up the easel, arranged the frame and began sketching the outline. 

Qiu Xian asked him, “What are you gonna paint?”

Xiao Yiheng replied, “A sun setting over the sports field.”


Qiu Xian: “Are you still opposed to painting portraits?”

He had never painted portraits except for painting using statues as reference. This was completely strange. 

Xiao Yiheng evaded the question by asking a question, “Teacher, why are you bringing up this matter again?”

Qiu Xian said, “I’ve marked the portrait assignment of your class a few days ago. Your class deserves to be called top students. They generally drew well, but I still wanted to see your drawing of yourself.”

Xiao Yiheng helplessly responded, “I am not that narcissistic.”

When he mentioned narcissism, Qiu Xian smilingly mentioned, “Speaking of which, a class of second-year students also did a quick sketch today. The model is Li Cheng. You must have heard of him? He insisted on letting all his classmates draw him and was dissatisfied when they drew him ugly.” 

Xiao Yiheng thought, Am I being haunted by Li Cheng? Why am I hearing this name everywhere I go?

“I’ve heard of him.” It’s just that I’ve never seen him. Somewhat curious about the school tyrant’s appearance, Xiao Yiheng asked, “Can I see their class task?”

Qiu Xian readily agreed.

She got up and took the drawings of Class 2-13 from the shelf and handed it to him. 

Xiao Yiheng looked down at the drawing papers.

⸺In the first sketch, Li Cheng had bell-like eyes, big protruding ears, scallion-like brows, a peculiar face shape, fiercely-bared teeth and thick, bushy hair.

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Xiao Yiheng thought, This school tyrant looks rather unconventional. 


Li Cheng: Why is he above me? I should be above him!
* sfjgr ijafg *
Xiao Yiheng: Ahem. If you prefer that position, I wouldn’t mind. (ノ▽〃)


Ch3 - Haunted By Li Cheng

The next morning, Li Cheng was late again.

When he arrived, the first class was already halfway over and the teacher was writing swiftly on the blackboard. 

When other students were late, they would carefully and cautiously sneak through the back door while the teacher wasn’t looking. However, Li Cheng heedlessly walked through the front door. The teacher couldn’t do anything about him so following the old adage that ‘what is out of sight is out of mind’, he was asked to immediately go to his seat.

Li Cheng had hardly warmed up his seat when his beta lil’ brothers sitting in front of him turned their heads and looked at him with reverence.


He was frightened by their burning gaze so he asked, “What are you guys doing?”

Lil’ brother A grinned and gave him a thumbs-up, “Li ge, you’re fucking amazing!” 

Li Cheng: ???


Li Cheng feigned calmness as he questioned, “Tell me, what exactly am I amazing at?”

Lil’ brother B replied, “Don’t be humble. Last night’s incident had already been widely spread throughout the whole school!”

Li Cheng was inwardly baffled. What did he do last night? He had been so worn out after last night’s training that he fell asleep as soon as he lay on the bed. He didn’t even have time to do the daily quests in his game.


Before he could continue asking, lil’ brother C already spoke of his heroic deed.

“Someone ran into Wei Rong in the hospital last night! His face was badly bruised and he had his arm in a sling as he walked with a limp!”

Lil’ brother C beamed with joy, using his critical thinking to deduce the truth of the matter, “Li ge must have done it! That guy is a toad wishing to eat swan meat. You’ve long regarded him as an eyesore! He wanted to meet you at the school gate last night so you went to confront him by yourself. You beat him so hard until he’s prostrating himself in admiration and crying out in hunger. Then, you gave him the final blow! You beat him into a pulp for him to never harass you again, right?”

Li Cheng: “……” 

Li Cheng: ???

Li Cheng awkwardly cleared his throat, intending to clarify, but when he saw the look of adoration on his lil’ brothers faces, the words that were about to spill out of his mouth slipped back in.

He nonchalantly waved his hand, “Alright, cut it out. Do I still need you to publicise such a trivial matter?”

Lil’ brother C clicked his tongue, “He’s an alpha!” 

Li Cheng was indifferent, “So what if he’s an alpha? For Wei Rong, this kind of trash, I only need to use one hand to knock him down.”

“Li ge is truly outstanding!”

“Alright, quiet down. It’s self-study time.” Li Cheng was impatient but pleased, “Oh, right. It seems like you’ve recently made quick progress in Chinese. The idioms you used are pretty good.”

Li Cheng had never listened in class. He lay on his desk as he pondered the whole morning. However, he was unable to figure out who was the kind person who beat Wei Rong into a pulp. 

But it didn’t matter. Li Cheng had long been fed up with Wei Rong. With someone enforcing justice according to heaven’s will, Li Cheng was only too glad to be rid of him.

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He hoped that Wei Rong could remain well-behaved for a while and stop disturbing him this time around.



At this time, in the third years’ academic building. 

Xiao Yiheng opened his exercise book and was just about to start answering when he overheard a girl in his class sharing gossip.

“Have you seen the campus forum?” The girl exclaimed, “Last night at the school gate, Li Cheng, that really famous omega second-year student, beat the alpha who was wooing him into a pulp!”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Xiao Yiheng: ??? 

Who? Who did?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Students had heavy schoolwork in senior high school. Hence, the time slots for music, arts and physical education, this three electives, were highly contested by all the teachers teaching core subjects.

Every Monday, the teachers teaching core subjects would crowd in front of the school timetable and pretentiously say, “Oh, the timetable! Let’s see which lucky elective teacher had fallen sick this week.” 

It was only the second year’s Class 13⸺which is Li Cheng’s class⸺whose elective teachers had never ‘fallen sick’.

They had no choice. Who let Li Cheng be the school tyrant? He would go on a violent rampage if things didn’t go the way he wanted to. Who would dare deprive him of music, arts and P.E.?

Backed by his presence, the Class 13 students had three elective subjects every week.

It was Wednesday and they had an art class in the afternoon. 

The arts teacher, Qiu Xian, was an omega. She was in the eighth month of her pregnancy so her body was delicate and weak. She couldn’t work for long periods of time. Therefore, the past several weeks, she had only taught them how to draw stationary objects⸺merely placing several vases, jars, apples and bananas on the table. Each student had a brush and a drawing paper so that they could be well-behaved during the whole class.

She was aware that this group of children didn’t come to the art class to learn how to draw, but to chill, chat around, play with their phones and quietly talk about relationships. Thus, every time she went to class, she would turn a blind eye. As long as they didn’t make the classroom a mess, they could do whatever they wanted.

Qiu Xian set up her canvas in the corner of the studio and quietly painted.

Not long after, a pair of sparkling eyes appeared on her canvas. 

“Teacher Qiu!” Li Cheng, whose blond hair was like that of a lion, grinned cheekily and asked, “Can we discuss something? Every class, everyone has to draw those rotten apples and bananas. Everyone’s gotten sick and tired of drawing them.”

Qiu Xian asked him: “If you don’t draw unmoving objects, then what should you guys draw?”


Li Cheng suggested, “Draw a person!”

Qiu Xian mulled it over and agreed, “Fair enough. There are still a few statues in the cabinet. You can take them out…” 

“No no no. What I meant is⸺” Li Cheng pointed at himself, “⸺Draw a ‘person’, a living person.”

It was only then that Qiu Xian realised what he wanted to do. She laughed, “You want to be the model? Let everyone draw you?” The brat was rather too narcissistic. “You can’t move an inch while modeling. Can you sit still?”

“Why can’t I?” Li Cheng raised his brows, “Don’t underestimate me!”

As such, the class task of second year’s Class 13 changed from vases, jars, apples and bananas to a living person. 

Li Cheng sat on a chair in the middle of the class, casually crossed his legs and folded his arms, assumed a handsome and confident appearance, and then told his classmates, “Come on, draw me!”

He didn’t ask his classmates if they were willing to sketch him or not. He was a school tyrant so his opinion was everyone’s opinion.

Hence, the students looked helplessly at each other, picked up their brush, and struggled to draw Li Cheng on their papers.

However, they weren’t good at arts. Their drawings of still objects were already warped so how could they have the ability to draw a person? 

When Li Cheng got tired of sitting still, he paced around the class with his hands clasped behind his back to inspect and saw ugly, weirdly-shaped drawings of him.

Li Cheng: “……”

Li Cheng thought, Could it be that I have a misconception of my own appearance? But I remember that the person I saw in the mirror was neither cross-eyed nor did he have a bulbous nose. And with such a square face, are they drawing me or SpongeBob?

Unfortunately, his beta lil’ brothers held their abstract portraits and ingratiatingly asked for his comments, “Li ge, what do you think?” 

Li ge thinks that it really is not up to much.

Before Li Cheng got angry, Qiu Xian caught him and reprimanded, “How could there be a model like you? Slipping away after persisting for only a couple of minutes?”

Li Cheng didn’t dare to quarrel with the pregnant arts teacher so he softly muttered, “Who could persist sitting motionless for so long?”

Qiu Xian smilingly answered, “There are people who can.” 

After saying that, she turned around and took out a stack of drawing papers from the cabinet and handed it to him, “These quick sketches had been drawn by the third year’s Class 1 students.

Li Cheng was astonished, “Students can still take art classes in their third year?”


Qiu Xian quipped, “School tyrants are privileged so naturally, top students are also privileged.”

School tyrant: “……” 

Li Cheng inwardly cursed as he took the sketches and looked at it.

The sketches were of the same person.

⸺A young man was sitting by the window. The sleeves of his shirt had been rolled up to his elbow and he had a book in his hand. He was reading intently. The cold breeze fluttered his hair but it failed to catch his attention.

The top students were people of many talents so they could accurately sketch portraits. The student’s features had been carefully drawn with a pencil. His eyes, his lips, his sharp jawline, his Adam’s apple, and his slender fingers… 

Li Cheng looked through the sketches. When combined together, they thoroughly conveyed his beauty.

At that moment, Li Cheng’s heart seemed to have been hit by something. It felt heavy and yet light.

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He cleared his throat and asked, “Teacher Qiu, who is he?”

Qiu Xian was surprised, “Huh? You don’t know him?” 

Her words didn’t bode well with him so he snorted, “Tch. Should I know him? Why didn’t he come to get to know me?”

Qiu Xian smiled, “He is Xiao Yiheng, a third-year student who is an outstanding figure in our school. He went to study abroad during your first year and only came back this semester.”

Li Cheng thought, An outstanding figure? How outstanding could he be? Could he be more outstanding than me?

He vaguely remembered that there were many trophies on the trophy display rack in the principal’s office. The trophies on the uppermost row seemed to have the name ‘Xiao Yiheng’ written on it. 

Li Cheng had previously disturbed Principal Xu about this matter and asked, “Who’s that Xiao Yiheng? I have more trophies than him. Why aren’t you displaying my trophies on the first row? Why is he above me?”

What did Xu Wanli reply at that time? Oh, right. 

Xu Wanli seemed to have said, “He’s your senior. Seniors should be above juniors.”

Phooey! That garbage senior, does he deserve to be above me? 

As he recalled this, Li Cheng stared at the thick stack of portrait sketches. The more he looked at it, the more he felt displeased. As for his erratic heartbeat just a moment ago, he only regarded it as an illusion.



After school, Qiu Xian cradled her bulging belly and struggled to clean the art classroom.

Nowadays, more and more omega were opting for artificial wombs, nurturing new lives in the device through science and technology. Omegas who, like her, insist on giving birth to her baby were absolutely rare. 

She felt that it was a rare experience. By carrying the child in her womb for ten months, the baby could be more intimate with her. It was just that pregnancy had too many inconveniences.

Just like now. It was very difficult for her to stoop down and lift the statues from the floor.

“Teacher Qiu, sit back and have a rest. I’ll do it.” A man’s voice sounded.

Xiao Yiheng walked with quick steps into the classroom. He first supported Qiu Xian to have a sit and then helped her move the statues into the cabinet. 

After sitting down, Qiu Xian massaged her sore legs and said with a sigh, “Student Xiao, thank you for helping me.”

Xiao Yiheng said, “It’s something I should do. In fact, I want to thank you for letting me use the art classroom to paint.”

Apart from Qiu Xian, nearly no one knew that Xiao Yiheng was extremely talented in painting.

At the beginning, he just wanted to find a quiet place to study. The art classroom had tables and chairs and it was rare for students to come over, making it the best rest area. 

By chance, he picked up the paintbrush as a result of Qiu Xian’s encouragement⸺Qiu Xian was amazed to discover that Xiao Yiheng had an inherent talent in perceiving colours.

He could play around with shading and could easily grasp the principles of colouring.

He never needed to ask himself ‘how should I draw this’. As soon as he started to draw, it would always be beautiful imagery.

Qiu Xian cherished his talent and taught him everything she could. 

At the same time, however, for an alpha like Xiao Yiheng, his future had already been decided. He would win more trophies from academic competitions, enter a top university and research about the most advanced and latest technologies. For him, painting would forever be a mere hobby that uplifts his spirit.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t know what Teacher Qiu was thinking about. He had always been reticent. After quietly cleaning the classroom, he took his easel out of the corner of the room.

A painting would usually take a long time to do. Thus, every day, he would come to draw for a while after class. He had just finished a piece a few days ago and had entrusted Qiu Xian to deliver to it a gallery for consignment.

He set up the easel, arranged the frame and began sketching the outline. 

Qiu Xian asked him, “What are you gonna paint?”

Xiao Yiheng replied, “A sun setting over the sports field.”


Qiu Xian: “Are you still opposed to painting portraits?”

He had never painted portraits except for painting using statues as reference. This was completely strange. 

Xiao Yiheng evaded the question by asking a question, “Teacher, why are you bringing up this matter again?”

Qiu Xian said, “I’ve marked the portrait assignment of your class a few days ago. Your class deserves to be called top students. They generally drew well, but I still wanted to see your drawing of yourself.”

Xiao Yiheng helplessly responded, “I am not that narcissistic.”

When he mentioned narcissism, Qiu Xian smilingly mentioned, “Speaking of which, a class of second-year students also did a quick sketch today. The model is Li Cheng. You must have heard of him? He insisted on letting all his classmates draw him and was dissatisfied when they drew him ugly.” 

Xiao Yiheng thought, Am I being haunted by Li Cheng? Why am I hearing this name everywhere I go?

“I’ve heard of him.” It’s just that I’ve never seen him. Somewhat curious about the school tyrant’s appearance, Xiao Yiheng asked, “Can I see their class task?”

Qiu Xian readily agreed.

She got up and took the drawings of Class 2-13 from the shelf and handed it to him. 

Xiao Yiheng looked down at the drawing papers.

⸺In the first sketch, Li Cheng had bell-like eyes, big protruding ears, scallion-like brows, a peculiar face shape, fiercely-bared teeth and thick, bushy hair.

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Xiao Yiheng thought, This school tyrant looks rather unconventional. 


Li Cheng: Why is he above me? I should be above him!

* sfjgr ijafg *

Xiao Yiheng: Ahem. If you prefer that position, I wouldn’t mind. (ノ▽〃)


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