This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 4: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch4 - You Only Deserve To Drink My Bathwater

The ground was hot from the blazing sun. In the outdoor swimming pool, the waves were rippling, giving a touch of coldness to the air.

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A honey-skinned figure dashed through the swimming pool, sending waves out all around him. 

The boy’s beautifully-toned arms swung back and forth in the water, with each stroke shooting him forward through the pool.

The assistant teacher standing at the end of the lane lightly struck the bell. The sound of the bell was transmitted into the water.

Li Cheng tucked himself into a ball and kicked his feet hard against the pool’s wall, skillfully doing a flip turn within half a second.

It was the last lap. 

Time flew by so fast. Li Cheng was like a swordfish, going all out for the final sprint, charging towards the finish line.


In the last fifty metres, his legs fluttered with all their might. Waves formed a streamline behind him, propelling him forward. As his speed was too fast, it gave the impression that he was the incarnation of an Oceanid, as if he had a legendary mermaid tail.

He charged forward, his arms slicing through the water. Finally, his fingertips touched the wall of the swimming pool.

At the same time, the coach who was keeping watch at the poolside pressed the stopwatch and the stopwatch buzzed.


Li Cheng’s head popped out from underwater. His swim cap had slid up slightly so wisps of his blonde hair were sticking out from under the swim cap. He shook his head and droplets of water flew off the ends of his hair, like a lion flinging water out of its mane.

He took off his swimming goggles, climbed onto the lane lines, looked up towards the coach and smugly asked, “Old Wu, how did I do this time?”

“It’s all right.” The coach of Hua Cheng No.1 swimming team, Wu Xu, was reticent and had a stern face. His laugh lines were so deep that it seemed like it had been engraved onto his face. “Your speed during the last lap wasn’t bad, but you should execute your flip turns more effectively.”

The coach’s criticisms went in one ear and out the other. Li Cheng reckoned that he would have to win the world championship for him to hear Wu Xu’s praise. 

After training, Li Cheng jumped out of the pool.

His honey-coloured skin was exposed to the scorching sun. He only wore striking red-orange racing swimming trunks that sat above the knees. Water droplets glistened on his bare torso, gliding down his neck and collarbone, kissing his chest before reluctantly tumbling down his well-defined abs.

His teammates saw it and somewhat uncomfortably shifted their gaze away. Some people even dived into the water, silently chanting a mantra to rid their hearts of desires.

Sigh. They had to train with such a beautiful omega who could swim better than all of them. Who could understand how bitter they were feeling? 

At first, when they heard that an omega was going to join the team, everyone was waiting to watch a good show. Who could have imagined that the one who ended up being taught a lesson would be themselves?

They still remembered the day that Li Cheng first joined the swimming team. He had not dyed his hair blond yet. It was extremely short, revealing his fierce countenance. The boy was unruly and arrogant. He did not resemble an omega at all.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He sized up all the team members and asked, “This is HC1’s swimming team?” Moving so slowly, what are you guys doing in the swimming pool? Taking a public bath?”

Before everyone could react, he jumped into the pool. His beautiful were stretched taut like a bow. He swam like a fish, unfettered and at ease, surprising everyone present. 

Li Cheng floated along the surface of the pool and pulled a globally-used hand gesture as he taunted, “I think that you only deserve to drink my feet’s bathwater.”

As he said this, he deliberately splashed them with the pool water using his feet.


The team members immediately got enraged.

Not caring whether he was an omega or not, they immediately started swimming with full force, vowing to choke Li Cheng to death in the swimming pool. 

As a result…

……No one could overtake him. _(:з」∠)_

The pool turned into a large kite-flying spot. Li Cheng leisurely swam at the forefront while laughing at the team members who were pantingly chasing after him while throwing out curses.

In the end, they were all burned out, floating like dead corpses in the pool. 

At this time, Li Cheng, who still had energy left, unhurriedly glided over the water and swept past them using his beautiful backstroke technique.

He swam in circles as he haughtily asked, “Who will be the big brother in the future?”

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The team members submitted to the humiliation and answered, “You. You will.”

Li Cheng asked, “Who will be the younger brother from now on?” 

Again, the team members endured the humiliation, “We will.”

Li Cheng continued to ask, “Then, lil’ brothers, does this big bro’s bathwater taste good?”

Team members: “……”

Li Cheng: “Does it taste good?” 

The team members couldn’t hold back their tears anymore as they bitterly replied, “Yes.”

After this battle, Li Cheng easily subdued Hua Cheng No.1 swimming team’s two alphas and five betas.

Li Cheng, the school tyrant, became famous for this battle.


“——This is the story of how Li Cheng ascended to the C position.”

During lunchtime, in the corner of the school cafeteria, the class monitor of third year’s class 1, Liu Ke, animatedly narrated the legend of the school’s big brother.


In the seat across from him, Xiao Yiheng had a solemn expression as he listened attentively.

Liu Ke couldn’t be any prouder of himself at this moment—— as Xiao Yiheng’s seatmate, Xiao Yiheng used to help him with the lessons he had missed. Now, it was his turn to help Xiao Yiheng! 

Liu Ke talked until his mouth became parched so he twisted the cap off a water bottle and drank a mouthful. Then, he eagerly asked, “Is there anything else that you want to know? You can ask me anything!”

Class 3-1 was a class of top students, but unfortunately, there was also a difference between top students. Liu Ke spared no efforts to hug this golden thigh, Xiao Yiheng. If the other part wanted to ask something, he would share everything he knew.

Xiao Yiheng remembered the red-haired hooligan he had met in the alley the previous day so he asked, “I heard that Li Cheng has an alpha suitor…”

Liu Ke: “Which one are you asking about?” 

Xiao Yiheng: “There’s more than one?”

Liu Ke counted with his fingers, “From what I’ve heard, there’s about seven or eight of them.”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Liu Ke added, “That’s only the alpha suitors. I haven’t included the betas and omegas.” 

Xiao Yiheng was truly astonished by this, “There are also betas and omegas?”

Liu Ke sneakily looked around, as if he was afraid that the person they were talking about would pop out from under the table. He lowered his voice, but with pride that he couldn’t contain, he said, “Li Cheng might have a bad temper but he has a lot of fans! First of all, he doesn’t bully people. Secondly, he’s a person who upholds justice. Frankly speaking, before he came to HC1, our school was famous for being a school for bookworms. The students wouldn’t dare to walk in an alley by themselves since they were afraid that they’ll be robbed by gangsters. But, after Li Cheng came, the students in HC1 had more backbone. If a group of students went to play in an internet cafe, no one would dare to snatch their spots.”

Many people were afraid of him but many people also liked him.

In any case… They admired his appearance in private. No matter how tyrannical Li Cheng was, he’s unable to control what was in their minds. 

Xiao Yiheng was a little surprised at Li Cheng’s popularity. He recalled that in the portraits he had seen in the arts classroom, Li Cheng had a square face, tiny eyes and a bulbous nose. He was truly unable to associate the word ‘charming’ with such a face.

At this moment, a bashful voice rang out from beside the table, interrupting their conversation.

“Senior Xiao…” There stood a slender and elegant girl with flushed cheeks. Her body was releasing faint omega pheromones, affectionately rushing towards Xiao Yiheng’s direction. One’s pheromone scent was usually an extremely personal matter so people would usually withdraw their pheromones into their bodies and wouldn’t let it ooze out in public. However, the girl didn’t think that there was anything wrong for boldly courting him this way. She looked at Xiao Yiheng with a pair of watery eyes as she softly asked, “Are you free at the moment? There’s something I want to tell you.”

Anyone who saw this scene could tell that the shy junior was planning to confess. 

The whole cafeteria was silent for a split second before countless clamouring voices filled the place.

“He’s free!” “Xiao Yiheng is free!” “He’s totally free!” “If there’s something you want to say, just say it now. He’ll definitely listen!”


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The students who loved to make a ruckus scrambled to reply on behalf of Xiao Yiheng. As students of a boarding school, they would answer papers as soon as they woke up and go to class every day. They had been extremely idle since long ago so now that they had the opportunity to watch a romantic confession from up close, how could they possibly let it slip by?

The silent Xiao Yiheng: “……” 

Why didn’t I know that I’m free?

The students surrounding the table didn’t care how awkward it was for the people involved. They had already pricked up their ears and picked up their rice bowls, fully prepared to watch a good show.

Xiao Yiheng was recognised by the students as a school heartthrob, but he had always been cold and indifferent as if nothing could stir his emotions. Before he left the country, some people rushed to confess to him one after another only to depressedly be rejected. They wondered if this junior would make him show a different expression.

Under the watchful gaze of so many people, the junior’s face became even redder. 

Nevertheless, she still mustered up her courage and handed the letter that smelled of perfume.

Everyone’s gaze shifted towards the letter. The pink envelope had several heart stickers on it. Xiao Yiheng’s name was hand-written with golden ink in the middle, thus many thoughts flashed through their minds.

“Senior Xiao, please accept this.” The junior whispered, “I’ve written everything that I wanted to say inside the letter.”

To her disappointment, Xiao Yiheng indifferently looked at her letter. His eyes were calm, without a single ripple, as if what was in front of him wasn’t a confession letter, but an ordinary math question. 

No, perhaps math questions were more appealing to him than this letter.

Just like the girl, all the onlookers held their breath, waiting for the indifferent alpha’s reply.


“Excuse me but,” Xiao Yiheng first stared at the letter, his eyelashes fluttering slightly. Then, he raised his eyes to look at the junior with a cold expression, “I didn’t ask you to like me so what does it have to do with me?” 


Ch4 - You Only Deserve To Drink My Bathwater

The ground was hot from the blazing sun. In the outdoor swimming pool, the waves were rippling, giving a touch of coldness to the air.

A honey-skinned figure dashed through the swimming pool, sending waves out all around him. 

The boy’s beautifully-toned arms swung back and forth in the water, with each stroke shooting him forward through the pool.

The assistant teacher standing at the end of the lane lightly struck the bell. The sound of the bell was transmitted into the water.

Li Cheng tucked himself into a ball and kicked his feet hard against the pool’s wall, skillfully doing a flip turn within half a second.

It was the last lap. 

Time flew by so fast. Li Cheng was like a swordfish, going all out for the final sprint, charging towards the finish line.


In the last fifty metres, his legs fluttered with all their might. Waves formed a streamline behind him, propelling him forward. As his speed was too fast, it gave the impression that he was the incarnation of an Oceanid, as if he had a legendary mermaid tail.

He charged forward, his arms slicing through the water. Finally, his fingertips touched the wall of the swimming pool.

At the same time, the coach who was keeping watch at the poolside pressed the stopwatch and the stopwatch buzzed.


Li Cheng’s head popped out from underwater. His swim cap had slid up slightly so wisps of his blonde hair were sticking out from under the swim cap. He shook his head and droplets of water flew off the ends of his hair, like a lion flinging water out of its mane.

He took off his swimming goggles, climbed onto the lane lines, looked up towards the coach and smugly asked, “Old Wu, how did I do this time?”

“It’s all right.” The coach of Hua Cheng No.1 swimming team, Wu Xu, was reticent and had a stern face. His laugh lines were so deep that it seemed like it had been engraved onto his face. “Your speed during the last lap wasn’t bad, but you should execute your flip turns more effectively.”

The coach’s criticisms went in one ear and out the other. Li Cheng reckoned that he would have to win the world championship for him to hear Wu Xu’s praise. 

After training, Li Cheng jumped out of the pool.

His honey-coloured skin was exposed to the scorching sun. He only wore striking red-orange racing swimming trunks that sat above the knees. Water droplets glistened on his bare torso, gliding down his neck and collarbone, kissing his chest before reluctantly tumbling down his well-defined abs.

His teammates saw it and somewhat uncomfortably shifted their gaze away. Some people even dived into the water, silently chanting a mantra to rid their hearts of desires.

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Sigh. They had to train with such a beautiful omega who could swim better than all of them. Who could understand how bitter they were feeling? 

At first, when they heard that an omega was going to join the team, everyone was waiting to watch a good show. Who could have imagined that the one who ended up being taught a lesson would be themselves?

They still remembered the day that Li Cheng first joined the swimming team. He had not dyed his hair blond yet. It was extremely short, revealing his fierce countenance. The boy was unruly and arrogant. He did not resemble an omega at all.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He sized up all the team members and asked, “This is HC1’s swimming team?” Moving so slowly, what are you guys doing in the swimming pool? Taking a public bath?”

Before everyone could react, he jumped into the pool. His beautiful were stretched taut like a bow. He swam like a fish, unfettered and at ease, surprising everyone present. 

Li Cheng floated along the surface of the pool and pulled a globally-used hand gesture as he taunted, “I think that you only deserve to drink my feet’s bathwater.”

As he said this, he deliberately splashed them with the pool water using his feet.


The team members immediately got enraged.

Not caring whether he was an omega or not, they immediately started swimming with full force, vowing to choke Li Cheng to death in the swimming pool. 

As a result…

……No one could overtake him. _(:з」∠)_

The pool turned into a large kite-flying spot. Li Cheng leisurely swam at the forefront while laughing at the team members who were pantingly chasing after him while throwing out curses.

In the end, they were all burned out, floating like dead corpses in the pool. 

At this time, Li Cheng, who still had energy left, unhurriedly glided over the water and swept past them using his beautiful backstroke technique.

He swam in circles as he haughtily asked, “Who will be the big brother in the future?”

The team members submitted to the humiliation and answered, “You. You will.”

Li Cheng asked, “Who will be the younger brother from now on?” 

Again, the team members endured the humiliation, “We will.”

Li Cheng continued to ask, “Then, lil’ brothers, does this big bro’s bathwater taste good?”

Team members: “……”

Li Cheng: “Does it taste good?” 

The team members couldn’t hold back their tears anymore as they bitterly replied, “Yes.”

After this battle, Li Cheng easily subdued Hua Cheng No.1 swimming team’s two alphas and five betas.

Li Cheng, the school tyrant, became famous for this battle.


“——This is the story of how Li Cheng ascended to the C position.”

During lunchtime, in the corner of the school cafeteria, the class monitor of third year’s class 1, Liu Ke, animatedly narrated the legend of the school’s big brother.


In the seat across from him, Xiao Yiheng had a solemn expression as he listened attentively.

Liu Ke couldn’t be any prouder of himself at this moment—— as Xiao Yiheng’s seatmate, Xiao Yiheng used to help him with the lessons he had missed. Now, it was his turn to help Xiao Yiheng! 

Liu Ke talked until his mouth became parched so he twisted the cap off a water bottle and drank a mouthful. Then, he eagerly asked, “Is there anything else that you want to know? You can ask me anything!”

Class 3-1 was a class of top students, but unfortunately, there was also a difference between top students. Liu Ke spared no efforts to hug this golden thigh, Xiao Yiheng. If the other part wanted to ask something, he would share everything he knew.

Xiao Yiheng remembered the red-haired hooligan he had met in the alley the previous day so he asked, “I heard that Li Cheng has an alpha suitor…”

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Liu Ke: “Which one are you asking about?” 

Xiao Yiheng: “There’s more than one?”

Liu Ke counted with his fingers, “From what I’ve heard, there’s about seven or eight of them.”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Liu Ke added, “That’s only the alpha suitors. I haven’t included the betas and omegas.” 

Xiao Yiheng was truly astonished by this, “There are also betas and omegas?”

Liu Ke sneakily looked around, as if he was afraid that the person they were talking about would pop out from under the table. He lowered his voice, but with pride that he couldn’t contain, he said, “Li Cheng might have a bad temper but he has a lot of fans! First of all, he doesn’t bully people. Secondly, he’s a person who upholds justice. Frankly speaking, before he came to HC1, our school was famous for being a school for bookworms. The students wouldn’t dare to walk in an alley by themselves since they were afraid that they’ll be robbed by gangsters. But, after Li Cheng came, the students in HC1 had more backbone. If a group of students went to play in an internet cafe, no one would dare to snatch their spots.”

Many people were afraid of him but many people also liked him.

In any case… They admired his appearance in private. No matter how tyrannical Li Cheng was, he’s unable to control what was in their minds. 

Xiao Yiheng was a little surprised at Li Cheng’s popularity. He recalled that in the portraits he had seen in the arts classroom, Li Cheng had a square face, tiny eyes and a bulbous nose. He was truly unable to associate the word ‘charming’ with such a face.

At this moment, a bashful voice rang out from beside the table, interrupting their conversation.

“Senior Xiao…” There stood a slender and elegant girl with flushed cheeks. Her body was releasing faint omega pheromones, affectionately rushing towards Xiao Yiheng’s direction. One’s pheromone scent was usually an extremely personal matter so people would usually withdraw their pheromones into their bodies and wouldn’t let it ooze out in public. However, the girl didn’t think that there was anything wrong for boldly courting him this way. She looked at Xiao Yiheng with a pair of watery eyes as she softly asked, “Are you free at the moment? There’s something I want to tell you.”

Anyone who saw this scene could tell that the shy junior was planning to confess. 

The whole cafeteria was silent for a split second before countless clamouring voices filled the place.

“He’s free!” “Xiao Yiheng is free!” “He’s totally free!” “If there’s something you want to say, just say it now. He’ll definitely listen!”


The students who loved to make a ruckus scrambled to reply on behalf of Xiao Yiheng. As students of a boarding school, they would answer papers as soon as they woke up and go to class every day. They had been extremely idle since long ago so now that they had the opportunity to watch a romantic confession from up close, how could they possibly let it slip by?

The silent Xiao Yiheng: “……” 

Why didn’t I know that I’m free?

The students surrounding the table didn’t care how awkward it was for the people involved. They had already pricked up their ears and picked up their rice bowls, fully prepared to watch a good show.

Xiao Yiheng was recognised by the students as a school heartthrob, but he had always been cold and indifferent as if nothing could stir his emotions. Before he left the country, some people rushed to confess to him one after another only to depressedly be rejected. They wondered if this junior would make him show a different expression.

Under the watchful gaze of so many people, the junior’s face became even redder. 

Nevertheless, she still mustered up her courage and handed the letter that smelled of perfume.

Everyone’s gaze shifted towards the letter. The pink envelope had several heart stickers on it. Xiao Yiheng’s name was hand-written with golden ink in the middle, thus many thoughts flashed through their minds.

“Senior Xiao, please accept this.” The junior whispered, “I’ve written everything that I wanted to say inside the letter.”

To her disappointment, Xiao Yiheng indifferently looked at her letter. His eyes were calm, without a single ripple, as if what was in front of him wasn’t a confession letter, but an ordinary math question. 

No, perhaps math questions were more appealing to him than this letter.

Just like the girl, all the onlookers held their breath, waiting for the indifferent alpha’s reply.


“Excuse me but,” Xiao Yiheng first stared at the letter, his eyelashes fluttering slightly. Then, he raised his eyes to look at the junior with a cold expression, “I didn’t ask you to like me so what does it have to do with me?” 


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