This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 21: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch21 - If You Don’t Quiet Down, I’ll Kiss You

The school jacket looked like an ordinary jacket. 

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It was spotlessly clean, the soft and fluffy fabric having been sun-dried and smelling of sunlight and soap.

Li Cheng’s locker was as messy as a chicken coop and only this jacket had been carefully hung on the clothes rack. It didn’t even have a single wrinkle on it.



If one opened the shirt, one could see a name embroidered on the clothing label⸺This belongs to Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng lent this jacket to Li Cheng in the alley. After Li Cheng washed it, he was afraid that his roommates would see it if he left it in the dorms thus he sneaked it into the swimming team’s locker room. 

He didn’t know what exactly he was thinking but  he didn’t really want to really lose this jacket and neither did he want to return it to Xiao Yiheng.


He thought that he could keep this little secret hidden until he graduated. By that time, the school jacket that had Xiao Yiheng’s name on it would be no different than other clothes.

However due to an unexpected turn of events, this secret that he had been trying to conceal was actually discovered by Xiao Yiheng himself.

Xiao Yiheng looked down at the blonde boy in front of him: He was extremely flustered. His eyelashes quivered and his dark eyes dilated in shock. He must be thinking of a way to get out of the awkward situation he is in. He could throw out curse words and make unfounded accusations or he could wilfully lie and say that he didn’t know of it.


If he could, Xiao Yiheng really wanted to place a mirror in front of Li Cheng.

He wanted to let the little rascal, liar and tyrant take a good look at his own face.

“I……” Li Cheng was so nervous that he gulped his saliva. He opened his mouth to say something but right at that moment, a hushed voice could be heard outside the locker room.

⸺“Your surprise is to bring me to this filthy and stinky locker room? And this is the male’s locker room. How can I enter here?” 

⸺“No, no. It’s really a surprise! Just come on in. Everyone’s having class now so no one’s in the locker room!”

Two voices, one male and one female, were getting closer and closer. Li Cheng recognised that the male voice belonged to his lil’ bro Huang Yelun. He had been wooing a junior recently and had been secretive every day. Yesterday, it seemed like he had hidden something inside his lucker.

It was not a big deal if they came in but it would be if they saw Xiao Yiheng half-naked and pressing against Li Cheng’s body!

Li Cheng’s brain crashed in an instant as thousands of thoughts burst into his mind. 

This won’t do. I can’t let the others know that I brought an alpha to the locker room.


“Eh?” Huang Yelun pushed the locker room’s door open and looked at the empty room. He muttered in confusion, “Could it be that someone was here just now? Why is the door unlocked?

The junior was an obedient girl so this was the first time for her to enter a boys’ locker room. She blinked as she whispered, “I should probably go if there’s someone here.” 

“No! Don’t go!” When Huang Yelun heard the girl saying that she should leave, he couldn’t think about anything else and immediately stopped her, “Don’t go. I really have a gift for you.”

He had been pursuing this gentle and graceful omega junior for a long time and they were close to getting together. Today was the junior’s birthday. He wanted to confess today so he prepared a touching and unforgettable gift for her.


The junior half-heartedly walked hand in hand with him inside the locker room.

“Wow, your locker room is so big!” The junior exclaimed, “Eh? Why is the locker over there bigger than all the other lockers?” 

She pointed to the locker at the corner. The enormous locker was twice as big as the other lockers.

“It’s a rule of our swimming team. The best swimmer in our team can use the biggest locker.” Huang Yelun spoke without reservation, “It originally belonged to our captain but it became Li ge’s after he came.”

“Li ge, you mean Li Cheng?” The junior asked.

“Shh!” Huang Yelun covered her mouth and looked around in a paranoid manner. 

The junior whose mouth had been covered: ???

Huang Yelun mysteriously said, “This is the second rule of the swimming team⸺You can’t mention Li ge’s name. You must address him with a respectful title. Don’t think that you can call him by his full name if he’s not around. Li ge is watching you.”

Junior: ……

The sweethearts who were secretly having a tryst had no idea that when they were gossiping, Li ge had been actually watching them. 

Inside the locker.

Xiao Yiheng pressed his lips together to suppress the smile that was creeping up onto his lips and looked down at the blonde boy who was sticking closely to him. There were ventilation holes at the top of the locker which allowed them to clearly see what was happening outside and hear the couple’s conversation.

With the light coming in through the holes, Yiheng could see that the tip of Li Cheng’s ears were red. The boy awkwardly pinched Xiao Yiheng’s arm but as soon as he touched Yiheng’s body, he remembered that Yiheng was still naked. The boy could only retract his hand and curse softly, “You can’t laugh.”

Xiao Yiheng didn’t follow his wishes and deliberately whispered into his ear, “If I laugh, how would ‘Li ge’ punish me? 

When he spoke, his chest undulated slightly so Li Cheng moved away his body in discomfiture but he didn’t dare to move too much in fear that his movements would be heard by the people outside the locker.

There were too many things inside the locker thus the two were stuck together in a particularly uncomfortable position. Xiao Yiheng’s head was touching the top of the locker whereas Li Cheng could only half-squat and bury himself into Xiao Yiheng’s  chest.

This was the second time that they had huddled together. However, both of them had been properly dressed back then. At this time, Xiao Yiheng only had a towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets that had not been wiped off dripped down his chest, the warmth of his body spreading to Li Cheng without any reservation.

Xiao Yiheng deliberately asked despite already knowing the answer, “Why am I hiding?” 

Li Cheng mumbled to himself, “Did you even have to ask? If my lil’ bro saw an alpha who’s not wearing clothes in the locker room, how could I explain it?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xiao Yiheng then asked, “Then why are you hiding?”


Li Cheng: “……”

Li Cheng was stumped by the question. That’s right. Why am I hiding? Even if there’s a need to hide, I only needed to hide Xiao Yiheng. Why wasn’t I thinking? Why did I squeeze in together with him? 

The locker was cramped and hot, slicking a fine layer of sweat on their skins.

If Xiao Yiheng lowered his head, the tip of his nose could touch Li Cheng’s neck.

The nape was where the omegas’ glands were located. It was usually not visible but it would redden and feel hard during estrus. The gland was where the omegas’ pheromones were mostly emitted. If he leaned close, it would definitely……


Xiao Yiheng lowered his gaze towards Li Cheng’s nape.

There’s no smell.

There’s not a trace of smell.

Even though they were so close that they were merely less than a centimetre away from each other, Xiao Yiheng could not smell the familiar scent of sweet orange from Li Cheng’s nape. 

Is it because of an inhibitor patch?

It’s not.

There was nothing on Li Cheng’s nape. There was simply no trace of an inhibitor patch.

The last time they met, Xiao Yiheng had discovered that Li Cheng’s estrus was early and his body had been emitting a scent of someone looking for a mate. However when they met this time, there was no longer a smell on Li Cheng’s body. 

Xiao Yiheng initially thought that Li Cheng had used an inhibitor patch that could stop the pheromones from being emitted but there was nothing on Li Cheng’s nape and he couldn’t even see the glands that should have been red and swollen.

What is going on?

A profound glint flashed in his phoenix eyes that were filled with curiosity.

……It seems like this lil’ liar has some secrets. 

In the locker room, Huang Yelun led his beloved girl to his locker. He took a deep breath before looking at her affectionately, “Are you ready? This gift had been carefully chosen by me. Don’t be too touched when you receive it.”

The junior nodded solemnly. In fact, she had already prepared for the worst. Huang Yelun was a stupid straight man. Even if he took out a gold-trimmed blue rose that ‘made all omegas who received it so touched that they cried’, she would still give him the sweetest smile and tell him falsely that she liked it very much.


She was not the only person curious about what the gift was, the two people inside the locker were also curious.

Li Cheng straightened up and moved closer towards the ventilation holes at the top of the locker. In this way, he was bound to have his face sticking to Xiao Yiheng’s but his curiosity got the better of him. 

Finally, under everyone’s anticipation, Huang Yelun solemnly opened his locker.

⸺A fawn-coloured egg that was the size of the fist appeared in everyone’s sight.

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Huang Yelun had specially made a nest for the egg using soft clothes. He also had installed a heating lamp that came from God knows where. The egg comfortably rested in its nest. It looked like… Well, it still looked like an egg.

Junior: “……” 

The two people inside the locker: “……”

Dumbfounded, the junior shifted her gaze away from the egg to Huang Yelun, “The gift you were talking about is an egg?”

“It’s not just an egg!” Huang Yelun hurriedly explained, “This is a duck egg!”

Huang Yelun was a little anxious when he saw that the gift he gave was not getting the response he had expected, “Didn’t you tell me that you want a little furry pet? But we’re students living in the school dorms. We can’t keep dogs or cats in our dorm so I thought that it would be better to keep a duck!” 

Junior: “……”

Huang Yelun: “This is a Keke duck! The famous Keke duck! It’s the pet that children of millionaires keep. It’s very precious. It may just be an egg but it cost me two months of my allowance. Look, it’s about to break out of its shell. There are already cracks here. After it hatches, it will treat the first people it sees as its mother and father! In the future, you could lecture it while I accompany it to go swimming. When we’re on a date, it could quackingly follow behind us!”

He animatedly shared his imagination of a beautiful future but discovered that the junior’s expression was becoming grimmer, darker and scarier.

It was then that Huang Yelun realised that something was wrong. 

He stooped his neck as he asked in a small voice, “Wh… What do you think?”

The junior should like the duck I gave, right? When they chatted on WeChat, she would often say, ‘Keep it up today too ya‘, ‘Today’s homework is quite difficult ya’, ‘Today’s lunch is quite good ya’.

The junior looked at him and asked with a beaming smile, “You’re asking me what I think of it?”

“I think, since you like ducks so much, why don’t you go ahead and be a prostitute?” 


Li Cheng who was hiding inside the locker couldn’t bear it anymore. He quickly turned his head and buried his face into Xiao Yiheng’s neck, trying to stifle his laughter.


He absolutely didn’t expect that he would be able to enjoy such an amusing scene while hiding inside the locker! He laughed so much that his body was shaking all over. He firmly covered his mouth with both hands for fear that his laughter would attract the other two’s attention.

Xiao Yiheng helplessly looked at the boy who was leaning on his body. 

Li Cheng was clearly an omega yet he had zero awareness, leaning against an alpha’s bare chest without the slightest precaution.

Bits of stifled laughter could be faintly heard and warm breath from the boy’s nose wafted through his collarbones, tickling him like a feather gliding across his heart.

It would have been fine if Li Cheng only laughed silently. How could he have expected that a loud hiccup would slip out of him from laughing so hard!


Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Li Cheng’s eyes widened in alarm and he covered his mouth, “Hick! ……Hick! ……Hick!”

In the locker room, the couple who were arguing about the duck egg ceased their argument at the same time.

The junior looked around, “Did I hear it wrongly? I thought I heard a hiccup just now.” 

Huang Yelun scratched his head and doubtfully replied, “Yeah, I also thought I heard someone hiccup.”

However, there were only two of them inside the locker room and the voice didn’t seem to be coming from outside the room but…. inside the room!

The junior screamed in fright and immediately hid behind Huang Yelun. Huang Yelun was actually extremely frightened but he had already lost his face in front of his beloved girl just now so he couldn’t cower now. He could only summon his courage and shield his junior on one hand as well as pick up a broom as his weapon and walk towards the source of the sound on the other.

Through the locker’s small ventilation holes, Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng could clearly see Huang Yelun getting closer and closer to them. 

If he opened the locker’s door, he would see his big bro all huddled up with an alpha who was not wearing any clothes!

At that time, it would be difficult to clearly explain their relationship.

With this thought, Li Cheng was so worried that he sweated profusely. However, the more anxious he got, the more he couldn’t stop his hiccups. Even if he tried to hold his breath and beat his chest, he still couldn’t stop the non-stop hiccups.

……Huang Yelun was only one step away from them. 

At this critical moment, Xiao Yiheng suddenly leaned close and raised his hand to cover Li Cheng’s mouth.

At the same time, he pressed his forehead to the blonde boy’s. Their eyes locked onto each other, their distance was already past the boundary of being ambiguous.


“Cheng cheng,” An inundating glint flashed through Xiao Yiheng’s eyes, “If you don’t quiet down, I will kiss you.”

Li Cheng: “!!!” 


“Weird. Why don’t I hear hiccups?” Huang Yelun held the broom in his hand as he looked around suspiciously. He had just heard the hiccups coming from this direction, but suddenly it disappeared.

The junior trembled and grabbed the corner of his clothes, “S-Stop searching. Your locker room isn’t haunted right?”

Huang Yelun: “No…” He stopped mid-sentence and quick-wittedly changed his words, “Oh right, now that you mentioned that. I remember the coach sharing that many years ago, there seemed to be a guy who drowned because he wasn’t careful. He couldn’t be saved in time so strange noises can be heard in our locker room from time to time.” 

“Ah!!!” Frightened, she launched herself into his arms, anxiously and fearfully urging him, “Let’s go, I don’t want to stay here anymore.”

“Fine fine, let’s go. Don’t cry, baby. I’ll buy you milk tea~” Huang Yelun threw the broom in his hand away and happily hugged the junior as he triumphantly thought, ‘Although she didn’t like the gift, I finally have a girlfriend!’

The two hugged each other and left the locker room without looking back. Huang Yelun even forgot to close his locker’s door.

In the blink of an eye, the noisy locker room became quiet once again. 

A minute later, the door of the locker at the corner suddenly swung open and two figures came out of the locker at the same time.

“……I was scared to death!” Li Cheng sat on the ground, feeling his racing heart. It felt even more exhausting than when he was having a competition.

Xiao Yiheng silently stood next to him with an unfathomable expression.

Li Cheng looked up towards him and finally felt a little shy when he remembered what had happened inside the locker. 

After Xiao Yiheng said those words, the lil’ tyrant who feared nothing in heaven and earth was actually overwhelmed by his imposing manner. Li Cheng had forgotten the instinct to breathe. He seemed to have become a pine cone atop a tall cedar tree. He was plucked off when he was at his ripest and the person in front of him played him in the palm of his hands.

It felt as if he was electrified, the feeling bursting forth from his heart and spreading through his blood to his limbs.

Li Cheng asked in a gruff voice, “Xiao Yiheng, just now….. why did you say that?”

Unexpectedly, the person he asked actually raised his eyebrows slightly and asked him back, “What are you referring to?” 

“That sentence⸺” Li Cheng forced himself to repeat Yiheng’s words, “⸺Will kiss….ahem, kiss me.”

“Oh, that?” Xiao Yiheng indifferently responded, “It was just to scare you.”


“Scare me?”

“Yeah. Have you not heard that if one can’t stop their hiccups, you just have to scare them.” 

Li Cheng: “……”

Li Cheng: “…………”

Li Cheng: “………………”

“Why?” Xiao Yiheng’s gaze fell on him and he pointedly asked, “Did you take my joke seriously?” 

How could Li Cheng possibly admit it? He shouted in anger as he jumped up from the ground, picked up the jacket that had Xiao Yiheng’s name on it and threw it to Xiao Yiheng.

“Do you need a spanking? You actually dared to joke with me? Xiao Yiheng, if you have the guts, put on your clothes and fight with me! See if I don’t beat you up until you’re crying like a baby!”

Xiao Yiheng looked at the lil’ wild cat that was baring its fangs and brandishing its claws before he leisurely took the clothes and put them on one by one.

It was really uncertain who’s the one that’ll be f*cked until he’s meowing out loud. 

Just as they were about to display a martial arts scene in the locker room, a very soft quack sounded from behind them.


Li Cheng: ???

Xiao Yiheng: ??? 

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The two recalled something so they stiffly turned their heads simultaneously.

In the soft nest of piled-up clothes in Huang Yelun’s locker, they saw a little duck that had just broken out of its shell and was still wet and clammy, sticking out its head out of its eggshell with difficulty.

Li Cheng: !!!

Xiao Yiheng: !!! 

The little duck tilted its head as it looked in their direction with its big eyes.

Then it cried out in its soft voice, “Gah!”


Li Cheng: ……

Xiao Yiheng: …… 

What did Huang Yelun say just now? He seemed to have said that the duck would treat the first people it saw after breaking out of its shell as its parents?

Li Cheng stiffly turned to look at Xiao Yiheng next to him.

So to say⸺They are the duck’s mom and dad now?


The two stepped out into the warm sunlight while holding the duck that had just broken out of its shell. Both of them looked at each other.

Five minutes ago, neither of them had thought that they would become parents during the prime of their youth. In this way, they got a baby duck for absolutely no reason. The effect of imprinting was truly terrible. They couldn’t get rid of the baby duck at all. Wherever they went, the baby duck would chase them with its short legs. If the duck couldn’t catch up, it would stare at their backs and quack pitifully. Its soft voice sounded so mournful and pitiful that they couldn’t just ignore it.

Xiao Yiheng looked at the tiny lump of fluffy thing and cold-heartedly said, “I’m not interested in raising a pet. This duck should be returned to its owner. At our age, we must focus on our studies. One would lose their sense of purpose if they indulged in distractions. It’ll be really extremely stupid to spend too much energy on raising a pet. Moreover, ducks don’t have control over their excretion so keeping this kind of pet around is just asking for trouble… Hey, are you listening?”

Li Cheng paid him no heed as he lied face down on the lawn. He opened his phone’s camera and aimed it towards the little duck’s face, “Look here, ducky. You’re so cute. Daddy will take a picture of you.” 

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

What’s so ‘cute’ about an ugly duck that had just broken out of its shell? Does Li Cheng have an eye problem or a brain problem? If we’re gonna talk about who’s cute, why don’t he look at his own reflection in the mirror?

Unable to remain idle, Li Cheng searched for pictures of the Keke duck on the internet. An adult Keke duck had a small and exquisite body. It had a round head, a round body, a short neck as well as a raised tail. Its body was pure white without a single strand of other colours and its black eyes were glistening. It walked by swaying side to side which looked incredibly cute.

Li Cheng found an internet celebrity who raised Keke ducks so he browsed through their videos at lightning speed before promptly declaring, “This is the kind of pet that a tough guy like me should keep!” 

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

The blonde boy held the duckling and gently patted its head. The duckling that had just gotten out of its shell was exhausted and fell asleep on his palm after a short while.

Li Cheng held it with both hands and asked in the softest voice he had ever used, “Ducky, ducky, I want to give you a name.”

Xiao Yiheng who had been silent all this while suddenly spoke, “‘Pursue unremittingly, pursue boldly‘, Let’s just name it Xiao Yimeng.” 

Li Cheng immediately shattered his unrealistic fantasy, “Hey hey hey. Look who’s being a hypocrite? Just now you said that it would be a distraction to keep a pet but now you suddenly want to name the lil’ duck. Not only that, you even insist on letting it follow your surname? How come? Do you want it to go to your grave and be a filial son? Do you want to let it observe mourning for you once you die?”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”


Fine. I was wrong. I shouldn’t have spoken.

Li Cheng pondered deeply. He wanted to give the duck a catchy and cute name so that people would immediately know after hearing it that it was his duck. 

Newly hatched ducklings were light yellow and it would take some time for them to shed their fur.

Hmm…. My name’s Li Cheng. My sister’s Youyou. The little duck’s yellow so it would be best to call it….

“Lemon!” Li Cheng jubilantly raised the sleeping duck up high just like when the mandrill raised Simba in Lion King. He proudly declared, “From now on, you will be called Lil’ Lemon!”

Xiao Yiheng silently uttered the name in his mind. 

Lil’ lemon. Lil’ lemon. The nickname is lil’ lemon while it’s official name is Xiao Yimeng.

Sounds good.

Ch21 - If You Don’t Quiet Down, I’ll Kiss You

The school jacket looked like an ordinary jacket. 

It was spotlessly clean, the soft and fluffy fabric having been sun-dried and smelling of sunlight and soap.

Li Cheng’s locker was as messy as a chicken coop and only this jacket had been carefully hung on the clothes rack. It didn’t even have a single wrinkle on it.



If one opened the shirt, one could see a name embroidered on the clothing label⸺This belongs to Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng lent this jacket to Li Cheng in the alley. After Li Cheng washed it, he was afraid that his roommates would see it if he left it in the dorms thus he sneaked it into the swimming team’s locker room. 

He didn’t know what exactly he was thinking but  he didn’t really want to really lose this jacket and neither did he want to return it to Xiao Yiheng.


He thought that he could keep this little secret hidden until he graduated. By that time, the school jacket that had Xiao Yiheng’s name on it would be no different than other clothes.

However due to an unexpected turn of events, this secret that he had been trying to conceal was actually discovered by Xiao Yiheng himself.

Xiao Yiheng looked down at the blonde boy in front of him: He was extremely flustered. His eyelashes quivered and his dark eyes dilated in shock. He must be thinking of a way to get out of the awkward situation he is in. He could throw out curse words and make unfounded accusations or he could wilfully lie and say that he didn’t know of it.


If he could, Xiao Yiheng really wanted to place a mirror in front of Li Cheng.

He wanted to let the little rascal, liar and tyrant take a good look at his own face.

“I……” Li Cheng was so nervous that he gulped his saliva. He opened his mouth to say something but right at that moment, a hushed voice could be heard outside the locker room.

⸺“Your surprise is to bring me to this filthy and stinky locker room? And this is the male’s locker room. How can I enter here?” 

⸺“No, no. It’s really a surprise! Just come on in. Everyone’s having class now so no one’s in the locker room!”

Two voices, one male and one female, were getting closer and closer. Li Cheng recognised that the male voice belonged to his lil’ bro Huang Yelun. He had been wooing a junior recently and had been secretive every day. Yesterday, it seemed like he had hidden something inside his lucker.

It was not a big deal if they came in but it would be if they saw Xiao Yiheng half-naked and pressing against Li Cheng’s body!

Li Cheng’s brain crashed in an instant as thousands of thoughts burst into his mind. 

This won’t do. I can’t let the others know that I brought an alpha to the locker room.


“Eh?” Huang Yelun pushed the locker room’s door open and looked at the empty room. He muttered in confusion, “Could it be that someone was here just now? Why is the door unlocked?

The junior was an obedient girl so this was the first time for her to enter a boys’ locker room. She blinked as she whispered, “I should probably go if there’s someone here.” 

“No! Don’t go!” When Huang Yelun heard the girl saying that she should leave, he couldn’t think about anything else and immediately stopped her, “Don’t go. I really have a gift for you.”

He had been pursuing this gentle and graceful omega junior for a long time and they were close to getting together. Today was the junior’s birthday. He wanted to confess today so he prepared a touching and unforgettable gift for her.


The junior half-heartedly walked hand in hand with him inside the locker room.

“Wow, your locker room is so big!” The junior exclaimed, “Eh? Why is the locker over there bigger than all the other lockers?” 

She pointed to the locker at the corner. The enormous locker was twice as big as the other lockers.

“It’s a rule of our swimming team. The best swimmer in our team can use the biggest locker.” Huang Yelun spoke without reservation, “It originally belonged to our captain but it became Li ge’s after he came.”

“Li ge, you mean Li Cheng?” The junior asked.

“Shh!” Huang Yelun covered her mouth and looked around in a paranoid manner. 

The junior whose mouth had been covered: ???

Huang Yelun mysteriously said, “This is the second rule of the swimming team⸺You can’t mention Li ge’s name. You must address him with a respectful title. Don’t think that you can call him by his full name if he’s not around. Li ge is watching you.”

Junior: ……

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The sweethearts who were secretly having a tryst had no idea that when they were gossiping, Li ge had been actually watching them. 

Inside the locker.

Xiao Yiheng pressed his lips together to suppress the smile that was creeping up onto his lips and looked down at the blonde boy who was sticking closely to him. There were ventilation holes at the top of the locker which allowed them to clearly see what was happening outside and hear the couple’s conversation.

With the light coming in through the holes, Yiheng could see that the tip of Li Cheng’s ears were red. The boy awkwardly pinched Xiao Yiheng’s arm but as soon as he touched Yiheng’s body, he remembered that Yiheng was still naked. The boy could only retract his hand and curse softly, “You can’t laugh.”

Xiao Yiheng didn’t follow his wishes and deliberately whispered into his ear, “If I laugh, how would ‘Li ge’ punish me? 

When he spoke, his chest undulated slightly so Li Cheng moved away his body in discomfiture but he didn’t dare to move too much in fear that his movements would be heard by the people outside the locker.

There were too many things inside the locker thus the two were stuck together in a particularly uncomfortable position. Xiao Yiheng’s head was touching the top of the locker whereas Li Cheng could only half-squat and bury himself into Xiao Yiheng’s  chest.

This was the second time that they had huddled together. However, both of them had been properly dressed back then. At this time, Xiao Yiheng only had a towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets that had not been wiped off dripped down his chest, the warmth of his body spreading to Li Cheng without any reservation.

Xiao Yiheng deliberately asked despite already knowing the answer, “Why am I hiding?” 

Li Cheng mumbled to himself, “Did you even have to ask? If my lil’ bro saw an alpha who’s not wearing clothes in the locker room, how could I explain it?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xiao Yiheng then asked, “Then why are you hiding?”


Li Cheng: “……”

Li Cheng was stumped by the question. That’s right. Why am I hiding? Even if there’s a need to hide, I only needed to hide Xiao Yiheng. Why wasn’t I thinking? Why did I squeeze in together with him? 

The locker was cramped and hot, slicking a fine layer of sweat on their skins.

If Xiao Yiheng lowered his head, the tip of his nose could touch Li Cheng’s neck.

The nape was where the omegas’ glands were located. It was usually not visible but it would redden and feel hard during estrus. The gland was where the omegas’ pheromones were mostly emitted. If he leaned close, it would definitely……


Xiao Yiheng lowered his gaze towards Li Cheng’s nape.

There’s no smell.

There’s not a trace of smell.

Even though they were so close that they were merely less than a centimetre away from each other, Xiao Yiheng could not smell the familiar scent of sweet orange from Li Cheng’s nape. 

Is it because of an inhibitor patch?

It’s not.

There was nothing on Li Cheng’s nape. There was simply no trace of an inhibitor patch.

The last time they met, Xiao Yiheng had discovered that Li Cheng’s estrus was early and his body had been emitting a scent of someone looking for a mate. However when they met this time, there was no longer a smell on Li Cheng’s body. 

Xiao Yiheng initially thought that Li Cheng had used an inhibitor patch that could stop the pheromones from being emitted but there was nothing on Li Cheng’s nape and he couldn’t even see the glands that should have been red and swollen.

What is going on?

A profound glint flashed in his phoenix eyes that were filled with curiosity.

……It seems like this lil’ liar has some secrets. 

In the locker room, Huang Yelun led his beloved girl to his locker. He took a deep breath before looking at her affectionately, “Are you ready? This gift had been carefully chosen by me. Don’t be too touched when you receive it.”

The junior nodded solemnly. In fact, she had already prepared for the worst. Huang Yelun was a stupid straight man. Even if he took out a gold-trimmed blue rose that ‘made all omegas who received it so touched that they cried’, she would still give him the sweetest smile and tell him falsely that she liked it very much.


She was not the only person curious about what the gift was, the two people inside the locker were also curious.

Li Cheng straightened up and moved closer towards the ventilation holes at the top of the locker. In this way, he was bound to have his face sticking to Xiao Yiheng’s but his curiosity got the better of him. 

Finally, under everyone’s anticipation, Huang Yelun solemnly opened his locker.

⸺A fawn-coloured egg that was the size of the fist appeared in everyone’s sight.

Huang Yelun had specially made a nest for the egg using soft clothes. He also had installed a heating lamp that came from God knows where. The egg comfortably rested in its nest. It looked like… Well, it still looked like an egg.

Junior: “……” 

The two people inside the locker: “……”

Dumbfounded, the junior shifted her gaze away from the egg to Huang Yelun, “The gift you were talking about is an egg?”

“It’s not just an egg!” Huang Yelun hurriedly explained, “This is a duck egg!”

Huang Yelun was a little anxious when he saw that the gift he gave was not getting the response he had expected, “Didn’t you tell me that you want a little furry pet? But we’re students living in the school dorms. We can’t keep dogs or cats in our dorm so I thought that it would be better to keep a duck!” 

Junior: “……”

Huang Yelun: “This is a Keke duck! The famous Keke duck! It’s the pet that children of millionaires keep. It’s very precious. It may just be an egg but it cost me two months of my allowance. Look, it’s about to break out of its shell. There are already cracks here. After it hatches, it will treat the first people it sees as its mother and father! In the future, you could lecture it while I accompany it to go swimming. When we’re on a date, it could quackingly follow behind us!”

He animatedly shared his imagination of a beautiful future but discovered that the junior’s expression was becoming grimmer, darker and scarier.

It was then that Huang Yelun realised that something was wrong. 

He stooped his neck as he asked in a small voice, “Wh… What do you think?”

The junior should like the duck I gave, right? When they chatted on WeChat, she would often say, ‘Keep it up today too ya‘, ‘Today’s homework is quite difficult ya’, ‘Today’s lunch is quite good ya’.

The junior looked at him and asked with a beaming smile, “You’re asking me what I think of it?”

“I think, since you like ducks so much, why don’t you go ahead and be a prostitute?” 


Li Cheng who was hiding inside the locker couldn’t bear it anymore. He quickly turned his head and buried his face into Xiao Yiheng’s neck, trying to stifle his laughter.


He absolutely didn’t expect that he would be able to enjoy such an amusing scene while hiding inside the locker! He laughed so much that his body was shaking all over. He firmly covered his mouth with both hands for fear that his laughter would attract the other two’s attention.

Xiao Yiheng helplessly looked at the boy who was leaning on his body. 

Li Cheng was clearly an omega yet he had zero awareness, leaning against an alpha’s bare chest without the slightest precaution.

Bits of stifled laughter could be faintly heard and warm breath from the boy’s nose wafted through his collarbones, tickling him like a feather gliding across his heart.

It would have been fine if Li Cheng only laughed silently. How could he have expected that a loud hiccup would slip out of him from laughing so hard!


Xiao Yiheng: “……”

Li Cheng’s eyes widened in alarm and he covered his mouth, “Hick! ……Hick! ……Hick!”

In the locker room, the couple who were arguing about the duck egg ceased their argument at the same time.

The junior looked around, “Did I hear it wrongly? I thought I heard a hiccup just now.” 

Huang Yelun scratched his head and doubtfully replied, “Yeah, I also thought I heard someone hiccup.”

However, there were only two of them inside the locker room and the voice didn’t seem to be coming from outside the room but…. inside the room!

The junior screamed in fright and immediately hid behind Huang Yelun. Huang Yelun was actually extremely frightened but he had already lost his face in front of his beloved girl just now so he couldn’t cower now. He could only summon his courage and shield his junior on one hand as well as pick up a broom as his weapon and walk towards the source of the sound on the other.

Through the locker’s small ventilation holes, Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng could clearly see Huang Yelun getting closer and closer to them. 

If he opened the locker’s door, he would see his big bro all huddled up with an alpha who was not wearing any clothes!

At that time, it would be difficult to clearly explain their relationship.

With this thought, Li Cheng was so worried that he sweated profusely. However, the more anxious he got, the more he couldn’t stop his hiccups. Even if he tried to hold his breath and beat his chest, he still couldn’t stop the non-stop hiccups.

……Huang Yelun was only one step away from them. 

At this critical moment, Xiao Yiheng suddenly leaned close and raised his hand to cover Li Cheng’s mouth.

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At the same time, he pressed his forehead to the blonde boy’s. Their eyes locked onto each other, their distance was already past the boundary of being ambiguous.


“Cheng cheng,” An inundating glint flashed through Xiao Yiheng’s eyes, “If you don’t quiet down, I will kiss you.”

Li Cheng: “!!!” 


“Weird. Why don’t I hear hiccups?” Huang Yelun held the broom in his hand as he looked around suspiciously. He had just heard the hiccups coming from this direction, but suddenly it disappeared.

The junior trembled and grabbed the corner of his clothes, “S-Stop searching. Your locker room isn’t haunted right?”

Huang Yelun: “No…” He stopped mid-sentence and quick-wittedly changed his words, “Oh right, now that you mentioned that. I remember the coach sharing that many years ago, there seemed to be a guy who drowned because he wasn’t careful. He couldn’t be saved in time so strange noises can be heard in our locker room from time to time.” 

“Ah!!!” Frightened, she launched herself into his arms, anxiously and fearfully urging him, “Let’s go, I don’t want to stay here anymore.”

“Fine fine, let’s go. Don’t cry, baby. I’ll buy you milk tea~” Huang Yelun threw the broom in his hand away and happily hugged the junior as he triumphantly thought, ‘Although she didn’t like the gift, I finally have a girlfriend!’

The two hugged each other and left the locker room without looking back. Huang Yelun even forgot to close his locker’s door.

In the blink of an eye, the noisy locker room became quiet once again. 

A minute later, the door of the locker at the corner suddenly swung open and two figures came out of the locker at the same time.

“……I was scared to death!” Li Cheng sat on the ground, feeling his racing heart. It felt even more exhausting than when he was having a competition.

Xiao Yiheng silently stood next to him with an unfathomable expression.

Li Cheng looked up towards him and finally felt a little shy when he remembered what had happened inside the locker. 

After Xiao Yiheng said those words, the lil’ tyrant who feared nothing in heaven and earth was actually overwhelmed by his imposing manner. Li Cheng had forgotten the instinct to breathe. He seemed to have become a pine cone atop a tall cedar tree. He was plucked off when he was at his ripest and the person in front of him played him in the palm of his hands.

It felt as if he was electrified, the feeling bursting forth from his heart and spreading through his blood to his limbs.

Li Cheng asked in a gruff voice, “Xiao Yiheng, just now….. why did you say that?”

Unexpectedly, the person he asked actually raised his eyebrows slightly and asked him back, “What are you referring to?” 

“That sentence⸺” Li Cheng forced himself to repeat Yiheng’s words, “⸺Will kiss….ahem, kiss me.”

“Oh, that?” Xiao Yiheng indifferently responded, “It was just to scare you.”


“Scare me?”

“Yeah. Have you not heard that if one can’t stop their hiccups, you just have to scare them.” 

Li Cheng: “……”

Li Cheng: “…………”

Li Cheng: “………………”

“Why?” Xiao Yiheng’s gaze fell on him and he pointedly asked, “Did you take my joke seriously?” 

How could Li Cheng possibly admit it? He shouted in anger as he jumped up from the ground, picked up the jacket that had Xiao Yiheng’s name on it and threw it to Xiao Yiheng.

“Do you need a spanking? You actually dared to joke with me? Xiao Yiheng, if you have the guts, put on your clothes and fight with me! See if I don’t beat you up until you’re crying like a baby!”

Xiao Yiheng looked at the lil’ wild cat that was baring its fangs and brandishing its claws before he leisurely took the clothes and put them on one by one.

It was really uncertain who’s the one that’ll be f*cked until he’s meowing out loud. 

Just as they were about to display a martial arts scene in the locker room, a very soft quack sounded from behind them.


Li Cheng: ???

Xiao Yiheng: ??? 

The two recalled something so they stiffly turned their heads simultaneously.

In the soft nest of piled-up clothes in Huang Yelun’s locker, they saw a little duck that had just broken out of its shell and was still wet and clammy, sticking out its head out of its eggshell with difficulty.

Li Cheng: !!!

Xiao Yiheng: !!! 

The little duck tilted its head as it looked in their direction with its big eyes.

Then it cried out in its soft voice, “Gah!”


Li Cheng: ……

Xiao Yiheng: …… 

What did Huang Yelun say just now? He seemed to have said that the duck would treat the first people it saw after breaking out of its shell as its parents?

Li Cheng stiffly turned to look at Xiao Yiheng next to him.

So to say⸺They are the duck’s mom and dad now?


The two stepped out into the warm sunlight while holding the duck that had just broken out of its shell. Both of them looked at each other.

Five minutes ago, neither of them had thought that they would become parents during the prime of their youth. In this way, they got a baby duck for absolutely no reason. The effect of imprinting was truly terrible. They couldn’t get rid of the baby duck at all. Wherever they went, the baby duck would chase them with its short legs. If the duck couldn’t catch up, it would stare at their backs and quack pitifully. Its soft voice sounded so mournful and pitiful that they couldn’t just ignore it.

Xiao Yiheng looked at the tiny lump of fluffy thing and cold-heartedly said, “I’m not interested in raising a pet. This duck should be returned to its owner. At our age, we must focus on our studies. One would lose their sense of purpose if they indulged in distractions. It’ll be really extremely stupid to spend too much energy on raising a pet. Moreover, ducks don’t have control over their excretion so keeping this kind of pet around is just asking for trouble… Hey, are you listening?”

Li Cheng paid him no heed as he lied face down on the lawn. He opened his phone’s camera and aimed it towards the little duck’s face, “Look here, ducky. You’re so cute. Daddy will take a picture of you.” 

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

What’s so ‘cute’ about an ugly duck that had just broken out of its shell? Does Li Cheng have an eye problem or a brain problem? If we’re gonna talk about who’s cute, why don’t he look at his own reflection in the mirror?

Unable to remain idle, Li Cheng searched for pictures of the Keke duck on the internet. An adult Keke duck had a small and exquisite body. It had a round head, a round body, a short neck as well as a raised tail. Its body was pure white without a single strand of other colours and its black eyes were glistening. It walked by swaying side to side which looked incredibly cute.

Li Cheng found an internet celebrity who raised Keke ducks so he browsed through their videos at lightning speed before promptly declaring, “This is the kind of pet that a tough guy like me should keep!” 

Xiao Yiheng: “……”

The blonde boy held the duckling and gently patted its head. The duckling that had just gotten out of its shell was exhausted and fell asleep on his palm after a short while.

Li Cheng held it with both hands and asked in the softest voice he had ever used, “Ducky, ducky, I want to give you a name.”

Xiao Yiheng who had been silent all this while suddenly spoke, “‘Pursue unremittingly, pursue boldly‘, Let’s just name it Xiao Yimeng.” 

Li Cheng immediately shattered his unrealistic fantasy, “Hey hey hey. Look who’s being a hypocrite? Just now you said that it would be a distraction to keep a pet but now you suddenly want to name the lil’ duck. Not only that, you even insist on letting it follow your surname? How come? Do you want it to go to your grave and be a filial son? Do you want to let it observe mourning for you once you die?”

Xiao Yiheng: “……”


Fine. I was wrong. I shouldn’t have spoken.

Li Cheng pondered deeply. He wanted to give the duck a catchy and cute name so that people would immediately know after hearing it that it was his duck. 

Newly hatched ducklings were light yellow and it would take some time for them to shed their fur.

Hmm…. My name’s Li Cheng. My sister’s Youyou. The little duck’s yellow so it would be best to call it….

“Lemon!” Li Cheng jubilantly raised the sleeping duck up high just like when the mandrill raised Simba in Lion King. He proudly declared, “From now on, you will be called Lil’ Lemon!”

Xiao Yiheng silently uttered the name in his mind. 

Lil’ lemon. Lil’ lemon. The nickname is lil’ lemon while it’s official name is Xiao Yimeng.

Sounds good.

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